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Orono Weekly Times, 24 May 1951, p. 8

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Mr. anid Mi's'. Gog rrcV KENDALot ____Mis. R. Geiach and Mrs George Mr. and -M ý-. Jek Swarbrick apd Miceer i-,pet ithe day in~ Toronto Si f aily visited for thewke d with ~tra~ mma Thurs -Fr1. àCa*%nitolPORT May 24- 25 ra É 1H P 'BREAKTHROVH' " M World War Il Drm Big 'Musical With a Great Caýtj Technico "GROOMI WORE SPVR8" BETTY With Ginger Rogets GRABLE and Jack CarsonI . 11 Wed-l'hurs "FOR "EA) With Cli and Joa "SLEEP' 1Non - Tues May 28-29 SMister" al Coniedy in ýoler, with DAN DAILEY s-May 30-31l NEN'S SAKE" if ton Webb an Beninett [NG CITY" V{WY/4L illEATRE -I iý .ý'%IANV ILI.E TIIURSDAY -- FRID Y -- MAY 24- 25~ OH! FOR TII SE WILD AND WGNDERFWI :DAYS when yotu kissed, blushedà nd b!undered through 'AY AN»D SATURZDAYMANÉ lATE "BAITMAN JAN»ROBMIN" SATIJRDAY AY - TUESDAY -MAY 26 ,%DDED ATTRACTION Hiopailonig Cassidy ~'BAMANAND ROBINppe -- MAY 28 -29 AY - TIURSDAY -- MAY 30'-31 ACKET" EXPOSED! Ste rran g Al'. and JMr, and' Normair T~ertl1 nd N Elge-ar and haby Sat. Only, Mày 2 "TRAIL 0F ROBIN HOODVr Starrlng Roy Rogers «"MýYSTERY SUBMARINE" . W i a'ees jiowles Oaf 14--s. E. ai Go)rdio.- id by Mr N B-D Veterinary Hypodermic Syri A,'ccurately delii'eres from 1 to 10 cc -- i complete with two needies ................$1 ITreatmnents For Coccidiosis 1 U. In Fowl1 1 Bneof Toronto spenit the week-p end ait îher sunimur homne here, thle laktter sta'yinig foir a weèk. MUr; and Mis. Earlrleley and Iaimi'y 'have left Lhe connn'unfifty and hae vaen up resdide ira Newton- vilfle. Mra ýMrKay 7is at P-rýCeen t sing wýith ber daughitrer, Mns Roy Mercerý arand fanoily. - 1Mr. Rcbemt eadr spent the ý%eek-e'nm-i wdth bis pairemts, Mi%. ant Nfrs. Biake Alexanider. There wars a lange crewd on hand ut t he Kendil Orange Hail cmr Mon- day to mwitiress t.he pres-,entiatâýar of ai SUm of1 rey-w'hilch bncibeen collec- ifed in, the community <and surrounid- ing chstqrict to hel'p Mr. anti Mrs J. T4on4pscîn get another rtanit after thbe loirs of JoYhn's trucrk by fire. Mr. Neil 5a~ reard the adrdresis to Mr. ndMis. Thonmpson wbo haid bçee oalied to the platutorin., whic.h st-itedl thbe syiwatthy the frend's andi ne'gh- Ibore feit for the younrg eoup1e' in theïrlir ±,irtune and I-~joiw pleed th&Y were abe Co 1elrp t'hein. Mr. Sýtewart aaaoinieed t tat 53O ad 1býeen coleCitei. 'The rest of the e'ven- ;nZ waîs spenit ina dincing, tihe mutsic beng -uiypil(ied by Mr. and Mrs H. Lowery, Mr. Pe,-c-v Farro-w andi sort Bren~b. rMr. Il w Ha-ll'owill anti Mi-. Stani Hoy, Mr. Wni. Rutherfordi beinrg the caller off. Refresh-ments wvere servedi. We aie p1easedt o hewr that MissI Mary McLean ki s gaining lir *treri-tih agan affher the facial o-per-i ainwhieh bas pro,-veti successful. it -was a day of iniving picturea ,in Kential on Thu'rsd'ay Lçaat. Arfter the cMldren's prograsnme ina the afteT- nooýn Mr. Carveth ran Li pieîture thrrýou'gh sboving whait tlheY do in Ergl]and after thbe whistle blows Sat-I urdiay, jManvy wcre sýern bradn trains witb thèlr golf clubs, tennis raicquetIs, fieh4iiig tack'le, etc, beradet 1to'wýýands the counntry, gIaidiVo bv the cty behind foýr a littie while. Cy- cldn clbs ere observed on thle counitry roýnd n many ïici:s were ir idelceone ,P'cture mias espec- ajjIlyaungsoin tiny tot ina bis bg hd withi a rplate ofwht loedlike mihir f ont of . Fis rh4;, swe-rnt intoli t tien ihe plaite wns iftedt o his face aiind th11e effee(,t alertue plate h been ïr- turniqejupside do'n 1o th-e tiay of the chair umanJ", 1CA tnothle arn 3Nowe ] a lictuneoenItiý-fer Ld f dtrswhen t4ebe ide laý lora, whien tbe tideý conmsies utV br'inigs the fish with it andt tubee are ILeft on hp ne0ts mihen the tilde recedes. Tlhe picture of tube tobacco iýndustry was Of SPecTral ners othe tohtecco -g-orweis ira the 00oMmi ii itïy, showh'ýig the cperrtions flinoml ih preparing of the grount an111d ,;omjngtjÏ eseed ina the green- biouss tci thbefiinl opeiaton. ofi re a I[-. M.Cockburn brought a filmnof iÀs' huntingictvities anin- trodueed bis fafflher to'us who busied h'nefnikinig bdcs of leaves avail- able aets'r tLe ent was pitched. Sarswe-re set for, woclves, after nthîch there wns a waiting 1peiod frotta a distanice P, nd eîsntil wvolwie wwie obser-ved cauught fin the nrs.The hantiling of these wild d is s Mr. Cockb-arin irnflormet us tha ' hat th,ý e elly w.ere, was a trickv business. These wolv'es were af5ewarrs een uin a'C.B. s tudcio rat cn'meatttr.A very impres- ira Toi-ontco wîitF.- Mr. Corakburn aint a sire ca(mera shot was of the sur rrixvg on i ehorizonr. The colours were beaûttiful. The _hunüing of wild duck -andi geese m1raais ise Fhetn.. S3uzisý, the dog, dîld i er part effec-i ierntIy ranciit -wvs tnusng to seber waitching the birds bsing cooked ove-r thý,ecararp lire, licking heýr lips ir anÈ aVWiron of tlire neal o follow. When taldýng thre birds to the boat. Su7zie cositinrued to do her part ani carriet sanie cof the ýbirds atrung a- cross lier bark lt. seemed quite .a weight for lier to carry, but our comi- mentbator saui sie lo-ved i iVenrd he, would db«1btl'e.zs knomw. Mr. Gocebumni contributedto t 4h e rerta-inunsrt witb an Abtt anti Csteloiiort. Mr. R Meroer -,ave a vote of ýthanks Vo Mr. Oarveflh andt Mr. ckburn in whiclh Tare toce MASTITIS TREATMENTS We have a lage to fail the recognized treatments for mastitis, Ointment, Blougies, etc. MAL4STITIS BLOTTERS - simple and accurate detector of Mastitîs, package of 10 blotters ........5c~. /CROW STRYCHNINE - 18c. and 35c. CYANO- GAS For the certain 4estr2ction of ground-hogs. Easy to use. 1. lb. tin --$1.37 5 lb. economy size --.$6.00 VETERINARY GUIDE FOR FARMERS New façts on the diagttosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of fairm animais. This book profusely illustrated, is the most practical, authoritative and irnderstandable work on veterinary medicine that ha. ever been published for the Inyman. -- Callinii and see this unusual Guide. Priced at each......50 ORONO TYRRELL'S DR""Ug SOR ONTARJO FOR FURTHER DETAILS PHONE, WRITE OR SEEI US TODAY. Rolph Hardware PHONE 43 r 1 ORONO W. M. larlingtoun andi atiten.ded tube Chsutl Service ina th.e evenihrg. The Anriversary Service hetId by thre Weoraiien's Associlation was very weii attendedi. Reiv. Archie Mac- Lachlin cf Ajax, a son cf aur former ïr, ioe +1hs tb e ük--r.He c' ve NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB CASH Bm IN GO0 Newcastfle Comýmuni*tyaýHall Thiursday, Mlay 3lst 8.00 P.M., 20 Regzular Games - 5 Special Games - 1 Free Game $M00 Jack Pot Must Be Won PROCEEDS1 ADMISSION FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK e - 50 cents SPECIAL Jergen's Li.otion with free dispenser........ 57c. Hafr Brush, nylon bristies, 6 rows, assorted colored handles, each .................. 89t. Hair Net, nylon with elastie, regular size, ail colours to choose from ...... ... ..... .... 2 for 15C. Garment Bags "See Safe" Plastic, 25x60 in, each 79e Sun Dresses- Ladies Cotton Print, sizes 12 to 18, each selling for...........$2.98 Aproins, Ladies' Print Tea, each for......... 45C. Ladies Crepe Pyjamas, short sleeves,. assorted colQrs, ail size, each..... ....... .. ... $2.98 Gowns, Infants Flannelette, pink or blue tnim, eacll seliing Jfor.... .......8 SEE FEATLJRE CIRCILARS For more values for the careful Shopper GROCERY FEATUES Home Apile and Raspberry Jam 24 oz. jars 39c. Home Apple and Strawberry Jam .k 24 oz. jars 39c. Tomatoes, Aylmer Choice, 28 oz. tins FI 2 tins for... .... ......... 39c. Brunswick Sardines, 3 regular tins 25e dé3 -for 2 rSpecial - Keta Salmon, fany, 1-2 lb. tins for . . 21c. Pineapple Juice, Choice Quality, 2,-0 oz' tins,' 2 for . . . .25c. Sunlight Laundry Soap, 2 regular bars for........25c,. V8 Vegetable Juices, 15 oz. tins Spec. Carton 3&i 3 for ..... ........29c. Special __ Facelle Tissues, 2 ply box, 100 for , 10e, ORONO n5c10 O$1.00 STOREI YOIJR POPJLAR SHOPPING CENTR Shipping Fever, Vaccine For use with Veterinary Hyjpo Syringe, 10 doses ---- $1.20 50 doses.----$6.00 The New Effective Rat Poison WARFARLN * Easy te use * Effective against A rats. *No "Bait Shynessp". Small 5 Oc. Medium $1.75 Large $3.00 '(et-Aid oxaline bottie Of FARM NEEDS BLACK- LEGOIDS For innocfflating cattie agaivist blackleg before pasturing, Bottie of 10 OiMS $1.00 BLACK LEG AGGRESSIN (Liguid). for use in VeterinaryT Hypo Syringe, 10 doses ë» doses.. Sulfaquin- Tabiets 100 $2.50 1 rAyerst Coxine Table bottie' et 25 $4.85 «Qmmmmmý

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