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Orono Weekly Times, 31 May 1951, p. 1

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E Vo1 5 N o 19 O)RONO, ONTF..I-IUSDAY, MAY, 3Ist 1951 Subscription-$l1.50 per Year Three Orono Boys Amongst Winners InidgingCompetitioni Ou Satnrday, May 9Oý)th the A- nuýal DuranuCouuty%,Judgýing comi- petitiion -, vais hela ia coijuancotion With Lie Otain oCounty Ju(hging ome tit4ý in it,B rookla withr-12 boys, aridi girsVkýiig part Eve-,y Tova- wiipvs ropresented in Vire days ro grîle 'iý'eclasses of live stock w e re judgedi on the f ollOwing fararer; Roi- stein Cattie. Elmerlofit Famis. Osi- aima R. R. No. 2; Jersey Cattle.F 'W. B3attiy, Brookîmn R. R No 2; 'Yorkshire Sioiw7ýs andl Glu te, Watsn ron0srhawat R. R. 1; Clydescii, F W. Biiitty, Bekl R. R. 2; anal Suffolk SeprtEicotFaine. .fisielase s viens ail judigei dur- ngth irmornlag iý-anal durirag tire - ter-ir ths boys anal girls; gave rc-Sors on ail11 clahsses excepittire Jer,- sey SvsHos oIrifemas anlSnt hmbulis Tire judgss wh a -ssisted with tire >omptetion ' ene Leroy roya Agicutaral Re pçesn , tivs ( froir Vicýtoria. Plirroid Beatty a' i Junior Farier foinVictcoria Couity. flicr- -ard eadAssis,ýtant Agricataral 1~er-¶senatie fom Nortlimtr r- iland Comanty, Roýbert Bel ssstn Agri ieitiuril _'Rep "reenative fri 1 Peter.bovo o nty ad L.Pm.t, a Junior Famier fmý:ý,om iPiaterboroi- Fond'sRestaurant Opened On Saturday 0f Last ïW on SVr yof iat eek Oronio.s newest bushone lace openedAlit d oonis to Vie public. Thins enterýpris, being a reaurant, e snoan al op- eatedi by Mr. Dans Fouind analoc-1 capes tie stocre rcenWy vacatea by! Mrs. H-. Mercer,. Pnior VoVis recont openinmg ie' store vwas enitireity edieo-atedi alongi a nodo-ri treidi anal vi.tir a pieaisin'g atnmphere.TIrhestaurant te Vnl- mied in corai shiade vwitlirtables anal couniter in grey. Tire vails are paint- e&c la white. M-n. Founal ias instauleal a large gais stove also a steain ov-W vriii wvil lasusedi in tVis preparîiig anal senvig of nme. Sunday School Ann'liversary Sunday, June 3ridi Oas c-uf Vithe man eaurs f ir Comettiurfil yarma trom- Suna 9ro nnvnaie r pieton t ta yner poieet for' aIamysiok forvard VotasAo11ca- prospetive t, otire Chicagola- rios for Parents Vo core o 0cîrueir agroup cf oys ad ls.Frai nov ' -,f u r-ied.Tho Or:-ioo Uniteal Jose and 1Mer ril anemo wr Vr Cuci una holArivrsr f1wrwbnli!ýVa1nCama -,R1 R . 2 N sn 'R, R 2 NýýtI-t S unday, June Sralat 11.00 a .mi. ia tone Tir hîirnovcejudige, Ha'vey Town Hall vie Dm. GenogeTeiford Priam . R 2 Nestloton rec(eived , siaaviii ho Vie uos speaker. tir Caadin Ntio Shela vhic i 1Teachers und officers as vol1 ae nrddnnmaly, - silr xea ro odalmni- Tis iglir uirvnnn ee aton o 4eý-eryone VIn e -presentnAl Merrill. Browa-r. WccsVI;La-er Ijobn inOtîhappy service of soni Rioservear. Tyrnue aunal 2Kiti Wood, ard Vinki ing. 2rd anal Jinalal Servin 'lti. TieiighlrS orwvre F-rncis- Jees,. NewcastIe afid T"Lil Moffat Ja2lN jack-pot Of $80.00 Must Be WNon To-nightý Tirs Jaclcpot of $80.0,0 vIkirmas- ve on o-niglut, iea, May 31 at tire Newcastle Lions cash bingo )"a sure o MMw a %ago cmowd. As tMis is thers st gaine of tire spring sessin r-yners vilii ie caileci math tihe jack- pot prize ilevon, ,os inmeonue la go- ing V ire 8@. l icheron come 8.00 p.mp. -0f curetir e veig also WiUl 'pro-vide ire re lrbhIngo entetain- nuant as isubeon its ihabit su-ce tIre be'gmîirnng of operatinul. Nomcý, everynýne canan win Vie$0 'but someonie wyl ai Vir-at person willl_ have o lue preseait. Mr-. andl Mrs. Don MCG86 morveal ita their noesiene CongatulitiOnsVoMr. anal Mie. Ros Meeeron ire arrivai of a baby a-gteMonday -Mmary -21steVi late n. naru-,d Mas. Egerton Ha,-ncek -pt ie past veek at ie home "pi sos Haroldl of Bellevilte and Gleni of Wa-kworVir. 1Mrs. Haunqiiton 1Boyd of inge;tonr spenit ireek -enwith ir o here IMrs. Ken Ganrshy. Mils. Ed Deniras rtua'neid jfrom ýisiting -hem sý-on n eaei Dau Nemecastie. Week-end visitons mith Masq. R. A.ý Fonreste moei;AM. naflMs.Gog Bouck, Ir>ogun)iez, Mas. Andrew Fo- rýester,HmitnMr C. D. Boaick, andi MisEthel Roucik of Toroito. Orono Loses Fiorst Hardball Game To- Kendal', Tirs basebail season off icia]ly Op- eared fo Vire Orono basebali eani on TI'iuaday nigirt off ast vook wmin tire local tVenin venýit lown to defeat at UVhnda of ta-n KonAS sad liefinial score of Vlis gamle mais eigitAVoune. Th-, Oono teain. beinig nemav for- nred Vihe year, le maae up of ai youung boy-s vio ariniiititeal into Vie gaine this yeamii' Bot-h tamefielded nt Ki-aipark vere portiug Ymev[ Tire- strength of tire Orono t'eain mas ispisysal chiofly ila tireforepart of Vire gaine -mI,ýen tire boys tool< a first iiiuiig isad of Vines ruS. ow- cer. Vrongirout ie! garle lKendaci. a monoempensced ealmr, ves on-~ sitrtyadding Vo Vieiù score tally anid cnitauizLmg ou enroueV esr of stolen basrm and eunbed. many' Excitement caîme in he finrat of the ninth innings whea Or.ono'Was trailing by four ruas. At this iane out, an excellent opruiy for 0'rorvo had the basisooaded auidnone tying egam. Howse ,Vhspower- fui pit cing f or Kenic tu ckout îWest and Robinson alwn ete Vo drýive hlie the potentiai coe7 [loy Wi7jnters. catcher for KenCLil, did onl au .oveý'rthirowto firet ailow hs, thiree base runners o scor'e. TLinb left Orono wtihonly a onle ruaneeý0(d Vo tie tlie genrie, anAl Vins ru wais flot g-ivein in 0f coursethe al bal spirit was -presc-nt il the n-riainmy discussions iieli arase for dis-pite out of Vani- .a"dvarcernts lu is anr nus playvs and rrulinigs. tiameevesofVievir. TrsKoflul pitcifng alo-ag vtir George Joues. a lefV ianders-tari-mooexe nerache inae r ave Vie1 edi on Vie nuomll cfor Orono t ~to ee 1Ire Igovr V heia!I--ga'rorsin lievecdi by Raye West in tirs four,ýth rnspr e ioa iegiel înuirag-s Boti boys ad;iilcouside- tirerfa of W ave0luVreqovird irtg tirat it vas tIror frsit gamee of tire makioig Mmcf ai gond teingd in te Lkeshre eag e uta aurore stabrle type of bail ou Sire tîIr. pl ayeal n exceptuonaà 1VtreàmVpart. auefrOrono biad JVe plate analI Tirefi-i-t at idl~gin-A le boel Xendal mýers qulkAVo ake advatage 1piayed aittire Pak oni s s~ a Oroio CGirls Win Local Opener Wiîth Newcastle The Orono Girils Softball Cilub opened tiror seacwonbty cwiring thre firat grine witlh a margia of Vwoý ruas. Tns fee tok place irewlocal pak on Tuesda.y aigt of V:ifs week vrnthe Orono girls ýnet tirir )p- ponents fm the neigifbou-Lring vil- laîge of Newcas,,tle. - NetycasUtook thre lead fla the firisit %nning viren they dmove homie four rina but far Vnex t four vereheldi scoreles s y thre Orono girls. Ia the sixth ininiiiigs -itirToianCooperý, tire Orono pîtelire i ovidillg a numrber of valksi, ',N ewastiep agaîin eur t inee runis but this waa flot errorgir Vo give them Vie ganre. Ororno play- ing consistant bail addedl to tiher mcore throughou irMe gaine andl 'when totais were anirounicea wer-e ln he lead w1iih aine ras The Oi-ono girls on thé aiverage, vers iitting very veil and w~hile fuîmbles delaiyedi a aruinrirer of playsý on tieir parithMey were aV leasit stoppnîg Vie bail frýomîY advanrcing on iîts way. Many of ire yourger Pl-ý erIs, aslAdele Cooper, are sure Vo bel faortsof Vie eam ià easV coefor the1-y shiow thai ry (caii pay- bail. Eil Tonnt:-r Lproved Vireý bigirte flom ie ýgaine in receivingi the only hoe)run. The batteres foýr COron!o were M. 1lKen catchler-, ýToarrCooper, pVcier; for- Nerwcastie, Margaret, "She Is rMy Daîsy"A n Tb hipay Aisbeiprosenitea by the St. JmsUtelhariPeteebo- ouglu and is uIderVths aulspices of Vhe Finance Conittee of hs, O-r oo UTn:dItec Clhumehi. Tt connes verýy Iiighily recmmienrodanrd has an oxýcellentml cast e .~rn~nstss, Iemni-ber thc dateî, for -an eeig îaatetr Vaîinment in hes Orono Town Haill, oni Fnýidaiy, Jure ILst at 8.15 p.m. Pr-oceeds froïm thec play re in aid of Vhie locail building fanl of hs, Omono Ulit"ed Vliurcil.1 List 0i Contribuions To OooUnîited Chiurch Pneviosly ncnoweg ed 4,40 ~Mr- L. WI. Donicaster, Toroute o50 l00 Myrtle rUnited Ohurlcili2----- Grieenhaniiik W. A ------------ -10Oî "In inaoyoff Tires Generations., of thre Allia Fasnily" --- ----47.501 MVr. Victor Pemaork, Oshawva 252 00 MIrs. Mîary- E. Jatckson, Kend-ai lOti 00 Thirty-five Members Enjoy Fisli Club âMeeting1 On Tuesday eveiarg sanme 5 memn- bers of dite club met in open session 'andl were Nvîl- repaid for their at-1 fmndanre. Messrs. C. Weir airdiGor-1 don Buie of thre Lincl, ay office of Vie Deprtmntof Lands and Fon,ýests mitertaned the gaiigwiti ve-r-y filne irotýon ictuein Color sho-w- ing Vthe prbe of fightingý a for- est fire, , usuaily causA dtirougih cardeesuand maothePr picture shwa al11tyesof w\-idldife lunthir native bauit ais protscted4 inGoe- lament parka. A comiitpes was set ip oarng fislinIg partie P ut of towran points- dunring iresmmr. rangmet membrs re o besuped it p-rcvide the cost of fedfor tes Manothrieso iieetV sportmen vre iscussed ran lyl bp de(ait with in dIuecore hev- uinig filslhed with ershet n altogetirn a very enjoyalme evening was irad. Tlire Libraýy of Pairliamnit at Ot- tw a was organis-,ed in 18Cî66 ana Con- tains mnary rare and al csy booksi. [la thre fire of 1916, Vhs-i Library wvas, he only part of tire legislative block to escape destructiion. TIle oiginal for)tificationi of Old Quebec diate baek Vo 1608. Spring Flowérs Provides Setting For May Wedding s wiain navy biallu e with match- Tulips, Liies a-nd Pene frmeqI ngaccesFories and a c orsag ýle 0f tIresettniglu NwcastieUnitdIwîhite Gardeniias. the îime of Thelma MUariur, For a mor'tor trip Vo ontreth Stupleton, younrgeýst dýmagter o i 0de Chose'a Suit of bakan4 llhte Mr.s. 31 SVatpeton aîdt1,1liteMrPie -i\11ek.with nîavy bine hait Al Sfaitn eeateadJh nd 'accsstes Ochds coimpisiedý Aikeln Frese,youigest soir o f h1-emcorsage. M;,s. Roiy A Porresiter and the laVe MrRoy A. Forresiter. Orolro.TIte 1Out of tom-n gUcst aV th ,IWed- R eV. L. W1. Turner. officaitdat helding were fomTor-onrto. l 1,iltn double r-ing Cereanony roguois. Por)t lHope, Ne-wtonville, momnil n Jon Giyeir lit mamiage by lion brother. ML-. Hugh Stapîston. Vire bide vas gowire-ir ir ite Chantllly lacs orsi- satin. Elizabeth-ian style ývitir high buttoniealbodces er veil of talle i lusion vais cauglittVo ai Juliet cap cf net ai-diseerd p-sai ire caisiidal cascade bouquet of Lilly of Vire Val- loy. setelviti whuhite Oririals Mas.Tracy FEmbley, saisten of Vie bricie mire Matron of mmawearing a. gosva cf orir IIpinIk ltaffeta i vi pouffed tpana'iiere(d shkirt vithi atch-1 iag irat aal iuu wils aidi cairming a anýse gayý of muite ana l bie tinte-11 carnations, Tire bideemide vere Mrs. J Boaford andl Miss Jan orsirsister (of Vire groom. TIroy morre gowned a iun soft bIne tf- feta vithimatcfiring haVa aina lmitts .a govn o fblckanalwite pnlniteil piauk tnted carncations. 'Mr.-Roy C Fon1resiteon w'asî irsat m-ain foin is brother andi MN. Tracy nrirliy and nt. Carmani Comish wtes tire usirera. MmNeil Steoart, pl-ay-ed VireWd-1 ding uý,ic andi accompmea i soliet Mm JT, TBrorwn, milo sn "TireLord',-, yer"anal"Bç,ause" Sguisats at a r(ceptoV inaid inlutVe a. f gormio lac-k anal Wiuispeatd silk wt vrt esaoisanal a csaeofwmute Gandlenias.Thei br-*-igroo%'s motiror, whoassileteal Service'Club Make Presenta- I on 0f $811 For 3-Bed War Tire Rbfin!a ard Odfeiow's! SrieClir ha1vînig cmita diefor fundaI, pmesenVLed Vo the new owanmville e nrril Hos- paacou for- $811.00 on Tirur- sda y agtof ast we.Tins amn- onit of moraey vas clectVo fur- nisihr a tir(er beýd ward in Vie Hosp- ia1 In audviii lue placqued ithVie insciption of Orono andl Co-t,,uumuity Tire grand findae tVo thre drive vas stageal ia he forin of a dainces inthe Towaairip bal, 01-0no0miroiraroanal a lrundred of tire youuger saet attendedi. Mn. J. J. Rididelil, chaiman for this vE>ntiar, addresssý,d tVirose pr>-esit, tiraniikmig fie peo;ple for thir sup- port in putting tie dri-vseoe tVhe top. A sumi of, $808.00 vas neededi te thmnsiVe Orono and Comsinunity1 yard Mr, Rialdell thoni callod Mmr. Sid Littîs Vtire clsiand: anald n.Gond- ou Wa-tsýin presented tire represenit- ative of tire Bosvnanvilie Hospîtal witlr t-Iir oney,. Mr. Little graciously iranikealVthe clubs andi donMiors who mi meide his conitributbion possil Hol iilso t thrat therew ow is wondi beopeneal sonietinue iluJi anmiuvînted caeryonie Vo ie pros for this gran11d occasioni. M--, Lit is-ý commeated on Vire -Demioient forn if gwveruen whee firxe pe4 le exerciseal theoifreedion andi wfh suci venitaresiontIe part of a Co iniuity as Vire nem, Hospitail coulal Tire trasie foris dh, ewas 9, plied by Royý Foirrester andl Orchm.sra Mn. RiddeIli piiaVeal eut t1iait oý four irundirme aUIs haidibeau madte Vir darvassrS na jrait tiey wc vwell received. The support cf t eanpaign by VIre peuple was, rnu kV was aise learired tlirat etl nondies are yettVo ie aae "Ilw wilml futie iep Vo add en-itras Vo nevi Hlospital. Chemical Spray Succesa fui For AppIte' Thibnini Chmca pry, have ibren u-ed (1o 1Fue viyuJu;e "!by the eý pra. I thil o onproof, thi s orhr n pe~nrala avs i area ofpoo drnag Chemiai thnn4ng lv rfrbeV eary hinin. hit s, before fruit latei% The atx ppictins iw [bud i s ketiton heelalsa tvn' igh conc en taion ai chaniice iofthtrees - bienia-l l ffOagsm ieaa i lbit, and the reaiigapples Vn bainIaowýs th(,gowr o ie Vo have ratrsieanid i brovd an Vhs nies of tbinning TI-re qualiity. fme't f tI ihe hoolnre ije. lt lnre Tir sset of -rrt depeni 4on nar Èartonrs: inireritne of 1ire varioty. soîl, výigour nf trec. condfitionis of tire prvesseasoin sd Vire suItabiI îty of tirs(,avo pr hoiforinseeît pelliuathoa. A kno,\Iedge of taisse facton-s miII aid greamtly ira decinmg mietir or not taese tirning sprays stioa-ll bc:e uïse, eniv D. S.Bli anal S. H. Nel- s;on1, Division oif HerticiVture, Centrai Experimiental Faim, Ottawa\V The din-itros Ihave' given i- l cn st-antand satisfoictomy reeîs vit !ireaVY seting aretessucýIras Mel- ban, applicationIsbin mal wrn seventy-ie pr cent of tir iiosem arep out anal the kmngboaospol- atod.Tires-prays are cauý,stiîi1 efe destroring hotu Vhs deiiscoan d! idhseipoileni. Hv r if tire pollen tube Iras pee traiteamore Vian Vwo nmilimeera clon thirtlo, fertiisation la net preveuteal. For Vhifs r o.gon) d agienit on Vie pat f tile gr-ovr is esnila dayof twelvetn twventy-fouir o- nra--y make tire dîifferi-ieo et~c aunceeanalfailure. 'T'ire itic,1m flor)ýal alrtsanalyouurg baves presit awi use Id rmauy annere and thus ea overail thinuing. Thre huro'mes ni' net ausiebut willtig (dues ccts imneiateyafter apiato.Thi laVer reanits ln smfie dalgail, erinkling along tircrùi ~omf the fýý1 iage which persi-saihirolugbeut tIr sao.T1is njvybas be,21h agel, a-voidied by laiterapdatrni Due Vo aenzasônad and valeail dif ferences, it is il' bttfu l V s eo uniiversailPy. A-gowec st s1ud l u oin es ofcodditions ard, fo strtoy a fetwtreos cf ý;,a vairiet, shoul d lue s,1rraed Thie dinîltro mat erials shobld ii ueid atit hs rte o on, u one thIird qor hroquarter of ýfoud'per 10ý0 Iprilgallonl in, fuli boo, iie tir ph d uNph1tb al eei ce! ic ac prto s 1o-0 1e sed 5 t,)Za;. per 100 11-.p criaI gallons atu alyx or R oZ. pe Y10t-Ipeia galions two w rýek 1Later. Liquid na phtbai iseacetic nui 1preparation sirould be useal accor Pig Vo iananuýfacture'"S directionýs. sThe 2 ORONO ha-ýe 1 Býowmanville and Oroino. w *uum~ EJVOUI 11%0vvqj

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