Feels Fne Now-Rihard Main, 13 monohs gazes in' fascination at a stuff:ed rabbit held by a doctor as he recuperates from aun oper- ation for the remocva4 of a 31-pourpd cancerous tumior on the kidney. Tfhe 22-pound youngster, hetd by nurse Marie- Tata, ýis reported on the road to recovery. / cup chopped nut mneats grceiens aind oI rinto buttered 2 tabiespooris chiopped citron custard cups. Set;j, a panl of hot Y4 cup sugar water anid bakeý in a mdrt (350 Metbod: soak crmbs bithe milkdegrcee fil oV endnilset. Whenl for about ten mintes, theni addre an inserted silveur kifecornes out imaiig ingredents, comnng deant remove from ovend iserve, tboroughiy. ouritoa? butteed warm with wbiped cream.Servs bakInbg dishi, set in apan oýf water focur. and bake at 350 d(egrees F., forne hor.Sevewîh ad aue.Seve Reading This Mlay jE NNY L 1IND FSave A Life %' cup sifte-d flour l/a teaspoori sait Tbis true story, toid by a noted 1 egg, iightiy beaten, Farn Safety Speciiist, tells how Il cup miik 1One Young fariner aé'odedan c 1ictaspoon meclted butror cident that miigbt have mneant painý- margrinefui injuries, even death. Yvou will Method: i± oete f'ir and bewrkn in fields l)aie this spring sit. Bind beaten egg mith mil and summiner. Don't take chances Ua s-tir into thle fi(luixtr.Ad ihyour life. Warn -other drivers shlortening and beiat 2-3 moinutes that you are on the road. with rota ry baer uivry 1Do you have euough coats to bot eaesdppover pans about finshtheu eedig you stared yes- 2/3 fuI and bake in a verybot (450terday?" Biu IHenry was discuss- degrees F.) oven for 25 mnuates. ing th1 da'M W rk witb bis son, Reduice het)to350 dgree7F.,anid Ted (. bake about 20 minuteslonger. Serve "W'l eed about15Pbushels hot ith lflulffy lernon s auce. Serve('s mr.could run oert1Tom0 SIX. * "5 '5sons and get sme. InPU TboMp- FLUFFY:LEMON SAUCE sontoc! me they had lnty and /cup wVfer culd hoplpausout if a e raiort." iegg, bEýtcn Ted had gr-,aduiatedfro high juice ied gkated rndone srhoumithe year eforeand was lemnon aworkin a partesip arrnge- / cup but,,ter ormagi neet.tbbsdd 3/4 easoonnuteg Beter take tbn ractor and wa- 3 taiespoions boling wvat:er ouand ,ge, tIo'h itofinlish," Method: Combine ailingrins Ted00n lad Ath tactor and except boiling wtrand beat ýfor wgnrligdosn the road to- ten mninultes. Addbilngwte 0Cn ward fteTbiomàpson farmi. He feit tables poonif ul at ,a tim sirinAgodas he drove along in tbe weIl afterCeac dition, Pour sue frtib mruing air. mto top of double huilr aMd bet' There was a scisb as a car over boiigauter just before sev- Paýsedfrom beind f~o-oodMossc-CcsdeHolmies' contented cows giecutlwith anoUas-v fhe cello in his ba;rn o, Brighton. Holmnes farms 188 acres, buf manages iCýý,jtca nthe community orchestra." Holmesý prctices in the barc ecue h cw c. lh keeps them onenedhe says. "They lkeWanr es. "ThIat caâr was reallymvig As Ted doveonto the 1h*ghiwa,-i his mrmtd Iturned to the car t-hat hiad just ase himi. And'as he started donthie i toward the Tbomp- soit arn lch saw _a car speeding from tb'e opposite direction. Ted turnedI the tractor out onto thle shouldier of the bigbwý,ay, tik ing it would be hetter to driveý there than take a chance on a car COM'ing oveI7 the hbih hebind hbu Just as Ted 1met ltecar ,com1inig from Ithe opp);ositediecion acar- di cmespedngOver tlehe il frbehiind, IfTdlhadbeen on he ighway, he. couldfltbv A tractor bas a pecrfectiy ega rigbt on the highwvay, B t th dri'ver on the tractor is- lîke a sit- ting duck. 0f 19 deathis in rato a.ccidents in 1949, 18 of tbem itar tr-acto-r driver-s. A red flag On top Of anight- foot pole, anfastened t o the ïrarote tractor, warnls drivers ofso-mvn vehiîCc. At 1Iight awahavetwo wb wite heaId!iits, in front and at least une r-d tailligbit on the rear of New And Useful. Surfacs suchas cncrete tCco brick cerent re saIid ito be wts proofed wben new l(,ývmaterialI is ap- phied hy ri brush or spray, Sub)stanlce wi ot chanige texture or colIor of surface anid -when'used outside a building prevents masonry joints from disintegratiug, EictCric Hammer Eiectricaily powe-(red h am me r weigbs only 7 lb. a'nd bas striking power of 1,600 blows'a minute. Use- fui for contractors, builders, stone- msnrepair and maintenance sbops,; bammer, cable and .cesr ies, fit into steel case. NeCw <auminum a-,-niings a r e. iaied t mae lbouse 17,,-degrees oor.Made 2to fit, evtry size and style of wido, wnng can be Îinstaiild with oiy \,a scr-ewdriver. Sun rassrkecre oures and are trown ack;iit is softezned Plastic Hose A iitwit Vinyhite gardeni bose ciairned1 to be lung-wearing andduraiblei5 nuiiw on the market. Ribbed for touýghness, it is said im- pervions to oul, grease, 'rotan miidew, and cumel in 25, 50 andI 100 foot' lengtbs witb solid brass fittinigs. Sopie HMints OIn The Care 0fý ThtPraneznt Wave _There's hirdly a woman who bas- n' tlatonce lokdinl a mirror ius afer avig a newperimanent wave and moaudin despaia tble sgh.One iokatth le frizzy, agaiin! But as time se s and the cor- ent, andthe vcosclircl egin Bul-t tat nil' bppnto you iP yo ralzethresfar more to a 'good ipcèmauenî thanli just a few hours spent i a beauty sbop. Yonr permanent can heb as soitt and Jlovely as utr'lycrly hair if yen kniow how ,ýto co(,ndition and care o your bair hotu beufore and after, Hr r h ai osanld Do reondiion ynr bir at hm beeyou bavea peranent IFootlr hai rny bcCouIýCevenl dryer wi Jeraetanid the ends i-plit adbreaiýk off as a resuit. n So'put of():r emaet o two or thre weeks util you've doue -a litebre orkou yur fiair. h ir 1Massaiug yonr)scalp wh y lugeripa '(nl nail)Mxilivstinulate singib o gad. pi brushittng fa!it est100 strokl] ects ala) il unrscap w sciapece of cttun. Patte-ir ii etins nd m DO issIun "est ci. Tilîi îiî~y ne~~ uringun suai strand of your bair first, before giving you "the works." Most good operaturs do this as a matter of DON -' have a new permanent Dv(er 1the 1ýremants of au old une. I f your ha,ýir wiil bcîto short with tteoild nscnit off, bc patient just a lit onigerï, evenif i it mleaus pinnIiiing up our bair atlhomne for, Y'ou'll becb hhappier \'ith your niew permanenit if you give tbe oid one an apportunity to gro-w ont. DO check up on your general health if your hair seemns tu be duli and lifele$s. Remiember that a pro- pe diet is a "must" if yon w onld have hair that's trnly a "'crowsning giory." 1DON"' be afraid to brush yonr 1bair after you've bad your pertuan- eut. You needu't wurry 'about brush- ing away the curi. Daiiy brushing vill'mnerety eacîie içits uatural luok auqd hbnp take awt-,ay auye tostiff appearauc e,. For tbebet timulation of your scalp), beud yunr bead forw-ýard and brns th bar ruts nt o teneds. And u o rnses' onei0 each baud) do wiethe Job ilofne. DO bll, nhe aufucturer'F, diecio-st the letter if youi're aaving a hom permanentii. Any iuniovatiun in tii prces onyour part canýt imprVuve(7un the kiiwlc,',ge and experieu1ce of the mnanufacturer, and yun may be pretty -nnbappy with tbe result. Su be gnided by the step-.hy-step instructions inclnided w ith the wave kit. You'il probabi 'v need a family memnber or a friend to heip yon- nnless yon are very adept at curl- ing the backz of y onr head.