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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Jun 1951, p. 1

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11 Vol. 15 No 20 OPONO OINT- THUR1,SDAY, JUNE 7th 1951 Vw' Subscription $1 .50 pe~r Finance Committee Submits Statement To May 25th' Thre folloing is a financial state-1 ment oft the Buildîing Fnd for' the -pew ,vOroncy United CGiu(irc!h p o May Outsde cntriutios - $10 ,579.23 TluLustee Boýard, ineur-anlýce 3I0,0O0.0O Local contributions --- --16, 818S. 1 TPotati contribiiîûns $57-,---7-86 E--jendt'uies o AMay $535,895.88 ha-,ceinbank ---------$ 3,521 .48l ~P!kdgiaSyet Unpaid, 19 0 $ 9-0-0$ PlodigeS yet unipaid, 1951 - $2,991.O0 Pldiesfo 15----------$K1,800,00 oalpledges o rcie..$,9. Totaàl recipte ýreeive;d and reoeiv- bteamnuant V &30&.Tire likc- !iy estiniated exiienditures wil i e a- rounid $7.,00.0l0. Tlierefore die Fin- suýce Ovvite ill repui-e around eS,O0iO.'O o finish the cost of tlhe !buildng. Ufp Vtj hti-mre tire treasury lias beeable Vo mneet all accounts prom- ptly but1et hepictunaimýrnges and '7,141no- have o vr n r bo rroweýd irý4ey. This thie oirmittee woncvld Like to ecîeepas low aeosibeaid ,ask th ie plediges be I)onou;7ed as ,Goop, is possible. Thre Chrci is ani- Ms0ouncd Vo be o:pened on Sunday JiiLY 1,K-11With, a Dedication Service. T17ire coinai-itee , appreeiates the wonerfl cntrbutonsfrein friendsj ,far and near, which lias beeil i fnetto- inVire Suces-s cf threfnacs Our Dowrnpeple ,vill have oontritbuted W hieural pledges iare ironouredl -$22,501-l". We are stili dowan $50 frmour 0ojec-tive -d $25,010.00 The, Fina-nce CoermÏittee skstiat aIl put tir-eireir t Vgter, bo()tir at lhomet sdab-road and ie tire next five wek alse o'ur co!'uplete objective cf $11,0Q. eothaýt wiren thechci î lewieited it -will stand fe d debt and 'l monmcnt cf goodi wiVýl sud 'n- * slfistir sacrifie. Our sognis ,Cazjj 'WE Do IV." Ilcreasiig Awarecess For Use Of Lime On Some Soilu ers fortire seed cf limie on minte sila, eoinbln thsuiVi Vre suiridiesaelbe ouýi bie Siipsuient cf aigricultu&ral limie resultes inleaerecord higir use of ffils Thins st,-emietit contes iroi) H Mettic,. Director cof tire Ciops Bïanj- c ,Outarlo Der ineupt cf Agr1-'il - ture, tire Braniclir epnul ~tr miunartof cfVice Agicuk iural, Lit-ne Subventiocn PdAicy. '19 ,0 silipin enita c-f -ag ricuLit i-ral pald, otaled42,71,)8 tons l ir e y ear eddApril 1e. 19 1. T'Iins wsus an In£cieasocfI' over 400'tons oven tire proviiorrayear. Sente IGidea cf hi- creaseduse being iruade c e el ilc JQ, fouud -intire act tirat otisp meibs in 1942 armcueted Vo ioityya littie 6'ven 2.500 Vons. R'audrmnd Couinty used t!ire great- esFt amounLit witir sonte 5,600-touns go- üng te tirat Cetrn'lty. Kasex nd 11(1Halt'on Couolt+y came ueit, eci cf t1ien i i- ceuraiting fo7more titan 1,000' ous" Oily fivo counties or d (istricts inir-e Prv ncside no muse cf tire subeidy Mrv. 'Mertin # cnts ettirait tins Agrictrltuval Limte Subvention Poilicy $1225 Received For 3-Yr UNI leifer By Geo. lMcLaughlini George R. NleLugbilii, Oshrawva receved $125for a treya-ol ireifer et the National iVeuSalei lueld Mlay 2,at Oakvillle, Ont. Thisý a-as foi, Ehncroft Annie N. -a daugir- Vr cf tire Extra Sire mostvic Mon- cigraiout of a dau-iiter of ot v,!c Loo,,hinvar-. Tlire priae Rklýgoly Fanlas', S'tonrey Ridge, N. y A baby caif froin Vhis heifer brou.glit $4715 goingtg oOrie C. Snyder, WtroOnt.NMr. ML arilasoe raceiv&d $727 for a biied hei-fer tirtl lWen;'to Maurice R. Cook, Coàta-ý worrt, Onit Orvan Ohianers, -Willfred ýsold a pair cf bred helfers. one bringing $759o ne ired of Josepir A. ýlo'ok, lVIt. JP, a ,and tire tier $625 on Vthe bid cf William Stone, lack- watev, oet. Eari THusan, Uxboidge .bo)ught toheasI payiarg $775 tVo W. P. Frasr. sitreetavilile, for a bred ireifer and $7W o E. SrsoWosok also for e breda heifer. Tle 69 hread solbd fDr $72,01Î5 o avenage '$1.044, tire third iigieet average lun a 3-year histor'y cf tire Naitinal'Sale. Tire' Hesilt'on Diltriet Gbi rerug Associa- tion paid tirS two) higirest pices cf" $,ý7,000 andI $4,100;î for.,buis îV be used' in tirir artificiel bneeding- unit tIratb serves Wentrwvortlr, Lincoln,Weed sund H1aldimarrd cou-ctes. Tire $ 7,000 4bL,1 suasAbgetPic Cosr osgedby Premijer J. Wle JocecfP pE. IL. shile the$4.10 bull J. E.Heock, Bapo.Top price for a femelle su as $1,97. 5 neceived by aRa- illù'odaile Pansu, Vaudreuil, Que..i fri'NeIeon Pendietoný, Lyndeur)ýville,1 Vennnt. 16 liead hro'ngit ait hast $,0 Twenty wra ent to U. S. A Formation 0f Oronlo Teni Club Afier Lapse r f leu Years A nilber cf tennis etrsnt have Vo Vie lest mek hid plansforý tlie formation yf a tenis.qclub. Sinceý Chre year 1941 no, sucli club liras been lun opera)titon lui Virecntmnity acd lit ie' iroped tiet after ten years tis i'o:creatioinal garme carl be revive-d sud an aIctive cinir folied. A new net ira been ordeied sud vuil ire puat into'Luse 'ciii itS arrivai. New sitndards 'have bren erectedi anîd gu ot snrigl,,-iteinied. IV is aUse Ù0tededV lervel tire existLnig bumps on ire ,cot givîng a ietter surface fo plalg lIf tire reasponise Vto fhe m1,n'enairpwarrants Eanothen courtl tire o)lsI <ary court coud ire bgi-nigt -Lio se aird'sc-reerin'g te a ubac'ik stbop coeuld cli ie er-ected. Tlire fr eio f ttscluibad 'leinge ro sperloUs anldsocabe (Gont-irued on Page rive) nepiesents e a ce-opemnattiva effort icf thIe Ontario sud Dominion iDopant-1- mente cf Agricutuesud tie rai-' waya V te akegiouu imeaoeeav rliabe ant a Veasoneeucst foro- r-ecting acidity on acid souls. M-ucir greater use 'lies been' mcade -ýf tire Plicy since sufbsidies on- tru-ck' asi moui as rail suovesuont c)f tirelm suce edded i1lut. Indenineti«naaouit sud applicat- ions',, foin tire sirsdd.y nay le btein fr-oInthVe County on District Are Orono Wins Opening Hardball! At Local Memorial Park Tli're opening basebel ,gantewa $lalyed in Orelon riTl,.rsdey even- iarg Whea nthre local deeattedi Baille- Pore . scovre of 16 to 14, Tire et- enacefer tViis oponihng g-antesuas' saihn lsppintirgars ely a irun- dne-d hruied out. Witi th-e cost oýf un- iLymis an sd equiriot, the clb is hepc-ful 1of a muclir mnees5ed attend- eues se- Là,thttiey eau meiet tierifn- aniait. elgtc Moýstt cf t-li i-is more scored i in tirne scn ig o roosie Viydrovo homle tsul ve r--ues13 At titis tine ire local btters drOveý twc Bai;- jilebor-o itleiera outf tire box an d gavetire turrd aiotctnebefoee tire tirree oYuts moere couelted. Tie [lest i~rsssrgE pnovd aieat s auccsefeul for Railjeûre as did the s-tond :fur Onono, :for at this týie the oppo'ns oL)hined ninee i1is. Throug hoqut thei gaine Orno , possly plaayved beitter ardam-ore consistant type of balil Th-e second and last ~ilg.wr drugged out affains' and greý_atly ono siehThe r,emainig portin fte gainye was hiowewer better voinp'eted and more~ appeaU'ng to the s-peotattors IJones ,on Vie monýD for Oo0o-0er- I Virdn]y proved Plenreell superior aigi- Iiis hiopponeats and Shouiddvl a.e -jeioaon d e.Msny 0-F hi- teami mates are prtovidirg rstrong bacldng and witii tirircooeato it is hoped Vo, be abie o V o nera bail gaines, at tle local1 paAk this yeair. Over $380 Subscribed To Red ShieId Campaign Tire SalvatDen AmyR&d Shiead apelfor funds for lq954 ended Onjý May ~ etr area after a very suc- Collections far Orono ainounted tJ -$'2(35l'2 wth IlUrs. J. J. MVIetlo, Mrs. F. Fer-gusý , Mrs. Tom Lws r W. Carmnan and Mrs. J, C. Gîauiey jdoing tire oltig Les1kard doated 4 O t h atp'peaiý wit-h Mr-s. P. Bradîsirw as collector. Mrs. H Ly'ctt canvas,eed Antdch e-euiting in $10. -Kinby Wasz canlvassed bY Mrs, . W1 eid and Mr.J. anafor a sumn cf$7.ý0. Thre grand total for tis distriýct was $0552 On bchalf of the Salvxaion Anmy! EVirewyne IM. Gamney wLthes tirank everylie for tiroir very gil- erous donations. KendalI Women Join With Oronio To Attend Convention Mcc. N. Kennledy, Mrs. ROY mer- cer, Mfrs. Wmi. Me-rcer, Mms. M. Lux- on, Miýs. Jaok SYTarbriek and Mrs, ladiesý in a bus trip Vo MapIe Grorve on' Thursday, May Slst, winthirey attenided tire, Distic Anel o- veýntîon of h*Vir oen's Insttutes. Aftertire mri' session a grandi lunlcheon wsenjoy)ýed providedi by the Maple Grove Institute. We cor- gratuulate tire hOrono W. i nse- cnrUlinlg t-Il prizes for t"ire best pr- grammve eoftie year It was a grand day for tireoeccasion and tire country- 'îide 'looke;ýd it's iet The( spring flo-wers u ueod i te fie- ai decorations oftire ciuroi sudl luncireon tables werea preùty sigit. Lilacs And TU1ipý Setting For Yedding Of Loc~al Interest An Vo eresting weddinig wac- soi- uenized j ir e Uritecd Ohurclirew ce-tstle. lest Sturdaýy aloe' i Jean Mi y Rinjiey, daugirtrfcdme aimi Mnýs. E R, Rainey, On1,,,,.a jwiitýd le' marringe riti MAi. Glenn Ewerit Ali, on cf v. -ýai-idMrs. Homard Allii, Newcastle.i Bridaisucatr lilacs ansI tulirpa leconated tire chiuci for tire ceent- oliy p>e-foýnmed by Rev. A. E. Euis-i aco c f Orono. M'rs; ,- Canapielil pre- sldded at tire ongan andI accomnpaniedJ Mrs. J. T. Bronof N(ýeunatie w sang "T'ire Lord's Frayer" and "Be-1 cau11s e". l ivon in marrýiage h.y7lier fatirerý tlire bride was gom,,ned iu ii hte Nyloni trimmed s itir lace. Her ireavdiresa sues a fiege tip tulle illusion 'v-il ceîuirt o apenn rlbeade-diJtlietcp and slire cariýed a bouquet 'cf suite anrd roses. Her bridesýntaid. MNieýs OieKik Fontypool suc agwn cfylo netcdcr-'ç a b ouut f o o touned roses. iVIr. Vloss Arum sas roonisiann or Iiris biotion. Tire ushies Wucre Mf. Gerald Rairney, brthr f Vie bide suud Mn Robenýt Allie. - TIere ieception wasied' t tire hiiome cf Vire bride. minlcir sas dec'- oreted imtirsuite macs aitip To re the ie guesits, tirebre' motier sure a golsun cf neavy blin Marlsete.Sire mas essisted by tire grocm's ntotier miro more a gown cf prieed Mi'. Fniena cf Vie brde, -ervinig about sev-enty guestta ore, TItr. Wn. Garmain, Mlisses Betty Cirapm-aei, Jean Turner, Gwese Chatterton, Pamn-n Mottait, lle AiE, Arlene Rieey aind Jorye Srtton.1 I n t1<. ip. l-., , ejfinor n in oPetrM- MILESA-INSTED NUPTIALS The mnvriage o-f Laura Aicke Màay, dJbugliiterý of Mr. and M'rs, Bert Bim- st ed of Belleville Vo Mr. Keitir' Rod.. erk Mles, son of Mn. and Mrs A. MleNorwood took place in Wes- [leyville United Ciurch, Saturduy af- telreoon. D.C. C. Oke, officiated and Mrs. Hirold Reývesý played the wedding iusi. M.MuieBinsted sn "Thnyanid'"Bcaue dringMtre "The Loand's Fraer," befr thee sigmndng cof thle register. Given m 'Dag Y lier father, tiebride wone Ca lipper saýtin lgowýn wýith lace yoke, sehouider ruffle, andi lace timmi.ed peplum. Tire bo0di-ce em- broidered with trapuinto work iqnd seed pearîj-s, lie long slee pointed, et tire ?,rst.s. Her01, emnbroid- eved tulle illusiïon veil was ield by a band cf wiite flor-wers ,ïnd sire car- ried a eascade cf yod roses and lily! cf the valtey. Tire bride's sisters ,vere her attend- ents; Mr,. rrrevor Miles, -iuatron ,)S ironour, Mrs. Ken. Gl--reen ad Miess Evelyn - Pinsted, bridesm-aide. Tirey wo-r'eidtia gown's of pinký, yelIlow, adgreen raony v et. Thre bou- ffant shrt ere trimmiled witira ovelay band cf lc and the fittedI bodices lied lace edtged (lyoke and fichtu la.Tireir ireaddIresses we're brands of flawers :na-tching tri go-wns and Vlirey cavried nosegays cof pink and yellow carnations and lly oýf tire vaiioy. Mv-. TevrMiles wsbest imain for iris brother and Msss Ken Greer, and D glsMlswereusirers At, tire eepinwhicir foillowdin« tire <lrrch aemn. r.Binsted ve-1 eivod we ingalace timd rs et'f navy crepe. IMrs. Miles aloFe- ceivedwern a grey -CrePe dIreeS.! Bûýrth mo)thers ýwore a corsage 01- ced roses aind lily cf tire valiey. Guests fboni out of tom mor fotPeterbono, Ori-hua, Nowod Claenmount, Osirasua, Orono n Nesucasie. M n.andi Mnr.Miles suilIreside- i Nescastie. Leskard W. A. Held I. Clarke Township Soon ginWork On La KENDAL Mr. and Mrs. GIltartinell nd Kenny ýpeinttVire week-end' at Rose- neatli visiting lier notirer and bro- thers. M' r. andmI M. Wml. Horner,Cm- beiliroft asud Mr. ansidMrs. Walter Rose snd Betty of Peýterb(-ro-ýughi merve visitors with Mr. and -1Výrs. J.1 M;% anid M-s. T. H'lditoli spentlth wek- nd i Bosvnanville kettbVie bione cf Mr. ai Mrs. N. Whiite. Mv. and Mr& Tomi Duff of Oe Sund, -while )lï tiroir honeyrnoon, rcalled on Mr. and Mms. G.Matni ami saw a few friewis onDjr da of thiswe. Mrs. Hattie Mantinil spyent tr week-end witi r M. and Mrs. Bob Matnî,Peterborourgh. Miss Betty H fow of J,,(tvîlle 'Vas aweek-.end'visiter sulti Miss Hildal Bell. Mr. and Mrs. He-ykooP Of Pont Hiope were visitons mitir Mr. suld Mes next Suniida-y m'orning itire Kendal United Chtrurcli, tire 1District of Cler,ýke L..L wI~hold a sr ilutire af- trno.Thre folliewng Srdy Junme 17th,tVire Sunday ,, SeoolAnieay will be heU ld ier' th(- Rov. A. E.. Eustce cof Orono biiie tlire preacir- er- morning sud everining Tire nrasic ine thiio nmonnsrg will Ibe veudere d' byl t~~~'irel>O SnaySiolchoir and intire evenin'g by talent frosuOsaw.Tire Lces re supper wiýill ie on Wednel(s- day, Jwne 2Oti ccommencinrg at 6 p. atrwhich Mr. C. Carvetil will ] tei tain witir picturoýs. The W. L., mii ie irsldiat tie )om !f MrSý J. Cordon o-n Wed- ie-sday Iftennon, J u ehti, wri paenoVthatltiretiie ,villfbe 21 P.m r. Charlotte M, onemed- iuai Offi.er of Healtir wxil ire tire peean'd a speie ivitationi s The To«neh,ýlip of larkeý met oni Tuesday, June 6- th ý meniberls present. A letter witl iregard to n surfaýe wat.err o Messirs. à M John imalef arm was r from i Mr. H. R. S. ya 1:n11 read Vo coundeil', Itwas1 that Messrs. MNillton and Jobh bail, the couiici] and tire -Municipal Engineer mee-t et th tion of the da a t an eari Vo be arranged by ire clerk, A countil road i ýPcotion. V cueised end tconsideretd Ma'vot The inspection wil! take plac, in Junle. Mi% A. T. Perrin, Townsip Engirreer, réportstd on tire pi of tire Miîlslon bridge. It wvs 4 tention cf tire eotmci Vo fintisf project as Soon as possible. The voad sruperintendant wý thoriizeýd Vo spend an anount r ceedfing $500.00 t@ Vonourol we llong tire To-wnship' rossad lo-m A lengthy discusýsion ý' as 're connin'g tire condition of tlle c04 ter!es tiouglnirut th ire uiij Tire rond supeVrinteýndanyt m stLrcted Vo inspect saine and Vire need for bsim pdfenc( Optins forIrle p se c0 inecotnnection witi tire Lakeeli versionf were reviewed, disCUSes tabl'od for n sPecialmeegir Tt -suas tire feeling c corrncil gin VhilsproJect -asoo500flas pos, P oad vourcher No. 5 fo-r thre ofMay iii tire amnounit cf $ was du y appro'ved and paesed counciti. Tlire l a iramourits we ie e-, Çfù -thefollowin'a: Culvertsa extnCie<I e otersor erîgtruu1 oino Red Cross Briancir Tire Loskard W A. rel a vy en. Tire, re(>l U 1eu1iil be jMoirrer' 'e et et thre home cie f tire pi su~csr ce r tOn Friday, May y Metirda"Mm Ws. Armnst-rostg, lest ireri g1a1oened1ihO C ThIe -W. A. et iin tireSunday feroawinasplenlld'id ana icirol nom o Wedesda eveingWas given c f Vrercet foibcwed by Cowboy songe and gui- D'aidFo My 9tir, witir a good utedne rv for FuLnds. A total cf tar nitrai 'by Vorn Berny, Te president, Mms. R. Elliot, was ~a asd ymayc i sud N'eu Berry. ru'~ tire chair. Tire vlt a "Whe1t con- Scin c ieTmsrpc An ,-insýtrumnenital bY Mr. PrUSt ',C- tîtutes a go'od ctne"bnougirt someWlin'-ltiuesCir-h emrnpanied by MArs. Prustt et tire 7o nwn. iepltnî ftr tions, t(eaorerS and pup«ils 'piano wa's etijoyedi by ail. Mn. Roberteucrkice uasaen1icse rural scirh(ols 'aIlhelpdo r1 Chiaters gave svealiumýoýrous read- altr omte euse opo rdtbesi.Seiita legs. Vocal Duent by Mr Prust nd ure étirie paint. Mrs, Hainsu cf Oïrono[ 'tendere,(d by tlire Eeutv M n.C ami e on acn rpi a ni edSlo b'v !U r. dli ghite d i r l e ladîes sitir irer i- ac c-ou tRC rv i -e syuca Sie, s io Carnronon tre iano Soo byMv.of atptaken V o Florida ftue spiig ribr rf ey sru carst îSheiting. 'OSl b M. Os - jIo, i i 01 coanredn by M r. M Siaes. _pictuures suere passel around(. Tir tienscf tiredieretcn Piano fluet by 'Mns. Caern d sekrirdaiapwrirred Letters ocf prcat"'w Meis. Pruat. Comiedy duet by MnIÏ.gv ie ot aio l inigfreoin tireciidrn f a _IRï,ý-ron4 Ch'tiroiralexperien cess lelirri Lhe differenP't 1anLd fronI on'emîtersue Raynour Olepean nr~Mv.M'oes incesvisited. W'e have otten woni- j -e o1 espcalatoto accrnîn'dby :mrs. Cirapmian. dered irow -oranges t as ted dirEct nection SuAiti e uppiyin Vocal solo by Mrs Geige Cre foutrevn ns nene si ia i Capsles by - tie a c c n r p a e i o d b y V r s . R . r a p n t a n . M r . lH a m mil i f s i r e ' m d td a n y i n : Mus byMn.Cirnle Ga en sos.snucb a mnnebut didu't gettaround ,V ,as recided tris year This progrant mas foillowed by a Vo aIshiug tire qusertiirn. Misls Anne $0,0 o tirhOne Divi oeatcomredy "Risiil-g sitirGce" Stapfleton onitertained suita pince tire assistanice cf COutpoIstt Il ,siid Viose akin'g part weroe Mm. forte sýeIectio;n wi - as eul n- Veteren's ilcepitale,diat 1Brria'rdshaw, _Mes. Bery, Vernea Berry, loyed. Tire meetinig lose(d mitirtie etc. ami tiret thre balIance 'ire Airs. Grant and Mrs. Loucha. M'izpairBenediction' eften miniMr. UUe 'omitTownsr.bp for ViVes Tre iext meetiing cof tireW.A G. Catircant and I Mm, Kennýiedy sûn- suies ient f al rnd iter< !,iii ireireld ii tire Sun'dey Scirool ved repfr>es.imenlts. Mrs. GC. Wilson sueeigand w suter Sr V root-nc'tnesday June lït-We"ed Mrs. J. Stapletos uere in charge titis summi-1er if an inuctýo, oefor a large attnducet plaqnif tire prognant. secured. for tfire Anivers-ary supp)er o0- e_______________________________ Doi't forget tireCcnunydae iji LeI-u, cnlo ciglit. yG . E.N elson A ppointed Fiel Former Orono Man Drswned I Man For Hoistein Associai While On fishing Trip -- Sborougir and'points nç'rth, Vire brideé chose a sjuit of mediium Mlue gàhar-' Frederic Robent Peaen, an Réa dine witir white acce3soriea.lier fruta t uViRivendale CGarage' for corsage suas lily cf tireValleyM nen Van tsue2nty yas nrndiii andMr. il ontioi rtur- ii Raiey Lake on Tut.sday cf last m-nake thirirhome ii O reine. ' hwehe fsudes fitev r. leneivesDn Guests were prosent front.Brnt k n'eretorunt cf ilii rali.M.Pae ford. TorontVo. Brantpton, Petei-boreý andl a.euniber or tirer TToete mui- Betir'ny, ami1 Rocirester N,. 'Y. csane ere fiîsiing sulen ticheir MIr. sud Mr. Pauwl Snedgrass of beetupset. Rocirester N.ý Y. mene weeýk-end Mn. Pearson, soyn uf Fnýederick guets cf 'Mv. ami Mrs. Wma. Hoar Pearson anit ie late Mrs. FPeqrso)n ni auid Mr. Nel eineyOrcue suvas bunid lthire Oposi Cent- Guesta witi rMi. adMus. E .ete"-ýy ou Seturday foiio'wmlg a sec- Rîaneo ý"on rthe wek*cnd were Mr. 1vîee in tire GicMack Cirapel, Den,- and Me.i .Richiard Scottet ofterdforbh Avenue -it,1.30, p.rîI. Mn.ans I Ms. RichIarýd Knoles cf! ileinswvi'ed by two sieters aud jTororirto, Mv. a ndl Mva. Woodhýirouse, two bec broers, Musi. George Timain 'ranitcmtn d Mn. and Mrs Ernie sud M. Ross MrcGa,)Iry ami Willi-aff Copoterarougi. landi Boy Pearson. Mr. G. E. Nelsorn, las beeu appelan- Cuatirines and p ted fieldman for tire HoAsLeeii-Frie- yod as' AssiStanýt sie Asoiaio ve Canada ilui te presentatve ut EastCei nOmtario dsrc.Ho ne- Huron, Eliginl, N'o places F. Roy Qrnlstofl,, Bi-oeYldin, As a bey ire 4tok miro lihas r<lsîixvd ilu erder Vo detab- wcrk s-,vdlie spe lai iis ewa Hetistein herd. - irusbdy t ir Mn. Nel!sorn le 'a natirve of Nor- The Eest-Centi tumatbenibanrd County -wrerýe iris comprýF-ises tire Cý fatirer, George Nelson, mentailes a Yoih, 'Ontario, Hlates,,i, RedFi, snbelqlfrd, 11e Peteihironrugi,N graduet ed frein 'Vire Oc.tane oAg- tinga, Pr-inlce Ed sauic e en' 2, e ibr rftire .Aricl Muk aFrryv ý Agrlc re ccciii .Aý.. il Ont, 1nties 1

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