ORONO WEEIKLY TIMES THURSDAY, JUNE l4th. 1951 .1 The Orono Weekly Times Djýeanj-hl o ýjjNilElurf a dea- GLASBIFIED OOLUM NS Authorizd as Second Class Mail, Post Office Depa'tment, O tawa. pas sEd way Janre 1oh 1 47 FOR ALE ' Andwhie n encfu siepCOMING EVENTS Advertising Rates on Request usrpin$.0Hi(s nmemo e sii awakeep.ThLearWA.aeolnga3"wltedcapnvrus. Lovýinglîy r enbe ýd by 1515 fý ilvI~SrwerySMda~Jn P nieroo E sta b lish ed J a n u a r y, 1 37 d1 , 'ele h ar d 25 h c m eJul.6 p. . i e l0 t~hir'aIv4 4t vn.A 'itled,"Tbe Grape FOR, SALE Founder. R A Forrester Publisher. R C Forrester _______________ Vine" -wil'l r pre d b Hamrpton. Oec lt et utlk IN MýEMORIAM Admission, A Its 10,Ctildreil (/ Ini loving nemory of my hishar.d, 59 cents. b-22-c ewPle On. c--{ Don't Kils Germs At ou ve Los Stock Furyars e passed sicethe 'lie ane mewilnl.e nn'gfFOR SALE Il ead à day xlay Il eh' at ehm f A stee] l'b, Ywalnvlit ish, good as. US.?U3U~~ U i~E? TheoneI Ived weie wyMs al nTnsanew. Mr-sfMilton is, Phoneo84011- VV USA E. WU - V 'Wri od took himohe-i itwshi ur 2lst ul eor s.St-Orono. - fi tok ook bttr t By/in éban W111. Stalle. But in .y e heliveth still', phtn'Styel, os a. Il s it l h C, A faithl us.&11 d. one of~ the best (1ilbe oat7.0 Ca~ttie. Hogs aid Qiickei s doe tter or. es Feed Whea They Are OM~ o rn i tre et The An n Pieie wil'l be FOR SALE Frec of Lice. - -2 r~bre ywf ~eaheld in ithere no eo rial Park on nsign Pressure Equip4cnt DriNe Solutio in ý,mailest Cracks. ______________________a- gey a1oroa.n arrst!rgh I CALLO CARD 0F THANKS TheKe1a Unted ChurciW.A lad sun vi,s'1undor warranty, 1 wd'au O IM o li ie tw: take thîs opport..is s;rwp-sorig t-\",Oshort s foni n'ly 2510 ' s. Phone 1422. i . . ~~tep enson f nilty te thaA irv yfreds<nd neii~' netvi11ù,f entitled, "' iKJntil Il hoe r1 - - - rwoOn ~bosefehoi' nts fndesa - W. A. U 1 îft Societ2 and "The FO S Phoe 4lOron, nt uelpfess o' 111ess tChurch S -jpor", tlh solee-tion FObAF accd~. lke te ia et îl U t Siety Orce s- lý5 Cevrolet lee hine S dn à i fi. 1.~0A 3,, ~M Rot i ;,. n i,,an sun'visor and side During the hours of your bereave- ment our aim is to do everything in oiur power to iighten your bur- den. .82 'I For mellow sauce for tasty croquettes, use creamy-smooth evap- orated milk. DAURY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 409 HURON STREET * TORONTO Met Equipment PieeAmbulance Northcutt and S"'mitb Funeral Directorg and Funiturep Deale5rs KIND N ES COUTRTESiY SERVICE Equipped te take care of the modeit fner-a! t the mo@t repasonable chirge as weîlias thie largest raid thanIc 'thoise i4ho /:d! my cIhore',,,ami tho se w h o 4 > l v ~ le " e e" maidig il suoV a success. 1 1 wIeîwrnce Greenw'ood.I ENGAGEMENT Mrs. ames right of Dsart, On'tarlo, formne - of Owen d Onajwishes annoTl0U1ce le nUr- rage of her voingest dagt, Jimnet Chistina ,o Aird', Earl Haw eldest son cf teý lat Mr. and Mrs. W.my. Iiaw of 'ror , Ontacio. The ma-rriage will, place' in Mearford OntariO on July 21sr, 1,451. a-p FIELD DAY FOR CLARKE ýTWP. (Continud froni page onte) StanîdEig Brond Jump Boys 7 years Oronoý, John Tamblyn Anitioi, BoRveMley Cowan, '11ý2 ". Girlis 8 years, Knîjbialenî Brown 1Bi'own's sehool, 4'V'. Borvys S years, Wayneý Bafley, Oroino 41V/4,, Rainnilxng Broad Jumip Gîisli 'years Garot Hanco'ck, Acliock, S5$". Boys 10 yeais, Morley Lake, New. Boys 12 years, Bill Bru-nt, New- castle, 12'4". Giris 312 yoairs, Beinîce Lunn,. Oronro, 11,2". Boye 14 ye,-ars, Gerald Lunn, 0Ooe, 121 91. Girfis 14 yea-.-s, Rose-mary Bostock, Oýrono, lii'?. Boys' 17 years, Donjald Mercer, OisonO. 161. Girls 17 years, Doreen Selby, New- casdte, 12'6"P. Soft Ball Throw Boys 10 years, Donald Whittaker, Newcast'e, 11l'2". Girls 10' years, Berniiee Luon, Orono, 75'. Roys 12 years, DDnald' Liake, New- Oirsf 2yas a eeCowan, Ant.ioic'k, 9'. Boys 14ArsDonald Llake, NeNw- eàcs(tle, 157'. Gins 1Il year, Forn'Rofwe, Newtonville, 115'. Boys 17 yer, oy Stohrg Neweaqstl,2î' Gls17yas abaa Ohre Newcastle, 1î'" J11lhi tmp Girls 7 yearsi, Kathalecen Ly-néh Orono 2'1:,". Boys 7 years, Ted ios New- l~enni <ai~e Ral'.Admission bne, n Adul ts 85c,Chloe 15r.b- 1e irr i Clarke. IMPORTANT Thre reg, ar nmeeting ofi lie Oronoi Wolle-n'ýs Istitute Wti T hobec oni Priday, June 15t u11t on Friday, June 22 t 8 poq.The -Robin Hood F1Kýur M, ts wl esert n.ew, and ep-rinciple of bakimg. Wi±cli for further particolars. The Knda Sunday Sho n nirversar, Services will be held in th(e Keidial Tnited Chirch on June 17 when the Rey 4. E. Eus- tace of Orone10 will ,the p-rear- he(-r. The m sic in the mrpnig wi e rend e, ' r)y the S dicay Sehol hof and i nth Pe en g bytaeto Osha-w 0On WdesaJure 20th, there 1'b an Tee CreatnSuppor commeýniniîg et 6 p.m. and ir tihe ove- ninig pietures. will lie sliown by Mr. Cgrvoth -2c ta'fhrs interested' in ens >1ng tirir eMildon for. ballet or ,t4lan- cing Ies in t.he any Daiice~ Acadeniy i Or-ono be ' jnirgh e tember pl ase cont Mss. Perce The Ann, 1Docor t'n Day )sos-r vice ii 0-no Ceiter-y, wil¶l be heid on S day.,,uýne 17th. Service 'ut 2.00 p 'o direction of tire local c ~e~Baind %ill fur- isih musie for thre servi'ce. b-21-C cnstle, 2" Girls 8 yeans, Doris Lang, No, 9, 210".i 0oyný 8 years, Wayne Bailey, Oron,21~9". Boys 10layears. David IMciCuiIougi, Grs10 y-enls, Gail CooüP-r, Orono, Boys 1'2 arFred Fisk, No. 9, 3,9,,. Girls 12 yeairs', Francis Cowlard, Nemitonville, 2'V'. Boys 14 years, Ly.ýle IHarris. New- Ghis 14 Years, Francis Cowiard, INewt'onville, 31611. /Bops 17 years, Jimi Creamer, New-. castie, 4'9". Gils 17 yearts, Doreen Milison, Neiwtohwiibe, SlG-jiey Quantrili. Cmv- anville, 4'l". Interesting facts about Farm n d Fede ration Durhami County Federation of Agriculture ni 2.00 p.m.-Speaker-"What The Federationi Is Doing For The' Far- mer." Mr. V. S. Miiurn, Secretary..Manager of the Ontario Federation of -Agriclture. 3.00 p).m.-Sports programn sponsored by the Durham County Junior Farmers Eoyetfor everyone --Plrizes galore. speial Prizes-Prize t'0 Forum witht largest f urilout. Prizes te largest famkily. Prizes to oldest couple iqatndne ýIc 2bi1 A, .Apipliy FOR SALE î o, nd 1le] a]qmos¶ 10 to 1 vfr1,/ J. A. toan No Il 2,a- Bisail andemDise if 2hyidraulie it S -c *at$186.010 aigo OtaCO 7-ft. Dise. Minurie 8 ad $292.'00 an cp xible Haros 15-t. $60. Stee Ha ad , zt. Çuitivpnto7. Puîmp J . o sCO. Çombinjaftof Freeze&ra d Refgrato'r at $550k00. USýed Int -ati ai tr'acor Plow. etc. phone Ca T d, Carke 1620. c-21c DEAD LIVE STICK Horses, B s Slhecp, Pige We pay f Horsesce nad Heîfers As an ddd ervi é w will c.- operite yaur 1 Ur rian ini 2. l. rlive Irseg. C Il cQeýt owmanvii 2e79J 1«AtGWIllL FUR FARMS Tyrone Use the. Clasfied Columun Plumblng and Rot Water Heating CALL US FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phonie 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Orono Electrie Phone 30 r 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARMN and HOUSE 1WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed ]Repair& to ail makes of Eleetrical Equipinent and Appliances Such aW Motors, Water fleaterîs. Rai<,Stevea.Ironst.PFi, BUY WITII CONFIDENCE -AT- CARS le ini very 1 Lawrence- C. Mason, L. Barrister and Solicitor BO'W1rAN VILLE,, ONT. 011k. 688 Home 653 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator cenducta Anetien sales (of &H @m aidelt reagenable rat«. Comfounicate with hlm et Pma Prry, Ontarjo, or meo hie Clorâî. A. B. Morton, at Ormeo, fer date. JACEK REID Orono's Licensed' Auctioneer and VaIuster Spe ' in Famand Conault me for tenus and dates Phones5r 18 e LIFE INSURANCE Penaien Plans; Educati*nal Pelfehp Prottction and Savinga Plans fW Chidren and Adulte; lMertgag. laý- surance Plans. ORONO, Ont. Phone 20 r 10 The RUTTER GRANITE s COMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontarlo Monum ents, Gravemarker.,? En2'raVing. GoidleafinF, STAFFORD BROS monumental WorkS Phiono Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP Let us ereet a handsome, di- nified mnumitrent over the reet- ing place of yoepr, loved one, It's net o-xpensive. And seeing this last t-ibut. wiII givo yoiu exfle-ss eo>mf0rt 1-, W. wiil be pleased t. pick up dead or cripplesd faem aimalep and. ipay 1highest prevaiing prices. For immediate service toiephone collect Brooklin 62, Cobourg 1266w, Torontto Empire 3-3636 ICORDON YUNG Ltd, k~>-~- Orono Tinshop Flower Vases iodfor Decoration Dayý FARM 3MA ENTERT-AN]'- Ont. R.E. LOGýýN Pliei.18-10 Pho HARTLEY R. BARLOW FUNERZAL DIRECDTOR ne 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phone M IL id 72f )NO]1 Professional Directoy A. F. McKENZIE, M.»,.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON @M*Bouts : 2.00 te 4.00 U*nwe t.4».9 p.n. Sundays and wam*.4eqa z appointment O17 PHONE 47r1 E. C. SYER~, I». PHYSICIAN and SURG" Main Street Southi office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 te 8.00 pin> Sundays and Bidayo by Appointinent PliONE 74 r 19 O O 1 40-ti 1 1 ' 1