years he hlad worked as clerk in the scenariedepartfinent of iMag- nificenit FilmsF, Im., and had thought up ideas 'lor- pictures whicb scen-, ario rtr wrote into scripts and directors produiced for a neaýt pro- fit. "Lady Lucl,"ý Magifi.cent's most recent success, had netted thce bouse something over amlio dollars. Noel Norbert, -,,ho vwrote the script received( $2000, aud Obai- .iawho thoughit iup the idea,, col- lected bis $60-per vwelik. Ada, Adams, Who occup,-,ied adesk siext to Obadiah's and wh-Io earîîed $50, a week readling s:to rios, knaew, -what -\,as going on anmd told Oba- diah ini no, iunce-rtain eri wa abe thiought Cof huml. Baum was righLt, se aid. Howý a mnan can be suchý a suLckeýr -tnd StilI live is beyond aie.', Ohradiah blushed te th ùro>î c i air. "Why1, sukId dn't o an- thing. It was .ius.t anideaYIbad thlat 1 ni1,Oned to 1Mr. obr, "AndMr.Tortert cellected $ 2000 A imonth laterMagnificenit began work on "Love's Appeal." Noel Norbert hiad turned in the scriptý aiter taing Obadiali te lunch. A wyeek after thlat Ada Adamns camne lno t te littIe restaurant on Sunset boulevard where Obadiah w as eat- lng lunch. "Well,. how's Magnificent's $60 a -week sucker ýtoday?" she asked, "'They tell me Mr. Norbert basý turned in anoithier box-office success, that you thiouiht up for hum. He's asýking $2500 for it." Obadih's face went white. With- onjt knoingitïisS Adani1rs had aggravated a wudthiat she,-hadî inflicted i eweeks peieswith her flrst scathing commient on Mr. Nelson's lack of what it takles te get ahead. She was, therefore, as- tonished vwhlen Obadiah suddenly rose withouD1t a word and lef(4t ber. Outside, 'bis, cheeks stii rather- pale, Obadiafi was astening to wadteMagniificent studijos.ý "M. airce"began Ob1ý_(ad;à fln'yv" ant!to knuw wy t ta that yvou ipay ,ý$2000 to Noel Norbert orwriting qscenlarios tbat -1 think p.No, doni't ans5wer. l nwwy I~sbecauise you tink If'1) suke wilbourctiogh bakbon tostanid '0p1 for 1mY rigbt11s. Wel, ltme tell yvou somi-eting. I meani, youcan drea horse to water but you wa' ake bim willing-I-, mean, dr1ink. Or something. Anyw7%ay, IPm qu ittiing. The Pacific studios bave offJered me a thousand a îveek te work for theni." Obadiah paused, breathiug heav- ily, anýd mopped bis brow. "Well,'" fie said, "I guess that's ail.' "Is that so?" -said Mr. Maurice.' 1ý'W1el, Younilg man, yeu're wrong, That aini't biaîf of it.' And be pun!iched a bell button on bis desk. Ada Adams waàetîing dinner an tbe saine little rest'iaranton Sunýiset that evening wheni Obadiah "WeI"he said, 'I've been) raised '1r011 $60 a wekto $1000U" "SoIchard,," said Ada, 'oga tatin, lF1l bet you coutld have got or.howrever, if -o,'dgone back te Pa3cifie.n told them that Mauirice waý 1meetinýg their price."P "I ceuildni't,"' said Obadiah, 'be- cause Paciflc neyer offered anything luý the first place." ,Ada stared inoeniot won- der. "Well, well, weil,"' shýe said. "And lîkewise, weIl," "Even if they bad," s aid Obadiah, 1 couldn't have thoughit up ideas for Pacifie anyhow." "Wby?" asked Ada. "Becýause yen wouldu't have been there," said Obadiah. "AIl those ideas Il thought up were about yeu and nie. fJust seeing you put thein lite my head. Witbout you I could- ý4tthîkf aybng uTact,"-b Where Pe Ne ork Stat! River is thlle grr daybetweven C ed State. Her,- are imore thand across te the tish Empire. -A littie ship -and can anld Caa siîdes c'f Ëthe r pilest Of slips.- the paseners allk iisigist along it, bt lincludîing Bro back and frl bundr ed passec_ 2d, offers an c)f hbow the pe' live side by1 Labour law interchange o nadians goin~ jobs iu eith j laws prevent cross-border altbeugh, du,, a few yéars hotrsewives nada for thuL bacon and, a, in small anic were leuient.i' business crs on that ferr.e countries, bhe assorted fre crates oet m and thien theý sb eep or catt- Iicanmiarkct. weekeuds, t e f social vi -going ove dian friends relativ-es col~ on botb sidi bas been n maurrying.A regulatiens ferry used f united natiot frei n ee1la wives frein r advantage cf cents round want te rid ferry all afts summer day, ntgetting ting in a sort klatsch. 0f a' Ilarger numb)ý Young people heading over- girl friends c taJke their -f American iné As the unr a hundred feis ls.To a S statios like ti- be the best o- for sneaking sud for bringý The truth is th personally alm passengers. Letý iand their casua, stranger is de minutes and asi and that is usut officer said, ' sert cf bord er with anything. only a few office. entries and ail Here there's jus P'm in ne hurry, a stranger who 1 eau take sldai The diplomats. tries may get iute. matie knots an(- about the. goo.d