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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1951, p. 1

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VOL. 15 No 24 OPONO. ONT., TfHUIRSDAY, JULVS th 1951 5-u bscription Church Opening Ceremonies Advanced To Septemberý l- was previously antnounoed by the aBid n d miFinain ce GCointiittee ï. hat t.enew Orono UnýiteaiChturcii livould be, openied f or corhi JtuLy l5th. -andt at mwhicb tua ae !IIaUoain service wotuld be hida. Last week -the oommiiiitaaes repoetod k Z. t2hsi iepenitng dates wouJd have i e ha advantcod as complatioan ,)oLt tin bulIgby the iidle of Jd was ilmtrpoýsîibube. Sîlnee the prleviously an-' rtuedvdtces orf, oaei v& rk bas prgase o suin a point Qhtt tine une aof tinîs building can be visual- izet .Ontward appparance' has beeii inmoted by-the leveing ocf the grounc, eretio f stops asud the fînilsed datr beling àuAitsplce. Thp tntative ooeing dates bavel Dnlbtr xtnsoncftwo m]xonins for ý-tJ3mecampletion of the, building and ~w1htt ins it sihoud be postibe USo Coa he iurch complaetaci n t crailtilorii every dataLjil. Brvdîgthat tina opaniing sePrv- tesare helci 0o-1thceeÉate, e- erth.anid Sptteýmtber l6th l Oi, it wifihave nnakeï apariod scf oaaî aer ntd savein oitihs aince theode- ý-tUiutior of the, form-Ier Parki Street Ljaiitied Ciurch, hIspect.r Carleton Feted Dy Teachers Of Clarke I-tete r W. H. Carîton cf Coin- ourg anîd Mrs Carîtannira Vinhe licn- ooidguasts at a binqueýt tendered hIc ine anoh osff Clnrke tcwniship an WdnesdayJunte 27ti at Crooked ,Creeok oo.Tine occasion vals 'I iaiewvell tc a !oyal friand, -wino hais Sfaitbfully ia itIha field cf Ed- neationir- this ttownship fier nniany years. A 'presentation of an iiluri-l otca adies uidan alpsnoH gvi nade iinipptýeeiatien of his guldance a-md counlms6ftUbough Viah ear Ms <Crtnwas tbe recipient of a cýor- ýkge of r.Oses. Due o a transfici-f ClaIlca tOuwnEsinp Vo West Dur'iai Tnsecorae.dutios viilb inamoe, te nydiided but it is witin regret Ch larea teaichenrs view this cirairga ria gamlzatuuo moi Teà Tot Slated TO Crnme ToOrenoi Orange WaIk This Year Toi B'e HeId In Peterborough li Binis have beer, reieed for the nntul July 1t2 Orange callebration, to ha heliin Pceachougý,in Viis year. w,ýi hlodges fhom saýevon cutti1 ap resatntad. Officiais expact itt to ha thne largest evar halai nm i dttrct Spaakerst for tlino ' day iincludep Maijor J. W. Foota, VC, -Mi ai-te r cf eeic Institutions for Ontatio; the Honý H. R ,ScottMIT;Gro K. Fraise-r, MP; Risq Woýslhip Mayori M. J. S'anto. Mjor- C. G. vrii andý Viefav. F. C B enger. grand ~ Loigesfrom H1aliburton, Vidir,ia. SouthOnal lEatand Wt\ br Ni')thfiunmJ el«an 1d, mad sgsaniPeeroroghouattias wil ittend. The parade wýill follow Vine fl Lamories analcoîediaewîll ha useai ta forim the parada he will stýaï,t at 1.30 p.m., lad b h(-nePctarborlouLgh Ctiz ans' Banild Tin(-prade ll folla.w tia fo1lo, ing routa. dosn Mn taio Ayinner ap Aylmer to London. across )London V:o Georg, doni George Vo Hunter,l aresi unter to Aylmierý, douwn iAyr- mer ùo charlotte. Acrosis Char-iilotte Georgeo, up George to Hante,aces Hutaýr te Burlniham n nd by wav cfl Dalile Ave huto ieriePark wnr nddireses w ;l)haglven. B)ot!-,s whwllJ ha set up in the- park in thie aveniirg ancl e-istreet danca will be ha,]li on Aylmer St, between I uhg nd- CGaÉIlotte StF, miagmunBronvt is genleral chair- mnan for tiret day, Sidney Brouwmn, sacetauyf lE - ayne cihamfun a af munr of ire speakers' coiimittoa; J~A, HIoden, cinairinmai cf Vine fin- ance coimna'tee; John Masteris, chair- main if Vira 'ddoratîon cnnita Jouatlion Bruir, chiremait of Vie cities la Unitedi States andi Cana vith ir na thrilling ehbto of so>ft bal, .irafaci tit is a rce cos onite Orono hast ieen pricked ais oair of Vier sto)p-or'7ei-s t in air Can)ad-Ianu tour aird tna Orpinans aire pro(ud to ba ablaVo hriang sudir au attraction Tin o roire Orpiha)ns Hockey Clu ga ait it ngain iis f ilme t's Soft- 1Tino local tin iras aiot as yot ieen ~onl. pikadbitvan iTnpo-rteci batteryv ibI îire club bais just compbetec ar- be fialded for Vte gaine. This coloreai rangemenits tebaveieHot Tan TotUs club bas a record cf I1Y24 garnes oa WclsColo(rcai Softball Chnypons t.o) 30 luses during Vie past few year«. fenChicago. Tinte ganna e, vill appear hi tha Oono Comnuniuty ark tir Wath iis paipeir for tino exact finweek of Aug-ust.1 date arid plan toecoma andl brig youir Tire Chicaigo Club have briken 1at- S-rihends. An outand"ibg aftraceenôi ted ceOrers la ail tbnflarge&t Jfoc -a commity cf ins rsize.j Forrester Y 1Chiuch. Pc uhttr of lu? Bow anvlleLegion Carnival C .E Competitions Varied Friday, JaIy 6th And Interesting Fer Women T0 sot a Ue carnial under way Wom'on can wîin $100.. thtree l41f- there is 'tp' he a bail gane for a chl-florent ways iisya atlhe Caia- le ge fwphy- ortHpe wo ian Natiionai Eishibitiloii. oane cf themi tropliy last year. and Bwmavleby tediing thie Big Fiir how they wllI bc, figbtirig bard to get lt btaik, th,ink fit sheuld bi>vn. The Legiota Pipe andt Drure 1and wi'll fi, mnarching to thbe High -Scliool Fate- the îive best waýys of ini-ipr-ov- grouuds aet 5.30 pAs. andai the bal. iatg thea C. N. Fi, tUbe wmns div- gamne wMhI be stWrtd at 6 prim. Ad- isiota 15. offerng $10O0. T resncAV inission to tihe gaine is 25 cents. even an enbafry ee Al oty need to do After M4he2bail gaine the Legion ba s i submit five steuggeuons Velirng 16 botoths wîth mian)e new atnd differ- how ta do a botter job af runining ert attractýions - lo,,s of fun for tha woild's largest annual exhiftion., younîg anid - bot dogs, potp, bas- 0Otiher ow$Otcnsitare the kets of fruiit, hlants, stuffd antiChérisenMng cake cctmqetton ansI the mdqals oeltis boxes of chocotiates tf~L tî oiden uz and imanîy ate odrflprizes. tifî ýA ioien uz The feature attraction of thne ave- Amyrepa under the sun, elven a SAnr wiilbeutne gand draw for tinrea aîyniea be -used to întake thle wonderfulpizetsU195 1 rdDeue hriteiigcake. It mttbe Pa ayer 1 do(or 7ed , 7½,u. tUt.Kelinatr cae be filled, froste ind -pprop- Elettiic lfier4oBeatt.y EDloc- 1iatilydtecowate-,d Th'oe vwllliso tile Wshig Mahn. eenbrbe nieprizets fo>r tne ue-u. VOu ],,tave tàrrýe cacs)'lihits in h rffi m ctet uzi dr-atw as tfiheeetickets w'il (il drawn.an Be SUT re antdhave sven1alicbes o pofl to anyotne, (f any aga, proird of, ly 50cent eac or tree or ~ of their icncç,wedgaý of trafifie egl Alsoý 1tre i aspaial rnw o keent aVions. with answnars to ha wrtten tA flie Monsee ap~ e . a aftyrulis gueFstiar. f B>icycle, oUer ir-l's oir Boty'ýs mda. And h :es n opotmt ori vouL wanit chances on ths ovely bîMke. avery hous w - ith a f1îir for gla~- Be svùire and h Mve 1M11 or Daiget morue un hfir wol-king clothas 'to t'ura Tickets 1(0 cen-ts 1each or- 3 for 2c. tlait giam1or 'into prize ony Cone early, see the biatil game ni ]1t'st the new "Woriking Ctlo!(thes"' ejyyourself al evening. Our pro- wnitpatiltionL offeiln handse ýeo,,ds are tc, aqcuip) the Caniadian Le- pitzes for th mýozt ivvel workting gion Roorn lan the ne- Meniforiail Ras- clole c'mbuing both glamnour and' pital, aise to equip Letglon Pipe andl Ufaility Drum BEaad. "Whirp up yeur idea of an outfit In case of rain Carnivl WHI be btth breumilng and ienniactcl," aysi heli ,Sritur-dayvJuiy '7th. voantdirtor MiMs. Kata Aitken. ______o"It mtay be a b ouse ,de'ass. wraio- Orono Bey Pitches rNo Uit wc d se orkitr " ou oa doing the housework. * I1MWn of be f anirly ae hicdted No Ru Cam Agaist Plicas shine inm Vie e caindiBe sonaUty" At Port Hope on July 3rd, Caranm Ce raisin of Orono pjitLcliing for, Ken- dal lVinaheScuitin Duni Men's Hurd bail League pitcned a nioiit, neo rua gaine ngainst tine usuallyibard bît-j tillîg Part Hope teani. Tnt FI(,' ng ir bng up a record for,, imslf wIl hi f ew pitellise ver attain ehther ill profssinalor inatteur rankai. Çnr- main desn t hlisi ti:struaf as a p cirer as ho, peefees Vo plaiy Fecand baise anin titis position ii s nsually' sean. With tins superb plýitcinng Nvmnchi incîudeai 12 strike-out, Kentdalwon tha ganne , hree ta nothîng. Swimming Lessons TO Begin This Mondayi Red Cross Smnmrn and Wnter Slfty lassons wil hagin ï o eniay Jiy 9Vh at 1:30, la tIheOro Park ThLeoviii ha Ilassons eacUinday for cna week anal frein tien con oaly ona b!esson camerveek. Mc. W. Bagnalcf Bwrnil will iainn h ie instruLictar. Rlegistration fea is 50 c2ents ar pulpil ranti:d nyoaai in e district is jvejbeomojj to jetan this clns. You àitaiy register Nvith eitholr Mrs. Metlor or Mu.W. Arrmt'sreong. ocunte t rcnizes nwil ,(a gýlivan mata wIino pick Vina, tie most ,;uît-to o air pPIlrsowtaniity, then ake tt e hst job cf týiing It. Rule No. 1: "Eacln io-n- tdnt mus4supplv his ce nieck. Teen-a-gers -ýof Vine uviu aa chncto vin $5.0,h in t-le Ten-i Agie Dainee comipititon. Ar erio orf balIlpoc dancing i lselig-ibbeandl -îmateui1seaua enter. o)r linm&unade un inai aekttheco ccupaetuition. offfeting prises up to .'50OrO for îmst fiefcinng sand purne-i tiieni etfits modeilealby ysouungstawse up Ao 12. Ai amateur wtuks andl snack ae- Ais cnaiget lulVos the "Daigwood Saldwli cln" tofiist, ptridng ~5t f fr thre met dliectaibl Dagwoad. No contestant wnellbca for-ced tVo et bis cnsiantdwici. TL¶i*se vira love giviang froc avicat Vo othanis sthoniid have a fieli day in tira "1)ero-)thiy Dix" cauitest iBizosi L,7ol gefor -mcst sn ieiahiocs of ha)ndluîng firsbands. nÀeve. guestis, Miideon ainido&gs. Btck aigain arae Viose veretnl faIvOuitUps. tina aduLti Spcilhng Boa ainai Vine TcmYouit Hat content. tinh later wo(n Iatypar hy a Toceute bu'ýirhebIor. Ail tmanîigi lll bca up- Equalized Assessment Givez Advantage To Farmersj !Ph Oarnke CouneLl met Tuesday Nvh llllai aneninen1s prasent. Mnr, C. Prirsitnppruachedi dina eun- cilý, ce a nov aulven t aitRnilton"'E corners, ýthis mattor beinýlg rafeucced to Vie roacisprtnat Mr. E. F. Rial, tine ciuties' assas- sor spoiçe Vo Vina coutneill explnanung fine plinon tat re -onssauss tibia Uaiied Cotanties of Nmrtlnurberland andl Dur- haiii under tie no novplan of equalized assuuennnl.Tinogeneral cibas hucin fouia, tinat fiis plan viii de- cionais rura! l assismuotint slighlty aiud perbapus increasa Vinea assess- onts atun aI rholdings, approxi- nnaLtdily a tiitd cf their prasaut asta- essment iné7bkývaIlue. This in tura ivionilicmoan-a more oquautilizeai pro- portion ard paynant for social services hy tibia ritcapayers. Tire bulk of Virse &siarvicos. helýwevor. yul itiI hava Vto beihernie by tihe inigiar Lass- osrnt.Tine farai, nbr is oh- viouslv of an averageiigher asessed thanan .a sani li hlîing %wldl preido.nnla- ato ýInn sceuoVinin is ruralnan- ipalty. It hais boom preventh iat fins pliant doos correct Vx tio hiroargi assessmneint te atpproeciimantoW nniety anaer cent but viii met aurve eulti- parfmen ou MuidiAl failrs se elndaaoehng o bring about eSane de- -ve#lopinenit trat wibl judtly cure tUbe pifsent ilds 4cf aur taxation is sca Mr. Balli made ecquesit ùfilit Vre néý- aaviru îraingaerts ha soitup Vo ve-ýsess f iin inuniicpality as snemi ais possible. Tino conueij assured bim tihis w-ould hue dosýe at a specital mneet-, ing Výo inahalai duriiag Vine nti 9h f A ienetiiry dscsio as given oeor te vnyts andl nncaias cf pnoperly Burial ei te s tirougout this tcuwnslip. Tino cenlir vas iasitructeai Vo miake a study of the stattutos gov- ennanlng Vina C(-enatoies tiat are nio longer hahuni- useýd for burial puriploses Tino reeve viasn utbtorlzod Vo sipeik with tine fin-e dinief. F. 0. Coýoper. cf tinta villag,-e cf Onctiro ain rero dis- criss praiptamaitueun of finie poteaio fur Vine towauishp cf Clnsr-,ker. MeI. -M. H. Stiaples as ioi)mniaiteai hy councilto bea iria r of Ira coeuity'sanssessn-mont trappea' boaTedi. Tins niniouait cf 2th8 iicn ad Largest Crowd Atte Day At Orono -KENDAL Ou Fri dzipy, June 29'th.tw Burl'ey. *bu~es weui Çnm R'andul boTorontoi ~,ry in tg l i irbus tlie ch4Iiidrei! fmoin the S,îii-th Linie, Kentdal aund Mc- Len'a iIi in bth,(" cnd bits the a4uIlVs. Fix,ýt, ýtthe Prirm tBud- inis weve vi'site1d ain'd thte gro'uvp were Iled ilato thbe Léisiatuire Bu i di ng aind requested to uit down antd reklix. In tie THe ns. L. -M. Fotschiair sntt MatqIter RIoss BlIdolit tId in th e Ilon. J., W. Fooiýts iir. rnetmbr fo.r DurII- in, i 1at MisMarlon Wj tu, The mipn folk saIýt in thle scoats, of thle Op- position. The order of the atttg w'as ex1 Idand it was îFte; tn jto note the dewieelo 1-),en it of thei-ac )s am ibe of autt3olty la iti4 Parliamernts. radtiln bt ý t hat file mace was us inlaclosecmbt esellyby ecesis t,)Vowfo the s\wToird was a fOrbiddletn weipon Fine weather anai good ball ed the four hundraci adult sp, orsi and hundrecis of childrena Annual Spaýrts Day held on M-f JuLry211d in local park. Tîhe anttendance ait 4iisi part! day when Neweastle, Kanldail Orono liandball teanins were pi anrd tlin Bethanry and Orono) gii pssbyona of thba largest in isoyof the yearly evant. Bai miissions at tUhe glatie for adults Iournted to $1!72.50'. Newcastle anjiKncla he thbe opnn ftheportspi-, la acloe ar tig ain. Qua Cptha or Kendal irai Craamf Newaste 'it boinmen ern1il gloingperformances. 1Errera fewandinanyzeros wLIe e ad hesoeboaIrd.Kedlhlte oil aj os oritd c u !ped thbaet eosl Then it foamnd a plî ýyba itmongasm-s ocf 4 o 3. bledlax-maaee. nt se mnucin aua emibliniaf arutinority but as ýa very aef- TaBatlhany and Orono girls thon, fet v e iatapon. .whea Mîýgoro)ustîy took tine fielc andi tis gaine na iniany oxodd n pileservin~g ordere. Whea- ways rasemî,bleci t"hat of tine firstco- avec a Bvitislh Legislature mreets, a test cýf the day-. -Atetr saven, innings ince wil bei fouir on tintatabe. Tlieo of play the scoe ws tuledaiat 5 ta 5 Mince osthaamin-Mrof Vine paloes 11Whneessittd furtihr play, Tnt authoniy as Vie servant cf Vnthe eStin iningi Orono was takan nuut Rennue, anrd is eota filon] its picel 1Of pilay intinree straigbht. Rowmever ofat Vr tAble m5lnNVie Spatakar Betbany mois abie Vo capture tUwo tela ine chair or the Han e oa clns giving tham in'le gaine seven to ina conmmittea. or ises, or whethe five.Th nine m held a granit deal of sfttimug,,is ssedh.Ateto asiitarast antd excitamaent for neaither dnmtnw ntrmanfie tctandlers tain a vec haýd a grsatnt argin of nndio teneRyalStandâard bethind tie ruas over tinuropponants. Speakers cale neiicin conisits of ni sellai block of -opper Tire beauto-ifuulTine Vininc gaie cf tUba day wea 1f- aîz siacil pinuiirg 1c previtus uiy,ýed hetween tuhe winners cf the Preiiswreadmnireai ivinn,,k-lfOrst (Nrwcastle) andi Orano. Jantes ing a tour of tihe roomis. 1ucb 'nter- tok the mound for Orono and Ceea- asting infortnaItion asgaiined b\-; mer!'for Nuuato ha reieïved hie bcttb children and aduilts from tidis Gray ita tive fiftin Ia r c Tnt opa- ist. Thie Mitiitn Air Paut was Vthe iso ii -Mthve firsit gamne colisiderabl~y next raIl andi everylhody feeing the mare errors nuare ooultdou bath iieed for a EtVle ntrtthVie caf e- Idas allowing for thbe greater scoceý te a-,ns obaurdedu Thon te tihe oh- cf aine Vo aigint. Orono truaillad New- Sev tiiowmr fhs a giranokiar, w cse until tite frst of ta enlh~ o)f the airpouttwasý, observelduandVthe vtuien tlnay bgd a onte rinu lead but giop motre cIe Vo wntirithre inieoi- Nev.weastle daove ironie te esox cg aim AiotgMing of planes. 'llere, scores l ino est of Viuli Iingus V wmer facillites for anyonw ,Iî<Abing te ake theo gaie froinithre Lioeaus Orotnta huy gifts or novelities air a ase apost seamned t'o al, h iat added saark in office. Piton this point thea group tienofelai to put the ratai figIitng ire ikaun teo Riverdabe Zao and thbe spirit into nUe gaime. manny itre an nd anrusitg bleds and anýima1s were chsarved. S 1ans Bngo brouglit thea day tVo-aclosê owlus, vutures, nu, angles, ospray, ýýhenn many attending took part-. bears of âail& d.dae lions, tigesTn:B ows urpe.fo g &to wolves. fox, , ciînmpanzee, beavarS1 tine generail pae aof tine gaznx etc. ware con view togaitiner witb a. witintio s-Lia'l prizes. siga giving tle1neiative ha-unut. It 1Taking everytinig intoicnie- wa a rad day. not tboccool and ainttsi osby cof c iabest i ot to otndte group bad a mosit Anniu-al Sportsý Day yet te bei bcfle enjyallletine.arnd hndeed a mIost profitable ole- Me iii;d Mrs Leo cdcc and sin al sonm Daiof Tcio!nlto, 5spanit ine hol- dýiay week-end t Vine fntrssum- meri home bora. Mrs. J. WI. Jck of oohais heenvrstg for ai voek wiàh r M. anild lflrs. Ceeu itaatns. Dr. anid Mrs. Wallace cf Budni' rpent the wveek-eiid, -Mir. àrid Mrs. H.. R. Reyna&os of Ceasarea nid' Mr. and Mfrs. Lorote Re"ytilds rof Toiiontc, spent Monday with Mr. antd Mrs'. li, <Oontined on page ýeightt) 1Orono Public School Final Students Pri Buedte Grade 9: Mary Ann Arn- stong, <Renouas); Adelle Cooper, Ross Lewis, Mairie Lav,,is, (Honeours) Douglas Lycott, (Honours): Roninia West, Jack Watsoun, Jaick Wilson. Paissed te Grade S8: Doreon AlldIread, (Hoour);Ana Best, (uHnous); Joan Carhrey, Douglas Gamsyli Gaunsby. DaiiePirasey, Jack WiI- linmn, Danieeii White, Donald Ser- Btssed te Grade 7; BnciRý ooey, Jin Hudson Joyce Jones, Bob Kno,,x, Ber- aieLuit, (Renioues); Glory igott, Barl Rutiiofed, Shirley Vaigg. Teacirer: K, Foster Passeci Vo grade 6: Cynthia Bruton, Erie Carlaton, Gary CooDper, Benne Ceuvier, Iris Koropatvn, (Ronours); aniaWilliai-tr, Ana Wýoodyard. I>ssed Vou gira-de 5: Joan Aildrend (Honours); Gaul CoeMarlonel Grainn, Victour IHall, Janie Knox, Rusilmajor, Douglas Sieevin, (Honneus); LaiurEnca Shlerwi11 ia, i ~ t~~i Grant uSmh Passed Vo Grade 4: Joani Allint, (HRon- ours); Wayne Bailey, Vincent BruSt on., SuLisan Futr Hnus;BOb.- by Lewis, Donald Lyc-(et't, (Hionontxai>ý MaldolIi cetl,(Hotnours); PaS- aýy Reïd, Contnie Tyrreil, (Honours> ý Tommie Winter, Darlene Coopeîr. Teacher: (Mrs.) Ethel Ca)rltetotii, Passe(d o Grade '7>: Roger Brow~ flouglas 'lL ]rabAId Wayle own, Blobby Carbrey, Terry Ca rIe4on,. Shirley Dunean, (Ilouours); Barbnae Emstace, (Hon.ounsj; Romfa Glantvi1le, (Honours); Junte Heron, Tony MiS chelli, Mailyn Mîaj or, Heather Ruth- ceuford, (oois;~Pau!l Mi'tablyn, <Honors>;Ross Tamrblyn, Biflly Passeed Vo Grade 2: 'ShieilaBarbU Philip Bruton, Viciki Cotter, Donnij4 Cowan, Mary Fouaid, *Hnorz Bonnie Graham, Patsy Joneis, Suzié- Major, (Honlourrs); Larry Mille-e, fl(onours) : Roibeiit Robins ont, Judy Tamibynt, Ronald Taylor,Mrgr Tyrreili, (Iflonours); John Wan Win ter. Pàseied Vo Grade Mji.Franeýis Ttenteaut Teacher: Bortha M, J. ai per Yeai I -1

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