Take Somne Sugar "01 olfer pur ant-rated ý ergy for he hmaisbodreai i and Im bcaply.auswsgbc r'It i bickdgs '-lisndwidl - ThacS)t iwy t is csied t:il i0 r emergncy ack scd 11111Ser sIndia iVËs lhesecond taiesgrse efsgr aeiti 4te0 i yc ml lions aiber peoi arestavnige caose tbey eC'D niresuari tei regainbisstre muand bis wiiita fos italiu ta btS is beit cAne acae (at the preentate abebrest cus 10ftans a he ace frojlpaced ih 40 s 7iiiiava, the' stea1 ai staD'Lplrva ýtion, no hvingil- For lth i' iis cniistance 011,7a wit tcny-waofbyroensu Têt gaf xen s esusa a "CcUnstanlxd xste u igt A sllugaraneornsuga rbetplant inales 1.7ocýsfcarboiis diod gdatrfoni he so3, gthrs 11f light, sudtursteiandinto a unce of ugra.gsi Mpasalrine sud ails.n o or iuciating lail. t ýd"ttýe At î ýCmf2(ingam Univesty a $)ylon onùýt ofisugar. A ne anti- Fruepr eainogbas a encd- 4In Jamaica citish bnîss sonred y heDeprteu a Cute Cuticles - For the smallf price of $1000 you too can de- corafe your fingers vvith dia- monJ-studdedi shields, Fashion Creator Melleria of Paris models the& shields on plaster casfs of the wae' hands, forming thé zshieds f rom platinumn, and sprinkling thern with 186 smnall stns- totalling six carats of s-parkling diamonds. blwas !Mr tgaing ta bc put juta hecoaking-pat wbeu be was aJ- fered anc (last cac ytechief of the tribe, "'If you eau showie saîneýthing l've neyer seen befoice, VU Set you. The miisianaly took foshis pockt a igactte-iighter -anýd fick- eA thle mbeel. TShe, chief wasas tounded and cxcLmmed: MaYu eau go free. Tbat's tefirst an ie fthos thngs lvec ever seen that lyihste fathe ïgardýenýVer iSere s nthing maoremnxasprtcg than a bas eta is i'tlogeug" Eýg are prie of the Most îiouish- mng umeat substitutes. Their verqatil- ity ir coaking, their- mild, delicate ffiavor, anid their universal avail- abit ake thern a unique food, Thv hiken ishelis - cuistards and puddings; they srve as a klaven- -we4etn aicrate te ioair iii caker dtey ake goad caatig-as, for breadi(ed nmeats; thecy serve, as binders for meat baves and, cr0- qute;and eusfesfrsalad dressîngs and cream puifs. in adi- tio,.eggs add colar tand flavor ta. individuail dishecs, and make attrac- tive garnishesfor canapés, salads. and soup An imprtantpoill nareebe sucokn ggs is that tbeIy awy require a moderate ta low temýýper- atue Tey shouild bctake fron the re-friger-ator about ancl hour be- fore usîniýg; it is casier ta separate yOlks anId whites, and theybeat -,up fastr ad ta larger votlme,, if thet eggs have frst been bro"ut ta Whncomlbininig botixus with eg,ýgs, as il-,aking custards soufflés, c, pouri the hot lmixture slowly iluta the beaten e ggs, Stirring or beatig constanty. leftover egg fhte, if storedià the refigeratr in a tighitly co)ve.red 1Jar imay be beld for- a e or ten days, etoe yoik, i stredundecr-wýater inu oerdjar in the rerieatr ms bcheld for twa oor three day ýs. Thiere reseenbaic wYst preipare(eg gsba,, fry, brou, poach, srm l akýe intaoOnîelet, anid cook in the sheil. Mo\fst Ofths ways are hsmilrta hoeneviebut the omelet is ajften considered diffi- cuit. To make aý gond omelet alllowv one table-spoon of umiIlkfor ecýIh egg. idt enaugh butter in skillet ta fi0 a thin Layer oeenire sur- face.Becat eggs Iuntil wbitsuan yoiks arec ixdthei n-bet inilku and sasning. Pourametnt hete killet :and Ccak Slawy.A itbeist tickýen at the edýýfges, lift it, tipptinlg skilIletsa the ucoe patins iiow tficbatn Do0 not stîr, but keep 1:ueet a k\vel as possible: Whlen mi:iture sill. nO lger faw icras hat for a Careflly losen dgeswitb pau1 aud fld Camelet in ibhaiiad sreo warm platter. 0 plin omelet Cheese,, parsley, hnjly ub rontoniata, apmlI hrb are amon thle umst popuilarFora haryandj devlicions luncheon dsltry ervin Noo-die Omelet 1¼cups uncooked noodies 3tabiesýpoons butter or rmargar- 2 tabiespaons finely chopped anion 3 eggs 2 tablespoons rMillk orwar V, teaspoan sait Dash of pepper. Meth(Iod-Cook noad]les utldone and drain, Cook oio n ute untIl soft but nat broxvned, Tass noodies inta anian mixtre taheat. BIend leggs, mlksat, ndpepper with a fork, Mixwell bult jdo nolt beat frothy, anud pour mitrover inoodies, COook rapidly, iftiug the myixture itb a farkat the Saine imeI tipping skfett let unIcüooked eg Mire faw ta batom of ski!- let. S~eskýillet wiecoakinug ta bc certaiunomelet is nat sticking, Whlenit i', o0 0lger flows, reduce hecat for a à nteOr twO ta set aie- let complCtely. Loosen1 edges and slide satua under tUe ameet ta be sure it is Nre. ld in baif Garnish -with arsley ad erve aon Giazed AppLe Slces Firm apples Granuiated Sugar Butter or margarine M4ethod-Cut apples i11i- ta Y- iincb ri-ng sfices. Dip bath sides ýin ramnultd sugar. Brawn quicl fin sietthat is lightlygead with- btter or pjargarine. Tucn ami1u brCown other side. 2 tabiespoons bread crumý-bs 1 smali (-o.71aupimIieInS, Muthd-Mlt bmuradd tiaur, sai tn(nd paprika. Aý(dd ikgradui- aIly, stirring osanicokn n tiismoth Ad hîf becheseand haifthepinienosBreak eggs into, a wcl-butere bakng i, beiulg careul 'o abekthe yik.Pouir sueover eggs anId sprinkle it remaningcheeeand pimientos auýd crnbs.Bakuat3-5 .for 1 Creamed Eggs ài Bologna Cups Hard-.coke'r ggs White Çsauce Suces or bogna Methlod.'LMa'kecrad gsb conîb1ïinintg cnt-uphadcoe eggs aýnd wbt-ac.Brovn roundlsces of bouogna in smatUdrppigseAs meat helats it cuis"ta orna cvp, Ui vihcemdeggs and serve an platteýr uwi renbeanis ïand Egg isnd CheeseCae 4 egg, beaten 1 tAbePoon grad omir, Ci culs four PY teaspoon Sait I/P teaspoon pepper iteaspoon baking powder Vspound sharp cheese, cut in Y4.. inch cubs Miethod ,- Cobie ggs withl onionfour, Abig powderand seaýsoning, Ad hese Hatfat, in fryiug pan and diplarge spoa Onf mnixtuire sud d rap in lbot fat.,flrown- De~ n bath ides, trning Once. aks12 ks After a Century Meat Still Fresh A prbiei tht hs log bffled mankid bus ben solvd by Unitd Staites scientists aftc tbicyears o)f inten-sis rserc "0w apre- thant it', ieai meiat tr DOCTOR'S FIRST AND LAST-ln 50 years of practkce. Dr. A. W. ("Bill") Jones delivered more than 7500 babies. When the comi- munity paid tribute ta his long service, the first baby the doctor ever delivered, Mrs. Margaret Rice, right, and the last, Michael McCormick, age three months, were on hand. Dr. Jones boasts a. record of having delivered 98 per cent of his babies at parent's homes without ever having lost a mother. ;immi.ediately ta preserve up ta 50,- ,000 OOpaundscoffooad anneuly. A-ftcr long and often fruiîrîess cx- periments, three sciess rapped a keg of iamibairight and<piaced it onat shlf in their !iabor-atory. Then they ý-sent a30000vl charge of electrons thraugh it, That %W about two and a baf ycars ago. The othier day tbey inspected t he pamb. It was as fresb and as tasty as onithe day they wrapped it Up, WVhat is the secret of iits feb nless? It is the ccto, rays fri 1.wbîch kIil the organlisins thýat mcais decay in faod and ather per- ishable goods. 'The sccintists know 110W that the lectons hrm oiy twoi kinds of fý-ood anid plant ei -tbeccîes and lettuice. Don'tbe in a hurry ta scrap yaur rergrtrjust yeti, butDPr.,rn Brasc, lederof the sinii en who mnade the d (iscaver1y, saysî is sure at fodcan be preserve iudefCiitely by ithe neýw pracess. -Mare than 150 yeaýrS agoapo- leon dcidd tat te reerato of food i;11 'ome esilyptble)c forni would bc of enarmaus as- sistance in the a'peratio-ns of iS armtiesa50the French Gavernment offered al$500 riZe for the best metbodl of acbieviing this. It. was wani by a suaýn namled Franicois Appert wha found a wsy of' pre- servig fond in i-Hmouthd bat- tics, corked and sald Thomas Kensett, a nihan , foliawing; the sarnýe prîinciple, took ont the first patent forprcervinig fod( in tin cans in 1u2 U Ce al kaw haw geat bas been the developnîents in tu cannig industy sine then, ago by acLndonexprto(fad preservaýtia, ad urc i0Areiti wastcs dnring tî eac or the Fra.nlJiinEpeiia were fonnd in xcllnt onitonby Canadian "Mautie~' aoutfive years aga. eioerx ALTAdINS "May thse twills cor-ne osýt to plity?.!AV need 'enm for . ganie of Qluoits!" Sciente Continues Its WarOnC ce Countless Bqld Expe-,riments Doive Into Complox Mystorkos of Dîsoanse E TR' O[h: H r hEiefirst of T", aricesonthE paresof aie rese rchý, r;iten by tise Scence Editar of the Amnericanv- Cancer Seciety who rcnl comnp!eted a tihree-mionth survey of research supporired by, the Societ-y. i i ves;tigaltia.n took him ta o ît cýf thse universities and isaspitis in, 35 stait swhsere thi Cancer SýocietY bam invested in resbarch about S3,500,00Oo i( ct, ctd ast ear. By PAT McGRADY Science Editor, American Cancer Society ln laboratories ail over the U.S. and Canada, eetit nd young researchers alike are striving for one goal-the cont-)rai of cancer. 1 have just completed a nationwide tour of these aortris te find 'what progress has been noted. And there has eei ro grEss, althoughý no definite, complete cancer curis ctknvn But each, project is meaningful. A bohscs sriý n a ne w --n ctbiod[ of analyz-ýing trace metalisin biaod. A",cytologistbas is tcdapcirstruictun, re fco cancer c Abiochcneusitas foad a paricular protei change as can- cer takes avc the coui. Au imuna- cheusist Jbasicvsd hteb ncgIlndsgrow hntaslne Soeo fl these may neyer :-ave any bearingonCil an)cer. But each contibutsIalittie tsametbîig t ouir understaninilg af that basic Unit of lifý, tecli Adit'.is allbur ml chanlge ýi h c11t( ma Saebw cligoéswr gMay- be Mt 2 Wcclàin1te iugsor a wo*- mnrs breast or on tle akbn or in thetbrmatSonetuhin eapens tait, and cancer cames. Wbt cauises the change intec cli? Tatswbat sceneistrig ta0fCd ot tay be cduectOa a ezye a su bstanice rucdby cil.Or mai:ybe-i' ue a a vitainin, or a baps it's thi-e resuitf of diet, nerves, habita, custanlis, drugs, ray, Cheni- ical, viuses o]br orgaiiýsis, fiuisome l, aboratorýy ;in,.saine city, som sceutstis mvestsgatîug eacb, anC of unee passbitssud ciMauy Eac experimeuter bas hope. Each Meistuat bis Workis leadig ta ai evutul answer tath ridiçie, M0t-f ThleI, of coursýe wilIîprove ta bc dulds. Te'lbe, diuudsa a ascne;S cuend bult they'll addM a liýttie- someý-thïig te our generii stoe i kawed e otbey won ,t be & det ate itme. p~rl~ps ac ait1sf sicie;itists evei ~q~ iserighttrac, k. I dreds of theui tlîat canscru îig bc contrallcd ccnualy he nsv vil ýcame froitebsc ifna mental resear-ch li onga.It mynat Ihe for,0 easbtitil It's impossile ctau eciec î an ahesar fctoo tcialfor But bee arafcw tbat arexcar- aging,îthat show ow thle dedds angle: VIRUSES hvc be" poent be reSposilefor certain inds ai mncacriS.,Ncvtcless, w ýiork ian vrsscont:inules. I iomngon mdlc., an muoheitbsfounlda virues ad dtermueivhat cfm icals comprise theni PROTEIN micls'r h faunýdaition of;,livinig ,Ilattcr. They aret amliatdcatiops, cnan ing aino acis.Cacer bilds ob pene na oher ba y potins,' learned how tamesur te ate of protein produlction anld proteindle- struction in bumprans. HORMONES anesstnes s creted by ýIgýlnds. The.,ýiy ay ave a great iral taý- do witb certain types acancers.ý A Sait Lake City scien-l tist bas fud in experinilents Ian. mcthiat an adnenaIlhorimone playsv a part in dclvelo:plsueuït of leukemi, acancrer of th-e white blood cels. Hie ti&it's partiy t hc euta ii)nfficie!t horost)Ie poute. the uterniemranof tlle aden GENES are evep snialer than CANCER RESEARCHER, Sorneday the ds;eoe -will be ccqged, fao. -çiles strung anut lke ubcds (oa long choooefiblres Theyv contrai inheritable chàaactristics. Saine scýieutist-, like a group at Stanford Uuivercity n abrnati gene chlanges cause canýcer. Tbis gcoup bas been able ta, cause gene changes- svitb canccc-causinig rays ani cherru. icais. CAUSE ofcacriocuse bai nfinding thie cure. Huuidreds ai cassa'acrare- alrcady !non , bu tbeli r y be 0n(, un-j derjiing cauisefor al cancers. sci- enc.ceis trying ta find euit ii there is, Onec înteresýting epermet tak place in Portliud,"Oce,, and1atStan- fard, wbercescientists gave anc ans- înay aknlown chenîical iau3scs af cancer. Strongeiy, the nialde- veioped necithier type of cancer. The twO ap ctycancelicd uiaciî other ont. Thiose ar'amples of scme ce- searcb plojcts beiug conducted in leading ihctces iu lOnC wiitelwetber an,"iiýây achen re o shc right erack- Making Grandpa and Gran.dma Brainier Big-scale expeiin %re to 1be madetIissumer wi a nw rug ta~~~~~~~,j caîii hoyta eupepl uip the meni'Itail pawec o_-edclymen brains with moreaxgn Knawnas ctohrov , he iqu11id dra ln froilIlh bearts of hrJ7CSes.'- Itis awbeig anns Sra1i aiiedrypopchvarad beentcet witbtir rgi BrtsJ si tal. Thý,(x e r suls ere triilgt Ilthei m 1n a d women when oe dr(grwascarfy up cdý in ta stm60ulAD thr badesg cey Sanie sun who oin'teerdta bathe in air eficient in-axyge aned tr s4 ti be,co buredo.t If tethe eîicw cxeîhnnts aresuc- o esni pote aeaenan sd a- pa ceýnt a;i brsisnrh ri ater îng ï adiîoaruiesbdeasa