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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1951, p. 7

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3y Richard h. Wîtkitm~uA Mls. I.'lr asVery-, ug 0 iiud trlc nare atbl', ma ried. Phiti ý1iee boy.Dý rm remeube xihenAlvin and I xx ci Sbt ai klii1 sriedliard C lainh yes, Ispoeteywr.frIdid hIave ilsosaotm isad dlarlinig, utayohaeaotor Phlil. Aud theni-" Mrs i tterS ips iltîe "i tac -Hon deadu!" bubnislot ntralï xoa chaIser- ,c11ewasfrgfuyupt u tbngifId onIly o ea bm T'Otitis dayDaveisrpeartI-e! aiud gratefut' ;iand 1 dclare I thînkli 1J have the ef hsa Odi lie worid., "I snp.-eic wsfrtn rx s Mirc. Lutîer leaned towardlaer dear, tt1if w isl ters cou-ld bne fit by ýthesae xprinc. ou Phîl is vers handsome, 'sud 1t[Gr et - chenare r ii, -is very beanifiul."Sb smniledî. "X eCIL dariling, Isml must bc gong." B;eth a on taxinocp ped lier chin lin, hlerhadsdsrd is verybeuifl. balîd Mrs. bitter anîd isilluisined . Poor') Dave Ltler Hw dreadfuif miiu.'if CutyClub b 1eld ifsns-tl' pring opnn bI.Phiiland Befb weunf1 Cra igsaid mischIicvou y:-Kee your aeewonthat lîandsone bus- band ftor fnhBeb Te thle mostsedctive gown11. Betb Jaujledî. Sbe sýtrovc for -and manandant attitude ofinier enace.Eenlafer wben 'Le saw Gt;ueenCarer, blondend gorge- ns In -a1whifellmly gown ht a tracyseuctivedse wouLdflot ad- peace of pind. Shedacdtefstdne ih Phitad then, cnscionsof is Luther warcbiher frmaos th onconscinuIs o oi Ltby Craig's nicieosglsncl(e1 she de- lib)erately ignOred b er bsad 1, asquite Lby accident ltat to- wvard the idïle ofthe evcingsW icsawPhil,,sl ýfip thrgbthe-renc Uidf cdn~Cranyi anta cidtb thaf set beys Weig arun te rooi tit l'eNfnn Grteni: iCrIte. Asa tenlerdberttodti. Grechn 011smong toî-t'ardtc, siu-e rnc thIdo.]Ic dv AbMy dance!nBeta?" "Nshe slCc ai 'No Tom, Ile go aheaace .. Exus swiftlyblindly.Withoutcosci race, sfood thr lbte d ii (tîght A;ïlirupalish sw tif nI-fwo ig-e ucne resiued outain sthe skyat the fac nd fithe errce tdin irfae.f wck igeii ntt wonraîî xv hoLfciaberobbeud vierofbe of r f iil-,s , spd log li 'I f boaun troghThe New výYork, Tmes not long ago I chanced upon au artice enfited "Northern Occh- ards," vriften by 1, B. Lucas of M1ackale, Ont. il:mas 50 infrme- in fat I fhink 1,11Iljusf pich t and Pau if adong ta reader of thi, colun-wixb sincere thanks tu Mr. Luas Ihopý-and eiveyul enjy i îuf a mu s I did. !he j-c *ý past sventecu vers, Igrow itlsh ilesnotboToot , were îot- ing butliebaîctaitisoap f0 saly, ithex i-eqiî e Winter profer- tender for consmercial orchards mnay prov hady in lnortblern cii afes under!the shcultered cudfiîî o aà home gre.esciiy i tey ar kpt is vgrscniionof heýalth, Nn-et of jmy tîces are tistd asonot hardy for tis dAistt and y et over the past twvodeas my hý osses have bee i tenelig- ile. Yet even flch sitis wrog fr fritgrowir',Andvinceie ngarde is t1x cnfy five miles foilay iz À,-' able body of water if S subjeetto licions 1Wfe rsts wcrn the orees- are i in iwom orlatur: 22 degrees about deciding wbere fby w-SlSU(>- ceed. Ttîc Conice pear bears -won- dIerftlfri in îilýy orchiard, bttdoes not(do(ICI I 100 Cmiles faî:ther -soufhl mn the iagrapeinlia, \where the condifioîis are logicalhy morecCoi- geil.i i:swchgon obn aproebshs vcein qaiy ouvrifs dessecrtexlenes offset ta oieetetby tighf c1rop- ping sud tflic extutaycasiflta ef rcach crmgae suipport, Ancti fra a xveak iunion w>if h flicqîicunesokVaiy Conference is a lso oastisfcoy In cotratfo te xprinc o soc] ie rdnes n hr udnîr Aîd l ~ iskx' f0 prudiefia a'yse i l ifrit \'.il do in -aspciîfie locaion.Oneof my tests with Peaches showcd tfat Vedette proved arier sd more ptolific iîaî eg other vrictis, sd was quaî good lu quLIit3. Apples iltathv tbried i my arde ar, ir order of hard l.i inessda erliIes e Io Tanpaen, Attchhs e, Mcîîitosh su Deticiouîs nîse trcc lit is fl-,ibetcmc youg o l'tlias lt yc, t itfome diat dufin sd (-4yngoffruit trce5 sud tiuniiiig ni crop-s iflt ui imrve lic quality of the fruit but aso b iln rsstu against flic 1 CI ] foken, 1aànytbiig that low crs tîse \itatity (of a tree, sncb- as transpý,laning, spr7ay îjury, in-ý correct pruîîling),,, sprîng fioods or suinner donglt, ïay iestmît ini thee ae sx(r)1ssysofcompen- the uropan ed mtwiliclî biadl been onl a inor nu1-issuce in pre- Vions yarsuddenty 1iucIlrcased 'See The Bàidie"-That seems to be ïthe idea as 21:2-yea-,r-old Philip Gill turnâ dthe tables on thie cameraman. Philip wacs waitinig f0 board a plane for Casablancg, French M orocco, where he'!lt o'in his father., agaiîîst the xx alîs. (The wodden sec- ion îeed f0 be),tatienngi1--ra avec treitopso trees. t) temnciuur 'j'co>p d o "j -f IoVrpingm ith urla iaycx tenwte arin o aefy by aboutc, 10 degreest xx in oodu ovrssaedI nofon-i-th wo tissue but also thpraue pe d lito forty be- ulow ero C)iiimygrdn the femerture i the open sudia wudr th ecoil. Etrmety col fepraue edoilat mr ta tbrec or -,otir o' fit dAid helagi miound ofsoId it bi lt up arund th bae of lîe runk, weher oode coer rcuCd or noilfp-. A u lce ou top of his lsdofbedpsa"but itmbe frlot be addd nutî he groedai frzs ol lid ndth uic hvees XX ttittis xta pofctiîîdurîof ttî -s'incrbeathytrs will srougi- viv etrîlycod iners. yt e \Yoriethe of doubriîîg vince aga;i(,Fasthny kiîd of amage f0 the fruiit rees dungtaegf xig ea- sou ýad of filowingte e t cl-2 ;ilral rocedres th ic wreide iîtu greesiibaeso cabgrfiass arenow psbin afrog drainy agaeer'socreulyted as sist a terabss itl rcach sis contvigoouxssage,11spreading theocizoana nc S getospee ldotn jun o fly fr is5 nc,- * P 'oa civea b awnforlit i com ofthe fi5 eqiieove a heavyoii and d0f bp ety rassitii a wel- Dog Robber?-Prinicess, a police dloq, is "in the dog houseý" at aj Los Angeles animal shelter after being booked as a suspected occomplice of her master, Ro- bert C. Wakeland, in aý robbery attempt. Offkcers said Wakeland tried to rab a man while the dog held another man anid womran at boy. shaded. 'Also, ee ftetw seed ,was, pur e iint1e c inng seeds of srabgrass , i Iav)een tying in the so-;lit or 'anly yeaýrs will germiinateý if thec- are brou-ght to the surfaice 3 pdigthte ground. Laten t seeds 1keep geriungn 0%('r a lng prid.vth ed of ripen witîn a weec Ment 1today, wveifcagrs bas inýfested the tawn.Tw rlibl maýr1keCt w 1icIl % wileiminae tis on1ce1resistant wedv bihu urt- ing ittr mr hiepoaiy witb even miloreprmii hei cals ad c netos f plia tion. The two rlemne hmcl acetate, kn-iown ii the ta a pears on the cielv«, of garden sp- trade name. lTO learn thce mwia su]Its, 't1p e dicionis foriah rn crbgas rm oth)er grassy wceds, mIay ih o start attaCk[inIgilil s soon as tî\w')or tre fit eaves are- viiin earI3sume.This is etrl rciaecp hti job). 01e or twýo flo-pfet ment"s are ncsgyad ht these mjay be givenin iiJniviy, researchc me omC 1kOinend thiatwork becon- cludied innid-Ang t t tht ime, ,u ten day s aprtw11atc lticea sonslest seedings, y et attack the mature plant sufre they go tM seed. PMA i rcmmned sne tacts On thle rots aý nd surfaceseedIs as Wclt as on the foliage of crabgrass. TJ'is chemuiical mnay t ake as long as tbrecý or forwesbowvever, for KOCN s(reommed ed, in ce its action is morle rapidÀ. At that ime p)lanlts arcaptin o mature îindi drop- thecir seýeds efrea slower h lerbi- cide take effeetr. An3 ofý the KOCN mixture eau be used arlv as wel as late. At the Expeiment Stai owe PMA was dsovrdas ai means of killing crbrs ý-i as also beenl found thaet combiniiiug it wib 2.44D ini the seasoni's first apiaiuwl elimînate. the bodevdweeds, sncb as plantain and dandelion, at the uame time. Subsequent applica- dosofA tn e QI-fý'iI, aLt'the rt directed on)l theùcontdainer, ueecd f0 be made as usuial. PMA, wýhich wa originlalty dvlpdas a funtýgicide, Wilt succesfycLýýFj ombl a ýt:dollar Spot and oheIawndiees Botb PMA and KOCN wi L cue a sliht rownling ofthe lc awn grass, ibut the effect shoufld wer off after a cupeof wekIl otber wo(rds, thelawn grassýes re- cover wbl tbecrab)grCass dies, Thte daml-age will be- mort,- e seee, bw- ever, if fthe grass is eut toc, short, if too strong a concentration f the chemnical is wued 'r ifth wethe Some of'Àthe crab,]grass ch emicals are sold a i,, s, some as pow- ders to bc nsed lcither wet or dry. Wben applied dry, the two-wbeel fertilizersedr does ithe job effi- eîently andis handy tonuwe, fisimporýitant f0 know thile di- mensonrs ofte tawn, since the kilter is ilsed faiven area. T(i If h hriid s pled iný ahowmanysfure feet tbebc o-t ofi- tLe(ï praye icve.Th amthro wateruedf dttei maftersttle sloga tatw taie witha leltueysale The eflrfime th grasise Ut ftr crabrass kll Oersapid the awnMowsopuP be set wu anf 01ekand a baîf to inches.W kilfore teepesn-dyeemn- Sicals w re icvr, arent for nIcbass and at ,jI the ees %ilTey nt ol italpat il wbL ib they acm ncnat u are Idýýnes tobanle. hene scmondI aestatouse iflodi)- aryspreaufions aure e.An hS afý en electiive; ,Tha.s hyw kitoe ind of plantifhu pr nently afectirg th jjD.e. Potas-i sium cysua the cb srltv with the daeadcompoSund poas 8y HARTOLD .. ~**,* ARNETT -~ I -'j s s N 'j' -'j N "j N N 'j. N N -i "j Si 'j, N N -s N N "j N 'i -i -'j N N N N N N N -'j, -s Si N N. N N N 's Si N N N N "1 'I N Si s N 'i '4 N -'j N 'j.' '-'j s N N h s- '5 'j, s' N Si N N -'j '4 N '4 N N F A TAM MOTE4'ER(GL-ASS TUBE 5SrOPPERED WITP SFOtGi RUBBE£-R) MAKES. A G00r j A&PLICAITOR FOR LIQ.UiiD PoUýspTc. 'TWvo- TONED SHES0T-E FLOW OF CLEANER MAY SIE OIRECTED.

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