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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Aug 1951, p. 3

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I I By Richord I-I. Wifkinrori Chuck \Wallace asbardboiled! Fiigdid. ile owned bis ov.n laneýI jobs for pr-ivateiee sts,i n pe oing res11.cl":ues 2foi-r(rewrd oney_ He balud qte a rutain.\\bn i theannual pdîs'bail, ]he was preened o edil Itd Aimýa M1l- Chuck Aim wasverymode, ver sur o brsif uedtc geing I Chuek. tChluck wasnî quîk 10 Icth n wup l )to I li a lmosi falen came : iniat1iia vouniig iflyeri-ad 1been losî *in thIe \woods Itt av im ai ChancMe to gel aa a l.ITcefact il]-at th vounlg lOsî flyerl-a ls 1Don1 Maily %Ala's brohe, dd Il s, adIloffered a fatread Chuck WaIIace iloaded op and took, off the nexî mornitng in bis ,, seplane. That nighitlhe set dowan on a litie wooded lake, 150 miles front the niearest hlabitation, and cestab- lisied a base. The next day he beý- ganl systernaticaily to comb the2 country. Ilinflthe afternioon hle reurnd o bis base, anild reCCcei ved ilasbhock. Therei, was anothe plan ridinig(on the sutrface of the lake. Me saw a figurile stanidingl on the shýore. I1t was Ajima Malloy. "Whiat's the lei" e akd What do youl thmnkDns y She had br1)iougit aionig alotciof thie îhinigs cCuck hadnl'î thouight neesr'. There was Iuoîhinig he couiled CO about ber being there, so hie set uJp one of tibe tents anid ate the suipp)er she cooked for im.i Thle xtday hle lew west anid co0vered a strip 25 miles wd.But lie d'Ldniii sighit ayinig, and wvas geiniely worried wben he return-ied to tibe base that nligbit. The niext tmoring, just beforeC noaon, he sigbited a planle on a lake SU miles east of bis base and set down, taxi-ing up besidje t. i stood on one of the winigs and cIljed to ihiim. Chulck scowled. lHe idn'>t like this. N\ot a bit of il.... At 2 o'clock -lie retujrned 10 bi lls baeand4jounili desertedl. Alima and (lher plane ihad go-ne. He swore iud palcked tup bis equipmentThe next oring lie reached bis blorne 4laudinig. Hie ,wenit hom1e ,and sbiaved and bafIýtbed and got inito bedî. He %vas d1ea I ed , but Ihe couIid't sleep. The u exî mornii-iing hle took aax to te Malory' bomle anid asked for Am.A butier toid lbim hIat shel hald gn do-wn to Bfrîiarsfild to v-iSit frîc1iens The frienlds', ilnmewas HansL1,comb, Cbuck canigbî a train for Brirsflita ftro Ia. e aýàrrved at: 5 o'clock i ild iocated tÉlie- Haniseom hlomie. Alii tbley to)Id bimi, was onit horseback ridîng with cbuick renltcd a hlorse and weltt lookýing for bier. Two mIiles fromIl thle IHIascomb h) Iomle ibe camle lup to aspot wbere the bridIe trail vwideni- cd. Titere were twýo Iborses il, the Acearinig, standcinlg close togetherI. Rodny Nus ws tryintg to kýiss thie ider of lCthote, a rd bade C h uck1-rude1 up close and clîpped the gent so hard lie feu oi Of thle sadie. Then hie grabbed hoid of the giland shook iler roughly. ÉWhat's the iea" lhe barked. " founld your brother i tile lake 50 mililes east of file basee was lookïing fojr us. Be sid he cdidni't îhIlik ýias so smaIrt for Ibis sister t0o1give ont thaýihe wslswe lie really wsn'ýt-juiztsî 50 shecou-ld send (iCbutck Wallace nin Ito (the tcount ry anýId iben follow'. Wbat',s the idea." *'Wbsî do you tinlk- "'she saýid. Yion big inidefferenit lmo!And, 1 - - ydo you lhink I gave up andjj camlle home? is ol-d onlber am For the first accesor[sobbrighteu-n fher h mmy wllCIst ber eye îlin firectonof a înew-dmakta]clth)l akins reely ntoduced by awllkon1im TMis rudtewieh eay earn b er reustthroug vorte Af lng-lsting brightncss anîd laundering ease, Should re- aeive a vote rom theu junior dep)ar mt of th family as Lolipo stips i re, eafgrenyeulo, blue, nt green-ail on a Mhie bcgon r ufcetygyto appeal t altgegrus Maeo(i eaeryo'an litltolnsisefwl pjiher party ccasions eor simple famiy inealsdeening ulpon thfoli aityofithe tle settinw There'sno uned to aworry aboutcints, itiermakers dlaim. ipti01ars rfruittainms on clobli and~ akn inise righit onit wi a genitle susng hey sy Whe fte spingp patgeýan1t of bloom bas as -,sed i-ý licthrock gar- den, Lt is urne tb give attention 10 probleins of suimmeir maintienance. Spligwater anid a proper top- dr-essing. besides givinig care to mLividual grouips of Plants, is neces- sary for- the future growth of the garden, as weil as ils immediate ap- pearance. 1t is Of ttiost ipotace10wa- ter thie rock garden thorougly at regular L- trvi uring tibe summerC1 rnths. Hot sun aand dryýinig winids dlira w a2,copiouis ainmut ofwater fromi the soul. if thec rocks ajre of a porous, absorbent nature, they 100 attract thleir shlare of mo1(isturec awýay from the roots of adjaý,cenit plants. The imoýrce laboratelv COU- structe-d rock garden witi pr obabiy bave an undiCerground \wate-riug 'sy- temi, miniltg thec job of waterinig consist i merely of turnling on a fali- 1cet. The humbler gardenCI will re- quire the uise of a) hose. If thie spray is directed, skyward, thec drops wîlfalilgeniti>'0on the planits iLu a semblance of r-aii, It is best if the watering s douie at night and the entire area tbiorouighlyJ soaked. The older rock garden especiaily wiLl benei)fit fromn a topdretssinig of a nuttritionis soul. Thec compost heap wiil provide better mate'rîai thail or-diuary topsoilbeas of its bigb' Organliec ontent. Put 0ithrogh -a quateriuuh sve Ltshioid have a quart of boniemleal mixeýd mb eývery Rock garden plants wi 11 LuTact, appreýciate a top dressinýg alinuily., If theprprd ol is distribuited betw'eeu tflecplanits and lititlei-. tivated i :n the sur-face(, rains and atrgswîll carry ils eemren)ts 10 therotswhreil w11beusd1 For plnt ltat are xaig u diet, sueh as bbilaeas rhododenî- dron)s anid others that demýmd an acîd soil, a good topd1res;sing eau be co ictdlu a wooded spot -wb1erel 0he leafy sou ha> been brok-)1en downi 10 a lInle tex'ture thouh ea1rs o4 slw ecom1poSitioý. If s c lef- mld is noct avalaie, baled peaqt can be subslituted. The lime-lovers, ou tbe other baud, notably the saxifrages, nieed a dressing of lime. The encrusted types show a mark-led lime encrusta- lioni at the edges of tbeir leaves wbhen tbiey are satisfactorily fed. Mortar takýen from old builinlgs that are beinig toi-ildon-,iakelt(s au tý7exclet dressing for them wh-,Ien cruisbed fine anid mputlthrough a sieve, Seconld choice of lrilis ground crush ed limestone. Ail of ithe hardl-leaved saxifrages, look most 2taIhome (wheu th-e grounid bjetweenC. the pdlnts is covered wài thre-euhth-iuh buesonesuch as s uised for- pa"thways, Th Ie color of thesoe gives a pleasinig xeffect asZ a background for the leaves. The blulestne alsýo aids iluosrvto of sou mosture. Th-e mssy axifra1ges will me- spoud best 10 a imixtu-re -if leafrniold anid shiarp sand. Esîablisbied plaint- ilags frorn sucbl denseC mats that il s iuecessary te part thbe rosettes in order 10 work flic dmssn it the ou. suliasadois and thevarion kinids of , coyaiwi onbe lsn theirfolige copleîly. titere- forewise10 ark thle spot bhefore they disappear j-for tbýe sealsoni, lest thle ptanitinig (If lihs in ths seem- ing acntpIlaces resujiti-,ininjjr- 10 tlle hîde ots. n)eed attention rrow. As sooni as their foliage bas turniedcopeiy e- iow-buit not Ibfoe-it may b)cl Off. By thÏS time t'eleavswl bave served thecir usefuinles In the manulfacture (Dif ood anld the dec- veoretOf a lýjtînybudinsidje theÇ: bii or nexi ersgowh hi locations also sbould bemakd uleS-is t hbave bceen roi p t1brough Ithe manîlltiing green Ofsuchl planlts as ar-enaria o-r Piox subuil- ata wbiere tbley will nlot be disîurbed. Fiowýer-S wibave passecd thieur )eau1ty shl, for ap)pearanice's sake, be eut off uiess, like tbIle pasque- f1o1er1addryas, they h-ave decor- ative seedbeads or uiiiess fthe seeds are- anedfoirpoaato.Pods Of thle ltIle alpine cpesppy, ýfor exj- am)ple, eau ble fft rienand the seeds then scattered Lun the vic;iuity Of the parent p)'lnt, ier 0 pru an)d mature. Going MuchlR Too Far j ust whiaî are labelr unlionis after aai, ? They ,rscream aout ighl prices. Yet j)ey eadhge w ages. Tbey want pr-ice cotl lbut no0 wagec ontrol. -Now Wîinnipeg poidsa tion wblichl if ilfwre'S itts WoUld bordeir 0on 0be ludicrousl5 A f0n)ud store hlas hm seýjlLng bread blwiscompel)titors. Th]e CCL Ba'kery Wrkr I'uiou-1 lu- sîea-d of eerigfor somieillîng tbey've beeniondly jjýde1lm1inlg, ordered it ls drvers nt 10deliver 10 tbe store! WhBecuse, sayýs theicninL a letter to is embrs, t0stre is pracîisiuig "unir copeliion by cuîtinig the retiail pr-ice andl( tbereby , \jeopard(i;iing[tbe erig ofi uuionlizedsaese Whlaî's imore, i]tb unllFtion ld the major baeris(nt t u ply bread to fl piceowmu"oe- dr"NOtLake tb-ared thieml not o. uowng hatwould hamp- peu i ;f tItey dîidn't,11ebalker ies knuickled ndr unionis f ,otiIe law in thef mal ter of strik<es, IbuËt Ibis or o , in goes even frîer.He e we have direct and tîlyujsilditr ference witb hi odnayeltizen Lun the atrofbyn read. Audl receuîly we liad hfeicametsort of interference Li Trotoiihtheý buying Of milk and carilier witb the( disposai of garbage iLu Hamjiltont. Iu addition 10 being a daugerous m isuse of powe(r thje uionsGi con- cerned are demloustrafinig a cailous disregard for ,thie genel, ýIpul)ic and makinig a moekery of their. nationlal laersplea fjor. lower prices and lowercst.rmTh Financial Post. JIflER- Aitiis season cof theyerfam ers-except tef getemn"kcd liaven't m iucb lime ho discusa mat-- ters politîcal adeniami. But wben tvo eor three of them d io gel together the coniversationi is ahlmost bounid sooner or later 10 dif t around te the maltte-r >f price coni- trois. * * Ili a colurnu of Ibis niuei is bardly nsy place v, take adei nt stand, cither pro or- con,readn conîtrols or ceilings. 0f cours, Ibeh ( ideall condition wold b e 10 hae evrtbn1 buy stricîly controlled and evemythliug1fprodulce wit13the sky as the lîmit; buft!itha's boo suuch lu hope for ilu an imperfeet world, I imagine. But as tie pop- ular sonig puis it, 1eudar Seriouisly eulough, îhere' s so uîuich 1t0 be said bohhl for a 1) d against Ibat W, h ard for fthc aver- aige brain 10 lcn o 0anly iefinite conclusion. Bu1t per-haps anl idea of whaî is happeninig iluIbis re- gard far zaway .vin Aýustralia might be a hielp); anibe ficfollowinglý is taken fromla recenitdipt-sn by apm observer witb nio ax L1 griud-from Sydey, e starîs by sayiulg that pulic oic e liin Ie îresenl A.nj11ssie ysteln of partial price couitrol is jfntlsipng aindithatIbis tp of coitiro)l over the,- tina 1-picestuursem Potatoes, for examlple whîh r presently eonitrolled aI six ceta pounid, are openily priced or. the streels aI 16 cents. But nobody re- po)rt îs bis flutinig ofithe aw%. The(eonis tIhat 1many Aus- tralianis feel Ibat tbec presenJt par - tial cnrlsyStem ji5,d ing ore hamm i han gcofd, -actua11ly curtaLiiug exe,ýrt ls ~v o nt -11jroil(of prce iu- dem supply anddmadlas At leasl,, the lto Makein Board for 1N (,, vSouth Wa lad the Potato G row 1e rs' Assoiatîjin convinced of thlat argumiientý, T are buying newspaperspetein why. TLuseR4ravertisersb olId itlai "New South Wales potltigowr fear and distrusî theprelc tpr.i e control systemý. They arecle1l demoustraiting theiruwilges te prod'uce for unpaable jetums, by ahan)!don)iing Ibe îudusîry aI the rate of maruy scojres per mntb. Sncb daims are suported by1)theC facI th al potatoes have been scarce(ý for some lime. Some store-s 1keep Tisis yoang n~ther plana a Ca>' meal for liet- family.. ollipo»-stripesl j babieciotia a~n4 eenterpfree QI fresW dalsles Iielp make a feasi ut the simple tare, tbe asa pize" (au a price>ý for usoesplacing larg-e orders for ohrgoodsý,. But thiS news 15 pub- licized ly11-il! whispers. -1!ese facîs," declares the potato inldustry, "lead inlevilably tb the question that prier control i ils laudable aim of keeping down theý costMfAlivnmaes proiale pro- ductioni of pohaîoes imipossib)le anld unubl increases the weekly bouse- holdfood bius." olne more instance of wbat happenls wbenl controls opemate iul a dlisci-i inatry ashio n ldte polato Lu dustry's c*e ucnQ ld dris- inig wag1e cosîs, for exanîlJe, are borne by profit margins and eau- not e,.~ranserre )10 ousulmers peasY f price control odlcs Ress"rolts sbink apdenor ne MA nnou * %Ano)thbr instance of price UconlO boomeangig onihe cons1umer il us sulppose(d îo 1proctect us seen un Ibe ig AsîraiancaIleindustry. Price contri-0 on the sale of bides., for dmesîje use and for export, w'as originally imade wth the idea of ke'(11d0nth price ot foot- werto Ausîrallianis. Conlsequently, >,n I checat s industy ie eai 1uprof al ohie. Bf t the re- a' trloilpsiionwa embaize( b md ear. f 'lie autnmcbihnbg te sroure oitdou twa ee intndd hatth bdeconrol iw iandags nd cr cusions.l 1From 11 thei C)xpe ienL rcs iwîïthi cio tro ofbies ndpottps, an ATsîrL ansba( ,iývu drawnil the ci on- clusion ithtpatia l cotls cati ge cIL 1 it, taf1-band (1 v theistrangei way Cs, itu(hecosuerpain deasly for b experimt. Ll) ibl ics stuton tbae ed o shain penovesy ithe federiLeis-y inlatriefr The Labour yi pes ,write permancentpiea oto etpoweres int eAstratian on-y me.The Liber goveproameut how is cr of agaisi te eplan. It b"as oaw polie nwcit meaure ,in Ithe Uneaie ofntionl, iecurity, a ower aire toay ithi te he Cntituti, tr"fcïla eonrai iesson .Thened fre"corn- be prhive" conbtreol ifer onlyu trin h efco. Te Labouiteps se ietu;te Lbeasa"epray one Te ibe ai's ýapprohfthu asbot of"priate enterrp usn suhesLaurtite' ha o dil)iir But witthe ibrerls i poer itJeý boucdon smpy ba qes flou of)"h)comreeniv" hol bei( the neof "temporary"f0dral ctrole sytm Tedgrems bnd ditaîed bythe copeof As- talan rear nenti,da quesion a saddled with one grand piano. 8OTr0M 0F VE:NE-TIN BLiNDS ,ANOq IN WINpOW SIU..L AT BTOPREVENT BLý,iNDS FROM RArrLIP(,-. ,8y Arthuir Pointer ,

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