Vul. 1,5)N o,29 ORON, ON., HURSAYAUG. 9th no Boys Succesaful In First Game 0f Playdownis Iii inabý first of thle play-off Izernes Ibth luoiun lg for *ad'I anceieafi[ into fulhrp1iIy fo T d tuhi beau ine as, thbe keenur cnendr Thie first ga-ne of 'th 1ius series, X ýt ut of tr" wa o Orouno ) iblhirsýday evenn, at tise l~ip ;by na sore %of 8 to 5. Tue locl 'im tanthit of tseir e-pponenut s.Ser. hy ecdistenm cane in flashes aU Orone sa~ieudoffili tlie first inua1' ifirstar-d four in h tid Jeunies \with Seirhehidtha bat aniied tie am t thius -pouit at fi-vcalal. R. Weh(tk varinadtiesý aitdis men'din tAis aanu nd for Vise rnemaîniung f our iuuiiugs Bil- MaOTOre ashred scoilesa.inithie f ore- upamt of tlie thir-d imariage Jeuew a nti-preceivinug tbeshole ,nupport f Ais lai ani maites. Dean Wst inud Rob)- inSu both ommttai erouns whichl set up ùtuwo-of tuhesaorîngrunus. Ta Visa f ifth Iiiinia)g Oreuedr'vaso emegood ci, oi asi!safe biLs and wnrsable tO e takatub Vrre ru ad M t hstiaier. CauesArnstonsh Irsbeaun preving oa ufQiea'shst Iritrs and oun rmwis e sadoni bais a steiuacallediagaIinisthbiira._s struck euýiût vwice 4uiira ýegamaanud t!-iis le colasy fonrt basesaun. Ail urouunud WO is bd tAreadge o haiilebeun ehene aur a umber ouf playg 'Va, iee oppoirenuts oufedmr n'M' t-0:0 oax ufroua being spactacular. Fer Late Blight On Potatees La ,e bligih ouata pof tVeisamstsar- 4c-ns petuao iùsas Arlas bheen ob- semedu ini aeveral foeldsisn, Outnaro durufiui,ý, thle pnst waa"ek, caution.s N. M. Paurks, PoIte paiulitExpeurimen- -tea Fisuai-s Service 1}epartrnu uf auabuliift isi a fungus dis-naua <hatfraqjuaunlt(y appearer a ptat fiplidisu i'n late Auiguet. It rarcIy 1occ-Uvs diumng otdry easarsbât i irat coolmeaubau, euch aus thies year, it baoniars vwc ypieiuaent and destrua ivofteuir deSutmyhsgwreecrops. TisW iuu iecommonrn!y nnkae itsap pemmra naeltelower leaves or steni ouf[,e tise ýplant erouaid bosuiu Vinie. Thils inIfection uulydoes netI shwuntIL V Agetian co funuus e heomuae eushblised nir el aippa luuaesouf tire plant. TirefbUglit - eue nlieas vas as ari, n teu-r- eioaiked ~ irbY-ilveouum, ri udrs -acsamtemlas. T-1is upre s of Visa u ugs. it isle brougir thron, nihaunmashad down lade soil bA Ai,7vymaas, tuetinf(in ecr rired Vo t.ire t'ubers, rsuiti abligt rot Tire ouly muetod of contro, gsy Mur. Paui*s, le by tiserougir sprauyng or duaitih e plant[,s uitir a fun- giihsuch as boaideaug iture, or any ouf Vie fix-educpsaraomun- ý-d i- er Iecontrori ouf laie hihton, pretatees applied inl acrdieMutAi Guest ýpe4i.Xer Dr. Archer valaca, M.A., 1.IJ Dr. Arclcer Wllc LMA, D), u Teroaio 5tu e ieguest pae o tie epuning crmnisof Vie flai Oroi)o United Cisurcis on Sundtay, Sepenrbe 0ti. Dr. Wallace w li adureia Iis uduenues itbath inap aferuoun aid aei\ g 5- cs Deidicatuiion sricswill aise ba el -d ou snuySeptenibeur Stis. High Sckool Board Approves site For N"ew Port Hope schooll An eat ai $685 mliibe de oted 111gb crti M rasrvaaled t a muere,ýtiaig of tise Du1.rani Dist ricet Higlis Sciseol Bourd lirld inla OmnoI. ,t iiranaioruncad tfiiat rptistrouthe slteurof ouftieHighScr)l have been atisuctermiy effeutedu. Tisa Deparbtnent of EducaMuoný Irsappirevedu the purcheuiise of 4n0 ekeaud 40,chaiet a total cOrsýt ouf $ibt)&801 fro o mnrunvila 11gb ScIeori. Tisa Depataient isoapproved tise purchasuaof a site of saes 141 acres of land Va Port Hope for ha lebuild- inig of a -nain ugis Scirool. The landi te euat $iufOuO. Mfiss 1Helen Ml.Burknaya- gagd princpal of NMUiroir echool, sespresant t the meeting a ng- gasta'd s-li e1mmndtlne of wMnib rnis tthdail prpils laGradec IX should taka typing.9 suuges±oa t unire ypiug ompual- tha typenitns ier' nedfor 1tAieý oMlbeeu cJseolu) ire Promparty Conumiitea uns raoyuelsitad tu pre"Vide praaty onedby tise Beard. Tise addiiuonalda-s s usrig equpmeant Bfoard iufntcidtiydudnt tns Tise mnHtterof appuo"ing aend- nac offcesfor, tAr viiousscýlrools 1as !(ld over t Isa uuaxt reaeinug a-t Milrlbnhook, on Auguet 17. tiadrctlason tsacîtinr eAr Parkse straessas tatlaorrte pre- vent asfruathis disanseU,grms cros mn aoungiie nmdat(Y pid uve -addition aI appl'icaiosaut intrvals of 7 te 10 day, dCependiaig ýupon ,veunïther condlitions. Durham Central Fair Announcel Winners In Crop Competition) Jdigof Vie Pli.,d Crop cme Étitu, lunFn Outa" lconudaacted isy ina DtzaaCentra'l Auricutral soc- itltby lii connurctreïon wifi linir VFir t Ouotehllir s toc ha held taisleyýar onu Saptenber 7Vis aad SUbIr, as beean çopetad.Jae T. Buewurtoouk tire, horuorre a isa ch(oar:ptition witirGr niat elnd i JobaRicisard akiu0scn saii dirà placer. Tire eiglit selarnars atra as foIllowe; lut. Juas. T. Browir, Nainceeatie. 2ad. Garit B, Ricisard, Bwnuiit 3d.Jouira Riekard, Necastie. 4V. John CruicukPhak, HuamiPtenl. 5in. Obara E. Alini, Boivunreununila. 16)ths. E. R. TyoBommuanvile. 1S th.Lele oumsB iianvl. Ennuiskillen Man Honloured Sqtln-Ldr. Stewart Cowae TOFieDsry BanN r By Jersey Breed-ers Pilot Princess And Duke Bowmailest Vithar$200C CatiCuib acoepted thekeswn it opened itsu new ntoa ed uaersin Poi'on;t)oiol nedy ing was th'e presenjtation of a booli by- F.M. haan ofPcrig fisVice-presid'enit of the ClubI, to Frank tergerof Esiiskilin,me of lie noeeatmembers ouF th- Jcipey Association who waS fi s Lt to - trilbute to the buildhsg fund. The Cauadilan Jersey ÇhClbbeae th(ýfilrt attle asoiauo~h aid to, buiid itsý ownofis ilwgth reient efiil pnun Tofitus head- qui es uToounto -yD r,.LJ.D. MacLrdhaapurjfeuiuet of the On- aune geilua Collage, Gueipi. Some 101of ChnaidaC'L-2020 Jersey CateClub acpt i he ke-s we Dr. MeL iha nu, a peniug t1ire twýo-storly bildinug said tsspirit l whicb Jrse breeders a'crouss Oaai- ada subscibed the funds for thae tlemsllIquav'lter-s wms prof tiiat Canu" radUin arirsiere progressive anud deptei ned Vo rleaven îhiier the- ktandards of arclua Ha saIthuaaout importanut prob- Ie1 faucîng faimers toýdaýy iasý "im- pruovinug thre yeild of t-ire lanud nonv undr ullivtio."Little n 1 an d "'!Ls being opanalud uup and if Cn. dia farmars nur te sumply tise gruiirng domasublue murkeji--11an itira qanatinia fil] vrescnmumut tbey imust iuraefudproduction, Tise Onta-ie Agricultural Celirega- 1-:)(1ipi ra severval nmjr resaarchi pro)je'cts under wyte assisitfiamr irai beousutig zprýoductfion D-r. acLe n saiThase iuncluiided me-uried r'ay aundi gra1su sileagec, "Vihna lh e1l)p reduca thra higir ceai of fa Aboodk on tise iistery ou fiIrebnread semispraseate(1 Vo Gerin bora Franlku S[enugr ufEu nskieii, Ont., by F;r- M.uCapaa, Piukering- , OntL. M r. StengrouueofVthe neirasit nrmb ouýf tisaJersey asoiuuewas isei firsbt t cununbuete Visa building1 fuund. A Speciai guest at ise Oepaing a ariidD-rýanngîrul, an eight1 nmonths old caif from tub-e JerseyU taaudis, biiUhplace of Vtahea The ,cailf was iisnporteid fronitube Is1aadus thirai moatiissago te ha, soldatac- tirai, tise prokueds golrr'g Vtha b-,-uild ing fuldi. Agr-ant deal oufr 'eet isbe Pritcess Elzabitffh ianduDukeouf din buiigh are te liaveu at ierdposa (auiaýg thfrour of tise Pnjhn Mrs.Netn obldik T]ise planie hieh iStia uepiVt lias benin se'VI'ce Dacrols Canada iland luiving m*vde a-niber il-of cro)ss At- ant uniips vearryiiig Guumutof- fisuIh ais sobceunain ïumportnt f inue aCaua,ýda's coiuittesy tois, i tiig celeiliitieus. Thaeunylunrl [ridlly uand ftialyequipped four tu-e ee(rvca iii vwtîh i V li sedi. Stulomm Vok aspecim-i course at ~Aonr~Rpillor to aing o îe-rlthuiS paefrot-i Canadair. Tenniîs Club Formed For Junior Menibers Theu Orouno Tennis ýC-lubla in - dnorte b]niung sumurecreauituo vo- ise nuegsuters of tAiecouunt ansi alsiotefur!-tuhaur atrengthea thie Fstbulty of dire cha hav fereti Janurclub foirbrutboysand grs Any- cbýId -of age sixtteaiyua and under lýis aureýur ag-d t) o iul l ual- or club for i, cba iiodest fea of ffiycents le ising clurged. M.Ted Sauisbas dnatadtuo nrew reni acketsi andi a dozein new- balle tu e hausd by tise mmasof tihllsu Clu.b. Aine tur tie utuou ie Iteket bave been nddad a naiuber of othburs whiicis i i ha e ft atthe brootifo)r uis e byv Aie uda.It iras faitt-Viat if rakt tii buailsmare a-vailabe for use <tsntlt wauM d noV hiideur ainypar wA~ias witisorattAils eqrsiipmentii andl poq-rispe ilusuls thie recreatinu tiliat tenl- niàs cana.Tpruvdaý. A nmber of itah e mbrs bava take pn (lsmarve o giveaus- tance on tAie instructien of ufrIes and, plua& avry MonuAýy aauiig ettIr park for thuae eufit of thea Juior lubmmbu. Arouaid intmhdude of Spteriber ut îsiùuc VIrer plan Vosld aiitlra- mmig tAie Juniior menilbeis setir a trïo-ph cnp ieqpung presanltad the wianerir. If tire niauibersiip arat routa a ' [lre an gir 1s t unurn dI 1L KITCHEN--STINSOiN there mill habAe ocp ovd for thua c luamirpluern.cý MemAia(rsbip n:,d uuctlenfrn Maib1 JoY SEtinen, daUsgliuteof 3Mrtin m a banued fronl i os aand Irs. BlybaE. Stiunion ) ou rt the ineouth in tua prk unynu M ilford Joseph KiUcisen,so____ ___ of MuLr. and AIrs, Regjinrald W uth of Sudbury. vere nrnrred in St.OooTksSre oiii Sîattuuday Agri is e triý. B-v. FiB~'br T. TAeiauofficiatued it ira ce,,aion)y ains tisa bride iraýs givei in nmbaraga ___e___ iby lier fatisar.She wnrelchaautly lace couvr net and satin Xmiti a pater Tlise Oreunue Haý,ird Balil cl ub ictuunedî baiguettes aadl seuad pearls. A cor- Balehier auving ivon Viseron [onat idoufonaige blssais irelsi bar Pras tihir eppinentus in twostraglit finugartip va'il minI us trimmiad inis,ý. Thirs seraias ishase V mitlis îathinig 1lace. Tise bridaI hou- eut ouf tbrae. qut ia n cascandaof mAne rosas aad stephanotis. Mure. Mile ol at- Tise Orem A bys came uap sentr b twthunerdtibrida iina ruwnfgreetu ,ian on Wrednesday eveang bya tafufuata fasiriunel witir a uhertha cl- scoreof aine iVo toGurod jia-,'bhall dr andi a net m-ouvrirrut. ormea ~ad an eelenPjb of pitlulng by baud of'fren irers ini lier hayIr H erealmaChef factors in giig Her -mail causeadeboquet Wmeouýf tuiseni tuba uga evr Railiaboro on yelotv roses and Imatuve suvestupeans. tis ccis ien.TheaOroionue ia mre WUalkter Netzke, Sudýtbury sen s, grom- sry adapit ouaVier tata ru11inuag ansi einu ad tha uslirs miRaîphu beratof uf iir Cuees ignais Burgess rendHuer,-y Marseood. Tha il-lie1 aid oiff witi ruine scoiredu. Dur- b idunilotliar cioîse niavy sl-tearr iun ieperls ofpy )heOrono blueu aucessorles inud a crageof quad hard ounly fi-va or s4x iits. raimaes Ti, re goenui',s muther uaç ý eaAon VIe lucal 1uareund une Pr=a !hi gray sbraer utrpin irr(,cessnries ticaiy Vatise cieunr danlrina wAiSMIaNe ansiosage of plnir osesu.Tise bridae~ue dernred ansina suit sentir mAte ec- - Oroaono asatu iairaac uasarrues 'fur ber ueddiag tiVp. Mur. ponantfs li tArapla d, ,, erle u Ir rad rs KâitcenMiiiMe in Tnmrnto n s ueof.l-e Tishe ar. oFinih Soji'et Se- caliicRepublic, fo'rmled f rom earl 1er~~~~~~~)f oliiI entey a u,0 - a Sir RcarPurton, Bitisi-ex- plourer viro dired ila, 8f, tinafme by maigts ignmg oMtcae Thee Ae easnsWhy. Bpeef Producers Vary Ila Profits Tho eresults obtfadned fiom the first se'vea ,sl:eer,ý t,, be testLed Linder the Ontanio Aidvacedu Reghitury ov c for Be(ef Cattie, hw er lal wll*y seo11( beeC producers natke a lot mocre nioney thun otbhersý. Thiis ks theý Coiment -jiof 'W. P'. Watsoia, Livesýtocký Cow ilisîici jýr r0Oatlrsio,ý \wllo pe:illts 4)1t thlat tlie figftres m feed ýos't of po 'lcn, poutid of gain oon, theue seensrangedfnom Ii ow f 22e 'uea hghof .~ca pouind. Ail e'enof tA cacases uali-1 fied forý Red ruand Beeuf, thougis soune were bettaer tuhaI eters.low- a-ver, tub' iuotn thiung froi the- standpint of thue piroduceur ystuhe1 inhberitýd aiiyof these ainimais to, s(tliu"'ive tiseuse higis qual ity' car- Cilaes Records of th e ed they ate andc tihe gainsASStIune rtiniy siouwed cmaAred diffeimenuc eu sacIf ith t1he buast r-ecord for proe(,11cing ýýbeauf aeimmieluyiasý a gooid fee(de'r, thouglisnot ù1iwhav eaeter of the- seuvean. Il, Ie aVe on veir-age, il pounds- of grain au8. pundis of liay per day and from this proïduiced an av-ýV agP Of 2.,",? poundeof gain par day. Agaiuastý this, ina calf irithutAhe higil- est cýosts aitc- both mrehay anttid gr'ain (11.3 poundis of grain an'd p id Of Fn) ven w\,iituh tAis additionarI f eadf lie ganedony 1.87 poaspr day, wsIc thciuentrt over a feeding paeiioud of approxýiniaatetly 2001 au~ isis p-roductioýn of becif foir bis ownar wýas soaie 90upoundisss tihan ithe Steer w'itli the ba',ttreod Takhig thie wan cost of fpAd and thea g-ailes in'tisa Vwo c asas, iil eagy to aiea w ch v'er liaid isa moire pro iable, aunimal. Tise steeýr with thie! louwest 0,sstof production gaiuned 465ý pouride Vaui li9 diays ouffeed n ita total cost of S102.61. Thre steer iritui tie ugiesi ouit of produotion g-ave bizuwue a gain of only 77 poundsi li 2M(1daiys at a d hliiuyIigber èost of $uIO7A40. With pres ent beef puices, tAille dulffrenuce is very mucarkad, and ciouldvr well spll tihe dffrnca between a substantial proifit irid, al ïoa3s ini feediag tire cattle. Under thea policy, tuea ,ieers were hooouf$mi ' xas asdb'y i-re 'on Tuesday vwfhuen tAiebraouf Awýssthi Weod's along withilcouniderablue ELIv- ut(ock sens laeiteýd te thle gr'o'nd. TAieAnsinWood fna lieatof Bowmuauvuli, seuulhouf No. 2hghwa in thýe sýide road jusu4t euasit of Alex- heini The fuiara rlaotsee uta a bengoset nfiorw laotain w in tuebr17u. Sude i durigtssoer uio te fre bruka nt n Aiemo veuntr,-e7igiit pig-s were kiiilledC. AlIse- hulwuhiclh was injurecd and latoe il- led. Tisa majonijy of Mr. Ausiasrg mlar d nu itiade iseLustein cetie weurefourturaltlet Oua Pastuire rid these nuunateencoins irere safa Laienm destrutioni. Alsuo 1w-o brooýd Sons mrra suavad troam a ,miIar fate AI usi Wod le ýs ellingar hie re- uniainagtok of Iinetean c (ous, twov bvoroud sn-ons anud a tearmouf prerccerons- oby public -aricioni. Thiis sale le nec easitatd oiaig fo tlu fact tAi't e iuuis net the f a-cÀIltieis fer hrand- p Ylua(c,(! iii tisa test b a ra w itbin u t wou wee-ksu odu Ae lime -nAbeinthey ware simx montils of a. MAtauri a praulla- n[ary f audinug -ýperïiod cof thiueue te four Weneksî, to gntiteniaceustoareEl Vo tueirni rir re ,flhrey wr rNaced on a stand(Iard faediung ratio)n aundi fedifor a arlid iof approxinrat- ely 1u9î! diys, at nAicIr ime tlrey iere iiarkutdanOdugrAuded onuàtIse rail. Mr. Watsoa adids tirat unie thre * hwring huas done uhtue iniuprouve OUI, beaf cattle, itM11gave ne nez a-ura of ia-e ailiit' of tiSa dllUffelant 1.oe i -)e ueprodluca g-oodu beef ecoun- ouiual.Tdisa Adivaiaoad( Ragisti-y Politly p-rvide(s four the t-s!tinug of tlie nbility of hbe ulls Vo sire calves ibIrdo thiisu job, andi four thr ern mercialbre he, .;a blu vo u prod- uca tAiemuit beef for ,tuba eait.feedu is by vfan isa mLenost iputatcirara- c bui ill sire ceui traniemit. Mr rdMas Alan Strik e (nee; Ania aiSape) are shoin folloinr VAeir wedd ing ii Ou-,ro Uuiteýd Cacso at urdeuy, JuAy 28.- ORONO F~~I -SEPTEMBER 7th m 8th $1.,50 pe'r 9 fi lm 1