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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Aug 1951, p. 1

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o Vol. 15 No. 30 E 1Il ORONO, ONT., THUIRSDAY, AUG. l6th 1l,51 ,'aib)scription $1.50 per Year $ 1,000,000 Foundation Set Up By R. S. McLaughlin A Seundation eiidowsd (l w th a n ~ar-ount in excescf $l,040OMO hais seaareated by R. S. lMeLa-ugllin cif Oshiwa. notetiCamadian lidusitrialidt for hs pumpoise of promlo ing the helthand weiflame of ths Camadianl peip t w¶bho noaas tVhs R. ~knaiei cLauhlinFeutijaicai andi sNilL p2ovide adequalte cfinanli as- ssaniai aisetM graduates of Casiadianl a10ECl cniools riho intendto ds'vte theiix lives, wholly or du part, Vo md lealVeahlag, o coniplets or laupreve Thsea w'as conceived by Dr. W. Edvea'd Gallie, fivnsed Caaiadian sur- ýgecin, wi before bis retiremient was chief surgeon atTo-rciaito General Hospiitail, prtyfessoir of swrge'ry andi là)teein tiaiof he Univ,-ersity of Tor- onto inedical scihool. Dr. Galis ail>- proeshed M. MeLaughin iwhs aen- Vhusastcatbooek uP h, project, Mr. MeLaniiihais directed iie. tbâi ssisan e h made availabis Vto ap¶llieants who have coimpLuleted their untiergradulate andi gradiuate training and WGaha ve 6eeni sclected fky, staff s4Àppehhàlsent hy their ,,own or soqi-e1 ther Ossiadisin niedi-cafl scihool. It is IMi, McLaughlin's hinpe tihat he founduition wilhbp eouateract tVhs exo&es of brillian younag Canadiain do to the- Unte-d States. A'ýsssnies wiil be given !-a ths fo-(ricf granits Vo candmdaitesreon mnndted by au appmpriate sele.ctiveý eeim itfe, o enable tjem t,(o ist inedcal cenresiniforeign countries or in Canada; rihere imuportant new wýork la being :dons, anti Vo. siudyi heefor suffiieenit inas te 1ýeVt heani aqianda ribng bonis a proatical k')tldgi f titis ll'aw wark. Mr. Mc- Laugliýin directs alsýo tliat finaiaia isuppcrt be !givel)u te clinicail vesearch Dfaaad]tO iniedical research of aaxy kn Èn Canlada, thaît gvspromise cf! beaiefit Vo hs siok. Thais support la Vo leavailbthe particuiailly te "travel- ling fel'o'wvs" upon their retumai Vo he iiasttuin nwhics h yhave ie- acis ppoifment Vo amable Ithein to confirnin andi disainateVhs nsewý knowledge hy have acquired. Tusse feilowsbhips willl be finaied ion a scaile hitherto unknowa iu his coiuntry acf will enâhis ths "felhlows" to travaidt live ini coufont and te ïý,ýske heir wivea wiihtihlhean. lit is hs Ibope o~f the fourdeir ibat b)y thsewise use cf the, avaiable fumds, i,, providimg mRyfle perfeût sd- neahileaifor hs teachens. tbs quality cfaedeilsrvs rendanedti o the ~sck n ybe naiied Vo h bighest po4sWe ialeveli.ItV a bila intentionioc one Vh y ieica1 resarcs'c ihall been ceOqDrg' isboth inhs direction cf Vhs prevenition sand of hs ourescof dis- ease, and he la coryvinced th-uths r_ýOWjng up«f ,a4 ".founda.tiion" ceai- trred by trustees Whc are iitsrested cf aoccyplisingthese purpoýses. Tibia "foundaitlon" ils -unique ila Arrst Made On Theft 0f Gun Collection c"1 a-in Ho1toni Holl'and, l18, of Poit Hfope waS arrested ixa Pýeer'ro, Wednsday niight and charg-ed wvithb tùs Vheft of 191 valuablea antique' guns fre-in hs Jacobs gun shop ini Port Hoýpe Tuesdaiy nigbif. A îonp~o s bigsoi-ý-_gbV ai is exppeà sdo lie ckdUp amy tini. police siai. "lHe confessed toa Vhs whoe Viiig" s;ald Police Cliief Chiarlesa W.Ga- lui of Port Hope. Wedn'esday nigilt Chie£ Grahanl1 receivoti ta Up tuait the thievos xers staylng at a lieuse on Western Ave- nues in Peteaiboro. He phonedi polits there and tbhr-ee constables anresitetd hs youth. bis eýoinpaaion hat i sft. Hoitand ftek! hs police he ant ils ,comp;assýion lad ihesu dnlnking anld hl had o,-nlby a hazy ides of ths jeighboir- bleod an wlhicda hey haudi iddsal hs gens. Ohief Grabsan sali Illlaniti will a1se he chauiged wilh stealing a truck whieb'h e eporVeti Hollant eoaifessed Vaking fo-, tha ibreak-ia. The rucl< mas abaridonsti whan it rani out of yOUNG M 0 ;NARCH Henry 'VI bovni in 1442 was les's 0han 12 monia old ilnhen lie suc- ceedoti Vo hs reahni of Bagland . LIGHT 0F LOVE The gPow-wvorui is not 9a wormi but a hostie. The ligihtitla-app:,rent- 'y uaýed aIs lovesgns and Vo frighl- teau off onemies. Inflaton in China duiig hs !0- year per'lod bs btwen 1937-47 ros;e Vo 2,613,fYO per cent. ICanada in t1iat iV pro(vidues atisqua,ýe f lulancial suppointtVo anedical educat- ,iom ýaniresciarcb Troughout hs u'vboleDoninion. It should ido muchý tic sVop the drifit of cr best 'youugi peuple) Vothe autpposed gsti opportuinities cif the Uniteti States. ft ls neit without veason tliat soini thdaatk Viat witbin twsnty-five years most of hseior pstoinlu cr onediral siebois anti iospitalla aroýss Canada wiil lue occupieti by Me- Laughlin Fellods. The-ns Fsllows wf-lli bhave bati ail hs advanbages tuait travel andi study i <creigin lands can givs, bhsîdes pro,,per iandial suppoit du'ring those sarluy yeams cf pracatise when es sardliefforts are doat likeuIy In b1 effrective. 1Ths administration of Vhs fo9and- atïiontwilIl bs munhsbianidafaboar 0<tratasoufMr. MeLauguhulin, D-r. G0allie. anti J. C. Fraser. Torounto in- vetetbroker. Orono, Kendal And Port Hope Left lu Durbani League The Orono sportýs pioýtu1re is begin- ning to take life again aVier a tiwýo wpç'k luit. Even týlhough Vhe Orono Gil's SoVtball teim 'laaided eut on their sear,'.tibere aire stilul the South Durham, Vtheo itewimedifaVte Ontario Amrateur .Sofitbailiand tVhs Junior On- iario Basebail plaiy-offs te loek, for- walf Vo. The 'Souith Dulidhaa Baiseball lengue p denalas nwliarrowed down to Vhree tennis, 0-7011e, Keindal anad Poit Hope. These tbise (teamis start a round rolbins series ina wh-ich en-Idh teaim jWi1l l lay le l-and h0ome gaaue the etiher two. Ga,-nes won. will count ý,on fVhs round and i Vs enin with the least -wins wldmop cout anad he Vwe bii scores wdll Vhinebattis for top ho o f h leangue. 'Plie serles sheuId prove interesîtig, for on the oansans play ail urned in good bal. Or-on4o won thelîr lfirat round froin flailiebomo, Port Hope f ;ein New- castie and Kendafl squeezed the de- cideg gaifne fronu Welcoiie on Tues- ,day eveaing. 'Plie lKen4dal-Welcome se me ws until Tues&day niglit ied rt one game apieoe. The G Vo 4 e4lge taken by Kerndïtl on Tuesday gave then the green signal fatr furtter pay in tihe playciff. CornlaJh pitchled froan the Keridal anotinid li tis aight gaime whidsh saw sidIesrearded lii. a one, twe, 4lhre order. Jolhnny Thomnp- saon camne up witlh a tiauelby Vree hiagi- ger drîvdig in one of Icsads ruai and gave leiant o bis teamnatsiesand lend theani onVo ictory. Latter -in the season we have been infoilmrd Vo look for Junior O.B.A hail in the comnmunity. Siiice Oreno lias n-- bye ito Vhe Ortatrio play-off s andtlhis bye is Vo ber takmnadrvantiage cf. 0f course the 0roVo entry wiii field,' only iV'aî Junlior pitaýYers' on th-ia occasz;icin, their firsma ateanpt in Vuho Oaýiarlo Baseibaul A,-socintiàon. The Orono giîrls returned cn Monl- day evendng aftsr dr-opphdîig tle de- ciding gaie 4d tihe semi-finais with GouiUce hiy ten ýrina Vo Cocurtices Seven Points In The Prevention 01 Poiomyelitis The Noithuiinherland - Durliai Heauith S,oieVy hais prpâared the »loruvjaa-g (for ifctmt o epar- ents. Pnene-iiti'on qf poli onyesidils in- t1ludes ýail measures to auaintain dasaithland aitteublon Vo personil hygiene and general sarËitatiý>n. (1) Be sure your fcc'd la pri-Èteüt- ed freaxaflies. Have yonir bouse tho-ouehl1y acmeed and Idlil every f ly Ubat gains sutry before à rmach- es yourrfood, Ai nsetisid clb as -DDT may be used. ,(2) if ou bave an ouLtside tVletc make sure it îla fly.iroof aa-iuse penty lof dinida of liane. (>Keep yorer gauibage covere:.d Vo preventt Vhs breedinaiig o£f <lIE. (4) Do net est aiaw fru7iit .r vegsi- tabis uniÀltl hey are tiheugbihyý MAJOR H. W. DUDLEY ~Mjor H. W. Dudb;ey pa-ssed awvay onp'~udy Ja]y StI, 19rcl t the lie c)f his, so-n-n-law, Warden G'Lorge WaRon 1in Nerweastle afe lenigthy ihe Mir. Dudley who wvas i~n his 8 st- year, -%ais a soin cf the late Mr. and Mil. John Dudley, fornmer p1 niei Qolhorne residents anjd farmers in H&,ldiiiiiiiid toiwunýh1p. He received his earlY educationi there and laVer be- camie a suceosaful apple dealer and He was a Major with the Royal Oarra'din Drago-ons, a weiIknow Qavaliy TUnit. Ilis wife, the formner Estella Blian- che Dudley .pre-deeeased hihu aonie yasagio. He is surived' 1y a son, Mr. Lynn Dudley of BelivilIe and a d,,-gfhfcer Mus. George Wàklon of Nswcastle and Vlree broihers, Mr,. Lerv Duldey of Whiffly and MVr. S. D. Dludley and Mr. Steven Dudley -YC Coihorne. 'jThe ftuneeial se urnder ýMaý sonJ4c Ausic4es wag held fm tihe homne c«f Mr. and Mms. Walton. New-i castie on Tuesday, July 31st. In tieurmeflft a± wnia4 cemetery. Brsokhi Takes First Canie After T. Extra lnuingsý teur Softhaill p1c3yd»cw'ns aVaied on Me,,,diaiy venrg er heý 1caIý ewbry wflhen Vthey wexie hosits to Brokflidait the locnal park. The alevenii 4rinlg g=enewent Vo ~nine fq7amiea beore a winner was ibrouglit forÜh. Broickiin i the ninuth brok~e Vh ilie eby diiving in their two ra lead ovev the locals. The gauîne held lotis cf apetatorý idIterest for the niany who ereý pi-essieit and comaniienits have it tihe besiÈt o be -piayed dii the park this ,v'ear ini the soif.tbaJij divdîsion. Johti Low\ýeriy beldtlhýeimio-and fori 0rono for thse entre ganie withl Sh ilr auni Vsps& The in - id p1atyers weaiC Mercer 'I'st, E. Jonston 2nd, Hoar 3rd and D. West s, and the outfie1d dnties for the Noalvere pesifowmned by Hutibon, FldnV.ofd7 and Simpson. This, partiruilar sees îs the best Viwo out of thre-e lth Vhssecondl gaane being plyedin Brookln oni Frýday ndight. Orouo, if they l»se VIhis seeond gaime, mÎ1il be out cf the 0.A.S.A. league piafy-offs in mwhîcii they had a bye- washe& or peeled. This includes .wibd or triâlt picloed frcim the bih es or treee. Do net dfrink unsaife inilk or wtr (5) Wash and rinse alil :diehes and kooIdirnjg u -i*lens ln bolng et Wavte".. (6> Ponot haýthE .or swin in Pol- u'tted waters. (7T> Do noit ellJuw chîldreu Vn o over ercise or geit dillbed, and see bhat dhesy get extra rest pach day. Avoid culwdfs.If Suspicions siypteýnis do ocoir, or when în doibJt, a doxtr should be counsulted. ThrilIs At The Durham CentraI Agricultural Society Fair At Orono t The tr«tUnig raRe-s aWt 41w Orono Pair are aIways une 0< the main fe otures flor ths pectaiteais hil&a pnorvde son-y a thril)ling fdndti§,The aibpve are shotwu pior Vo crassýing th Va gwire at he ol rackJodi, i.fhsýf rdendly at-mospliere CR Sep)teMbe-r 8Vliby being praesat wft'h your fiiendsat, it Vs lo l aàr. One Act Plays New Feature At Orono Fali Fc- Dr. Milton Limibert Meinher !Of Hospital Bd., Parry Sonnid Dr. Miltin bi. Lianhiemt'is pieture ap- paa-ed in Swaturday's Daily Star as a isaie cf Vhs boax cf Vhs MLýoýdemi instittion, t1fhs St. Joseph',- Geueral HuitaL iint Parry Soundi. Thilsboa- pitUailjusti pemadi a aiswfy censtrucuteti $dtXVOtOti. litetitii ti g wh4eh miaýkes it a riodedrin instItutin equip- Pe to tic eett anmy srnelrgency ocr il- hinesai. This Paury Soundi Hospiital re- caived a grainu cf i1OI00 by The At- Ivison Olaritable FouiidabloaawMhic-h la ,being -usetij'for eVh purchast- cf eqiupiniaut for bhe new laboratory. Dr. MiLteai H. Limabeit lsa.a brother. afVsbte Mita. R. b. Bri,,'n c O>royio. lIn Vhs eauxly yeais Dr. Linmbsrt miatie bis ratunds ou oot.bycsaines, or "Vhsi firsit pausing fraightVai. There ils noltbllnig cussiing in ccmnneotion aith ny NV in i this conirnnndlt," hie saudi. "It la nieumia-- lt nitgit have lissa ruggeýd. but it huas beeu a richi experienýce," Hie adumits tfihat Vanpin rougli bhs- buâil, so-iinies 25 iitesa dy was alIl ini a daýys lvork and(wih thb advent of Vhs inotor car Vhis ciboreJ was greatly eaasd. i was Vhs first doctotr.Vo bave a car andti o titis day 1 ist1lili amy: "Thanýlk the Lord fou Hsniry Ford." Dr. Limbher't s-aid that "ýiýk(e any other snuieU u "dociter," bis Fprac- tice tisait dhiefiry witlh Cie sick, Vlhs iljured, mainly workens li ths neigili- boaing luanher canna, "adbringintg about an incLr.ease iu tUbe populatio0n "But", be adtied, "the people wlbo deserve inuciliof the credit for c ars- land wsifare of btuis coinuaitýýY are Vhs Sisters acf SI. Jcsepb ntdI i moetueurplsasiad Vo da h t liason ,0hailitahls Fut4atiu as seen fit Vo assiat lilim intheir workç. 16,000 Fingerlings Planted, la DDurham County Streanis During ths latter pait cf Juns andi early July, sone 3,0w >broiwn brout fingerElllga wiere planted in Vhs, iwaters ofVh Trenut Disbict istu- 4yut1ioa by conuntls ifs as fcLSllows: T'ee'ibooighCewntjy 9,000 <lger- iimigs; Durhamn Counity, 16"~ fing- %sr1ings, ,Nordhunl;e4an4 OountiY, 6,0W 0 fingueP1lhngs. Thie bro-%N brout la the ogSal uc- cetsseur Vo thes specklled trout un Vi- rewsan lblait thave liscaens Voe walmn flor the native suiecis. The brown, WQIi stand nuudb iheavier fl wefnfpls- Iii thbre t shbort weeks h w-heele 0o hsDurhianm Ceitil Agricutaial Faim widh is bieid la Orono will b. putnite action. Tho exacýt dates are- Fnidjay anid Satuilay, 7etaibr' anti 8. A new attractlion ini conaiection -wilth Vh fi aix. witl, tiia year 1ahïlce l firsatypearnace iithé flori a a 4&iaaicconitest. Th,,-coniiteit ilare-. stridted bo oins sot pllays amd Che re- sponise V',o date bas been very g-ratify-~ ig- andfis surelyV o create intteret. Eghtergtriesahave basai eitered fitoim Newidasile. LakIr-f1eib1 Soiina, GrenwotiOronlo. Emindakilllen aind aise ~ ~ î Jaovlle is expeotea by the eoiaitee in charge tihat rairtr ay~ entier bef onstheecoi-nipettlcia t-a The couitesit wilbl ohëlild i the Oreno Tewai Hall on boith Fridjay and SaVtday night, Sept. 7 aud 8 end posaiibLy a tihrd nigilt wiltl have, Vo ha arrantgad so as to ailow al coptenst- inig societies the oppovtuauity to pe siËt their efforts. Eaeh night hrece or more pbiys~ wiIbl be enaitotd and. Judged by quaili- fiati judieatVo'r,. 1Prize auoney tesalliia-gj arf.iuud( $IlSiO.O0 bas be offereti for Vhe win- ners ani nunr--ups wih hwîItl nake a ;subsiantial n-ward for thbe Fsuces- The tiramatie contesi 0tl* sig hst4 inu place uf Vhs danee and sàLicw wi bot-I have la recenla yeavs beeonclear- ing leass Dand lssa. This msiisit rent; addition fVo' hse oftinen t he Or-ofo VFaix miilu0ail probyablty 4ho a tmýes naght ý1stand. on, Faim day 1,he usal ivesock anid ottier exhibits wili be on dfisplaiy. Hdiarnes raciiig, a blag main oty f l'he l'osaixlu ie, agaluen it Vâte ra.cing f aia.Canpltton r tbig hetd for Vhs iieJunilor lF'a'ielers as weelasit yéar. A delettileai frin Vhs Pieaix 4ay en- tertanment îa that à-hs Amateur coni- test whicli lias bad. tVie lisdrvojPe& iÀus year. Children SweII Rank$ of Local Te.uis Club rOver thirtiy cbal&ünf sweilee thei manks of ,bhe Junior Tennis elb ~and. praatiea(y4yA lwere pziesenat ou on duy ev'suing, uwhen the iritlotof in- struotiJons were givsau. Theetige ~rang- es everywhsre faisansixisiyeasra Thse'rachketa ava-alie s&t 1e both. have beon inuuse a goiediy part of tàhs itiane as a1so have the bwIls. TI- eresst las beckeen durirg Vhe f1i, week acf anni chilidrean havie been alesV to ecipp~y idis anomniomaait thé, court. The rasanîbams>hup of thse eitire Cdub no'w Stýds at f if ty ineanýhers of whieb tis Jtunior players cuiVumbner tùose o0< ths seniior group. Minimum Price On FaIl Whoat Suggested By Committee Suggested miinimum iprices fo)-- Fal Ryýe and Pail Wheat fo)r set iüe amnI"-iveti at duirng a rasant meeting cf the Seedi anti Marketing Publicity Cannilbtte Vhs eOntaviD Crcp Ti-. provenent ~sdifo.These 'al aýorwn cro-(ps are burpitant in miany distarlots. ant d iilh cDOU gcnim ol- spýonisbilities Vo bothVthe aer aud~ growers of saed. The onnun-,priees rthey uggeist for Re-gistered and Coniiecial Seed cF tihescropsa ar 1iýstd below. They su.- st the price fori Gertified gads shoald be l10e. toi 15c. a bu;cfhel hier Vua Commercial of the sanmDe grade. dItionis hs year, bhey were able to Winter WfeVDasns Goldeni report thaiV supplies of gond sesti Chaff Cnd Oo-nelI 595 vajrieticSa, wsre atiequate te ineet amy normalCircal No. 1 grade, $2.25 per tieanands, For Vhs first Vina, Vre bushel, 'bagsý extra at SOc. oach. Re- aire sulbstiatial quatiis cf regat- gialte'iret No. 1, $2.75 par bushel, bags ereti Cornell 595 Fail Wlaoat aal incliadted. The suggesitsd price foýr able ud ti i mi make lt possible Citfied gradles was tien Vo fifieen for those wbo want good sesti of Vhis ç'ents per1 bushel hfiguber Vhs GCm- vaiety Vo fMI their requireinsta merciai No. 1. Fal! Rye-.Cornerciaj No. 1 grade I arnivulng at thes smggested )min- varIýeities othýr VIlain Hoator $2.00 a i-mu prices for titis rye andi wbeat bfiet be, bas exitrai. onsriiNiI sed, hs Com-nittes took lite con-Igr-atis, IHoibt varieity, $2.50 per aidemation Vhs essait es of feedibuaihel' bags extra. All Vhese pncesa gzrajin, hsosutcfbsýs, and hsiir re- hass at f-anaor local ahi-pipdun' point,. OR%,JI ONOýà M FAIR mm SEPTEMBER 7th 8 th

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