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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Aug 1951, p. 3

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By Georgia C, Nicholas ber, ïInow qt, N l s1î, , ndx whaî's mjo1re i forgot tlui, bt 'Taisy prodded SNei lopened the ontror ne way to Ille Horîr-ner eiec 4d]nner, "usthow late0do1y!nlave t4, bc to sayyonre orry?" Wbtgood ol l os!a din ,trknow NeiI,'ts parenýts veryý W lland she didhope thcy'd l1k ber. Taffys nmothr and NeiI's 'niothler belonlged 10the amehlub asaýd t.hat's hwîe eaeac- quainted. "Wbhen are ypugoingtW ay youIMarry me?" Neiasked as, p f bedidn't-know l:Taffy was evd "Ihaven't bahýd any cmlit beforfe. Don't A alwaýye opei dor for you and (îai]lte othr tîng a gnLe suppOsI tûodo" "Oh ye, te nann1ers tiatca ~0metimesI tbink ou're on 'igblt 1rude, You neyCerapoiz" "Whn re you goin toay yo'Imrry m? oiIent eayiýt tltyoi u syyur aerrýy you er late a)d that o lorgot dhe bonk" - Thie lime Ne i1ws ieqîe onct The situation waestiUliu- sttfled iwhen he tur11(d onto Winiatg dlvwy,"ONeld pou tithéh ey'llnie wme?" Taffy "Doe it mle? Taf ad n ne c 0ase Mhat one. A maid opened tCe door orte.Sh'e sbowed Taffy t -o Sbdrom ad while Taýfîy ,:ae- "l'ni so sorry i wasn't at te fr-ont deont," Mrs.Hoerm r- ked "I ,was ail utpst Iis trnn becanse tbe btcher i't ysedmie kind of meat oI ïCordrd ' fr1i1 h in'tgoing 10 b'eaveyon dinnper." TaPffyv did ber et10asrelte Borrnier thlat she as utecm fortable wtotbrjce.I sçýilee tatte ilbirrtxv n ef kilter one t made myseif and Iiw!l lin- ished il thie afernoon." TafiaugliCdi ber pohîuls'lttl langli anýd 0ty !iidîuti 1M r. H1ofrnler asa n mr ýcomfo-rtab)leprontme. e îried bmaecovestinaîIlthe dinnier tlne accace i ifc dprncato o vrybnC le ditîer h sid, "Moîb,à tainkc th iGrandma Mss ru fo be money oý[ 'Theivng oso.M)r.)Holt sÀiî,1É Rad Taffy siIal ? Taffy aci. She relizi2,(il o te ord 'look and tat wstnlte. lbeput hebu vtle ot andtad Neil. lis muiio;asope a;i he'd sare 1 ;ay sirtrig chaýnged ie md ad orgoîlc 1 bis eyes, the sair patîe ir had lnved for a'long lme. She anîcliecea bu %%ho said wa uigtemx m;inut1e. But loîbxvMtHr- lcoïslyaat!Ni He hed nulbis rma Sc wb olierjundarelud i tei ,pois o! it. Tey have onnid ilspc iail s~~sfator f rloor bodr aJuil t nu )litter is' edd Mr to, Ccordiulg ltoanl art"icl, inThe Cuntry Gentlea, 'thev !lmthié bald freribeuaig for peat os * ilis ï(lA' po i, 11bey I-als beLeve th&t ltiw drred c]rilCrtI * i hadn't biad asl a seof coccid- i...-,esis sice îurnling to Ithis k!ind !ofL lltmanur vares. onrpre fer fto vru use it juit as1itlcomesfC h tiono wher-cjtheLpenlsaiin t'ocbrouetý houes re 0 b 16feet, t]te 11cr is pt don 3 o 4 inchesdep ,vriwilte oe r p!Ciidi onue en of the area. SoIme 3O broilersar raised bere from day nId cbicks to eigbt eeks, fter ach ucbo broilers is martied, thie litter ii piledin the ctître of the peu and It i iise l lo0wed t ta n sh pile to dry anid lheat for fr om w to) four weeks. ULite-r reated ikeý dhis las becti ustd as mnany as svntimes. Some producers re fer to continue a buiitl p itter wiith- an retmntadin mre manu31-re fromtim totime Otersbegin- eah uc f bir-ds w'ith a,-freeh supyof itr owa few wrds butama who idn*t let present-day hligh lilbiling coîs eep im from ow into tbe poulîry buinelss.f He's a West Coast manand bl( Ie il aà mosîly from matetIas ieut ite Jarm oodlIot, frjustover 2 a bir. Tis inicludeclitbiing,,labor for msr ftebidnpu i the insicle uimn Hlo bsai f boi -ootîo nucrbjcotntmii.Pele ple soue lls',tudi 11 l.o layýing penis, wbJ 'ie t tp dckias concretelai o siipLap wî stucc' o d!irt bestlbccaulfte sas re anld i, aie obace roomt on acb lor Lng es ramp uilt , as igb as aitru'ck bed onne "1d3aldthlveýl of the seond st (.11onthe oter. 15is suficenly are d tnrdy- to ac- coàmdae ig 'cart o ced, orti o a e A Retu flensive under~hrc Parsianfasblion ie 0,Utoni-.00n,1 odin1dicatîion of wba's~ir tor fo stletbis Au- Fat!s ie 01th,"ger"Bal- main sthe "Erchantd0F1ut,'ian Desse 'Th Blueird. BALMAIN. "Enchanted Flute."' eagngtiss.t1"brutaler o.fI- nece n mn? degise "Hafnilghtlywilc ocls wandcom-. !maad àalregal bering whie bird- cage eflewiIlsre I msti- oust , , auin , aîtra-!,einine 195 braTo ook" th IV]r-atens a .,re- donaein, chs oerthan inth mînd cýqiffrei înt:e t le b od ýic wlbedmre, i iean frm w ilîrl,)ws c-\vering mstof the-, sothsi(e, and from a u-nl penl- img onl tie'noit!) wall batween the pat Aud opof the joists. Thi saeis _overed wtb'-incbpioltry neting A -inicb overbaing o!gaI- he coo ountside tbokeep ont rail and wiod Thi mkes a velyn itd bousein ail knso! weactber andoasta s' rfv doos oeirngfrom lone terd on botb loors The pstaie iscaned 'y pubmgltrer imîcr a chulte and dový i n i trcI beîow. Litter on -ibe loe ilorl handîed îvýitb a Neatmois ac ajaljýcent 50 the ree sîppc)50reulce chore tC ime. Long ao grer ggs frro o bi for u15 nintsand dçoe-st bave to do muciliwalking. The uss rcbujin groups,12fceet l'îg y 8 inches %iide auci three dý,-cke iigbi 1to acmoae500 iads. Tby arc staîrca >1sylewitha a n61ýý iîrcb perch lafront and d (ividedi 1-to priin bu eilong. "i Sve(im, YCou Scream . . . For Ice Creamn"-Twin girls, a pair -lippery hands, andi two ornery ice cream cones set the stage f( -1 double tragedy at Rckaýway Beach, Quicker thon you cc -5y pistcichio, Margarer aned Duanne Edge drop 'pe,ýd their co - 'ice e cram andl the heaits of bysîande- s rnelted as flýicio sat-and bawl,,ed, dian DoLîer ofte n"lok ha da grei iýýzat many de ie fabrtics as vilias îthose witlen of luy" l tem Io undrltielog1erand ifuller krs Pirrn Bîran, mte ol-e aiik vrpeÏ cat t - 1ntat ing shacib, Hîs cots and be vo- and fbi.Thtnie rlnn ,sthe oulide wîll t ilic loe ardheral ýca an Colos so1;ipr ter ace fo elegantcrflac one mt l tot f r 0, 1 krsî(al 1no-ý tins So fac truc showu have be PARIq'S IW THE FALL. An at i Irmi Prsnwppo 'iae cees u es ieltese ieteParis cIcletin-ah ~gea (lef) and Dior's "Sbcspely Look" rgi> T!kùellury way is cnerd ith gyp- suilm"10 kesp the bird'e f et da Boars usedfor tcefron side o! the ocde lift off 50 tha;t cadi sýc- ti' ion a b( clne oce a yarjust )y pbigtelitter CnIo hefor sucs ioo bomin ynur borders carefuil p4lnning amld plceen maeil ut js e eentlaso the resut o!judcinue dis:Carding aud replacemenit of bomdotplanlts. Ruhcsputîing up ïo! leggy and sparsely floweÇrinýg plante aIeaadd greatly tovtde neaimese aýnd cliaru' Cf the clite gre 'lhe driftso rrseci ienniatï species of dianjthus that m'ay stilt showintrmitentbloomi, andIgi- taleitb i'h a iew penldent beilleaI the top o! th-e stalk, or. the sprawl- îng, -pansýies witb an I asoa mmo-îb fbxwer ai'e a fwe-t c- ampes- icborder vil] take o ncw ifie if the pîvnlce are recmnved, tbe digitalie ujpr(ooted ?and thie pan- sies clback eeveretly for faîfl bîoom,-ing. Mfost biennials are best dsaddafter mtrtinciludirtg ,canterbury be),l" le ad blyhoche themmeevs won d have gonepe ma-,tnrelcly to seed shûuld aýIse bt Trnioved frOrým te garden. Tueii eroup iniJludec; larkçspuirannual poppies and cormflowere, And the- golden c ioreopýal.aer its oEatly stimi- _mer býûlom might juest as . wel li4 edlskcaddfor later foesare in- W'bere gai'p- are tet l i -osmlos, anld tajilformiyat dibudd)yl provide- anidfoliage f- 'n D ur w set billhs o! thlesum the border latrie, large and giant Labiles (niaI both color 'hspiay tnt sun - Vs liai hrcen r Nicntiaiia, a,( cll, hi lni 's i tü- cIweing a- i (Wl, houc ties~e feet incit~um E ec niti pta olde o tt Atc pe uati t new Shyscraper sîîapdragons aiso 0 l il flîl0vcant s?": rces la tht ba-iIi na là' 9- ? eMoLee tong Qg- mtaea bauptywe ftom Pr üthersous a.Misa oghurn wi t'pesn he ,Tar Heel Mte irý e toss America pagean At A1; icC it'y, inew dwar llMavely Bluemryorncw gloy ud hesy-bue outhero star(xyetalm) ae alscio.goA fin the ±oreground.f -ýi iowseren laing ar the cushio tougeundwhtestarrIfloes loncb supplementfa"l snateîal o t rooîe lat s utw11ad tso hin do-Ibe beaut fthe S.tata b N01 Scratchesý in n t frntrewauo r move by vanto tvu oas, I- drede o! iles distnt, and put faIà; 7t1ae 1n0rrvI, iCt See w to ~ve crneof te pecesspa te rotet teir 'ligs. Cutting the eof u rcc ings IpuIle the ton c- icngteme adaîgue oetHEMl egsofcrvdchis, S Twîgtee rtcin ru ui bng or stIcracigildciî otr mtra ecuedt oe neelcom air n akdo -"-1e .wa," dmiteci theï. tr "huit dnîynthink libe niade bn HGmY I A T'RIP A 51 TAU t AW'WSIVE TA~iE 9OUN~ A$OUI'ID ~

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