FIEL4D BINDWEED IS Fe l QDIFFICULT TO ERADICATEi Fuit thBL M1e'V Bded (somotetimes cail-OUthi diffcut of al4 Oi-tario weeds t> e- Oh ogh- rrldcate 4 n,, field. In fari K. S. &speilsed' Murphy, fielidman for the Crps bob.h we Bmnih of -the Ontario Dep,%Ptmenit ti i~hib~ sviflthfer weed .threabein- Iphy, thef n~g the fanmer wth suclh a 1~OS9 as, &Uo~~o le C~.... comÎ-ng sooner than you Intriguing disýpflys of science, industry. culture . exciting watersports, motor fashion shows! The thrilling Midway, th. Air Force Banid, and Spike Jones (4 days, Thkis year,çloni't miîss Jimmy Duranfr eveninýg graýidsîaind show! Don't Pass afterniooný show. Comïý-to the excitinr, Bvening Grandstand Tickes Reserved Seats $2.50 $1.50 $1.oo For Mail Order, make Cheques Payale to 2resurer DUCIIESS OOOKINGý, PLUMS -- Sweet --Exc~ CARROTS - Crisp, Ga-, CARBAGE - Firm, Grý Pickling Onions,* silver Sunkist Oranges,~ 288'I- eating oranges 2 dozý,_ Peaches -- are of good 4ý reasonably priced Corn --Fresh Goldien Bai Doz,..... .. 100 lbs. Suigar, Grantilatea, Phon 121 -THE. Phone 1L:tr:t