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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1951, p. 2

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"Deajr Aune ir lst : Whyi-,,do old. mnen mnake f oois of thempsee? TYwo dear fienuds of mille havec been iilarried for- years. The ie ae a' lovely aid toagodooi, mlatuire, ad a ine persion. ,, and smart 1 ts ec)lios (appar- wife aslie ai- 1ay ba, h Lalla ber his 'old c oa "And munhi taheremarrss mient, lie agieswîte u chortles at: girls young enlouglbt be blis granddautihers' "Natraly ,they laugb but Iý behiCve lie 'lctual1y, mgnste returiu bliacentrbusiasm-l, "This fine Christian woman u- derstands her busband's problem She laves hlm deary, knouing tha hoe reaily laves lher. But sheý asks nie ta write yvou, bioping ya-u imay adylse ber ow ta get bilm.luAcn ta prateet bim ifrom m rakinig a petieof bims11eif. A1\QEOD FA4E *ii vln anaging isufeeliing *the )yest, r ceiiig upon him *seeks ou.t yotng girïls in, the * mtihope tIi-tlira fore- *stAl Id age. He reves 5luteir- *youtb, and imisinter-preta thir *Sriles forecoremn.F, *lie argules, "ilf1a1man11is as on as be fe!ls. bere i .ï ee, G;et The Plahlm desigo for th maust stpiii!lg cqui(t ou%,ever ade! Reaily prizeworthy when yon use, býoid cnrssof clr.Al Th'Iis isa'IL-olo ora it-ar- iss quilt. Putterui 621 ha bock, uhsrts; ciagrams. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS ini coins '(stamps canuot )ýbec 1- ete>for this pterio Bx1 12,3 EighiteenthSt., NewTornto Ont. Pountpiiny PATTERN NUMBER, yor NAME aud AD- DRESS. senld Tet-îeCents more (Ici os)for o'rLatra Wber doils, toys ..,moyhbyaud giýft ideas. Afre ateaicîne in the book. sluebCA.hsbck u a * cal h i rudps, or the-C boyi ' wîth ber wiii ti l hm ff T 1)iil ha the eud. p ý loveanlie hiýs wif e eauon sol ber theuin,Atral h y canuot om hs p. uno * If sh al aurryng about amt -le ther riedstinks the wllreb- 1etm peu before. Tey ndretadc *- hlve feri,e drbatDo--r., soke3 sympatliy.Tcrial) P, idas3sn tbAjem i.A> D If youand ycr husAd reof leior hepfl Write h thBox 1, 123 Eg-aitns-ui, jStretis Ne To50tW By Riaievs, ' R B.hWare .AB The liLz) ,argrleiiwsi o arid moi C hriitianos s->ia Mexnoiry Sletin:Hett1l eic a i agIst u sfor us . Luie 9 :50b red that aalouda is becmin-g c"a eclfareste" Wtieopig coutimin r dv igmr and oremb te feîd f scia serv11ce. Vryfh' voftbsaed beei ic-iy fom sla i, otpiain foithes, larred [tlteriugcs. delrei îa ed s lt destr"Q. jinitiaive [iIn tbe earl days ot sel's is topr, ýicbrch ud stae tunciones as oî. They cwere ot separate asl tI)y are to-dy. cerea ui ,'1mml ds a 'Wu 1 thon berAli-'~ thocie ohxe treniathndshît a g ovrth o lghs again:- [it shapdil b forýc thestrauer, for bbc faerjis,tio sa n d f or t he w j,ýýd 1'. D nt. 24; 29 (luo thburo o e Tes1gItament h(or te chrlitwil isiutl seprat t om heroman gveruo-l atthe e weL ifaite nIthfrbrtrv genersl ta b lelp IPani heied ta sytatnd nsd igT1 ai prssur natiecompel thenidutao, icebtb rcnlingtherigenersy i tlî elljyva t make teý I wiirs t g Tbn cntry'of Gentie ito ah Christan tei1alhp peutOe sin Joý es. The mtierll's5seytbed atr L.nsî abtaju tram nîeats c'offe(red tu Idoýlsd frnit biod-adira thie '1iustrgld, ud fous orni catin. liccouuetof te Cris You výanIt that tiuwitc ook --aud 1lîre iý thle drUas ta giv u ta ou0j! dc-akwraps tafont a smiart feature sud u es-t-i eti.Shirredboigrneul plaeflaredohrt Pateru 4ý816 cam)es iiisz 2 14- 16, 18, 20. Size 16 tks 4--il 3Mrd 350inh fahrc, This patteru asyto us, simple Io sw is tesýtCi for fit. Hs m plee ilst aed istuction Scnrd THIR-TY-FIVE1. CENTS (35 11incoins stapaCanu)lot bha ac(cepted,) for this atrn rn plainiy SIENADvJE, ADDIRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Seuid order ta ox(_ 1, 123 g- tlenth S,New TOrontO. n NEWand USEFUL Too Car Wah lunTubes Y ou eau wshyour car from tube na rw. Pcagdlu woi tnela be cuic'e1ltigîanus 0,_ c-onentrted iud ïete'rgcxit, enionigh tawasb your c'Ir-thice tintescý>omlpany aimsLEfective lu1 soft or bard watr, yn qceze tuecondtns nt fil, 1 it waer der pressrsd go ta sxr.Producýt ,a said ta give a sef-dIryinýg,nosbakgptes ia s ms us-atrng flawer pOt. adeC of BakeliC te syre1ç lasicpot hoids about. a svehssupyOfwa teýr il, its back pdsa base. Ca*ýpil- luury action carneivz ater ta planit rocats alonig a snhtefbexik IideWrech 1bý iing veaub soe stral lrench isMaelesa. Made sl bye- uizes flirtll oron ,ni. a i î. n sid,, eý inîcr, ruch laoetedwt Pin. dri.v reetaîdeoop- ar odu at ketbtf cîsfal Robat verat is Dmoed astbe ue y= yrîobtaugnqatica, tainurel fsucilcs or ateur pa;pertAbugera. XvIII 10testaiîmmrkion disoor ay c wblatrfasofpaper, canipany Opams.Mad frîîî lau s Cst tut, ather taîc seîiual wbca flour,114po1det ivil nt ermnt naois bearaeftstadn, ueiies ayi ofI *Hog Mvusk Katb.Cihrm- To Look At - Holding, down three of the biggestj jobs in the Berkshire Music Cenoter's orchestra aire, left tariht Rchel1 Shieldsý and Jaone Anon Hicks who play dhe "bull ides'and Constaince Wetdon who gets3 music fromr the boiss tujba, The, doujble--basses aore six feet, seven ice high and the huebrioas bornwm h 40 pounids-in case you ge-t iaround ta ao'king at the musical instrumýents. mîî s a ta ýsbar- t athe (e)d1of tic wceýk su wok bckwrds vat lîappencd yestery is stil frsb bapndearîy lu the weeccus like ammoîlth aw a rpaîyi as Petas eck cerasnly mas. iHow% everworkng bakwars i't real- ly verv satistactory >o, t0 cbieck Up o)- mysýe1f, Jiimadc otrs;iMon1day lsapenngsandhere lk wbat I f0ound wc had Iseesi doîng, Monday bbn baig nmacsse mov- cd iC . . . amotur 500 bals rcsdy, for tsemw. Tucsdyay splase cali frais Kabe Atkn'Iivision atth Cscos, invitinig mcl ta aa press prevîcwaix Wdnsdy. hd' sitice ISa1 ijWSy5 r-eadly ifor nC;v e1eicsesIacCped-IF I cold( get aa.There lsa1aways anl "if" w"ben a fn wua ln ag heet piekie, alS0o some aFppl satuce. Thien 1 1,t'tingarcady for art uýer sud took bbc3 p.m, .train 10ý Pardal. he prvîw as fun. Tag og h eenA amalpart o.f bueExhbitonabeoad of tinlie waý h tinthe Big Fair couidpssbiylc îcad taOpen lu twa dys'tinteý Trewas clutter cCveryýwlse1- narpeUIterClnisingstalla lfot es 1ibits:eetrcasrnig rou fixliug witevs, exhÀIiibors aing tall' redy mals icr ireforuntenu pîsy. Hmînrs ingIiîîg al Overf crs flxing ,theýir cbIil4dren for iode(Il- liug ïsu ibe fasîian parade. OQue 11111e toI. bu iwahvn dare tndsyormalerale ou yau ge lspsbck auth fat wicfs you've had il .. ud saiss Muni 110 idea bo!mif)p\peer there b- ut evcry aalbl etwas bahenj. Ic dinner waput anifor ail tt exsiîrilu Mrs iten speitu setioi sd aasa lpue- viewfarthepreaýS. Ift wasdeg JUSlyiniçimal. Saie of bcde cls uobicng bcx crawd wasboa rea for thewatrsssta cape sît, h- 'gan blelpiug wv;1Ill te job, Que 1mn sxould ýigo ta bbc serving anuer a(sk for tr-ay aini briuig back wat ever wasrcquire ,atihuatable,"if yau waýnted moie.xffc bcquickh eýt wY Ltaget i, 'ils ta gosfc ip. fiEwas as ansiligas vie fMad H4attcr's Tea-Ptyin "Alice il WanýdWrld" --- Cxcept 1 hatË Yoci: couldn" 't mQve over as there vwaS nlo IpÀlaceta aveta Tien Mrs.A. appeared on île scen-smrbefficient sud cleir- ing as al-ways. AModela lu thcFae ion P'arade came anîid weiit at hec, idn.Littie taIs, mlodellînigc- er-ytlin-g fram iwilitc for sets ta play suces. Qier girls lu sports suide sophstcatd young iades iu evenîng gowuis, for coatb or street ciotes. venunere maIles weCrC laking pat, odeIlug evcry tIype ofý suit from 'offiece ertacasas But een b Fshnparadens ,m ýinformi u. Eetiiu eecross- iiug bc taeatluevas makeý co0nnctions Ithter okbeinid the scenesF. And IHoraCe L'app w,,ss so baywstcinig tbbc miodeý;la >tha lie uccasioually% forgot to, give ii dtemusic! A tri ntftel xhbi tion ibseif is ,goiiIg to b.,' even milore ùenesg aiterthés entrtainig pee beindtbe sceees,. Abott9 :30U)1sio'wed upo at Dtgtrsplace ta, spend thie niglit. Ineshe bad gone tai Obîifor part of ber bolidays and mîuglit nat lie bc-n1 a aIthkys it didn't matter. Sur leougi no Dsughter.I pulledout tIhe dav- lied, found sheetsàaiid bianiket,, asild wenît ltal bcd. otyafle-r midnight Dauiibter arrivedhoe Wondering wliy lier 1room11was !5t uip vwienl the rest of the bousle vwasý- sui darkneiIss, shie apenled thle doo- and there T was! 0if course wve li(! Attlk for i couple of Ours.Nex mo1ig 1ook fthe train 7oadcame home ta rest Up. Then] came Fridav. Exta fielp tak get the bales into thýe haril. Two waons sd tractors oni the go and aý hurry-up spe for bbc beipers. And aniother uewý caîf uip à tce isak pastur. NWilePmaue wa nilkéing I brouiglit holme the mlothier and afspîgsd ail three of us did a grand job of getting Adthff REUEF is LASrING Nabody k-nowaý the causre of rheumai- tism but wie do know thert'v, OY. thing to ease the pain . t's ,INSTANTINF. And wheni you tire INsTANymN the relief is proionged because INsTANTINE contains not one, bUt thrcee proven rmedieal ingredients. Thes;e three ingredielits work together to bring you flot Only f'as-t relief but. more prolornged relief. Take INSTANTINE for fauthedais relief too . . . or for the pains o(f necuritis or neuralgia. and the aches soi Pains that oýften accomnpany a coid. Mill ntnel oay IoeeP it hvndy i 2-Tabtot Tep 2$y SAVE MONYe( OW jýLOVELY NEWBL1ANKETS OLD 'VO L ENS1 Blanket psicues osat e dhmgh$sl Now's thetlime to tuse tht eysin FairAeldPl. You juil send your aid knifted or waven w00llenî-all- *ol ack, s weaters, sus udtwe etc.--ta the Fairfield Woollen ii s.W In retum, i'yau reive <lovel NEW BLANKETS, COMFORTERS or SATIN-BOIJND BEDTHROMXS ai ai rection o5 thýeir nalcost ,2Far- ilelds' imroved metofaiiikoin ew Mblankets From adOH alsa SMIART NEW CONVOI COATS! Save, 100, aon these -warm, rugged Convo Coas. Fairûtids make tlsem, complete .,wit hood, in sizes for men, wamenndoibs,, from ycur aid woallenî. Act nawl Send tht coupn oda yior lui det-isof the Fairield Plsn. DITANCE MEANS NOTHINGI WINNIPEG WOOLLEN MILLS Fairfield & Sanýs Ltd., Winnipel 0 Seýnd me your Fuil-color cataogue gvn I bu detuils l>a W blnltt2 ud CADDyCshiRMadwoles To. taste iit is to prelfer the su,,perb quaUty a flavour I'of kue-hih nicory. Also had smal ary o o to that nîglit. Aud henabot mdoilita phoe byl 3 i.tan.Titwsthe be-i ild THISi t he mrui ug fte Tec'hief 1a1d fute ttb retused to answer auy moriarm 1uil the owl n replaced the ' irtuck with a newer model, f île, îo AN N£ 14l' R S-lr P4 eývx edc-t ---, E Alé

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