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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1951, p. 4

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I Cla~ wiitli th, ,artment., Ottawa. ;cription $1.50 er. R C Forrester Cliurch miy a decade ws la-aedo ection of the new Orno Un- frnest to be ýsea- n un amydst- iti ha oird t'tunnoil It Pinaaly whni suppoeited the' or- peaples te edult groups Tr&saitieon «et tie durcli pi >culs auditorium, stage, niodean ltcthen ati [ Dr. Walkicatmosplreevas an lnpirbitfactar rip The det-sred a4tnos reire fra woaip le crs- the enirea edifice aM ; se ets th ie building as atm 2-tUre fora Our Chircl caniuiity anid tihese etof tire Preiytery bhave ctwvo yebas for renoivatiomr of thrs Park St Uniltei kuldlarng of the Oeera4 Uinited Churc'fiýa a sum oef wdi d lis thre geireial funi hos been kepýt -p by falhlaiin Ia;iln bellef. Orono Fait Fair ,d for the Dîrectoils adl Offli-, ofet 'tiraDurlhair rail Socity 'mas tlhteiis on Satturday-. Septieniber ta rt t }'hr in recent years ook Pace at tlie Onono Fair ne wm ias coniited on diaoa 'ehIbition sta- id factre movirng show to date. Judges 42onpareti lt at Llidsa'y ]test yeu t ad to Ehe e periot at titis elh sllrow ng Aaid uaige ofths grantistand it wavs a paicke4, lay et omef ha ite etiiaenî.The s sarw a greatliwcaasià!tthe nuimbera of eies epacing beforetihe stand -lai ascipli seFt!tlirasw ieughtt as ninny as iglt steeds belihiti tie staatig rat Ae drie aH thre wo erua la in e mo a Gttî va othm-r yeirs andi especiaul in tire BIack andi e i mnechips twenty-ix bmests maie in de rIng r- Ladt'ils yeairr ever-ytlirig ten -auke it aget suc- ?c anrd thie show was kept m-o'viing a afast pace 1 ienimnt for thie specitators. slrnlvera-phsized tie esnmmaie f et'tishw s an-d lias createti a greater iieas montgst exý- aors' alike As si-aited ia thre taarotpsing by J. M. exlilbitins' are a grenit asset ta 'o igco)Immun- bttrer prodnckng cf f :aiprodue ati md p-ole dduig c f stock. The Pair gives; an epatnt ta t.h 0o cpand iris knewiý!edge of lis futýure 'profeSssin raites iaeetis ihn caried cii tirrougiliVhe years tinig pbo-poiVity cf Vie Duiiaii etriFa-im a to year uit is livtabethat the 1U52 eito f ibe (moi greater. Iiquipmeat and care of the molest f! charge ai; weil as thei momat cueting îffl<e 66R - Residev PrivateAmuane SmithF unerai at the mont 5! largeet and nce@: 523 and 720 ,Rb Blewuaanvllle. Ont. a, The enagè int ils announcedo LeaJeanaugitrorf 'Mrs; Jcylir Tuier, O* n.d tihe( late Mr. Tur- n to RoVrt Louis Sta-venis, son of' \Mr eand ns.Ros steea Maple Gaie 'e. nirrageWili l ake PhaCe air t sy, O'r ber 3tIh at 3 p.my. in O o1t; Untted Chancli, DIED -MANNING,-Eiteaed l'aVe ist ia Osilawa Genal oial or Fr1- day, Septerber 7, 195i1, Artbur M.îmning, beloved b,us-,banid iof Mary Jante BaIlin iis 644h year. Faneral was rom thre Armstrong Funemal Homet, 0sffawa,~ on Mon- day, September 10, serviceL 2 pa. Local News îMrs. M. Durbar an! son, Eliiott, Port Heope, visilted with iMr anidM. We.Elliott. 1Miss Vioiia Gllfiilliain 1moved lasit week te lber nie~w apartnient wit1i Mr. and Mrs. H. H.Bow Park Street. Mlles V. liIe. Jr., bans returned to BioS'Vta oattend Uiesty Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor, Bow- rmnrvhlle, mare week-end guests'o,,f ~Mr. and iM'rs~. Wrn. Hoar. 'Mr. and! Mas. R. C. Rashorouglh iii.d MaIyNiaan a l _-penit Suni- day in Orano, attnd ' he Dedica- tinser-vIce. Mr. aand Mlv~i- oa.d' - H1amptoin4 vÀsUjed Mrs', JI. Curtis, Osýiî\wa visitors nt thre Oono Fair onl Saiurdiay werae; -Mr. and Ms J. MMKee r, iil dMrs. Cleve Cle.- a-ines, Mr. and MJrs. Charles Bx ber,M. and Ma-S. WiIl'iaii Comran iMr and Ms.Fre-d Wood, MNr.nd Mrs. W. Ogden, MaUs. Miýyie Morgani sdMa. FedBaIL. M.and Mrs, L. C. Bruw\,.n of Troi- oNtowee gu(stt of Ms aySmin- en-vile over tie -week-end. X). C. D). Botidk of Toronito is v.îsit- intg ,vhiLjie wlh iis daugLie-, Ms lnaForeser smiaay viýsiters wit'lir, and Mrs. luni Stiainton wr;Mi. aind MUis. -B!. Wilianýtiiis, TrrrtMa1s. iH. tevens, Ma. aund, Mas. Milýton StaIi- o a, D iorotiiy ti dCareace, YMr,Di- ý, Ms', and Mas. Loi-nie L týbý ,aiqrpi, tunat anid Rutia. ni Mas,. J.iR nnSnEnnlskillen,M.aniMs nLiuiLnb, BwavrlMa. and - iss SVte BlckbrnMIsýs Oie ?Vamaen, ýMas. Nor'mainRiadMs Oisther, Newcastle. mis. F7-e1 Bowen anti Ma. anti Mrsý si-i DeacntifamIw'ere eeken Lsiaswith Mrs. d.Dan Ma. AIoy. BIlot, wlr As spent- iluasit o mntis with lhe-, sa [aIIs. R. E. Lagan, left fewr rhm 0' Tuesday la St JhN.13. LidayFana t'icke'ts will bq on île at , . RoîphIsan W. J' iid eils Taco'Tfýnndz club nipmbere iie vFTeýýti t at to phtay the'ir p1nyc(fs ïd eIder ramb wi1 ll pwt ils stirting to-alght. FRIGIDAIRE I More beautiful an ever for 1950 in new models -lun De Luxe CeI*d-W& 4 FRIGIDAIF E ECTRIC RA Modela f r every 1,itcl SMod I RM-60 et ,lwh youý're awý Ted Wo& Real Estate $6OO. arna brgain, 50 acres clhoicalaiad il iencahe, iorth ot' o. Higwayneana No. 35, Isss thnIiâmles te 'townl, ~~tesiW leni7 roaned fi-asehouelarge steel rcofed boragoedwater snpply, 3"5 Leroy Hafilton BROKER There egular niuriig etbe Even- inig Auiliaay be hidSeptenubei 27 att M ais bck ,Reid . Mrs. Ivlsoii Tarbliyn's greup 'liie ii ýarge. One Lister silo î ifer ;tli o$ fsiloý Apply JThyal eqffat, iErjeer-plise P'hoes571,13f F0 SALE Czirrots, Bee dM es 1pl G,(ýrige Butters.' a-p PLUM-,S eO SA&LU Plums for sale,. Day ', phone 5415, Orono.4- Lombards anï Gerxnaý,ýn pi oks il qts. 5fc; 6qt.0e Pleasi bring your own eontai ers. R. oll* - wo'rth Phone Cl ke 160Y2 f a-p $35.00y.tAppiMas. . et. a- grageý, -alomisfrc luhn Oneoazesi tisdonfaie, 5,0O l eas 10C acres, sandsoiIl, GO ares workiable, 40 acres bush suiàtab1e for lmiibei, barri 40x60 ft., full baseanant, veill, 9-rooni framie house, hy7dro a- ïvad1dy1,e~. Fna ii ema' ain be bought spnately ow tLes. .9,00l). Terras. 7-nocii fraitýe deti in Neïw- castlie, (3 acres',w lcreek, ini good JAMES NIXON. Broker 160 Liberty St, N., Bowmanville Phonie 682 FOR SALE Ne~w Bissell 26-plate -Dise, stiai- daird or f dalc$80.Tactor Ploiwu. Ot large Mq.resprecader ?22.0 and ýUp. Flexible Harrows. Robey 91½ f t. CUlti stor $9.0 Tiimken b e ri rng Wn oni, $10O.0'0 Wood'b GCo. len!c. iidr.Ro11ei Plosc".11 îe dd !20 Clarloe /c34c DEA'tD ~AMSTO -t 1liorsas,cws. TC, fers, S ep'. Piga (We pay for 1orss Éd (lCows) Live herses 2 4k 3r. -per lbt. for crippled d ol4 rses Ty ro>ne Phone Eowmauville 29 Fil ITURE SA E Of .s fry o avr Streeýt, Neweastie, on auray, ,ipp- tember1'n+3,I at 1:30 p n .Bedcoom, Fice, Life, Pli No 2 lot '23, cncsio8, Ihope iwp. oe aýIpl wesçFt of Garden11111 ni oei. aerth w\vll ba oi! ybli acto onl Wdsay, Septruer26 a't i p.m Terma sh ersre Jau'Ck'Raid, Ackne (Coliiedfopaeo) pot gatre illbe incudedLa he ifw will bethespcalgameIýsaniSae The-Wealth 1 TNs yeas ethoewi cm a e Nawcastle emm iyoHllaurp wineasting pr l ths pu We seIl and instal -what vou need- and p, Prof essional- Directory A. F. McKENZIE, MM,~ PHYSICIAN and SURGEON ~euHeurs: 2.00 t. 4.00 pým.; &34te 9.04 p.nft Sundays and Wu6oit»gebp appointment oiily PHOINE 47r1 - 0 N E. C. SYER, MA» PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Houru: 2.00 t. 4.030 p.m.. 6.30 t. 89.00 pain. Sundays and Holiday*.bu, Appaintment PHONE. 74 r 19 - ORONQ LEGAL Lawrence C. Massa, eL Barrister and Solicitor HOWtýL&N VILLE., ONT. pholes .: Office 6OU Home 5 TED JACKSON 1Auctioneer and Valuatr Conductu Auction Sale. of adl mies and at reasonable ratez Communicat, with hlm at Fw$t Perry, Ontario, or see hl% Clerk. A, E. Morton, St oroao, fer date. JACK REID Orono-'s Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Parmiaad Furniture Sales Consuit me for termi and dates Phione 5 r 18 -< LIFE INSURANCE Pension Planis; Edutati%3aal Pdiiciens- [ratectlon and SavingH Plans fc* Childa-en and Adigits; MlortiagZe la- surance Plans. F'. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r le, STh~e RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia1 M916 - P.O. Box 622 r Port Hope, Ontario Mo0numnents, Gravemarkçer& STAFFORD BROS Monumental kWorksj Phone Whitby 552 318 flundas St. E.,. Whitby FINT, QUALTTY MJONUMT)ENTS ANPI MARKERS Let us erec.t a hiandsome, dig niified monument'l over the i-est. ing place cf your loved cones. Itnet expawnsive. And seeing this lat riutswil iv yeu scescomfoat Oronorilritri, iphone 30 ýr 16 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM aind H4OUSE WIRING APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteed Repairm te alilae of Electrical Eqtipmtwdý and Applianees Suha3 oorWater Haes W'e will hopleased te pfick up dead or crippîed farmi animais and îpay highest prevýailingf prices.j For immediate service telephone colleet Brooila 62, Cobourg 1266w, Toronto Empire 3-3634 CORDON YOUNC Ltd.

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