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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1951, p. 7

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Leslie They aoi eLucky Laehf-no of my wfe elaandhrpoba Sure lt a paleinee a lacs, men ad1tat stfi Bt ou eaidcaerbal the euu1try beifor, yout'd Jflud anyouie the equai ai my Celiafor deasoni uck. I' o ordinary gaiJrdenvariety 1iuck th-at Ce1ia it a ilks ab ou t ither-n otrfour le-af CIavera, new maous(and rab- bit's fet, Oh, u lCeia -gaesini stronig for luickýynubsube book, 7 l the lucki;est, 3isa air umiber and G y ou sýkid b ihee shut and bards clencbed. --celia bejievefs if yOu have goo0d fortune digatbn aceai -tuer way one, thcpif àyotD ep Celarwere t"bd a diamond on th, cornier of Main Street on tbe7tb of tlise mýontb anid whiile warîiug a red ramcoat; she uwoulidbelieve tha net nonhcamne the ltb, site cuddon the sa-ucme a ceat (no mlatter i f tesi asbaiggo back and Alnd a ruby. Tbe quer: part of t ïis-C el ia waýuld ( Wben we ere married îin thase un1ple-asant day-S oi "43, l had leave?( franitue Ahtbof omemonth ttec 1ext.iWe bad known each ,ther for a couiple aI yersu,Celia andI._ff P'd had lmy wap we'd have beenl miarried tie 1tb. fBut ClaS a id, "Ttise i-h t1 te day for iuck,11 Even rmn i er that that at was acnur ya nd that we wold be m(ý ýarried but a lew d'ays b;elte I ment back inta action- woUldn't swerîve bler. Tise 7thi t was;To0hsDay Cesiabeliev ets recason iwsntamlongstt ife 166, kiled in aurtrogiment was because we wonre mied on the 7tb.And nmaybesoes igbtl" Take z ti n -tsedctrsaidï( DYavid wolie borui on )une 26ih. Celiasaid she chase Juiy 3rd, The doctor suorted, "'Choosel' B)ut Da- vid ws oru ontieserd ai july -at 7 oclc-just like Cei ad predicted. Her straugest belief is tht tbigs happen in 31s. Ultheris tabig' train- recsCelia epesthe third. When avid had meles an cicken ,pax ý i1side of two ontbsF, I tbougist in çnougb. Cebua saidl there wold be mnore. lHe cauine down wnib te nmumpjs GE, tbie 6th. If we bave unexýpecd companiy twO ngt in a r-ow, Celi makeS a batcb ai01cOakieS asud waitszo anig. Tbey aiwa,,s dol B t even Clacountih f ýlud euug lcky nrnsor carata coanlteract tbe G6tisai tllemnt thiat was rus il tius. OidCra ford bead ic -Ctawird Corp)orationý saidbsies nas so bad tba al tofficecew7o0%dbc e rugil uthe Gth. I1 aO nc a te as The 013 -as onViing and l had a good idea af Whocas gug ta "et a pn dsiaa si a hsi pay evlp.Celia sýaidsbwad try ta hikaismehng a'W teark. fuI day Dvdniewitb ateri ie- went ta tbý e bopital for- an a ilndi- itis operta.Ikonoeain arieni't unasal.Butit aa!-)Io number anc-ai pt thre.At brak- fast rt oas l teaCppe1)e d sp, ) an sanoe inteadai oast. CeI cht- teredabou the uw est aCrpars BatI kewshe was tiniu t berse lite seconýdtrul. Like. tey ad gane auto dee morin.tats's the way thec offi ce oriders likýe it nasju1st ny d'Cay, iusltead ii,,tbe Gtb. Celia tele-plancd to a sayshehad droLppecd ;ber-'vrist watch a~brokenit. Non-wbywa telpbanec _al1! Wome'n! dIidnlt bave a ini<Slip. i cauldhave d1anced oai ydesis top. usbe bornetal e clICelia ithe gaad nen-S aind that !Iser tbeary n-as wn-rng. She took itsaiy. Femlember my watcb,' she asked bandly. Tblai was tise tird blan-.See? Buit do(ifko- smeti [ainnv? She said she droLpped ,it. i fo>und ber saeon tbe dreCsser ,imiidst -sor-cbits af broken glass, aud some glas S s sucIiiimth-e Oum2 Jae4CI An leW57. PRIZE PICKLE -D ONIO)NS Whiole -mixed picklirng spices,, Reov kinlS o nin Place ovenilatusa vrystronig br-Ine. Tt- steiiize.d onle-piit saes ing spice to eacl pinit jrof cuîis, Scald e¼ galn ider k earwt the sp)iceý for 10 inutes.L Cool anld pouir oer J:onions, istributtinïg the spicýes eveiy ,amlong thle ar-s. If a hitemure ]lot spiced vngr Seal and 1store for 3 mlonItbs efr ung Ifbrine is to ea dite onlions become ottedorpttd PICKLE'D RED CABBAGE Remove aicdah koliter lae frou 4 irmbead ofredcabge suiîce % incb thick, or put thirouigh chefood hOpeicr. Place ini acak ;pinkie aver 2?up of salit;coe wihcold water anclt stanId vvr- Igit. 1lu the mor -JI'.il g dri throghy; pack thie cabbage ioosiy i 1-qartsterilized sealers; pour ver -Îiiega:r which bJas been scaided ib2taisoasa ie wioe pîckiing spice (tied in a bar) for ea<ý;ch quart af itiegar. Sealian mpediately ifthe v -inegýPar i vr1;rog dilutewith alittie wtr PRIZE M.VUSTARD PPICKLES isweet green pepper 1 sweet red pepper 3 Pints silverski nïnn 2 quarts smail, firni gherkt'ýins ? smiall heads alio r Va cup mustard '3' cup Fave 'Roses àu 1 cup cold vinegar 7 cups eider vnegar 234cups brown sugar 2%teaspoone turmeric 1 tabIespoon mu-stard seed Remlove the 5seeds froua pepper-s anld eut il] stIpýs; peeilois; wash ghierk'ins; break cauiiflower bunta smiali lOfiowerets. pikl ih1%ý cups of Sait, caver vwith coid water and let stand Overnlight. Li týIse snIorning, drain hooghy and place in 'Isaiedcrock or- the Blndflour, 1mulstard and i cu (,f cold v;.inegar to inake a paste, Hieat thec remiaïiiug 6 cups of vine gar, add the brown sugar and tuLr- meciic. Add the lIended muiistard rand flouir anid stir and cook-iin a double boue(r unitil thj il an smoocthj-about 2ù0 miinutes. Add the mutr eed, ad ouir the -sauce over thle pickles. Mithorough)Ily; p)ack in) sterilizedl jar-s and seal. AI- lo'w the ic ikles to ~adfor, 3 INDIA RELISH 1 peck green tomatoes, 1 small cabbage #5 onons, chqPped 3 red peppers, chopped 2 green peppers, chopped 8i cups granuiated sugar 2 taiespoons ceiery seed 2taeson mustard seed 2 -tablespeoons coriander seeA 1 tabiespoon stick cnao itablespoon wh-oie oe ï c2 cups spIt 3 quarts cider vineg-ar ClIa'p tomaritoes, add satL id letýc stand Cov'!rn light) . N ext mrig driadcabba;tge, chloppe'd fine, and boril in 3 quarts af viuegar. Add onions, peppers, sugar, celeryý, mustard and coriander 'eeds. lie the cinnamon and claves in 'a mus- lin bag. Bail togpetber until onionsý are tne.Rroespice, bag an NINE DAY SWEETPCLE 4quarts gberkins, 2%ý' pounds white sug.ar 7V2 cups vinegar 2Ounces mixed pickiing sp:ices Pc ccuibers i n a crock; caver xith brinmýestrong cenogh ta float anl egg; Jet stand 3 days. Draini,cae witbj clear cold wtr let selak for 3 days, changing the wauter eacb da. Drain, caver witbi QUICK DILI. PICKLES Pac frsis crs L Uumb Lers aIbouit 4 inebs lnginuar j ars. sized buncb of dili in the op ai eacb Jar anjd cavýer wjýib3 a soltion made bbeating ipintaI vinegar, 1 cap, of 'saît alid 2% ýquar-ts of' water, without allowinïg tbe ixýture ta bail. Use whiie baot, and seal the jars imdaeywben cool., Store in à- cool dark< place for 4 ta 6 weeks before using. PEPPER HASHI Remoe eseeds and wýý iatiten- sidle 1patlfram 12 red sweet epr an 1 ree(el ct Pep-rs'- eel 12 mledýtim-sized Onions. Pt anions and epprs brogb he oodcbop- per;cavr wib biiin waerlet stanld for 15-inutes;il Jrai- welt. Pt insauepanwith eold water ta rov-er add %,,'cap sait,.rigquick- iy ta boiling point for 5 mlinutes. Drainj off tltewater; add ta tbe ix- tare 1I pint aI cidler vinegar anId 1 polund af gralated sugarl. Put aan ove te fire anld let bail for 12 m1inutes, ucounlting froua the ti e tb-e m.ixIture heins a bil, Can PRIZE FRUTIT SAUCE 30 large ripe tonatoes3 GOnions, 3 green pCPepper 3 red swieet peppers 4 cupsý granulated sugar 1 large buncli of celery, 2 tabiespoon> s'sait i urteder vinlegar /acup mixed picling s;pices Chopthe vegtabes, ix oget- mner s wy nil tiick, about 2 hours3. Store insterýIized air-tigbt ja.Tie epickliu1g sPices in a musiin b a g and diead efore boitig tise sauce» CA,ýNNED TOMATO SOUP 1 peck ripe tonaatoes 1 buncli celery 6 onions I cup butter 3/4 clip Five Rose Flousr 1/4CUP grantUlated sugýar 1/4 cup salit / teaspoQn cayenle aild alions sanitil sait; rub tLisrougbl a s;ieve. Add reiinig inýgredieuts. and bring tafo iiing point. Bilfor ,3 mntsbote hieboiî(ling, ii Ta usedilute ib an equal quantitv aofmlk, ad rebeat. Do nact bail. If desiredi, gairlie, mace or bay lelmayvbe adde cd. Tired of arguing sibcnpan in)g t lrs abarber in Ehlaipt Ulp tis sig n ;11bi's shop: 'ýtoys unider 12ms biga nt ru hIomefo½ ruh uL Prince Charie Stars At Royal Outing-Y(oung Prince Charles, who'll be three in Novemnber,wa th(, center of attracion, sitting astride a sculpture of a deer in the grounds of Balmoral Castie, Scot- lond, sumnmer residencE of !ha rts Royal family. Left ta right am-~ King George, wearing kls Prinicess Elizabeth; her husband, the Duke of Einiburgh; Prince Charles, Princess Margaret arid Queýen Elzbeh ust out of the picture (in a baby carrnage held by the king) a Princess Anne, yonetmember of the r-oyal hous;ehold. TiLFÀRM FRONT Every "once bu a whis i lave a sort ai guilty feeinig thlat I don't wr7ite enIIUlais aoutt iserob)lei'aO eanservinig carnatual esouirca Oî)e bas 0o1!V tago ta tiseso wbewre auy af aur rivera empyiD ta I La-ke Brie or L-ake Onitaria lu order ta r-ealize isle vaît amrou-nt Ofi val- ushie souitfisatis steadilybin sàwept iay an sd last brv Of course some,,tb.iuig is Se-,ing doat about t-bt fl ot nearly eoga Il-, this çconnction I wouîdhI;ke tat pass- alon-,g ta yu a portion i O anli article writteu I)y F. H. Krrgt Presi*det i tis te Torontto An-giers' sud Hafuters' Association. Tise par wlici-C lie quates a predictian madeý atmosat 125 vears ag'o iS especiailv intcr'estiasg b ien -ai fwhat bas bap~ j>enled since. -Sa bý ere Yoiau ae- Oîtie hundred years aga titisOn taria af ours wsa lanid aofarests, ulimiited game, clear rmers sud streants teaiming with fiýsIs. Tisre were couuatiess xnumIbers a oose deer, ïbeanv, atter, Imink, daj geese sud tgrout'se, audff eveni tise anaif. nifcen nbldtureywaa ondi southeiru aireas. ebears, b'awks, onIs tand otiser so-caled ipredatorsin abmudnce Bu ieworst predator af al--man --hadflont Yet gw ot awork TCise aiigly Aé-'tlaie cSa!ins-ontiv-. ed in Lake Otalio aud tribuitary streamls, beiuig sa lnmerýoas t-,at &utn a tisoasi or mare were kiu-. eddte coure af a siOngle ib. M ana raeedover -40 u1sa. in n1,829 oanc John McTaggart, a ci-vil enginecer ui tiseservice of tise BritisisGvrme ,wae on- cernug Ontaria "Treýes oa variaus kinds a a.- bje faudtbey grow,,iug togetiser forý tisousands of ils.Tisat they serve ta ally tiseseveity aoftie eimat, is surey 0n" af theUsesforWbh- tliey are intendedi; it neitiser being 50 bot angst thse trees in -,sumý- mer, noir yet 50- coid in winter, as it is bu tbe cleared 'country. I the formner seasonl, tise rays ai'tise sun are-cbiefly, withieid f'roan tIse- soul by tise leaves aud branaches; and in the latter, tlise eoldwhc is gencrtd hinthe atmspiser, i alsa pr7evenited1by isei froid(ar,- îing dowrn and freýezing up tise presc of tise Cartis; tisey m1-ay, ieeoe be said ta act bathl as a shlad(e ald a1 cvrg.When t le rafilballa tiey imibibe and retabu mIlore cooiing moistare thanLthe land oul d without them; iseace thenav sprngs we Ensd ià tbe w aads.Per- hapa the rivers and lakes wiil be- corne affecteddibrny if once these imnmense terr-itories are shorn of their trees; sanie of theni may dry up al tgether iiiisinier ...Tise laws of na,ýture when dis- turbed by tise band of mnan are apt ta retaliate ta bis iajury." part oai.ur naural resaurcs ai for- est, hemd and strami are naw gour foreve, Naiture bias, inideedî, etal- iated ta mas injiury Cîiviization bas non- cange tbs Proincbtaa iand aifcitsaa twnvatst qlamas, lbuge hindustrial plnts ines, aiidjpaper and luusber m1illa. It jlai naw1, alud lmainly de- uad(ed aif itS loresta; vat reaqS are er-od-ed anid tanfit for ultivati.on: lmany aifits strenaae driedup orpollat:ed ta tbe exýtent thlat tilse cnno loner support iss liie. GREAT TALKER Among teu pian j eheistry clans a boy n-ha had a tendency teachuer dcie tattis trouble- samiehabsuid be brougbt ta'- tlie atttiCofaibis parent.;Ou uc les is a 4good laid but lie talkýs toa Afs dy ater týhe reporüt waS retunedtageher itb a footulote oan bis fuatberuniasould meet bis aobel Place of Many Nafflea a, place o tai mny lnames. "L'isse4 ueccessityî, as tisle famlily gacs about- itsday affais; tise usmes grow ottai efforts at description fo tlise mast part-îit is not easy te assigu iscu. Tie ehidreon k wq mau-iy naines suýd discard masot of thieni autim. , , Il Tise laudwe ve an is -a roughl square aitwf t acres, based on eigbt or aine bundred feet ai rivr banis. Ts river is theislek, lotir isuu1dred., feet w-ide, at this point, Swift sud broken, flowi1n.i brow@, weýst ta east. A dusty grave; road divides tise tweuty acres, rnte acres1- ou tie river sMdeCI tise roadeleve acres an tise other sAdL.Tisebouse. stands just about i tise centre of tise ime acres on tise river sAt, ratiser overa P. drd fet foatise- e-dge ai tise river. Tise barn s i s e lac sade of ise roadaduhtrec or four ýacres ut rouglisclear-ing ýaroLind it imak-Qe w tise Bari: Field. Behinad tiat are thseAIe, a sivampy t &eeta amder sud imapi sud salmanberry witb a peaait eek flawin tbroutb mancmcanc-Khagfiher Brook, as a matter ai Isect, tïouigi l bave ney-er beard tbc aameuscd and kuos- it on!, frai an aId ;plis 1, once san- in a îreai-estate offic, Ou that side af the roi a isn persan ror tbiug eauionly be lu anc ai tbemlcs"vra tiseba" whidb wa lincludechec 1.1outise hiknbouse fotür filty feet awýay; "in the1 Bru Fied" or back in tise Alder-s.'e This aidle oaI the road is muchs mare cmîctdcîiybecause it bas been ileîsced ioassilenà- elosures wbiÏchpstreteasor,'f-. tecu black sheepcl. lEalst oaic se ouse thecre is aac-cepas;tu1re ýaing file road: R iadausFeid ta tise cha1iren. lBetwvee th'(at and tise ri- ver à iste Old Orehard, a collec- dilion i phuan suqd Cherry siud pJear treesý. hm] .1isen teeis the cHed, Daugas unirnsaved in bran tise n-oods tenor taveyears ago sud clipped eaich sulmmer. - Tise cbildreu's anesgo eyu ise narra limita i tulinefn non-, buit once beYonid thee tby bave lesserargneyand vi bnci- er lue ,. - There is týhe Sa t -wa t er on1g theisndarsthbrdt i the Gulfîf ai eorgia; asud be- YOI)(d 1t1at, theMinad ontïC Tossards 1 h u 1ome gn tise Tidal Hi, ver, then tnhe Cieaired Ln-u ow ](au fln-oterfarmn ,.tise fiat ~ ~ iio, im[dae bteibe tidew-a- ter, BeyonDid tiat agaîn thie AIder thicisetSa1sd tue Stresan ll Qttanýl, tbe Open Loggiug Wrk s ise Fira-ýt t , tltheDep WCOods and marc laesasd the H1igis Mo0untans ai the beart of Vancou- ver Island beyonùd thleaIr -ru "Measare oaicbe Y er' bv lRoder- icis L. Haig-rown. - v 4~t~ N N N 's -s 's s' 's N N N v N N -s N N N N N v -a

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