oi Vol. '5 No 35~ OR~O Grandmnother's Day Brings Outý Former Styles k' .WlI. Meetl The Women's Institute hon Vei verLrmeeting iin 4the Oen0 Tw NEW uuNVILLE JRRICG&1t nihe iftennoon («f Fridiay -Se--p te2,nber 2IJsft. 1Mij"sAMlie Nesbitt, Toronto, spent, Evevyo!ne was eweIllOield atthedo ti-e week-en-,d withlier ister, Miss b-y te granrdiiiotthers inta er cos-: Anniee Nebt trmest dating many years apgo. The l1 rs. Wimi. Ug', W has been visiting pràenit, Mrs. 0. W. Ro1lbi, presided wilhMrss(o* ~ieevh~g epened with the It-JMr. Wmi. Darlington and friend ofi tut4e -0de followed by prayer. Repon,-ts Kingston were in tihe village Thurs- ~and busaeqs discussed with thte de-m- <dky efveTing. ~heprrpr ay tý c Mr. and Mrs. Miltoe Roýbinbson ,civstatïýn ui te popcrýwtIiivited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ti'sh which -71]I1 le held at Our IneflSX J'ack Glover and family and Mrs,. regul-ar meeting, Oebohber P9 ta he rî2l"n evf)nÊig. This demon)strsa itî- s pon- aligtr isored hy tihe Onta'nio Departusent cft Miss Allip Star~k (sister Of James1 tamids and Fonests. Luncdh will b Sitarkç, Orone and an aunit of Jamesi 3,a7edan a it-ercoleýtîo chrýg-dStar~k and John here) died reeent1y' ser~e 'a~d a tl!ve colectin 1hin1lBritish Colunmbia, The funera~l ,wýas AIlSO diseaussed duriuig the busmess1 hel inOronDo on MOeday wWûh inter- ,Pesiod wýas the h-ý1me eokinn'ieg sale O ent in the Orono Cemnetery. Mis be héîd on Oetober 2Ist. ý tark was born on, the old Stark Msys. Fred Tan*1yn's group was in, hnmesýitead at Sùarkville. The family dwh.nge of thie meeting under the ý ateflded the Pe§hbyterian hurch !heading of' Higtoried Research. Mrs.P~ etovle Fruoawasin ta he cOb'r fr thil'The Wo-,mýerigeInstitute 1met here on -qtiofthse prograim Zhih opnedý Wedne.sday afternoan with guests -ihthe sirLging of «Belulh baud".Ifro i e,-Orotuio and Kenidal WI Ms.J. Didekon/ dresse'i e4u aixd- 1Bur-ley's tooýk a bus load Vo the ra«o4ielr «eOestume, g-ie ave e W u P t~LUinda Pi. aur &eciýptîon of oas vilLage Mity years y. 'hWewe,ý- itatdar ?h,-ýe hoShortage 0fRe n ed ,Dpeaed there. Poll eall vus enswer- «fý -with b,-isiness phw~es of fi1lty yeas-s Cansing Cencera iagYo. Thse meeting -,as fUse favoured hy die !,4 Nfss Bernîece tenn andl A-hoIltage cLrf ed pine seed, ro 1Ir, obije1, "PII Take Care 01 be tou tis th-(-,Goteriment, aIongI Yo a Gianýdimia." Mrs. W. Colibledickw tl e~eaj oiSIs thngave a neadirng. "The Saientific stadyig ithe pcossihfflty eof estatblish- ýIIhiIùI," MLenbJens«of the group nwere ing 'eedoýrehards", isas deveodped tIssa ncaifled to tVhe front and tiioseilin Onliarj acdoedingf o reseah <ýiastme recc-ived urizes fo)r the "f ~ i,.t h,.p , vitIs the nsost asdciread «ao for thse youn gost giemohr 7% The meting cInsed with God i Sýave ile King. foliotwed by a sockpl Ixaîf SIXTH 'UNE IMrs., &àaJlsty fal Pos-typool 's yisiuiing vith ler- brother Ms. A. catheart. Thie Keudu Wonensa Associat- im.smet ait th-e hesue «f Miss C.1 oas ,i7' fnW«eesduay «f test weele 'Ibere wesse Auîitmfi ILadespresent anl easait aftennc*sn wasspeat byr elilhpresint A nunber «f ous PeoPle atttended 1;LILasy Fair. ,Mr.an-mdi Msrs Chas. Gay, Rost llkxnlmle isadi n pleasant tripp Vo Ni- 3emFaILa reenftl5. Mir. Neil Stewart, Miss Catherine Steri- esndi Ms, Jouhn -Aimey vmsiedsisIs mr. aniAl Mss. C. G Bvoss 2anAl Ms-s. Wat in StCths Mr.aasd Mas. (Gus Wln wilhi son be ssoving Vo Vieir uew 1home ae Kirby. MisHeen oy bas ircturaied boume adter a plealsantho-lida-y. ~mir. John 'A1-lsey louas uew e-ies- attended the Tcacisevs Meetiugle l l4wmnsietst week, -We- ware very sori-y iindeed) te iutea-c r«f tise swriotu; ilullless «f M. Prri dCoisîhnisin lok asPrtHie O,ý ONT-. THUR ALICE STARK, p.m.i down Base- )e anAl Eunerlser-vices were heMld i OooOntaiïo. Septe-isher 24th for ,Miss Alii;e Stajpk. Nerv WestnslnaEzter. B. C. who die-cl Vies e uddienJy Thur- scda-ý, Septs&iimher 2JOth. 6i * miss S'ark was bol- in lStarkville. Ontario and m'as a sister «f -Mr, James Staitk, OUo Massy nicesll and neplciexs reside le Vlie disti-~cit. 1 The 'body wýas aùoo>impanied fr-,nitV New Westandeiiser by Mr. aE Ms HaroIdM HnVten. Vancouver, B. C ontar ohospit,1ail nuAlint andl after doJng privatte nui- to Briltih sCc{dum nht 1D12 thse fi t schcl nurse app New Westranser, a-posit iati er retiiieineiiï. Ainoing others. flkeni weve seceiveýd from iTornto, Outaie, New W.estm-inste aird Vanciouver. B. C. and Australia. Most leinhers CompeIte At Achievenient Day'-Ai Fair 'mise Adlhiüvemeas0lt :Diy :PVgra-nl, foes tise Souttis Dissisan Dais-y Caif Club wîas heM at Os-orlo Fais with Kvwamsy-.one «f tIse tweufty-dihree mes-- bers takinig part saidtil s-ixteen - - .qteims oime Jellisey, ttva Gue-nsey and txv,.o Ayrsilne caJvest. Mr Jack Fpa'sser, Biampboni, BLnick cssd -'iifte Dguy etffieicil judge plaseeA tihe Cîtir' Cl-ub! caIrves snd loyd' Ayr, Baýwnanv7vMýeR.R. No. 4 seted inlsa siemi'ar cap-aei$ý for efise - slsmausan sl iip. 1Tise sbanidingo« f iSe finst four Dspartmenft.Calvels Jwais as f (sw 1) Donald Tise shenotage, %vichhlas ndded Mi;(,2) Eawle Brewn;(': Deug ,i ifiance inasmucis as VIhe redi pinlle lklslc ()Mait lis anil pcllyf avoqred SpecieS in I fil lreforestaiti oni, la being -lst te ie fusi standinyg w(hich inledd by tise Dpatnet' ivision eof Re- Vs aore four tise calf, slwnsahp secarcis, he Ueriversity et' Tiroolsu md i<ig 51O5alS5wleP5 V o lin gueS-. tie Researchs Coinlseil «of onitrio Ag1Ujios, Marlageliienit dutting tne e sas part e ,,atudv, thse departmsit 1~f4df ~ aA las ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~r remsejieDniee oetn ecstilgs vas «s fllw Inseit abloaVory t saut te. GIufaLatsner, NesîtLleites No. 2; Mare W inves rate lauSec" it mtaiks2Eaile Brown, l Nlwcaisitle No. 2; w'isieh are o0nldered an im"portant3. GetriaM Rsso, Newcastibile N1-. 2; 4. Kesnitis Brooeks, BumavufeNo. 3 5. Mens4iill Rsws,6 N5wastle No. 2 Juriiig-1i95(), ne extensive s,ýurvey! 6. Ronald Breaoks, RmavtleNo.3 of liseAt; dilaonge Vo rd Pi-S wîi . erda Csaig, Boe,-viinvilCle, MN. 5 made ilu Centr-al and no7itieru- Ont- S. Doug Cnukkhaflk, Haptn atrio anfd a study was ailàsO 1usade of 9 Dorîal1 Muïr, Couiie; the secdýprodulchng cciifïfity of no()fi- po i»ouymflmCoux*lce; ai cures Gol lcinsfroum Sev- 11. à 5s-e, ii Ore-o ere ohe Ioclltis afo thasýte 112. onjd Bie, O a o Ont<arlo were aiso elia.ined. n Polit Hope No. 1 Tise sacnctY Of md pinse seed la 1t .Uiexlnsy diolm)(b, Eoaiuile due, lui the first place, Vo inherent 15-1 Roi Crlt Cnetsn Bvnavle cisaactristesf isle tres wisicl per- 18. Wa1ter Tieda, Boa awle mI l t peue e eed onlY everY Six16Gorsdon, isexGarns l; Vio tell yenrs, sud, even ithis, croips 17,Doaid Bell, Cmselsot prrpduceà mi net ,gfod. Tise crops are, 18- SliiHiie Cye'a,~~awle tisen, funtliser redlucedi by inseot at- 19. Paige Lyeitt,Biussvl; taCkes 2(. Caicis CrydeirmaBvnilam; - 'hue Prize rooneCy for this Club ia Nuiesof gcod trees have beau isared equa1lýy by tfise Onbaria: Derp- loctei arostise Province anidipro(7- ailtmlelU «"S fuluae.tie Domias- geyfrom tisen are being grelwn jin 'os Deparbrtuseit of Agricasllttre andl plantation-,s wisere sy may bectise Oronel Faim, Board. treated bhy varlous umens uew SUC- Mr. J. T. Brlomm, District Directes cessull niedibytgriiLlturi-lists -o«f tise Heiten Breedeis' Assýocia-1 stimuffa,,te seedi production in otiher tien s4iiowed his keen ilnterest inlasie plant. ~possstioeof dair-y Calf Club work - - - .by dhssating a ti-eanode i 1stela - co o -tise çrjp acoring club- nember. -- This yearts eee o vswuby .-Y len Lamner, NastILtos R R. 2 wlith" - ~ jGlci'is sefre was iis l(asadred auid1 I senty eut ef a posisitb eone Ito- sni.Ms. Br-own hias kilsdly expres 4ý,led ks initentýions t ' fnrak' g tus; a anulevemit. Theise odlcwal e Dpa eu 'fAgricultuire win-- f irinsp Ilsdit sili bc pie-- se' iîdi Vo te winnier ettise sna Con o1is eia B eederi'a Banquet. EA.S mesllers asud lisAssta, i Dssfll Lshly ers jusfly proudi t th_ ecfitse wing ade by IVhs boy adigirl. 1 Building Fund Donations Tha Trono îar, Toreto 50(.0 Towrnto *10 G an &Sons Oiaa 10(00 -t-Mr Mn.i anA\ Ms. J T. B r Enti ~aMs Lon-. Dean's Corner Witncsses Sili Another Accidi DeanWs Cornera,, sout-h «f Vthe latge, âtiiti isods true l'os tradi for on Safiurday ait 6 litn. i ite ise news, again width u aÀy accident. A car trevelling netrth from N eattüe fniled to emeke rtle fiost tuns thse tS orner andl euded !-astised wkihtis stfour wiseel pointing %Vlord, Tise car is a total wreck tise top ofthie body being puese l.evel with the steerî-ng ,whleel and sides andl front issdly simiaýsieAl. auto going inito the ditoisknocked thse cerner of the ceuent culvert. Thse driver of tise rar allega t'nom Orilia, and Vihe ony occup ýwas takea froni thSe car withis n culIs anxsd raises. iMr. H. iNaturt During 1 isad thse ek«f Septe tuni v. aieo' *unaly ell many iDurîarmites Lhr pre bhera experiences. whl- Thet tour -vas arrainged by tsel )UM Olitaio edeatin «f Agriculture1 4te n &peoire y thi se County units' delegaMdmýg meibers to go. 1anAles-_ pidstand tat a esuiber «f suehmtours, Vo -rural MI femreet poinAts in thse U.S.A., are plaie everyj yeer f4r Vise pevsVJasal :)ýgmatioms for ou- f armi co-operat*.ve hcrnnt nee in Ontatio. These touirs are meý,st econýomi:cal and wot a lifeltme «f expeience to tihose who igare intererzted in, thse dharaeter asud S olecàive euccesis of ther t'ares busd- uesas. ilo Four a numnber «f week, viti thse anie good graces «f tise Orono, Weekly, tIser Timuets, I -will end&avour âta give you Vhs genrenaj SetýUPanpad PUI-POS4e «f tise Fanas Bureau iandthe UntiteAl Staesthestate of Ohio~, andl more dir- losely coeusec'oed wi'tis the farnu uPpatos d ir d off ,edly part, inor Baptismal Service 11cM In United Church on Sun AÀ lovely Blaptistisal service vas condlucited ons Sunday Septemnber '3rd by, Reîv. A. E. Eustace inta tie Crono Undted Oiurctmh, ahen Vise followlssg1 tweltve ilde weve baptisýed. BeverlQey John, son «f Mr. andl Mss. B. G. Hesderson; Genda Leu anAl Robert Brokaughtier and son of Mr. -andl Mss. Brooks Cousn; Joain Eleassor asiAlShiaron Anne, daugistersi et' îMr. andi Mise. Noeansais AlUin;, SIhenryI Les, daugliter «f Mv. anAl, MsIs. J. T Davýis; Rober-t Glennr, s-nof tMr. %d Mrs. W. A. Grady;, Larry Kennietis, son et'Msr. and Mrs., K. O. Adanis; Ellen' Eltizabeth. dais- g'ter et' Mn, andlMMls. H. E. Millsîom; Marikyn Jenin, daugister of Ms. andl MiPs. J. C. Tasi)nblyn; Roinld Robert. son «f Mr. andi Mrs;. - R ert C. Coe;Annobellie Denis e, daisgi-mter et' Ms. andl Mus. W. C. Beressdse. Three Candîdates Ready To Ae Liastc'i-ùihe 4niat (Durhams Couisty LIieat Asso'cia- flllousi wasIS jeldi at Phsst H-pe u jfriday epcssing PlIaýt, Tise meeting Was atLended by nepres&tatjvs frsoin al l ocailLbei Associationsj ln Dunlsaa Cuuisty. Isle resignatiOn o ILr M. Stapies: et' 011is& O'as 1ceayTrau~o tise CoIyAsîlitonvsrgreLt- fuily ccpttçlbyV teise6eing. Ruas- seiC. HIIeey. Port Hope lawýýyer- wa-s CieLoei tO su(Cceef Mn. Sbaples. M". John '-James 1Fad(erailieia mbn aîlsns Cuatr vas preseet. anî earesed isPleasure witl tisje oyosentlsusiasm et'f tise maie-1 ndPrelinlusav-,y pa sassý,-,e laidfo a it~1minaton Me ting*- be his ilis thet Very ar fture If, l,-,tise op- muoset nat politi cal ibsevea'l Vh 'outytlisa-ittiire lave nov SU lei thre caIdates piepajiedi te (lttsi n-es be placadi lofes-e, mo1re cadiat1es' viù40i i appa a evert lispsÈ ing he !W cnos. Fm o n ssel ceat becoanes a part «f ti Bureatu prograsn li.. StbatUe aiAl ainl coius eligible. for gi aion andl receives atzie SulscriptioýnS. The Rdchets are fa, Townisdhip, Kniox G>oi Oh. They d,, e We ail knosw Vhat t irouugh fans are active in conmunity afi oganizatioTî farimers &> ogetier four Riciserts estimate thiat la agiuulrue t4lise Ulisngs 'whicli Vley eaju accomrpîi.ihiieeýts saved1 oa-nfo(t do as individuais. floingassaeslast yell There are forty-five -State Fanesi Real Estate Taxes due Voj Bureaus ïnt ise U. S. A,. ail Stte jmeiMl] imit and i 65 p.c. volt Fare Biseenrua' are federated iitte theeatn1 rpetyTxe Ajmelsdcan Farm Bureau TFederation 50 Ptieapp on F,- Oves oenud one foustis saillifon U.Sal Ta 'mD in a f ar fm ile belomg Vo the Faim mahi lelk Lc P.C - -------- Burealu.'1 amTukLenesýn t Iî,iaeCanada thse U.S. f aruneii5 are trucks------------------... a uito oup, ïiisp. in- th UA r tl ' undi 15p.,c. in Othio. Tihere is floudouub-tx tlhrmose but far-mens do, xeed or- iganizatiýon V Obe haar& IWtsýhllasg- ton tise Ameriil Fanas Bureau FedI. eration gives Visa faresr uns «f tise stroaagest vo'ica's eard le National GouenisanntGcood Pa'ouof «îf Vils was illustrated' juzat recently when this a dustiiial pouwers Vs-ed Vo imposýe a Vax on f as-ns o-.opratives hacugli Vths faderaI as-mdiumss Tise opposiýtiosi, tise greatest iun maasy yP-s, vas lo effec- tive tise bill astai-vssA down imssmeýed- itliy. A Vax «fths type vemuld hIave imeant tesdividendis Vo imeanher pàt- trous, 1lower mas-gin et' profitanisAnls- 'ithï1ly a dual tax. In Oie otise Ohio Fanas Burènu Delegates, Trusitees, Coalufiitees sud Legislativ'e Depant-l mient represent t'as-mers in tfie State gernimenst. Tise Caunty F(arm B-,ur- eau Boas-d.s, Comauittees anAl Advis- ory Councilîs speak fo>rVise t'armer at tise county lvl E sse-nVtiaýlîy 1a1l osgan4zatiou la planned Vo lanpiove rlural livinsg andl Ltan incortie but just isow are Visas Bueandl Co)mmnity Couim,îsttees wilI oeprate- effectively. Tisrou-h the fane ica .v ork Vo iniprove healtis, cisasuels set-up ii os-dier tfisUtishey safsty. scioseesainAl consnsiiuityîilfe. Tise Adivisory Couancils jKvhicis ara stanilîns Vouoa Parin Forumns deal witli ai, seatters pnanlgV ets Tiseir sloganis l'"Fai Riemliibers>iiip doues not cost ih -Moýst et' yen who aisefaisl Fedtrat' n 4aid o-opesrati Ontaii ievl notice tisat osai Ization inlas nay respets Police Trustees Te fDe Sonie Sidewalk Tise mee-itng o«f Vhs Oron-ý Trustees vas heMd in Vise Hy filee las tisae vaniiigof Se, 2 IbIs. s.Jôsephs Walker wa orjized îhy the' trus tees te s. tise 1911 lsldewalk repair ps-op was considered that vesry 1. aynew aide:wak ci aistrue4ti he doule hsyear, isecausse short siipply «f cementt. Ni less lt vas tise hope eft' ie tisat Vhise sidewalks neces repais- vork ha conpleted TIise PeRce Trustees resolv-cs suirete Fise Timcl, t'ou-Public iVy aîid PropentIt- DamagÎe, wlIr lbe le adAlitiom te tise fi ieft coveuses cannlied inii' ise Moral Character Building Needed For Brighter Futur, Rev1.IIATurner, B.A, B DÏ.,1 shomld feair for in thieir haindis to-d Bowanvlle hedithe ýatteniiýr of weapon of the greateast power x nliglit whe hLe caddresse-d theclubThese pvrs.Hiey learo lltou 'se1 th u~wasLle Lioù,ns ou Th1uisday wiîthie raoigo hr givirg, inthwos of Lrj o iIlen to ulse. Ltwa sopnnL in -hi vote of thaniks, mu.çh flood formoal uctinshlo*uld be ui1 The Rev. Turner commcrited! i tllace ijea woi-ïof 'ourmi, The ou the firsut A th etwentjeth cent tho e hspeakerl' Ud Se, -for4 tury- a1s oi v w c h laý sPseen Manly ovld ito-day waýs Gisstantyad disanppointmtentsi aýnAltatt-dythilishe sÈatted, he ,- ostsn la is nrdsoPVie utiue. getprt e din ometandl "Whieie t g1 ,lae) eieso e sonse pýcesLa ýd wrçdwee lips of în n peýopi îI ths nid LOf cliiurch had fle on u turm1&l. ,The spea-ker sdthat sci- ewa oteog sdh sacelas a4egrea adrassemet te future higedion tile 1tureing itii iecý-, eu cas andl con ad 1oe( Orsialy Til",is