19 ~,H£letj searcheasfor strength ed fa fini'Jt. ried, Ive falîen ït, ui ove wfhanoi- does nflave bi s wife, but ise M bas no graunids for divorce. Y b ave no Moe for My bus- band. %We have no cissdren-ise- cause h.lis ises bmen SO dicontented want love, affection, -a5fiis ofiser y a "AHl trough aur manèrige 1IMhav wý%orked. I've boughit myown lats o4s, paiti my onbis (v -s Y doctor's). I lvemy bone -fr l'y'. spelif Sc, muLch mkin ifon Icai h. proid -of. Nowi'm afý,raiti l'il lose vrtig Cny- d yise me?. M. (ï," RNOW YOURSELF: * Tise onily cour~se isftry f Pt rconcile yëurîe(lf t ise ýýtrufis. * You cannot marry tise man ou *love unless you gat- fyee, anud * uless bis ,,ife werIe persoIaded faýc 4divorce inxi * naffair vwîtb im rwould b. * unsatisfacto-r, eveiil yorncould i' .uiy if, aisd I do not believe *awoa ie you rie coud do * it. - t; f oul dot provide tise * bidren yvoio want;for- neitises- *you nocr b.is ýýtise sor".tof nn 4' ile'iim te clisIlfren ýjit ',tise 4892~~-o4 THE EMBS!IEST slip mn Isle world to sew! Body of sip is ONE PITECE! Add flareti flounte, or if 3-ou prefer, tisaf gatIisre'A riwl, Eidher of them makes your new bîgge skirtstand ouf beaufiuiy! Patferni 4892 sizes. 12, 141, 16, 18, 2û; 40. Size 16 takes 3yrd 39- incis, Transies iclued Ulis pattera easy fa utC, atm- pide fa sew, is testeti for it. i cnpee iliustrated instructions. Send THIR-'TY.FIVE' CENTS (35c) ilis coins (stamlps canno-t b. aulepted) for fi i atrPint I)Ipabily SIZE, NA"ME, ADDRESS, STYLL- NUMBER Scnd order fa Box 1, 123 Egt '~ Adit i~-andpray fortent o f0ac-cept what mu!)C.. * Here iîs vwhere yauniti. a * help. If yoLst believe yurslf '~courage -wiÏl corn, FUaitis is *~~~~ stegbpdb ra, ct ic e, If fyou bhave anerdfroi *yourf churcis, go- back. ýSfud1(y ifsý * teacisin-gaas fîisouglisyou b at ne- v etreredthrc bfoe seýek ouf, *býî ther tue m1 ýe an1ing ý, uand E1fi ri *application to your situ1ation. Oùc- * cpyr yourself witb soune active * curiswok, i ony'tan loSec *yourself for J tise îre; afteras * wsie, you voll carry on for tie * ~ ~ ~ vi 10.s ae A oudyou ill] A~ fnd peace. * Ifyou areconsidrng leavig 11- tii ilusbanl iso densies you *o m chliei hope pyou wesltisik * log beome you do.Remember *tiat iving qahane rniglisfpresentf * nxv robemsth'at coulld f ry youir * orgovenmoe * Yo-ur letter bas t ouichied me.lic * ope fa bear frdrn you I1t, iling me bowyaU are procgres- If you must bear s probleni you connot salve, accept îf-with tise faitis that you ca-i win outf Anine Hirst's symrpafhy and wis- damn have helped m-any a reader fo flnd tise peace she Sozight. Write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenffb St., Nevw Toronto, Onit, NWand USEFUL Too Cod a needi e f Hread? 1C's eas )lungr"t. Unit is leas tisa aiJ iincheis I"lg uaid will thrad ay size neee,2 baulind or mahine ty1 rpe. ion ger passes throo1gis tise eyeof tise needJie arnd ;asrnal baak ,at tise looped over tise en([ laI tise unit iý. il i,-ao ad tomloes U ai paper gaio tidnr, paeling1 atombies p(et tis 'arscusa arroefrii fflom snivera Pduet cames nli o galoms ab pnd larer: s binae- nîzd ta preven iompiaess Prevents or CuresIn]] New hqlid rout a]is id ta rosf- profne sd en ra obsue surfacesta be pine reaeld gn et1rusts niaet is daloready aet ed. Easy flc owergfnoniflammabi-le. sud d oualioi caidb pie btaran m dircysoln ur c 1* 's it i s Phosphoresnt litv !pastic , Plic sigus t2Is t gowiits effectie oru inbldgsa generaOL csafetindcorsin cae sid t borowliis al!Cndireiease ifafer tis ect sour1ce ilgt layers'ofvtransart v il plc Prowied Beauty-Screen actress Vir-ginic ay who has taken numerous gracious bows for acting performance ies beauty to onother type of bow as she poses for a fgurehead bein'g made for installation on the prow' of a schooner being built in Norway where the custom of dcecoraiting the hows of ships with a femninine figure is being revived. Noted sculptor Yucca Salamunich w,,ho is designing the figurehead-somne figure-was asked by the ship builder to select the miost beautiful woman in Hollywood as the model, cand promptly showed excellent faste in choos ing V. Mayo. vitation tisat 'îad camle nsy wa enftirely uepce.Wiieei wiat if was... a plisas.c al iromll tise Womn's tDivision at tise CNE iniviting me te a press conferenice atMr.at Aitkin's home ta meet Mire. Eeapor Rooseveit! Du yau won)ldCr i was ibowied over? vNo I want fa sisare tiat happy expeýr- ;ilene with yuafbub i Iarn- SfS ita a lots ta undersfand wisy wa"s anag d ise fortunate ffyt w1ii mthlis pieesinvitationwa _Mast oai te press visitars hald as-- rived, at Mrs. Aitken's hanse by, 10:30. SoilemewIsere uInletise hae, otîsers in tlisere nawaiing t ise arrisvai, fim MaIlt u'otfaiMrsc Rosvet ad ur c Uisoitess, M--. waspasedaromund"seiswIsere Z' [111m1,diatehy tisere foloxxed( a qIet - air of epcaîc;areesdfel ling a xitoefwlbprvie nai eheard tseatnancmet yoa.', ý \', room a i Mis. Ate' aeyhome. Mrs osvl li s àti amihýe. 1, at leas't., bad a curionsi 1 was nmet itibuta clrienwom I lad ktswnsbut Ad nme,t 1for1 a 1,lg imcI. The air- was ebaîrgcd eiisthlise intnity ai (feelNDa«g senly Mr. Ait ken reintilloddLu as.Evenisen, for a iew pr- ciaL u moments, na on. asked atsy-"ý doin, Pt ail.It "a, as if re -ee afr aid ai bre aking a sel~ecsc us ryî ta ab ariad inte1-jrre soti aidfPC..distictie cdarncu age and eleiamesaai s rr thc \wonnIslore Lus, And believe Ise, Mr-s. oseefis clisarrnig. Froin ber snany press pisatograIphs yvo mîgbt imauginle lber as SOWc- vsisat plain. Tblat, tac, is lude- stndbl bcause no p 1otgraiser in InSî world cou01ld possibly capture tise qualifies wIsýoi ciscntriboet tise persol1ity that i lao Roosevelt. 5h. wa:ïS dressed very simIply, in a platnblack dre"ss, with baiera fa match. A smiall, clo)se-fia6i1g, briglis ted bat rested comicartably on. ber ironu-grey hait. Then licame tisequsin-u anly a fw as Ill tise flime we ia f)ror ur- conlerenie was an0bie af-o r Tie conferenice was very iniformia. Astf0ofLis were stand- iing un-til M\rs.Rosev iad Ms Aifken botis suggested w. mighf be maý-Ire comiocrtable siftinigar ound an tise faon Imm.iediafely some af tise yannger canes did JUSt tisat. Ili answe-rinlg questions Mrs RooevifspakeIý at firsat in an easy caniversafianal totte-unatil sise c amen ta tS esional tanges of tise Unifed aton.Tise aie raly the hase ihi eedoiies taý show off' ail yournc s Cmia 30 cattion; maldoîly 1 nhs Senid TWE.NiT'Y-FIVE CENTS iii coi sanscannolt isbce 1 ~tedj) for. eacl, pattera 1ta Box 1, 00n. Printpianly PATTERN NUMBER, tout NAME and AD- DR ESS. SesjdT( etyfiv Cntsmoe (ini c ins or ouir Lara ieeler- ,Needlecraft io, Ilusraton o dols, oys. .. mny obbýy anid giftides fe ateais prinied in the ook hit ber stride lHer vaice tvaFs mag- netir, freu-ltsui tili en fe i an. Her iamazng bineeyes flasbed. and h le, xpesibanis lent cempisasis to whaitever Oîn sie cas tryng taget nurss at ts mioment. One cquestýinand aswr as parficul-arly i t y lkn.Somne- ane asked how p-[eop)le in, small commiluifties cotild furthier tise wr af tise United Ntins rMs. R6ose- veit rpid"behueiewbo feels bier )pportuiiies fa work fai peace are- limlited sbiould use her influence t ta make er owncom- munilty better. It is aur firltre spojnsibility ,ta make aur own m miunityth best passýible place ta0 live s0 tisat its influenice wlspresad into t-he world." PeroLiy, ïI 1ad nat pL-eviluslyI had fao much faithins m whac the United NaiosiIcikey ta accora- plisisbut as 1I iCsened. to Mrm Roosecelt I1beame more optmn;s. Ic. if an aging anid int'ring wo- mIIan bS4 se ,iWch fitb in t e 'i.N. that shie isready t~oetc Ise .resf i hier life fa ùfurthCerits cause fsen surely w.caininf a farwronlg hin aurI'o0\% slal1way, warkýing lot thse peaend securFify of alil natioýnS. And here is a lUittehman touch lisaf illustrates au-Lr demacraiieprini- ciples. As; Mni. Roo)seveit anld ber part1y were le2aving for th,, Exi- bition, memlbers (of th'e pe were in) the garden eUnjayinig acup af c Mfe,"Vy, buit I wish I cauld catc a 1inp~eof hrî- -, thIe anivolunltary xcltsi ras Mrs. Aitken's maîd Wbo ,was 1Laak ingp after thle refreshmiuients -Lf wa s overiserd by one of tise guests-a nighbour of Mrs. Aitken Why of Course yau Pmt see ber, Hn alonlg nwanti l'Il loa aift er the coffee 5" At the WmnsLucenMrs. Roosevelt shoak bandsMwIh over 400 guests. Sie Must have been very tired bt s;ise ld i nt shIon if -Her puise is someîIct'ng ta enlvy. When spe-aking ta tIiseasebe ,guests sis& stOod uficigas pisotograpIser's flasised in ber fiace every f ewinutes. Tise sa n cous ovation uwhiclisgreete-d ber , Zs tr-emiendousc, and, as a token ta coammiiemaicrate bier visifta the Cani- adian Nýatiç)nal LExh-iblition M rs. Roosevelt %was Ipresenfed .ithl a apifle Leaf pin and a Corsage a bine and white flowers. A nsppde ai laugister spread arn- ong tie gumets AbMs. itkenl ,potted Gardon Sinclair dnn itincis. She immediateiy calld him ta tise front ta mleet Mrs, Roose- velt. -Antd for this, IMr. SinclaiÏr, don!t you ever agaus dare ta speak «f mue Us"tie Plano f tie air waves!ï' For once, Sinclair appar- ently had no0 comle-back. Neyer- tbeless, h.e made gaod use of bis Opportunity by askinig Mrs. Rkoose- veLit ta camle on bis programmlie for a few mintie-for- whii a tio-piad beenisurIrieýdly Set up oit flicbalConiy. P>efore tise guests dispersedl, tise Chief Checf, wba blas bteen respon- subie for balcanly lunche(ons for years, Camle aiang, comlplete with is, chefs tali wbite bait and asked Nrée Roosevetit fr er autograpis on is rmenu Ccr. AiterIsle (lunch-ison hndreda ai people stood w-aiting in tise Womi- en's JBuilding for a glimlpse ai Mr-s. Rooset asse came down tie balconly stars. s for tise Band Siseliauenetscrwdetn- ed away back 0ta tie Flower Shiow and fat across tise, greeni. Ani - everyheretier-ýe'was tsat am bI'ýîîsedairoaie-xpectanicy. Aite-r Mrs. Roasev-elt's final ad1- dress it ws rs ateAiin' piteeta xtndtise thIanIks ai tise directars ai tise CNE ta ileir graconsaoddistinlgulisisd guet fatr carnîng ta visiftbepcii. Ajlng euitster sfiig remarks s. Ait ke n aso sa!id fiis: eW.knaw Mrs. aft ail in] wýiing tise aprva a QuenM~ry.And, believe mle, anyv- one \,!o usapraedby tistQee Motiser AiUST b. al rigisf!"I eve tiougs ihly pkenwer yet uffiienly sran by imlica tioni, ta linlktaeie rpest- tuýes aI'fwteCgreaf demalcratic countries tiseO ld u ie !New lnited States ofAera And 50 ended:c a great day-a dayi long ta be remlembered by tisose ws saw andti ieard EenrRoose- velt. We aweier 1a debt aigo fi tîîde flor visiting ot andin a tionial EhbtoanId 1 thle Boar aiDiecar for inivifing lber. Bt 1 also tclub a gaod deas af Credit sliauld go taMs.AitkenI for ber sisare inri gîga wei-known and wel-loedperonaify scis as Mrs. Roeet, ao yplyanuid re- ceptive Lanadian audience. SIMPLE MISTAKE, I on'tofer yvouta dr-ink, Mrs, ron " said t1ise 1hostessa,"sîince yo0u are hecad of the T'lemlperanicc Vice egu, replied tise guest. "Oh Iknew thiere w'as somec- ting Ishou,1ldn1'toffer yu' Hueýe tb ey, proed ,av te combat asîhm3as disessing symlrouis. The ýaramatic fumes of R,. Scifinsann's AS'll-MA.DOR help lear up congecson-bnag asigrlihef. Sa eýasy ta use, >a(,nriclyu Ca r aford to be .witbaut it. Pawer r cgartteform-ait al dr.,, stores je Cainada' and LU S. MSUE 39 -15 t*, t. Enilarging thie Chr.ýistinFellowship foritis hepwer of God ut re ion saiah in i rohc f 1oresaw conicerin'g th! Mssa that"heGentilezs shail cone tac neaof thy risin-g.ýeý' ssbfoehis; asýcension said tahi dspls , "Ye shah Pbe witness untilebahh Samaia, "and lunto th Iseurost foremost 0of thobse in thleery chutrch ti deonsrat tat the Gospel wauS J Frail11na t ions' -. H tod heGodNews th flroligh .ASi Mîinor and G c and declares his, intent-ion ta brïing it taRam, h hleart of-t-Ise empire, aýnd Ithence ita Spain.He did. naf shrik from pre seniting the siple tary ofsav- tion thirout1gh Jesus Christ .In mIigî3ty Ram. H sad,"f arnn;îot ashame-id of tise- gospel 0, christ, for if isý the pweof God untosavio tItCIl ev ryon eS hat elieth, ere of God. It was flot apower ta, des- tray n lbut ta, Save them Ma,1re- Over the power is availabl1ta ai an. the simple Condition ocifis !Na nerPaufl was aflamne w zeal ta feil it eeyhr.He was initoleranit Of other religionis. NOt that lhe wcsud peetpeople fot worshippias Itey pleased, but h.e was pruddtisat Chrlis'ian'ýýty was by far Super.iar ta ailý oth-er beliefs. Thiere colld be na0 corn- promise. This gospel was Goad's message t tman!. Pau]l-'aswiin ta give his life ta tsr ih hkear it. Thiose wha krna the heart.- chaniging - power of this salvatioaa feel tisatwaot it, toa. W. nsute iit., c 0, 1ý And the Thcre-'s aie thing for the iseadacheý the imuscular aches and painsi that of'fen accompa,,y a cold,,, 1--ATIEItSTAINTINE bring-S really fast relief from pqinpaaid tie relief, iprolonged i Sa get INSTANTSNE anmd get .qusiýck; camfort. INSTANTINE is compour ,ded like a pres,>cription o' fhrec proveïk meudicat ingredie-nts. YU ara dpn on1 ifs fast action in geftînlg relief fr-um ever-Y day aches and pis edce rheumnatic pain, for nuifcor ncuralgie pain. 1 2-Tabler Tins 251 LOGYLI STLESS, OUT 0F LOE WITH LIFE? Thon yak. lip 5yur iver bit,... lump oui ofl bd rarn' it p 1.11 flt *rtblivng?~t aaybetba lvi .,atptd aa il t fi n prreg Carters Little Lie~r Pill. YOU HL,, C1artero h Mlpnlate yro ivaer bile f111 oce aûgahi il i. ring ouf at a rte oofiqp fotwo UplatR à d ay ati, you ietetactî, Thie ,;ý boul fyoue ib t ma!e yon feelthtbsp daIar e re agat. a atsa an.