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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1951, p. 4

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'END 29-9.30 unti g g g f3 iI~ o g * f3 y o g g g nes and ShareÉhe Wealth 9,p.mSHARtP !;E QMMITJNITY WOR! %STLE lt,)NI / LLS up at the end of bis day's ist his friend1ý. way of saying ut if there is âome important ýnt in town, hë expects bis friend iianager will 4now about it: à' ýde for the loalifl. . .PJý'ns ng the shol... the chance of ory opening up . . ýart of the bank mani's job to know his -nuity. His customers-expect hii to ; "what's new" in otherjparts of Canad{a esewhere, toc.. busin~ess facts, leads ,w markets at home, and abroad. id your bank manager well ready to serve you. Chfarte that wy I aeeting waMs bei4 last 1V1oniay wlth soirme of the executivý.e eleted. ilo a d-isussiloni was held regarding new prospects for the, team iYiad it le feit th.at the teani will play again, if at al po-ssible. oo 8 O S11LRAVE Ti[E TO TLED îI-IN SET INSTAL el tPORT HOPEY FÀJR gWE ÇA4V YA FUIZ LINE O) F APILN (,S [Tom Lew\is 31 i1 Orono PORT HOE 2425 SColeman& Philp Electric Real Estate $6,000. Newcastle, 2-story so- lid brick residence on pretty street close to shopping, churches and sehool 4 rooms oit each fîqor, fuirnace, electricity ful basemnent, spacious ground many extras. Forced sale on liberal termns. Open for offer. $15.00 per acre, ranchi with good water on eachi sidle of Pro- perty. 2201acres. North-west o f Plontyp)ool. Ownier has stocked 56 head. Leroy Hainilon BROKER phone: ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Automobile, Liability, Life, Hospitalizationt, Win4 Plate Glass, Burglaryl For fillthier informatio-n %a)'Pl ess.A. J. Tanb-lyn, C. B3. Ty' F. E. Lvecetit and (or) the uînder edi. Loweýt Cor nyapplication nect!saarily iccepted. TT. E. MilPson SevrtaryS. S No.12, OrSo, Box 51, ,rrenl, siga- flot On t. TOWNSHIP ASSES§OR WANTED The Corporation of the Township of Clark<e AipplJcaùioiiý for appoinitmenît ns Townshi~p Asses4sor will be received by tht u'nde-rsig-ned unfil October 84h, .19r>4. As-sessin-xemt to he completed on or before the 301h day ef Septeauber 19052. Amnlicants reqluesltedi tea tate sge, qualifications and experience. Foir faunther information apply te Mr. E. F. Hall, Counties' Aisessor of the Uited4 Counities of Northunmber- land and Durham. H. E. Millsoin Clerk of the To'wnship cf Olarke Box 31, Oron'o, Ontario. i RUGGÎDa a DEPENDABLEu EONOMICAL, TOO- i *23 rears experience back of Ej Ee Toridhlea E 11 Y10 dheet Bur2crçhve E the e lusive airometer for 1 E prcisË0n mixlig of il and * aïf air. s utaiost qO nom>' Il Oshawa Pho*üe 3,-3481- For Complote Inform~ation Locally BILL. IRWW 17rl6 Police Tr$stees Village et Oronoa g This will inform.the residents of the gvillage f 0 ýorono thï Standard Time will gbe ef fective, as of 1idnifig4it, Septemberg f3 ' 29th, 1951.g 0 n=-0C--0O: - PORT HOPE FA iR September 28 a 'd 2«) Friday Night At Pprk Merehant's Display M idway Band Concert - Bingo COMIZ G .EVENTS A ýdce w'il be held hn i ùhe New- casQý GCominnilby Hall oit Friday, seeber th. RsaCreighioii's "i sta suppl then music. Ad- nu1s ;ýon 1e.per perso. 5-b-c COOKING SALE The O0no o Grl',- ithVaillClub are holdling a'ý,Hoine C gSale (m Satr'dýaia fterno~nat 8:W0 o'cljoek, Oiono To %nHalI8-- Expent i wiith yl ur drap- ,r Pr1abdei, 1S caiful naerasto ehoose fi'om, Vraks -,nd yrods i-isaal- le.Cait col<e't 112Ii-<Broklin, V. L, Mooitgoanery, Free estinites 35-P ATTENTION FARMERS Commnencing- Thursday. October 4 and every Thursday thereafter te( Jn-ne 1,5, !95,2 ail sales at the Duham C6uiny Sale's Arena, u, willlbê beiklin ;fi th t!ernuon aI 1.3ý0 p.M. A. 1a,11,sialeezmamager, J. Reid. Anc. Reduction Sale 41,5 Registered HoIsteins wil bc iput up for Auction on 'Tuesda.y, Oct. Rth ait 12:30 P.ni. 'at the AgrieWuina' Arenla, Qiono, whep thUneentire Milk- inig fiord of E. J. Birwn,\ Browtop Fiarnn, Or'oso and 45 head froirn the -BrioviewV Farm of J. T. Brlown, l'lewcstlef conssting of fesh and sprnging 2 years old, and young oows, andi five prospective yoling berd sires, Nearly ail Femials are breid to i qitfcin FutUrIty, - Auctioti Sale of Antiques, oîl pain- Hrigs, TLini9ges chin' a, %l-Inut furini- ture, iinen, bedding, gasae etc. esitate \of the 1bte Reve-e-nd A. * Drnni o sel by puiblic aiue- on n Sitrdy tier6th, coan- rdenc- Kings1torn Rortd, Newcastle. Jack Reîd Aucittioneer. Mr. W. Whittnker, No)rth St., Nenicastle. Second liousýe noit of the Suh\ý,,,ivwil1 sellbv public u otiion iSaturIday, Spe~br29tlihbis particullars sýet Bills. Jae-k lRid Auctioneer. D EAD F-ARM ST'OCK Picked up ronpl IlTorses, Cows. HTeifers, Sheep. Pigs (We pay 7for -Horss IS nd(jcows) C'il us collee-t T'ive herses 2 t)3c. pe' b.for crippled and old hors-es MAIRGWTILL FUR FAR'M'S Tvrone Phonie Bowmnakville 2679 AUCTION SALE Tht (,Propert.y cf C. W. BILLINGS ILobýs 27-'28, Con. 7 Clark, Toiwnship, 1 nIille west of Kiiby kmnw.nas Ma- pie Avenýue Farns, TUESDAY OCTOB*R 2nd Comm~pingat 12 OMOcboc noon. IHorses --Výa'tched teàm grey pereh- choun. Bl&ad, percherýon maare. Cuttiýe --7' lied Duiiharp, Cows, bred. S5 Red DuAiam Cows, aeýlvs aifoot.- 2 Hereford Cows, calves e foot. Regîstered ShPrthorn Bull, 3 yrs. o1d 2 veal calvesi, 10 Duinlmam teers, fat. Swine -80 sjsealts,,60 lhs. eacih; 14 shoalîts, 1'15 I bs. ech.Feed -15001 bIs. mîxed gpam. ,Machinery -- M-H1 No :U'rdo, fror lo,7 ft. bind;er, 6 fI. mo!wer, 13 dise sîee-d dril s'ide--ake; Codshutt hty le::ader; 2 - ruLlbher týired wag*-Ons, 2 flat bottoni hny racles; F-W inoer-,5 fI. cut: 3- drumi steel roller, inthrow dise, kid plow, Intern1atiolla-l 10 fI, bay rake', sinigle pIowvs, sisxglIe sruffler, Ir>t. 12 tooth- cutivator, 2- row corn cultiva-1 tor, 8 secýtion barrowq, 2 sets tob' g-i gon sleighs, New Mdea nmanure sipre- adiêr, 1 se5t brass mounted harniess, 1 sýet single hr~s 1 stock rack, bar- ronr cart, bniggy, elntIer , 2000 Ibe. senT-es, -wagon box, Viking creanm seilp- ainqtor, quantity stove wood, lin-ber puLkry fene, f arm i n ,blacksz- Inith, anvil' andi vice,î olectnie motor nnd errierf. 1120' ft. hav fo)rk rcne, pul- ley, lnay fiork, appe ladders, fý-nnnlng mill, 193!1 CheV. couroe-.Fulniture-- 3 bedrooni suites, d'lnhvg table, six t haiis, etr, book case. numn ber of? dressers. lh,01sat.ha'-ll îr Dpronograiph. eeti aiforp lIewardrohe, book cases, 4los set, tabl>es etc Ja'ICI Reid Autoer Saturday Agricultural and Stock Exhibits .Amateur and Beautv Conte,,,t Caif and Swine CIut Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORON~ Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Soliciter BOWMIA>VILLE, ONT. Phonos: Office 688 Rom.e5 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conducta Auction Sales of .aila anid at reasonable rates Comnientca with hlm at 5PM Perry, Ontwulo, or see bis CI.rk, hA, ,B. Morton, at Oromo, for datfu JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize ini Farm mcd Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis and dates phone 5 r 18 * LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edircationial Policies. Proitctinand Savings Plana fee Children and Adults; Mortgagze lik- Surance Pla.ns. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont.- Phone 2ü r 1e The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia]l.3216 - P.O. Box e22 Port Dope, Ontari, Monuments, Gravemarkers IEnzravinz. Goldleafinf STAFFORD BROS Monumeta[kWorks Phone Wbitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AYI MAItKERS Lot us erect a hanidsomie, 'dig- nified nmonumeunt over the rest- îng place of your loved ones. It's not expensive. And seeing tbis at tihute will give you t5ncless comfort os cuI pi f rqt 'al ýhe .y in- a fe'w 7 ?i VOS ORO-NO, Ont. 'I 'Y I s fr I 9iv~ Professienal Directery A. F. McKENZIE, M.' PHYSICIAN and SURGBON Oet.Hours : Z.00 tg 4.00 p.m.; &.» te 8.00 p. Sundays and W*daoedayo bp appointment enly PHONE 47rl - «0140 E. C. SYER, . PHYSICIAN and SURGEN Main Str'eet South Office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 P.m.. 8.30 tu 8.00 PAU. Sundays and Holiday% hy Sec

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