M~Iis Shirley F1iin±off, of Guelp4h1m %pe!nit thteweek-enid ait her h«Yrie here. f fe-w Grey of -Milibirook spent a wit.li Mi'a. 1.Winten 1 A fRitrmial errtr!frf.. During th~e hours of your bereave- ment our, aimû is to do ,everything in our power to llghten your bur- RARTLEY R. BARLOW Phone 18 r 7 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Orono, Ont. Phone 18 r 2 Revereiad F. E ustfc. Mliniste SIJNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 10.'00 a.ni. Sunda~y Scbhoe1 1t.0O p.m Mr. J. E. Williamsýon of Torontbo. 2 0J p.m. Leska-rd, .npi. Kiiiby 7.30 p.m. "Rejoieing Religion" Rev, A. E. Eustace. j, CRABAPPLES - - highly coloured -.............art bask<et .. 45c. GRAPES - blue and green --.. ......... j uart basket . ... 55c. APPLES - Pearless and Wealthy .......... 6 qoart bafket - .. 39c. PEACHES -- Freestone' Elberta - ......,...... , Economical Price Peantuts in sheil, fresh large package..... 25C. Canada Dry Gingera ,le, 2 Ige. bjottl.es, NOW ONLY 39c. Yo rk Irish Stew, 15 oz tin 33C iVaple Leaf Cheese, 2 lb. loaf...........$1.10 Graham Flour, 3 IL pkg. 27c. Cream of Wheat, pikg. .. 3k.c Crisco, 3 lb. paîl ,...$1.19 "SURF" large pkg Plus couoi Clover Leaf., Sockeye~ Astor Coffee f reshly custont- ed ground, lb.....95c* Aunt Jemima Pancake Mix packaige for......... 19c. ~Pancake Syrup, 16 ounces 39c Capon for titis1 and Mis'. Albei broolantd Miis we(ek in Hialibu Mrs. Winter, Mr" arnwof AMii- Mc. and 1Mrs. Junior W&t Piter boro wr Sunday guest with his -ainis -r.and Mrs. A. E. West. Miss; Audrey Billings of osbawt sipenIt the week-end with Mr,. aind Mrs. J1ým Batusy~ ownwiývidIeh Mr. and Mins. Bill Found are on a weeks vacation traveLling throûgh the State.s. Mr. .and Mrs. Robt. Keane ai ffal.y tf illghtton speint Sunday with Mr. andi Mrs, A. H. Keané. Mr. Sain Keiane, returned with them aftier a weeks holi4ay wvith his Mr. and W. J. Le.amnan weve gaithering in hoiiouri of the sixty- thi d ,wed'ding ,nrive*sar>y of Mr.. 'Leuman' ohier and father. Thii-ty- five of the guesîts present wereý childIreiI. gVaincflddren ýand great- Mi% ani Mrs. Earl i t(y )f Hanil- ton, Onirta.rio andi Mr. and Ms.Galil Haýllida&,y of Seuttle, Was hrgto'n, vliskdit the Amstrong's Uvnr the Mr. anti Mra. R. E. Logan visitei their diaughter, Mrs. E. G. THay andi faainily at Thoracresit Village, Isllng- ton, aver tihe vweek-endc. Plan to see the final eut in price-, at the Hmeai Gifit Sliop, Thura.- day. Fniay andi Saturdny. '1r. nnd Mrs. Lerýoy Brown andi ilail]ý« of Lindsay visi'ted Mr. ant Mrs. J. D. Pý-townvi on Sunday' andi weire presenit at tihe Uniteti Clurch service wvhen Ellen Elizaibeth Millson dtuughter of Mi%. andi Mrs. TH. E. Mill- son m-us baptilzed. Misa agre osk h is tiaking a cmeca course in Lnay was at1home for. lhewekn. Mr. 'M. caarleton sp(entt he week- end iT' ,iinonto, due to the illu-iess of bis brother. Mr. and Mrs. K. Fralick a-nd fnm- ilv, Pine 'lbert, visîted Miss M 1e M.sn'i Kenne, IBigbton, hais re- turniet home site peýnding hiua va- cation with Mr. anti Mrs. A. H. M.and i Ms. Neil Wood anti Gail, baeitspent SunýdIy with Ms.C'i Mr. andi Mrs. MeGaCllum-f have rmov-i- ed fio Toroùnto andi have taiken an apartmnent at Mr. andi Mrs K Toiinie Mer. and iMs.'Wmn. Cohibljedek nti Mr. Martin: Bioeren. spent Sunday in Blacstckvisiting Mr, ani Mîrs., Lornie Tihonipson. The Oronio High Snhi-ol are hold- Ln- thehi nenual sports day this Qoniinig Wednceaçd-,i nften-noon-i. The Prsid n antiDirejctcrs' of Ohe Fair boariid wish t.o),thaînik tue cast of thl ocal play "Swept Clean Off Her Feept" for, teir kind ooniWibutjoCn to theý final receipits of tlie Pair in tur-n- irg in terentire nnrize n mIoeyof $ý,4l0 00This n 1niîake a inoitof ainer $12f10 Mb. Muci of tesucssof U e two ronideits wils due, to th- Lin- tuinýlg efforts of Mrs,. O. W. -RoPphl aint M I. MT.. TambIvn, Thi,îse t-k- ing p'nIi h ith*' Oýrno w weire; Patsv .VSfn.Mari, A-ni Aintsum,o, Anjin Besit, Ravn-idOhsionJim P clard an 1 Ov;lle C ei Mcf. monst of Oa-kvil*le bas been, vý*istcr 4s . Mn T-Pý1oll n)",ï f thepre e wekcelebraied i bis 931-d iTheot4inin,,iT4-wkOfifnm of thie W. M. S. on Tuesdav, Octorbr 2. at 2.45 i the Sundîay S'hrol rooni efi 4heO vno Unitedi Church. Guesr pekois to he Miss iiiie-it LukeI of Oshw.A gomiatenne si i*tpejd for with ùIl lidie-z; beig i- .vitet. Ten xd be rerveti. Mi4itors twtth Mr. and ils~. Er- vani Radiney on Sundiaywee Mr,. aint Mrs. Ah BalsoFn-j andtiElieeii. 'Mrs, ffllarence flunýc, Mrs. LeniSmfith, Misa K. Fflaçtei< ani MIrs. J. Dîckson mot-,red to Halibur- ton, istrict loniSaur auda enjoyedi a vey lesaînt visit with Rev. andi Mrs. Littlewood at Bocayigeom. Mra. Allian IItw nd tiaughter M trgaret ( f Emio spent the weeýk-end wvitbh thelir Aunît, Mca--,. Franik Pýat(, Mr. and Mis. a-enc.y Haw, Toi,- ùiit4î visitedtiiheir Aunit Mrs, Flrank Peate on Sunday. Di.. <ant Mrs.FlioyvdCuittelI of I WAestfiel'd, N. Y. visitet Ocono duelg FPair week.i A delilghtfui cia evenit. was, helti at tbhe hinte of Mrs. Wrni. C mn on Monday eiveniinig whe-n Mr. Gara.Miisi Glenin Allun aïnd Mis>a' 's Northcutt KIN DN ESS ('()t raouh.care iceL Telephene . Offce *6 ronig ennies ada PRIVATE INCOME FOR LIFIE WHEf ýYOU RETIRE - es, s'ecurity costs so littie whe you build your reirernent incarne arouncia Canadian Government Annuity. I's f to face the, future this way, and eas5y,.fD0. Theres no medical examination. P; ments are îow and your contract won' ~ps ifyuri Qn. our money is ubaranteed by the. Government cf Can ca and ...YOU CAN'T OUTLIVE YQUR INCOMEI stayurCanadian Goe ent Annuity ted0y! IND OUT 580W LITTLE I LI COST YOU MOWTHLY PREMIM FOR AN r---------. - AN Iy? Ca F $100 A MONIN I he Director, Canadicin Govermnnt Annuifien iSTARTING AT- / DePcinmýent of Labour, Ottawa. (Potage rej ýGE 65 AGI 60 e PleosE 5end mni nformation showing honi a Age M f Womecn Mon Wno n Canadici Goyernment Anneity carn bring ma 21 $1."150 '$8 4 $ 12 $crtave owCon. 25 1152 7.2 4 22.08_ 20 My nomef .......... ................... n 30 1 2.8 28.08_ 31 M./u/is 35 :24.1' 2.8 36.60 41.88 lw t. . 40 31 .4 0.0 40.6 8 .88 j.......... .. ............... ~ . 45 2.0 968 1. 2.8 jDoe when Annýu;ty f0 îtari .......... . 50 61.A h O M3.20 j ANNUIV EIBkANCH Dae f irh ......Telephon8... DIPRYMNT0F ABOR 1 underntandi thait he information l g ive wifl Ad. No. 51-1-POO flnes <2x 100) AR aMST1RON GS~ WINTER COATS ini English, broad- cloth twills and al]-wool blanket clOth-. Color1s 1rust. green. Cocea brown. black. grey. wine and win1ter white Price $39-50 - $50 IIATS in velvets, fur feits and feit. Ail colors to choose, front4.0$99 STATIO WAONCoATgo quality gabardine, quiltec 'i sain lining, large grey mouton collar Priced t................$3--------- TreLa es'GarbardinSuits, grey ý seys.»-ol faille, taffetta, trico- fine aed crepe,, ail colora and sizes.......... Pcefrom $17.50 te $29 59. SKIRTI in wools, gabardine, m es- wear., crepe, velvet. Price 5.95îami( apd ~'sedy.Priceci$1-d59.< IMF -n Jeatho a 41 riuede PriceP ",50 and $5 SIJGAR 2 bs. 29c.@ Zest PICKLES 48 oz. jar 75c* Maple Leaf Soap Flakes large size ........0 medium size.....73c. small size......40c. with Alice Crisco, 3 lb. Pail........$1420 Lipton's Chieken Noodie Soup 2 packages........... 25c. Orono Creamery Butter, lb. 66c. Choice York Tomato Juice 48 oz. tin . ,.. ......... 32c. Green Giant Peas, tin .... 20c. Ajax Ckeanser, tin ....... 14C. FRUITS and VEGETý Cranherries Sweet Potat Washed M'nu- Fumerai Dirreltèr.