lutFAI Eplourean Errer - By Iscibul, &a the road, 'Amy?"ý 'Oh1yes-'thd roàd on th0 le t -stas you woeit inithe(ote laok wme"Mre, Edwardstod us Imethat serves divinle food. £ury, 'm tared.And it, soundsL Lamra uiued luhe caefulyared cer cuembthe inarrow road, _7_iiýdiuig it cauitioluslv up ltestep -4 odthinig iti,17"n't mm-hfarthv, Laura sriled geutly atntIliea' Zgeratled speeceh of tlier flighty fin whorefsedto growv oid, _graceFtfuly or other l's.Ibelie\ve the food m-hi be worth thfiloigdrive off' urmain rut.Mrl. dwaridsil, "Tere's the place." announced Am1ly -coughilig from ltue thick dustýý.i -Just look at ail the cars in the 7adtefood luat bewocrf" Lamra turndte couple inito theý roddfarsn iyard anidcreny Ayputed, "Thle food lu;ay!be herfct ut e1l'lhave to wait rages 1, get ceirajstlook atailAthoseJ .tÈhers wa,ýiting!" She bouniced fromt 1h% cr Ilke a child and stood impa- tetywbile Lauilra fas;tidiýously hagddrivîig gloves for fresh whie oesbefreleaving the c ýar- as they, walked te thehus. tý seemls stranlge that they dont hae A sign onCilthe Oridor out rot, she commented as thecy ascended the steps to the veranida wheire athier peoiple already wited. Thiey wr greetecd by an un'1- amilig woman in black, "Wo you care te -corne inse o0willyou mathere on the porch?'" "Oh1, ouitside, plelse," asee '-mywarly. "It's imucb tcou îce aday tu stay insidP." Site coni- Aiued to chatter of the weatber ind the lovely view mhile they lourd Chairs, in the sbade. Ther ïhe -tunedt o the voiraiiuet to hern "Isnt dui a lovey plac?" shle asked enithusiastically. Her etusamapparcetly m-as àuottrnsitedby hber speechl. Lu fatAm bd thepeuirsna ,jlitiontat oreston -ho ha comittd agrave sociail error. The w9nlan murmured somae iihiiug oit ad tuned aaybut Aymas not tol be dne,' Amy Boen andthis 1 mi fied Lura Fentoni. W areu achool teýachers fr n ver iniOi,"si ,îa id. Tilt %Uo(1ýn loked at the in puizzled wyacknowleýdge dite 1in- trodulctions b rieSly and cba ged herc "Wel, rlly 1ý" Apmy aaid î,, dis- spoethey feed folks, LaraX don't smei anyf ood n:orthi',"aýny fret so, Amy. T -here fre so mrany, flowvers arîr>c-Lld thiat o oud Amy suime 1rufvld -il' her churne iUmgcu0ioway Q och bouse. "oones"111sid C"h paei, baniked wtbfoer" Oh"shie gasped, triga d greenîish mhite. "Laiural, Fi g ta be sct" she cried Lramoxed uclrspg the Simaller wvoilan by the ami t help fber tth le car. As rue theypased the open door, Laura glned é!i sidle, te stifledi a cry ,,itiia whiýte-gloved hanid. Reaýlîty avr rïved wtbabrupt 5suddennerss Not tifl the t7wo wole erf! safely [il tue Cariand 1ready l 1 tur inte the pavd bgiway dîd cithecr speak.Aywied OLura, tat fhorrible pilace e'ineeïive- this dom-n." Laura stoppesd the car auciloaked di te diretios iii te notcbook -100Tird rond on right:" sWerea Shïe tumnred te ber strickecomat ion."Am Bown,"suc said stern- ,Md d tedirectons s Mtey arem-rit- ten and te folloýw tblem carefully. . . .While Truman BUms- -Sen- Joseph C. O'Mahoney pufs con- tentedly on a pipe given himi by President Trumn d u r i n g c, Whïte House visit. BowI of tîhe pipe is a carved caricature of the Chief Executive, sent himi by an admnirer in G7ermany. Upiddonto Prevenit Peekingll Created anid signied by Th'le Huse of' Seagramn, thisadetsmnwh appropriate copy forfoen lands, is pern mgzns and new-s- papers pitdin 'var ia anguages and cniïculated throughont ýthe wrd TELAH WRDAOU oýc TMIS adeîienenit wasu; gndb TFle blouse of Seagr'am ita tell die people of odher lands about Canada and thngs exclively Canadian, Many people in Latïn America, Asia, Europe and other parts of the word ae not fully awvare of the ricliness of Canada's niatuiral resources9, wild life, sceniic bat and'J cultural traditions. The morethe peoples of othr Iands kowatoutau country, dhe greater will be teritrs inl Canada and Canadiani products:. Vie le <rse of eagjýamfe, s hatt/l hiorëizon oýf inidustry does not terminiare ia file bondaiy of ils Pas;ii has a broader, horizon, a fartler vie uiwdeiae thle derebopmient of Cnd' 'auei vr ChlJouse o~f $eclrami N N -N N 1~ -~ N s f -~ N