menýt, Utt-awa. ýiption $1.50 rester P1ulblishier.11RC Forrlester ira brugt e our ttntonthe faett Virat h )prlecn onf tire cfartMtu aeoftde reaseuns for hie Cpt-f-ivirg nex ls tirh aae initaa prames foîr tire Ide. ie Dimîio ureau oýcif tire prises of goods as they are so4d Thsinsmes whbich irunclided in Vire pricesi, sow p in ire iiu eîaclh piroieJuce are ise added inteIrendex by eise and oiicatxear raisecd, tire Index,- nceresami riser ccrirgi airýý thre Govýernnmeint fori. lcreai1sed servie n]ar n Gvermen tenree taxajtion Lhih ievt iiito hecesi of goods -nind is lriflec(ted in a igli!- exn And se tire ipiralchalas ever preard. c"t a memier of tire Executvai Couicil of The of Comece u aa rcenlt iradcio brioýýast poin- Unýtei StatLes, fe-derlai anÀld st-,catetxes lon auto- Vo aiW)ot oesee ot f COa-jadian xe." Ar Perrnt, "I saw Vire cmltefgrs fsm ia St StepirN P-N .ai Caais ane uýThe- $06 iii Dalaris ai $676)ir St St()eir" mti0gintio tIrhep ieyhgie otofliving auadof living ami)ur-deir!d fe'r npo id servies. We cul Ummeitren eimrtie days rehea lcde to bxing a jug Louth cornerstoCete be Uday nme 2insist on our r i kbe&nig psen dliivu1r<ed teour door in bottir hiirhae ee and en beirg siccdWc demand bottr lioeght herenusthaeatet st eerýdb.ami our nar etrerfoostufa ustbe pre-packàýgcd -for eni rvaipedin gleaing cellophaewThe PA niamberof soft (dirns repu1crae, .0ý7c per s conrpurd te milk ut 9c per 40lounces in IM- dlrctrlfcaîo is hncrensong, ta lgur sles are ceco sales have been but slighttyaffected hy tie raite cf taxdioa ail tssc irigpeistteY an 01ur standar1lil of vn igi aaenioiedabovec, ostrony Sevcsp- mitr 1naust be pai orby txs Rfaernsin, rétin must be pad for b,.-tir oue r Theyai y hglier prlces. c f tlmsethngs in ind noeme eir at cour tHOOSE LIBERAL C-ANDID-ATEC AS I EDOL M S (Cntnudf rom pag-e one) Thiankýsgiving Specialsý COOK11NG SALEA vnialfieid lu the forthcomling el-1 Siweýet Cider. choice eagaidlThe Oroio GirIýs Seiftbfall Club are ectin. T'lie amaination meting vwil'1 cooking Apples. ripe or green T<-ho1ng a Home Cook g Sale on, be hclid at Ooooui MnaOio nos ietCerjn, spiing ChicIkeas!SaturrIayafere-.r 3:0o'clOck, 'ber ISitir at 8 olIoc t is ainticipîated Or fowl. Meudowmownt Pariai. Phioneý, October. 6th iunthe e hIsemIeat f tire tharIt tJhe Orone meeting will be e Clirke 2SI11. a'-c Orono Turw-n {aILh3-- oelnggu n un aninternsfied c am- patiga Vo swing Buriani C uityý int'o1 FARM TO RENT LOST the Liberail foi'd ii the ucxNt Pre'ovia- 1 10ars hydreo, powu ass- T-wo ýgiriy plastic Chrýomi, Kitche celCcL aiedi)on. T -feeiig o iatono.Lctonsouith -fcf Cr- CarsnTur1 veîgbew nfiglft's îeein as tn Lie omnInonNo. 2Hiiray ppîiy on pro- HapyVuiyadJohn Be(Ls sCoi- tie wald e kenl coteseJibyat pry o 5, concess2ion 1, Calre pne nn îm4pci hn 11 tat three anîdpcssiiy mirecad-_____________Oien - da!tes. As ye,'i o cniaeia aeNOTICE AL toStý. Sin' hns *gSer- tien te stand. viceis il bf e 1 i naOct- Oa'Wr oi~ etr OFD 0F ANKS 1 nuit ike to t e sopou ity to Wtlnk swoamtdaa paý-ItrnzedIme 4 d ,iimg mvciar c g G Just Arrived I g The suppb- s imI$d. D on't eü g s«apPofl, ke iuyrany wereg STom-i- Lewis 3i-11 Oronoo PORT HO0P E 2 425-5 Coleman &tipElectric olrer 14th. Thé Rev., C. L. Budn Chiii-h, Port 14p wii h(Vire uest speaker.b-37c COMING EVENT Ni b Chrchon onay ven g Scoe . lBe eto t nda e- , a 9gond sup er a wProgram-]withl at Cehe amaac - Resere Mor ~r c erlthfo' tire Libra minimeeing a '-t Orono al 800 ., W eýon a ca moufii M+ w l scted.TOMA t f&iowin nxt .a-c Sa i ier r erics N n- v1 Pei tiia inK, Tak <teVo Wt( a- AUCTION SALE Auctifon aeoitqeo tg"s, Limonges c 'a wIlut tieni on Sîturday, OcU t ber L'6h, ideuceKingrton ad, Neiý retc. 'ac- comi- zastie.1 0,,Im- 4Oý, m PER DAY PER DftY larige sFize, )-id one o ,iro ýo sp:wace:eter. Appy rs Hrr Biiey,.hine S71-10;, O3no, -p FOR" RIENT Store Sîpaice, ext1 door Vio dhe Or~Uo ime. AplyOrono Times 6.5 Regiîster(d Hoistein, w'Iili be1 put up 1'or _AII tiIon nelaOt that 1230.r. attd Agï4ultra Areiia, Oro(no Ê'when te entire iik Frosvviw F rm f J. T.Bown wcatecqi]da 'ng of fe -Am epningig 2 ye's oid, n yong eowis, ani prospecýtA yo'ng' herd sires, e nyail aesare breýd Vo G afn turity, Come ig h da. ctbe June 15,i52a aesathDUla County S asrn, O onoý-, wili bc held ini th M rno t . p.nî. A. çal, aie aager, J ei.Aue. DEAD FARM1 STOC-L%ý a d CalIves Caus coeict Livehs2te per lb).fo MARGWIL I UR FARMS11 P'hone Bowmnanville 2679 Real Estate lid brick msiene n preýty street close to shopping, churches aad schoo oýAI10is on each for furnaice, elec tricity' many extras. Fiorced salIe on lihera terms Openfor effer. $3,900. Oo north e(nd. five ro Ms )oe flor nnid Iunfîn- ished. bt- com lectricity, tomdeeplotneairly ail cashl Leroy Hmlo iNSURANCE lna al its bace Fire, Atmbl, Liability, Lif e, Hospializationi, Wind Plate Gilass, BurgIary Orono Elctric P--hone30 21r 16 CONTRACTOIIS FOR 'FARM an1IOUSE Prompt anid GuantenedRpir to aIl nakes of l ticlEqi in We can supply you wîith e type of Heating you need for CORl or Oîu Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PUY SiCIAN and SURGEON offiee Hours: 2.00 tb 4.00 pan.; M.6 * te .pMI. Sundaiys and Wedneestays 67 appoliinenit oilly PHON',E 47rl - fONO E. C. SYER, MLD. PH1Y'SICIAN,ý and SURGEON Main Street Souith Office IHours: 2.00 to 4.00 pý..;6,30 t0 8.00 p.m.. Sujndays and Holidays hy Appointment PHONE 74 r,19 ORONG LEGAL LaweCe . NMason, BKA. Barris ter and Solicitor BOWlMANVILLE, ONT. Phoneoa: Office 688 Home 553 TED JACKS'-CN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Auction Sales ofai alan and at reasonable rates Communiicatýe with hlm at îpS* Perry, Ontario, or se, his C1erk, À, E. Morton, at Ofruo, for date. JACK REIDJ Aucionerand ValAuator Speciaize fin Farm sund Furniture Sales Consit me for tenus and dates LIFE INSURANCE Pensi1on Plans; Edutrational Poircies: Proectonand Savings Plans foII Chbildrenil and Aduits; Mortgage la-. FE. LYCETT The RUTTER GRAINITE COMPANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 622 Port Hope, Ontario Mlonuments, Gravemarkerz, STAFFORDZ 31punldas St. IROS FINE U ALITY MONUENT ur Ltilus eee ahadsrn i 1 -