WEEI<~Y 1' - ~ UNITED "HURCH so Revred I I 65 ta 69 Yas/fAge APPLI CATI ONS-maov be tak!ýen by %uricipal Clerks, City WelfafeAdnnita>r or by, provincial Welfare Field Workers. QUAHEFICATI ONS-persons (ý5 Io 69 years mnay re-1 ceive $40.00, monthi> commeftngi~January lst, 195,2 if resident iii Canada for 210 tea's and have income, inc1uding allowance, less thant$720.O0 a year if singýlo and $1200.00 if married. If further îaformnation is ueqtired please write to Departmxent of Publiîcý elfare, Parliarnent \ \9fTAR6\ ONTARIO CI j BLU4INO PERSONS ACTr -!0 YEARS 0F AGE An applicant may receive $40.0G monthly if 21 or over, ia reýýjdent of Caniada for .10 continuous years, and theIr income, including allo-w- ance, is flot in excess of $840.00 if single an<d $ 1320-00 if mrried. CE c tri k IT1ZENS AND OVERI wvyho are not 110v' receiving Old Age Penrsions should obtalin an ap- plication from the nearest POsý Office-complete anid forward't,- OLD AGE SECURI-TY, ONTARIO REGIONAL OFFICE, 122 Front St. W, Toronto. ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 04F PUBLIC WNELFARE 1Ilonourable W. A. G-oodfeiloW, Mlinister o/ Public W;elJare., IIIa -I SPEC1, r-L Stiak an lKîdey 20b. tins 5c Pliome V*rl Capons, snowy MA A, t ls, 6C Boiin Folflavourful lb.....55C Blue lBrand BeTLoieKle ork, Sopring Lamb, ndCured et aea your 1dis'pows"'ai a esnbe ircs Cranhierries lb pkg. makes 21/, Ibs. sauce. 9 Bluie «rapes, ' 6quarts.....................45es L'ananas, Golden ripe, lb...................----------19e Sunkist Oranges, -288's doz.............-----------...î4c ie Pomipkin, 2 for..............5c Carnets, fresh, crisp. 2 for.................-------1Pc Cauliflewer, large, white, each...........-17 Crabapples, heaping Il qt. bask-ets..........--- CORNIH - - ~ -~~------- -t------ Fig fBars A Nujtr-itiouis Beverage tin M7c Ot.mk Ont. O LD A GEY: The o oFislh and 1Hurt nCILubý held avery ejoyable Corui Roast Goe' Lndinig, last S,,ii(a dyvn img when some 50 ei es and thir wie atendîed, anidcd te the musie - f t0eLoi, yfaiy Url was donated by- Mr. JobnCasade Mr, m Ms Carl Billitigs have h1aving suld Otheir farnc 1to M.anid MS. Garret H mi Mi-. anîd Mrs. Bruce ýTenn,,-ani, Mr. an-d Ms.Alied Jakuman aand Mra aýnd Ms s. Middleton enjoyed a mloîtilr tnp to t Mindien last Sundy cal1limg 0o Mr. anld Mrs. Relit.Cr- forth of Linds y ýon te way ironie. T11ey ~ui'then11ilinihiniprorved in heaklh. îMi.. uf Mrs, G. V. Bradjliurnl of Hun111sville visited wilh-Mri.% and Mr. Js. Mt1iddIetoe lst Tuesday. Recenit vsiyr ith Mri. and Mrs. NewonCobldik ere Mr. and Mrs.CaeceGlb n f Santa Amja, CaIernaila, Mis. Lela Arýdiel1 o)fLoon Mr. and Mrs. Herb ler.- r-dof f iicMr. AthrRo(bbilne cfLeskard. Recent vsion w 11 Ms.T.J. Carscpfdn amifamlily were1Mr. anid Mlrs. Johin Brr. roino MS. PFoeafjohlnsani Pr idJOx1îgen, Mes. Chales Gay auf Honnlie, ý1r. Warr(ýn Cai-on, Kenal,M. G. J é,, owmianville, Mm. ýand Mris. Antboîe inlay, Fort WilliaiýM-,-. Geor-ge Cno. OooadMr. mnd Mil,, 'Leonard C iie c acnibell- creft. cd thell funmeraiof becousnMIr. A. Virtue, Tycolire, ou edneday iter.. Mu'. T. C Ilsns-pent Wednesday Setemiber 26thin Ottauwa w lereh wasilntaled inin, ue office c('l'Grand Alinrof KigtToîipculrof Can- adaiiiNo.32Pree~porybyRI. lEm1. Kt. John Gcy, KC.T., Ottalwa, ho je ais aimemberi, f Jeoff-ey N 2, Tori- a'iong wtfhtire Grand Master, 1M.E. K.HryC. 'Minichin of Galgnry-. lier nirany cld fiicds we re re- centtlyde'lgh ') to eioomîe Mrs. H lac Id Rrds(nec' Edira Roc) f Cafgryto Athe vilage aaneomied by Miss Ia C. Lntoni. sie:(ok ila the fir mmd s1Ayedover for tjlre D)di- JonL. Rex Jotuh a Oronoý ecolfr man years ao u ietara ofthec century is ing,)od hircalth but oni*nctr edd ue t12, o an ilinjucY. Mr, PandIJrs horeund to a<g e.img. McoVarM. ampireil andciïdn lcsî1iund 10 M&bc f (C agry avie spending a cw months inhtefr and DI- onald Mc. cai ýfdi M. SLctrBuer (Coanitudsinucd filoe s page fonle) i- r miles M. C n inbruft neonUe ÎIhe fineet samîpes of pe hes i grenasfli finv hec ar. Te nefrnit Pdhize ofthe fuit w-e b hrdet ba en in tire Nragara are.Mr, J. H.W Morrjýis mcnd pMc. ehStabn ghapmaýn aiseg e te r e ,ýrda nfne ehon hie pealfor Th anks- giving L'aies' Suge, 25)p.c. wool, pceiat $,0 et t match $1L50. Blak Tffeta Slips i i îePrcdat .- ----$3.951 courp 'orflowered $3m.0/t.7 ucirldens 4 te 141yearsr flow- Boy~ stipeFlaael1te.Size csa M n %olnvy.lAd for 85e. N Bedpreae 1fake one lt Icinig ~ugar 2 1Y.........29e Wainuts, jtkg...........,22e R~asted Ptximrts, pi ~. ,.., 25e Matches, 3 ~oxcs........27e Ayhncr Pe~ ~ 3 tins ,. .25e Ma0e Le Pure Lard, lb, ,29c Grannies Cookies, lb...... Speciai Assortm~nt of English Cookies, Ganada Dry Ginger Aie Large haRle........ .25c, FRUTS ndàVEGETABLES Ca-uiflowers Banan-as Waxed Turips Red and Green Peppers Celery Blue Grapes Market Price 2N Mrttrial $'rrttr.. .. . During thie hours of your bereave- ment our imi is to do everything in oui' powver to lighiten your bur- den. RARTLEY R. BAMlLZ'ý,ý FUNERAL DIPRCTOR ne 18 r 7 Orono, Ont. Phoune I lr Phio ~-AR ~, r ..................................... . .......... .8 r 2 New intr Cotsfitted or Coo ) a Cksin biankýet clOth. ANilS and broadcloth. Colcrs greenu, . us, v witer wh1i t £, brwgrey, iee.aind back Pred rni$39050tA $ 7 5Al Drsss nilwool jersey o)e colin£, ceeandgaadiq vine and green. Priee $295Q Girl'sNavy Flanne lmaiers sizs , 1,0, 12, 14 at $5.75 Size 41, 5 and6 Prîce bu!lwtUm yon55e. Large