, Wkm Creoetrs l scharsew vil ho tje any Savor teAnd tos filet-roche, wich realiy protecta, yoi knowv. ides! Mako thr"(eecar backýs, uso two for creds Chaipi;)sud doul cr oc:]t-thms is simlple to do! liCair-sot Pter 839 bas charta; direcions Sond TWENýTY-FIVE CENTS incoinls (stsmllps caunlot býe s-ic cepted) for this patte'rin-t0 Bo-x, 12,3 Eighjteethf St., New Tornuto, Ont. parintpoaunr PATTERN NUMBER, ynr NAME sud AD- DRESS. SeudTwn-fv Cents more ý(u coinis) for ouir Laulra bel Nqeedlecrat Bonik. Ilhstations cf patterns for cr-ochect, eubroidey, ï 1-klittinlg, lhonaeldI t accessories, douas, tys .. ,Man'y 'hobb)1y anld giQt ieasi A frermteuS printed ,the book. thait coutrols ourilives r That-u to Cha1 e itutinsitiston avacî_. m- 1enelîant sd Lusua1ly get-tfheir, man, su'd a hlome of thir owu?),Il, A LONELY GIRL" * Manya fatlia elievs hat * ha;i to be wili be, aud is con- 4 viu ed 1thla t i t is futile toStruggl e gaînat onle'sprdsiain 1 arn niotonue of tee SWhuaoa u kow lwat * se iaut, I tiukii shle should lay * be planls to gýet it. First, doser-ve *it suld 1 p-cr 1er for i t, th1en1 Lse *wi be;ngeunity asud commnoin seuse ýtpurse the Sear 1cli. Gue ex- *erienc.e aS1ter aunothor showms lber s Ibat unt ttudo, sud if she is bonl- (51et enogh to cAnit br mistakes Il she ill nmako feer of thelli. * Fr-ank nlsisoS one'aselfis ý a man, ilto1býis \lovenaiu1g * eary, sows tonfervnt eger- [~ ea o oblige im. Tbis is unt *rnrfor. tho mian conchtdes shec a basbniai free 00tbbermfaors *witb other men she kurWs hforeL * Oher girlzsisuuh a 1rn,11 with1- *1C1 sncb bstlity thathliedecides She,, *is lnot capabtlle oS elioronu. A mlan *canrr cmepuad so graciusiOta li he ferlie lors inot appoal to hor, *buit tint sho 'bhas ton muc ef- * respectt top to coniquer. e aonme au arr-ogaulcehat is ana- * thernaý to romnanceý. Positive il! * suporior t.hey eel. Tbey Sorget *thait wmniusa illilugliess ic ta iston, jticosflattory, sud a 4 es of htnnr stili eau brinig 1 a maIe to Ibis kuWersut Ss ~cozy inuiier she prepjareshrnf *n cati dsolvWe abcbir' vill VWeu a nau is lowsu d out oS es sots ho turnato tde girl e pies Saribornle cit 'lne i\11o aska imi no unquestionsfits bis mood lMk a spgovc, w%00iàsyumthetic sud !tender attde rîghtmoment. Se *i he girl hoasns to crnme home Sosdthlat is tbie real test of * bi felinig for bier. * Eamneyouraelf as tbiougb * you were solrnebody es.Per.- * ap tat rwillgive you au ides oS wbat is wroug. -\\Wlie a girl bas isd youirox *porienice of filurle, suld aiPal't *given up p e, sud thon ilsudlenlly de th rglt man appoars, wenliheto CA cal it dstiny.-And fbow gritofl! *shie is tbat ail the other men oSixe * nwpaed !ber byl ,fect tea is so$0s to ma cke vwith 1~ ru IL Canada Savings Bonds Bigger Better beca'luse yo0U cal byU 0$,0 o-bisedo 'P'00 ashiero bec-ause 'fie Bonds cari) more initernt ha omel -31%re-turu compare-1with 2,75. You cau cashl Canada Savings Bonds at any timecfor wMht you pid for thiemi - o risk of flutuaions ira princpal value. Teeis 1vo better Secýurity for your Sa-vingS. Denomitlations: $50, $100, $500, $1 ,O0Qn $5OOU YOur oý rdeir b-y phone -or mail will eeieOur promlptatetQn 36 King SeetJeu Wood, Girndy & Com-panicy Lhizt.d( For gleert:ýIns it bas been ap pen1inig this xwv, andifIthe farmerc ys, tksa ifrost tu cILlar[the aiir," hle sp eaksL f r om11exper, Lien lce(. Fis ro0at, 1aud(Inot lonIg lte 1,ýr cornes ndian umer, when tine seenstopasea littie wh\1iie, per.- deep sd witercores. IThua does th erturn, any year, Teopen days, theîviing ont11 side .da , arýj-e nearinlg their ed Four Il ia nd 1Il a firesid,, ý, 1 are1 ( irn11- potatonerno, or11 ve'rei tbrowic, i rLk, olrcson i'be, o wayIthrough nthrwtr ( to au1- oterspi. lWe rustIl corne ito Threis thIle fil ndte stregth.on ecu yarla1 xvei a în I i acj11( lii e. 1 N lu fi t Il,-th shae f our orld becornes more lear each daad sI)o dos our reulations -to it sud t1 o onvseves it isesyto ive w\ith a g1r,-enIalud growing Wo)rld. A ýgray worL)Vd, w live wt i t IlI over aauech time i: itBt we eao Thiat i, the heuartenliing thiiug that we1 rernrnCe fter1each1frst frs --that Wr eye"-r quite for-getf,ta tfie rots are heeand Ilhe irrnJ corneus, anid w eme r, suld wl- core i; adstilli ren-r ebriug, %, e prprefrthe comiuig %iiter- From Tht New YV, ork I me 5vAfne Ishlev Q, What is an easy -nethOd Of bieaching linenis? A.Onie (AfItheeaitrnhosa by 're 'iig Toou lgly wet V the yelIlowýed haxdkr-ciefs, npîs anid other linon articles, sld ud bag thlem onit utilthey have frozeni stiiff. They wýill corne in heanttifuilly 'bit 1(ndarnl f reshl and sveùt. Q.How can 1 hasten tile growth of plants? A.Make a miiixtcure 1 itable- spoonul lof Epsom Isalts sud -1 gallon of coldI( water1. Dissolve thlor- Ouighly. Pojur thiis so)luionnover thll r-oots of Ithe planitsnditwi11l has- Q. How can I remiove spots snd Stains froni siikç without injuring thle color? A. Take fivepatsofwaersd six par-ts oS ahxm11, wel pouuded.( Boîl a sh-ýIort tirne,asud thon pou iinto aàesslto cool. P'revions to usnthe mix1re mst be rnaIde sud allow to dry * Neer iup hp Terns * orfotigthonghtlito0hood is that *We eerko whaIt tomlor-rov. Do) you f eel thaýt love and liSte are passing you hy? Cheer up! To- miorrow is another day, and per- hapS it vwill bring yomr dreýam. Keep yourseif in the mnood for that. and don't despaiir. Ih may hbp to wrvite to Aune Hirst. A lresier at Box- 1, 123 Eighitpeenth St, New Toronto, Ont. too gItldfo cne càut wbeu i 1do I uppo0ýcse se tbilIks -"ýwbat's thegoo ofgoînig inthr if lIlm not alowe to ako tho foeathers fly?" How 1voI thiuk it is pretty gond triing. ý,if, agnd wb, Ij wedo haecieken(2l s --aga lin, ÏHonieUy wiill have learnd 1by thlat( tirne thaýt certain kinids of bir-d liSe ar tin eutfor Iher to, aseor p-lay r no[ed1tho-nid hens to make roon o r anme Ne w H psi pulleUts wh ich wVe bou it forn sP 'eihbIr.Tby are nice Iirds-sýo t arne)Ud qrùellit ou \wnuld tiuklI acl'mnehbe n ral!",1 lýised asI a pet. Funuy 1ýthedlifferen lce threis [Iu thle dfeetbreeda ofbid.pe- ingrli n w exporelnCe ve fluid 'IPlmnth BIl a rre Cd -Roc ks arte gond. ,--gelrra l purose ir, a i- thougb they feather 1vwlyand go br-oody eryquickly. WhiteLegbnrns are nervousCbid- dies sud IýIfly aI1over th [le 1peu1if they asartled iu a1yw ay. Ee scteigthe scratch gra"in wi ftnsaethorn11. They lay weil butl!are nlot lmuch lgond as tablec bir-ds. Lighit SLIUsexSeaherqnikly ge tobea ond wigtat rnaturity -rood -hensIl cve -r new W 1)ha tbornoncesudonice vas nng NHX.B.R.hybrda aejqiiet, gond l ayoris and not ton heaàvy or artiswo haýeve yetto Slnd (ont -iias thlis is file firast time we h1ave tried Well, I sIpose >ctli o eathe(r for thhliday wek-enld did not pes anne bttofrnrad wec l tboughit aulythliug wa better tha that 01i nuW~oaIohat. 8s in Otbrta sure-ly is elue for thie record(I! Iliicdenltai ly cnu'.thte hiottraSt day coir supply coS winiter coa srivo.Pobi wjs Ahomo for the weeke(nd but daugher au cousLin Bett[y wut to ufao Siliuay inighit alfrieuld sud 1I wenIt to the ('OtùAniessysevceo a vilg ch h wher[!lhs fie oS m'iinle - vas br ig l p. Th13e cbni ir c 11,a s pa cked ilt o 'tIe-doos,,)1 rnorniag isud nighit, desýpite fltefactý CiS It Ïlei'lg -alterribledacod -windy aa4wet. Somoboll( t fie spirit oS by-gonoc days seemed, to beathoro.-days whlen the littîr Village churchi was thle cenltre (-S comrnnn11iity liS e. Mamsy who Ad once belogd tcOnthecoui- gpregation but Ad same nmovod -Lawy wr back for Annivorsary -Sunday. ý',Friends whlo had nlot seeol eýach othe11r in, yea'rs met sud talked together on1lce agan. LTho(--special preachr xwas excellent. Spnoig oS thle way in wichdiflereuit pieOple And f t RELIEF 15 LASTING Trhere's one thing for the heýadachr ..-the muscular aches and palins that often -.ccoiripan-y a cold ..' INSTANTINE. INSTANTINE brings reall.r fast relief fromn pain and the relief is prolongedi So get 1NSTANTINE and get QUiclr COzfrt. 1INSTANTINE iS Comnpounded Iik a p res;cription of three proverâ medical inigredients. You car. depend on its fast action in getting relief fronIL every day aches and pains, heacdache, rheurna-tic pain, for neuritic or neuralgic pain. Get IrMustine todýy . * .1 Md ala ky~ cZa keep t haridy # i 2-l'obJet Tin 23é Ecor.0mical 48.inI(lt Batti S ISSUE 43 - 1951 _SAVE MON EY NOW! Bianket prices ca e t od Iihsl Now's the time t'o use the maney-saving Fairfield Pla3n. You juast send -jour aidJ knitted or woven waailens-all- woal sacks, sasite unde4rwear, etc.-to the2 Faîrfield Worallen Miii,, ln reiurn, yau receive lovelýy NEW B LANKETS, COMFORTERS oe SATIN-ROUND 3EDTHROWS at a fraction of their normal cost. Fait- PieIdýs'improved methods aioffahianjnu new blankets from aid woolent, meen reat-2r savings todev than ever befre 1 SMART NIEW CON VOY COATS!i Save, tao, an these warm,rugged Convoy Coats. Farifelds make tbem, camplete w4hi hood, in rîzes for men, waomeni and yauths,. trom your aId woollens. Act nowl Send the coupon taday for lvUi details of tthe Fairfield Plan. DISTANCE MEANS NOTHING! FAIFIEO &SONS [TU. , WýINNIPEG WOOLLEN MILIS WINNIPEG F arfield & Sans Ltd , W innipeg il0.3' Send mer your Ful-ceaý4r catalogue givinig full details about new blankets and Canvay CcaseFrOM id woahiens. g ADDRES- -..--------. 46"5 1 WAIST 2'4"-32" L fiL, CSTI lentyo Sstyle qursoly O NE YARDoS 54- ilucb fabJýric for jaily oS its size- wais 24 26 28 .3, .2. our Lcbalco for a rea2lly good skir-t at? bsrgain1 glo baick o(sd-ean.Tla te rwou lttonis trilrnmliug, can be Seu1d TIIIRTY-FIVE CENTS (35) i cons stapacaunot be acepedior timspatterul. Print. plilySZE!,:NAMVE, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Seorder'- to Box ýý1, 12,3 Eg t~ubst., New Tîuo Ont. 1 tî z P.FÀ R M Ialt alsince we acqniired Hue3,1 tirns I avewoud.edwbst would bappe hadwo trird since spaiels proves -sh mpyiginores Saqui- 1rela but shechae parwpig-_ eons sud ilstalinga as iif to the mauneur born. So lwbat wnlId shoe haive doue rilhchiîckenar' rue sys Honey bas rcelltjvy devolnOped1 beur 'bis greatpet or"Recenitly e e have had two C)littie brifers ini the backy_,ard anid wheucever Part- iuer cornles ip from tIle bari t1he' corne ruuuliug oadbi.H ey sppsrVeiltltiuks tbeyl" are nt to- attackPartuo -o Honeypuita the calves toru-or tries to. Weýll, wo Stijl ]haveni't gn, chick- eus but we did mootet i broodr bo sfi SincthonI hlave brntai oe y vwîth ire w i fecd1t1, besrg]1t into th) enou itrif,. Sh],- sits Juat inside thoe don;, aSter beiug ,told t syt here ," u shewatheat loenhoa itb a meet drexity h qu Ied\words to wasedsoro. 1t-sUerile tIo ,hsve pad idrngreat a price and bnught Cohig. le as referrinig it thoe wo hve ostsomneone very dear to v hern aid \who süeud the -aedil cone iii codclt with mat"- suich perons hveu,'t %we? Fr thei ownsorrxx, ave devel"oped a geaersypaithy for- their f'el- [i lw ,-adgrcate Cr opp)or"Du11ity for - service. pj hvJI1I