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Orono Weekly Times, 22 Nov 1951, p. 2

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ar Wa--h a-washling device thlat il one- track insqtead o înnli two is gaid lis Col hile isJ can get a thie pain serve 'tli te n Cedar Ail1 150o be t's said plaster, ed aro- ntratced c 1) 4aV pecu a L . îailu(fc 0il n'!t in normal operation, for er brakes, bot remnains ia- or eînergenlcy. System icao led on any m-ake of trnc- eqipevith hyýdraliIe aee uin- Is an.- roati ahead. trutih of the' ri, e ý 1 iimutulel age: the provisions AS~TCof Capa-da. 1 As thiis is wtetieOnitario 1eleýction. is still tein days or S-0ol the fu-ture. Wheni it app.ears, it will be ovýer--or just about.- What thit restlt will be we do0 sot kilow- and cste less thani a good citizenl prohably should. Stili, onc of the cdaimns we never have made is ta of heing a G.C. So thlis colunrrn wilI largely lie taken lup, this wýeek, wifl the c&sn- chiding paragraphis from an op)en 1,t1er written, a few days ago, by J.W, rw of New Liskeard lxih*o happenis to lie president of the Canadian Standard ]Bre(d floue So- rcty. The letter is too) long toqoe in its entîrety, but we thînk that the portion w-e are pass;ing along w^ill be of> conisîdcrable interest tl'o a number of our rea-ders, especially thos-an thy are mn h admire a good trotting or pacing horse, "The 1951 mieeting at Thorncliffc sustainied a loss of $60,000 miuch of which xaqschue to the- fact that we wetre forced to suispendI operatio,ýns durinig the lHamilton meeting. WhI-en we restnmed (at the Conclusion of Hamnilton) ouir business ha(Id dp- ped 50 per cent f rom itle pseevious wîeekt. Nonletheless, the Provinichi Govermnment collected $206,000 ini pari-mutuel taices from Thorncsliffe tis year a , !the horsemnr- cievec dI11vnly129,0ù0 îin purses. "Ousr final Suggestion was imade to the Premier. We suggested that Some of thie tax m.Ioneys collected Sn t ar i *it vvas 0,000 or seasolis, is sTsoulcl tto bol- hlaress "hi was st' that somle oft be llsed liv il ed prior to March 20, 11912. "ht is essenltial thiat this point sh1ould not lie forgïottein whein the subject of ha2rness-lsacing is under "Iarn quite satisfled that the in- troduction of nighit harness-raciiig to Onitariowud tripsle the value o)f Standard B3reds ini this province. "As ani example; at one lUnited States saýle last year 431 yearIiings wPe ancioned at an average Pwic of $1210. 1I must eniphasize tit these yearlings came froin al types of farmsi,-large aidsmnall. iltsI his machine, age, when wýork,-horses aýre being slaughtered for dog-mCat, 2Hl the borsE-power that is reired on a amali farm stri!I ,vt,,d le a pair of Standard Ered mares. Il the fariner raised on-ly ne colt eachi year and eo'uld s el it for the abilove-mientioned prie of $1?l0it WoudpenVéry 'in reviewing this evidence, 1 believe that yots wilil have to agree that isever, suce Confederation, has thiere beein such ail enample of rank discriiniation, Neyer hef'ore have se had th e xample of a p rov- inicial Preier pamlperùag themi. lionaire br).eeders of th-orouighlbre-ds and the wealhy operators oifrn ing-hiorse tracks ai the expense of the hntndreds and ihouisands 0f farsners who --ee )ad wl) Stanl- dard Rreds." Eagle ( l'armer, ansd wcl unltilit tres, wl ly f rom th ~talons Umt. planting, new; awberrieo. Sec 4t. Wrie woere in Cinaoa. .eor tr Paas ue samplAlsWit:The. ,Allie Kittl g Con- CIMIS COIRN A EFr surereef your 1Drugiet W sleyISS. eIARAGIE, ftyeupeiand modemn, lu vlaeof Odss. çnwn as the (Odessa Allto Service. L!iill uaiters. Large gaFo- liuç gallonage. Tlia le, an nIdl establiSheli busýiness. ,,oodlreason for elin Write Box C9. OesOnt. TCIObleedina uiles-. immediterelief. P'roýven Formula for f.ty Yeare. 2U au,7ýpposî tories ù,orenoundr ubc 2.0 N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Q- .Ue 111 H FRII» o r WVomen. Rplae bt energy. ewPapi Por'tY P5155e 82.O0. rPosÉpai(.l. Itma 12 Dundas mW. *Tornto. 20010r mbileddedl iii thie the child was ,s itsnharmiedi. fouirteen, play- î,. Ontario, vwas 8e air w-enia 'I neii of the traits of the e agle i i its habit or carryig to i1ts nest odds and ends to decorate it. An electrie bulb )w as founiid lii one nest, kt canie ili aisother. Shelis, stones, a picture-frame, a gold wvatch, an old tire, have ail been fouind, and alsnost every nest conta-ins a plant or flowtr. POST'S REMEDIES SnPolFreeouReelitof Frîca 855 uee St E. conerof Logan' orsto Try loi Every Sufferer of Rheumnati Pains or Neuritis Should Try Dixon'zemredy, Munro's DrusS Stoe, 335 Elgin, Ottowa, $1.25 Express Prepajd, Pilots h1ave seen1 eagles flying at 9,750 feet above the earth. Their miarv,,ellousys v hafive been kncrown ~to detect a rahbit thiree m-iles fromn the spot where they were s>oaiýng, Soý1m e eagles attain the tremen- douswigsrd of s'even1 or eighit feet, their main or pri.mary featheris being twentIy inIches long. Car Trim Safeguard WVorries about thie finish onl your ne utomobile are at an 'enid> clasm manuactrersof utospray-onl sealce, aid to proteet chromne work anld intro rim f rom ruist, corro- sinctc. ~Vcto:A trip to put, you ini thie pink-and l eaive you tiii the 1-ed I pEP UP TIlT C. O'. akid B. TONIO abeC or 2;ow Ivitality am! general debiliTy. ýI duglt One Dollar POSIION e bedama by xpcrieneed býeet' stocnIman. rGood at I fitlngAnd ebw- lnig. MaýrriedI, Beat rfroc tatües em ïirI'ý letter, Box 855. 12d !Blghtceenîb Streît. New Toronto Ontarlo. STAMFXIS orsale. Ctlgevaluje over $1.500 flargain at $110. M.Dan Jîlia.17 A Dundas S~Eet Hst. Toronito. PT-RAWY wanted Wheax or Rye wIre B0aled -180 Chrianuas trees by ieIstOuears4.ý soýt, Ontarlo. Large varietr T f tra stripes snt! ouors lndividtïai1r lCft fBoxed <of deslred ONLY $1 .10 each or 3 for $3.00 flains bnd%*ies liliaî ~O5eaue ir conutrestilns oore . 25 eelàeh xta fid for ClîrisîMaNegIfÉs. Colors elglsîe.Green, Maâ'oýq1 Red. 45irer, l5rovwn PXessý"e spcit5r color >and whetlser lain shadles. stipies, or patteras at lne des!redi FRINGEa SCARVES in White $ind ÇoIors- $13.0 & $2.00eoh Pure Silk-$4,0O each Sentimeneerrdér r pos3tai note, 3r we will ielp parcO ee 'ît tiolleet. SATISFACTPION 6OUA.¶I4NTEED Oit blONET1EY FU(NDEID R D Neckwear Co. 188 BORDIEN AVE. 13. KiIOHENER, ONT. disrressing îympisoms. The aromatic fumes Of W. Schiffmann's ASTHIMADOR help clear uP cogetin- rin aaz 'rsg relief. So easy w ut-se, ,o ecorsomical you can sr afforti w )be wiîlout ià, pi'der or cigarette foIrm-aî ail drug stores la Can.ada and U, S 1- àA r,îi WaEeIlectric ORt ou R*i wIl mb çtst und fthroat *Cover wiïh Worm Soninel * ffediye fzr clilidreas USED FOR 85 YEARS CHEST RUB~ VPLEASISUNDFRFREECATALOGUE ANPPRIM Nom ...... ... .... ...................... ....................... ...............i or coni s, 112 = teHome of la :5 JUST ot Cl.sy an @IKmmâý li

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