on1 to Richard There bas probly neyer been agreatet hatred than thilatwbc estdbet'wceen Barney Craig and Datn Chester.lit ail started because f Barney's eagernless to becomiie a -embr ofthelocal lde As oneý ofdutree candidates he was into- duced ta Dan St the Septein ber mecetoping mbued wth tde feeling of good felowship whchthe broter-s k< alwvays emlarate, Barneyasue at oncý,e a famrihar att'ittide and took lesiJoývially, lhei ade a rc about Dan'e ears, whichprrue from the Chester head horizontally, instead ofpepedîuîrl, a's ite casehi nnrm alcn.The blush wbich mounlllt(ed to Dan's cek provoked gulffaiý,s of amusemnlt fr(Di),the deilitedi Barnley. ftrthe imeeting -In wvhicb B'ar- ney's name sas voted on, Dan pub- icly announiced thiat he woul i hae bhot any mnan Vho1 had blackballed h.(i Every one knew wvhat he mecnt. Barnley's ilitation w-,Olld Last for two montils and would involve a good deal of brepa.Dan wa;,s eult for r-evenge. And he got it. During the two-"i mionths o-f initiation, Barnie.y s,-l fered ail the huiiýiationls, inidign- tions and unrestrained paddhlso acollege fr-esbmïïani. Wýhen it wsoethe -ight thla1 Barney received the ritual and be-. c-amie a fulli-flecTged brother, Dani grinnied3at hblm od-aurdy 4'You sure cao takýe iBrother Craig. 0f Course it was aiin funI." Yeh"said Barniey, ".And now, ttIma fnil'- fledged iemlber Plm as good as you? lsa ta ih "Absohitely, brothier," sadjDan. God"said Barniey, "eas for a long time I've wMated to do this" And bh auddoff and et EDan have a smart one on the point of lis jaw. "AMl in fuiný , uknw Bar- ney ginned savagely, Dan picked himself up and nodded, "O.K.> JBrothier Craig, suip- pose you and I go outside." Thiey wcltW tftsitIeI and renroved Cheir coats, Ten m1inlutes later Bar- MeY was ilg on thc grotnd stàing Up) at Dan throuigh the (MU eye ?bt he could stili open a crack'. "Ail in fuî, Brother Craig. Corne 2rounld agin some time when y'ou feel in, a piayfuil iood." Barney speof miost o)f Noveinhebr AnId Dc nb b~ gyinasium, Shmoty afte t onirt àfte year he counered Brothr Dan again. "HeuloBiu Emrs"»he remarke, "Suppose we go outs-de?"e Dan was w,ýiinig. Thiey wen u- ide, and Mn nne and one baîf min- tites Barnley çecded that Dani must bave prcialc lpt in a gmai mm. Barney went om adcur'sed Iiimselfto sleep. Ile decided that he'dlîk Dal-1Chester ffi e died tr-ying îwhich by the feeling of his a w hie thoýugbt ïmigbt apenanly Mninute, BarneyhirsdK, 0. McManlus to train lim,. TK . O.Was Pretty rouDlgh) and Barney suffejred 2a lot, bthel acquired kniowledge. On the frst. of March h' le vtdBohe a o id e.! Thei battle lasted 20 minutnes tî Sçring wafin fuli bomwe Barney agin ent word tf, anto melet hlmourîdeThere wa(qLHte an audienceon band Ibis time The fIght lasted 25 mus..otb, participnts wer pretty groggy, They were swý1inIng wild uand with- riut much zip). It bIegan to coI< ike aawwhen swiddtily it occurr-ed tu Bariney ùtafor the first time Dan w1 n'tbeat11ing 1 h2lm. iýThe ý tought gave ham a feelng of eua tion and a bur I f ener-gy". fi Poked a neat one at Dan's hpluad 1 connecd.Barnythrwn off balance, f00 weak0to seady!hlm self, feu aiicosqsbis oppulnents pro. strte form anýiïd lay there. It tooký an hiolr to ievIve 1-hle baî- 0.ters. Barney came to fijrSt and -icoked at Dan îbhoughtfully. pre- setly Dan stWed and opened is eyes. H-e saw Bre and propped bimIlself lp on an]hw atus ed so muiiil furlth]er alonig w Y'ork Timens. enta ut tnle linterlr, vphiase in the cort- ed' agalinst anl esti- lationl of 300,000.000 poplation thiatis duathl. od,ar we ý(ni and hk Wafarinis -ýthe mstdrama.utically effeË(ctive of the enioglat.f will i nul kl vel ligb num) 'atter hoùw Strocng tihe doe sel. twe fv asaod tw iveksmulst be a Ilied bone uc al ase a-s mayas 551) fats Ve r c kled Texas itbfiteen nuns cvwr- fai-ahrodent conisuiling oly the miin*ýmum aicunt. Usitaflly lar- geýr dssof ararnare ncs RaýtS Feed upon aarnigtp tu iheir ah-xpthoes evidlence haýs conIfirmred thrir death ilu concealed Ikcation)s. Some i-rats are smart, In the laboratoty they refuse to eat mnuch anticoagulan bait if there i-fis ure ated food arouind. The possibo danger to pas ;S slighit. A bouise cat woulId probab4y have to eat several warfarin-poi- sonled mliice dlaify for a week or miore before it felu Sick or sulccumibed. Aisiong farmnimas the greatest d.aniger is tLo hogs, b)ltthr is littie effect (-nIlch-ickenýs or tres NoPoisýon wdî lkidi ail rats and mlice in a comliuniity or evenin lia lrebuilding. Sanitation must be ~CreI-Ct for the introduction of anticoagirîants for the COntrolof rats and mice goes to anr English- man, J.Ay O'Connor H-e unsd di- CUmaL on01theC iSanid Of Malta in 1947. Wirïarin wýas stnbsequ-enitly developed a-nd released for sale ont Expiained thie youI see, she Pl- rlass a treat if A teadcer o boy iliiber class thie phirase '4ra With the icandlor 'boy replied: " folks say their nl;its.", PERFORMANCE NOT PROMISES IS THE KEYNOTE- PROGRESS 15 THE GOAL-OF ALL PROGRESSIVE CONSERVA TIVE POLICY 2,000,000 Ilorsepower a)dded to Hy1dro ~ottpat. Trans-Canada ighwa'y under construction. St. Lawrence power develop- ment to commence. $150,000,000 extra for vast highway extensions. 1,150 new sehools to ac- commodate 150,000 pupÎls. 109Q nwhospitals Or exten- sions provided, New farm developed. Forest xwealth part of vast programn. maýrk et$s preserved as Conservation $ 10,000000i miunicipal grants to relieve local tax- payer. 85 %a of Ontario's farmns electrified. Premier Leslie Frost is the only Provincial Treasurer in Onitarïo'sg history ro introdu-ce 8 consecutive balanced bugets. ~YET- ONTAIO~ HAS THE LOWEST PROVINCIAL TAXATION [N'CANADA No Sales Tax-- No Personal Income'Tax Ontario's Credit Ihos Ibeen kept Brighit and Clean under PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT ENSURE COINTINUED G GOVERNMENT