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Orono Weekly Times, 29 Nov 1951, p. 7

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By Richard 1111 itikinson ct as oniy natural that Rose sboud b bcrilled at tonghtsof mieeting ,Loring Ht,Aftur aIl, Lorinig Hunit was fthe mlost glimor- ouis of miodem da screen stars. And Rose-weil, Rose was jusi an- other yonng gir! wltb drem. She had flien in IOVe with Lor- in utwbeu shie -was 12 years ~& atuityhad rather dampenkdiic ber enitbusasiu at lat she leyer btrayed thle real depths of it. Wbhen told of Lrig Hunt' pending arrivaI Jerry- had sotd "Wali e cried disgustedly. "That sc ming heru? To your boutse? Wy your mother ïlnLSt be out of becr mdl", "Motber's far from -. Otor lifer mmdiiý," Rose replîed furiously. "it's nly cammii-on dcelcy that die aslç Mr Hnnut ta Stay with lis whiie be's ini town. His fathier and nmine wetei- close frienlds. Since Dladdy's dleath, the Hunts bave been splendid ta inother." Sbe addd sPtefu1Y: "W'eging a party in Lorjl-ng Hiunt's hanlor and 1 guess you'd1 betterlot Camle." "Try and iceep rme a w ay,'4 sa id ery. t1m ot letting the girll'm1 engage'd ta mun arannid iunprotected. with tbiat fizard in the vicinlity." "Wereotenigaige," Rose toid "W'epractic-ally enigaged"said Jetrry. A wceek iter Laring Hrint arriv- cd. Hews waigamsah and colored glasses, bath oft wbicb be remove--d as sooi as lie was in- Side tbeue . It' lydens" hle smileýd hy way o-f expianation. "I'd bec moblbed down withiout Loing %w a a ndtUwre than she had expected. There were a few grey hairs about bis tempdls but wbat are a few grcy haîrs wben theC nmn of ber dreans wis lhere jn, the flesb aind seemiing ta0 take a particu lar interest mnhe, At leat Rose imagined lie was taknig a particular interest in bier. I During the 1irst O«flthe eVenqing jerry assuwed an atttude oifaloof- ness. IUc staod i; a corner andi tried ta look disdainful and super- ;Or, But_11wbien this ttitude f ailed taý impress Rose he ahandaued it, anid taak ta oliowing ber araunld. Taward the end a1 ilte evealing Lorig Huntasked ber i He'dl m1-eet hilnt outsicon the terrace in- fNe iontes. "Quie a ric, getting away froni that crowd" Loritig H1nT smiid. me drew b ler te)a- anmmock a aý11St down. "I 'Wanted ta have a few miomlents aloie with yau before ",Yes?" wbispercd Rose. ",YoU reminid IlleSa mullcl af your father, fie was a finle man. i rememlIberlm well. ," "VOL rememiber my father?- But Iwas onfly a cbild -wben -iti id" ai thle feat of ineducated Po hiomiatdt ewaý sceteced Sa, womanIth AS lie sat in blis Cc,2 1t1ie:k ing off the ,days and iistening to tlie se:reains (if desperatc e enas they wçedagdto thec c hair, be di2etrinAed to ouitwit the auiltlio- ities. Btble lhad nlo weapon01s. Al he biad was pacie of cards. Somi-eone hIad toMId im oncethat playig cads ae made of clu lose, a~ ir from lwblich tri-nlitra Cellulose, a higb explosive is manui- factttred. ,3engan xepina powverful feulow. ,Koguit nappfd off onie of the hiwlegs of býis iron lcot,. Hý!ee as the cas;iog fo-r bis bomlb. caiefuily bie tore the ars nt m11inute p.eces. soakedu theml1 in] water tilt they were e ýdniced to al pfp, pushied tbcm l ito the iran tuile sud ramime-d theu iasnle lbard likec the charge in a izie-oa il u Theni, takling thie haidie Cof thec broojn w%%itli w lie 4wswept Isjý celi. hie 1aimmed Iititothe pipe on top of biis chiarge, lmakinig il airtigbtr. Theise preuliriniaries took blouris and it was %el'11at idnIligbit \whený lie re-liitlibe laimp iin his ceil andi( hield hlis imlprocvised bomb ove thie flarie ThIe fiarne. b rckne3 woldmaethie 1metal red lbot anld thie chiarge insýîde wudexpiodu. Kogut !1u11y- expqced theflic of bsceilito cave- il], but be had nio idea t1at the birn e Iad imade, was s oefl hnit wentof blis and leigbit adjpcenult celis were wreccked. -Thle prison rcke. The conrside for mliies s ,Iýalirmed. For a tlme tere lxs pneoi Wbiistles sriebleswizd alnd arinlg srn n oo ht tere2d thle 1nigbt with their rau11couls choruls. Butt whe qit asrstr cdý an,ýj gguardsruliedto the >c(le witb laniternaý, tbey vfound Jthesht tered, ama edescoripse of No, 61-ilimKoguti. BlondinCose -Whon iow, uilessi e those ageinlg ihbtqt ere1boyS and gils in 159 rcai theex- ploits of die n2ibty lndini,Mn arhof theCale Lt is Nialgara with wblicb bhis nam!le is mlo it iniately associated,1 anld i spoal rethat on the ay of Bon i ost inotori- ous feuat aIl ronds led t(' thegin catqanet T hi.acrdn tooef te hist orian s of Itbe evn t, %vasthe lc ay thle rope wa'is !bungý: FirSt, a >iiler cable wsconlveyed across 'the iver, a tieker nle attacbe4, anid to tisý again wasattacIied Itle 'cabieepr- pr-a ithree-îinch tope of iflue and tes-ted bemp. iTbis was in twa s:c- tins of a tbonmsanld feeýteab united 1by a 1long1 ,,aplice. On thîe sumlimit of the Canladianl clipi it was tvinied abou ttbree aixîctrees placeýd onle bebjind aniothert in bloies driiied for thýem ini the solid rocký, it was mlade ïas tant a'S psil by a wiudlae-s orkedI by hre b-are ~'sl rau ni ai towvard the Upper Caniad er proceedcd tesil1 he voyage taLIAmelr ica be baid sprunilg ocha4ta rescue a'i dro i il mani. As pr former 11S go,. destfta lot ;eiwîe lu spite tof bav,~~ beun fl alittecatu lqed. lw o thet guys v. Naw be was tjalkîng wit thase abot bu. Hfe \was' an rayta stp(of. He wal'spiin npbslance pl-afft 1oiud burdn an plaig is foot tipon- the rp.And inow he wsluce isiii . ocia tion.ý u1prightý, stroliedfowa some feeLt, and agin tci tue be l(:stretclledt imii, legtlpon t1he rope, 1 bi acký, bisbailanCe p1oý tallyacros 7bi ]cbet. Au menuýt of sses;thenýl a1ppaIJlg rashess H aligrapidly ta bisla morle thaailigtdfronl ov'lerbd ccid mînutesa.-1eFromil 1Bookul loineri,,vl- a feta a bus. Vu Dan1,m -"ni ,,ased by thle l4or-ccof falilîog raindropsa izsusome- Theweihtof wte aliling Lon aIn acleC'aiid in anl iinch of )ramisý nearl 10tns, poits onit Fred.-- ercUisai of thle Swift CurrentI, Sou eserch ahoator, ad thei drap strk ing bare souI, 1splasb abot 2 5 onsof la'y or jloaIm Water tility toi esseutaai asimportanIt as fer- bcid it weeil falis. jiere I "Fifty tbOuighîl pictuiret 'Ab tt .,- , , 1 tr i po c tc ï1 s11 , , 1 r11 tae2e of drops wib a 1suitable plant or strawv mlch cover. Sel-ct ling nwînle beein tock is a yearti-rounid job. Lt is one cali- ilng for plannlingosain, rec- ords, anld fillIy 1the selction oýf, animais ltîchwii llmain tain or inu- proqve theprmne of ditesin txpermts rf)ratthe om inion mie's is a sound (basis for selection far carcanýs qual ty. T'Flirdividual anmismust be phlysicalyý sounld, biavegoodleigthl, dpha bane, anid, if gîlts, goaàd teats; and shotîld be f rom tiie estpefrng litters, Littur size aiud thrift at' ea1: g feecd efcen,and c'arcass qu'alityv are die tblree mtain fnlcors dtr nngprofit froi wiîne. The firsi, rols r ninecorne fraoni large utb]1ifîy litters, points ont Jl. S. StoitbartAnlil H1nlsb])d mail at thle Sain u ot!egi a sow V WIlicilrenpnteAh, Ç,frrnx,9 anl gittatro în-11i Ittter Fs %wtulcb gain- at a satis'fa, tpry rat ýlona iow con- sitmplticlon tfe reai prft rmswine e froml pigs which comlbine litter ýsize uand ifeed fc ieny w tcrclÀss qual- ity VCar-cass quaility commands; th( top nnktprice and jcornles fromi piaof go,:d iengtb witblout exces back fat: pigs wýithl lighit shoulders and fuili meaty harosanid loinis. The breedingstock which wvill impr1ove pierformanice andincraseprofits, thierefor, shlould be selectedl from-r large thrifty, litters of goodi feedinlg, bibgrainig pigs, as ind(icated by Advaniced Registry teýsts, and Car- cas-s gradîng renslts, lui ujew sc-tloiiQu5 iuereîy uy uck'- iing a taste-c7ard. Tow)ýardjs thie tip of yu toiogue,, packed inito a thïird ion an inehjl are somle ten thousand littie taSteý bulhs ad chnces -are that each, onie flashies onlly on1e type of sna t;in to 0thc brain. Every f lav or, f romii sub1)t 1est s tiawbeC.r ry to aid dust, eoks priutatioli 0f15g nais from tIle itas te builLaS, ïFciU r mlain rignÎ'-l flasheCs-sweeCt, bitter, a cidiland saGine-Colit rol yaur r- sponse. Biter and Swree Scîenitists lhavje aiayiaglnedý that evevone has similar taste- poriisýNow thley'vc d is co vere d thlat somle foljs ,canIlibe sbiort'-tasited as ~ ~ ýl wiassot-ighe.A new chemical called thiiôttreai tastes bit- ter ta sjy ut.of teri people, lbut provestees to the minjority «f four. Dr. Jiilian H'i4uey and Cither experts tested it on tet-ee chimauzes.Their proportioni of taste failures was the sa11e. Chîildren Can) taste \witb the li- ides of thir cheeks, suggesting the presece of taste-bulbs that later fail intao disuise. This, too, ayexplain whiy thPe dsire f tir weets ià replaed by a preferec for cuhstrog flaors as pepper- m'inits or curry ýas vwe -grow id (er. Where Color Counits Miany animas have better taste pwAs thn we have, and a Here- ford bull espec-ialIy eos is Food, He has MW,00uase bucos! in addiý- tion, milany tas-tes arc e rallysel sensations and Soini are due to pure imagination. e have always Iearnied to associate raspbeý_rry wvitb- red, l lon w'ith yýeliow, orange color with cangeflavor.Ln a New Yoktesýt, wenaste-free tbioulreai tbles vwere coloredi greeni, a taster pronlouniced them limre. Black tab- lets had a bnirnt taste, thoughý the'y ýe're knuown to bie free of snch flavor. isgadCan lu itnt tbe' fïtst He Rememnbered hn a discussion on omýV uien'1s ye onaradio quiz show, an elýderly nian was one of the contestants. Hie was asked: Ispoeyou are oid eniouigh to remembler wasp, lie xctsiiie bitterly "That's whelici -got' stunigie 8BY * L -1 j' dz-

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