refreshm neltýs le speech of Chiuidhhill produe were '! aen 1Gerh'q National good ecc the Sun- Cornlish. ay nuibt - 1lta te Jev. JD. ering prayer. The ted of the followv- on, wirat yext?" mnan made e'ood Lt ",Cadets' Ho,1Iiy ul and the cadets I at Canin Innerwash id gann~insf-rtc- re bowin anc thi wonian ilutheb 's' inas 1 order. s+k""A~n .-. ind "Fh ng at 1oliier piptures.ý f-(h) a of ti c on 1isforle- stin -eformed ChuIrcbh e' o0) ndy Januarv 6. Mcih nf Torononr ee-n nioed ~ vsitors wIth r. and Mrs. Al. Stev- ~for ber kind o nid ai ns iel attheFERTILIZER EXPEFýRlIMNTS 14th bwhen the( At the EprmetlFarm iatý on was "Ns tere Nappan, N..S., an experinment bas w? To 1-le firn, eenon der way for 28 years lu which ink, eiInuIr)farm mnanure hias been anpied for aýwedes 'Pli(,The-n- in a four year roation of swedos, ,n naw r. r asan w er of bhay, att three this <'mu itvrte,F, viz., 12 1(', and ?20 tons uer ~ agncv bould Icieiemoarv, Scecomared with a rotation thilat did n"of-receive m!nur, fai exnerzient the12 tons-, 1 olictionbas etured $ 34 per tn, [the 16tonc- $17 aind 20 tons riphji- talonswe-e tete aik i eer [wa ece'tfo te ~auraltrnt th airiatonihl'au o)f a ton of NannFarm s$nf ilit ý s'ýen thatn wTothe ,reti-rnf-r fl- filrat M tn retrrc frm a aditinal4 tons, (Id ton '4ha -1een 7 e+ue f4tonq (20 ton rqte> 50 cents fer~ Tt is er- inten that a sF-ur as' rapof an ~Fnbasben bv far ýfr- matProfitable rer ton of m-an- Cone used cler -ba wf1~~.fiyed and us'ua-llv! linm3ted punlv of -nanure, the psmaï- leoantair i of 12 tonis Der acre o'realpl er retwrnfor 1-l'o inîpta the inurçpr rstq of Id6 and20 tons, rldutel owevr tre ios One fur liiied Street of Orono noon of this wee tac-t Mr. Jack Pi Do you want Ulose -switches Mfoffat, phone 7 COMIN( CARI Oronio Toywn Il djay eVening-, Jaim Prceafor Bo, osta.Five -teewifl le Chfldren free. l CARD a0 Hloward and P to exnress our i nei,,'hbours and~ ded.C Fi) quickl<l Tuesdav aftCg'jlo tion did ntr hopassed ýwnship off 221 ownl ýono vn ight r ah o- please r ~ Bewraanvill< Lry mmI, 1 LOut Cof s Thvare e rahd n -h mrs 0f tose tbyý a'1bpd FIGR~SKATING CHAîMPION1 (Coutiuued f i, ng1' ~{on~ but S Uo mat r!who1 ina( o oso~one+l'no a s 'eird lo-q 7v~-~ ilb agetso o OrJ'4w1" "vofor1vwaf-'a-f-e 'qmnq 011i~aiç an'inbi~hi ol-l n fOfs ri o tle cOnPetins Ït, eit estl I~ 'at+ nf ue o t ihs fo lenro'peted clubs n1 can ore rep Ol infor yon the fpfm fr th, e Clare ook'ng ar on a-iri- o l s r Iorland to, 1cvmer of f4ýoear al wa lu. ld, fonof -r iskýîipil oerI-olies OPant AIl whnre mr1 nef fmlsang rouf-ve f-ti I- wo croanrn i ash.f-'0t,priiil- I-Ssq ta'n ý Ca ad, ll o lave nqrd dfJ o'o.'frqwooded nropfl nrond,, Bec ave f a eut-ofs-tw É ce'eoswt elett E. C. SYER, M.D4 PHYSICIAN and SURGEON -Maie Street Southr Office Rèurg: 2.00 to 4.00 pa..: 6.30 te 8.00 P-2b, Sundays and Holiday.*1>y .Appoiiitment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO c-p LEGAL CoDikiets Auction sale. of .11 J and at reasonable rate. 1~nhh~c~with lm at Pè Auctieneer and Valuatt* S3peci-alize in Farm -and Furniture Salles ~silIft me for ternnw- 'd dates PyOwe and MltWater Heatlng CALL lil; FOR ESTIMÂTES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Orono]1 Phone3 'oipiand Uuaranteed Il makes of Electrical 1 and Appliances as 1'torrs1 Water ronoT1insbopi HUeaters1 Let u nifled ingp thi pýqdi cm Leroy Han BROKER Phone: ORONO 1 RIN clean tilehoard. designs. See ;e for panelling d- at-. a. most