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Orono Weekly Times, 15 May 1952, p. 1

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Vol. -16 No. 15 ORO(-NO. ONT.. THURSDAY, MAY 1lt, 1952 Simbscription $1.5u per Year Sacrament 0f [ Administered C) KENDAL Mr. and Mvrs. Geo. Byers and Mari- Io of Tor-onto spent tIre weekeLnd ait shir ummer home bore. Mrs. Bill Turaaisky aad Mr-s. MNil- tona Robinson Irad tea wvith Mrs. Lloyd ,ýyiass on Fridny afteraooal. Air. aaid Mrs. Herb Johnson, Port 'Hope werýe visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martineli and Kenny. Mr. and MVrs. Lloyd GIass spent Suaday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mrs,. Albert Colan of Hamîilton 'setthe weekead -witb Mrs. Hattie hNMartiell and the latter returned to Hamilton with lier daugbter for -a Mr. Fred Stevens and two friends were visitors witli Mr. and Mrs. A1.1 ýtevens dur-ing tIre weekend. Mrs. Swansea is visiting witb Mr. and Mr..Wmn. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark spent tIre ýweekend at their summner home herm -Mr. and Mrs. Truman Garbutt cýf 'Tor-oato called on Mr. ana M,,rs. Jas. ;Swarbrick oen Sundiy and 'took thein btack te) Toronito for a -visit. Mr. Evere1tt Thorne cf Humber- ýstone visited bis. motirer Mrs. L., ~Th&rne on Sunday. After spending a holiday witli MVr. ad >M i Mt Robinsnber sister, MIvrs. Jeasie Tremrain left f%,r Buffaloi to visit lier daugliter, Miss- Wiilan Mrn and Mi% Hef'b Reynolds and' Peter spent Mother's Day with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Rey~. noxlds, Toronto. _We were sorry te hear cf the ' O'ihcfMr, Thomas Hilditeh. at Sumnybrook Hospital, Toronito ncr Saturday,, May luOth. Tom served ia the 3rd Battalïin in the first Great War and was born la Belfast, Ireý- land. H1e laves Iis wvife and twe -eons, Robert ad Lenard, Bowmna- ville and a step-daugbter, Betty la MoI(ntrea. Interrnient was in Pros- pe2t Cemyetery on Tuesd-ay af ternoon àiMay l3th. IMo1ýthers' Day was observed at tIre Suanday morning service la the Ken- dal United Church. Mrs. ]Roy Mercer ~eonducted tIre service and tIre pulpit was occ-upied by Mrs. Rows of 4Orono. A special choir of ladies cf tIré congregation rendered tIre an- -them i L-3tWsprayera have fol- 2owed m. Mrs. Garland Cathcart giave a story revenling what oae Christian can do te further tlIe teach- ings cf Christ. Mrs. Rowe spoke cf tIre nany duties niiothers have te per- fori.and thre value cf a good mother ia tIrehome. Rev. D. T. Lancaster eoncluded tIre service wýith aýi few la- teresting observations on tIre theme of thre day. Beauatiful bot-bouse fle-w- ers decorated tIre Cirurch, placed there by Mrs. Luxon. The patient ef- fort of Mrs. James Sw%,arbrick in tmai niag tIre choir for ths special service vwas »much appreciated. NâEWTO %NVILLE 'Mr. and Mrs, Clelaad Lane droe Mrs. Wn. Lane up te visit M.,a-id Mm.ý Harry Lane. The last twe Suadays tIre urleii Bus Linse drove several bus loada of passengers te Niagar~a Palls te en- joy thre blossomas. Several babies were christened in 'Che United ChiurcIr here last Sunday everng. Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Wahhiey and family visited frienda in Toronto at Suaday. *1 Miss Margaret Lancaster výisited! withli er parents ever tIre weekend. Mr. end Mrs. Jack Glever and, famly and Mms. Darling-ton motored te Kingsten Saturday te spend tIre weekead vwith Bill Darliargton.L They aIse attended the Springtl.ne.E. hibitien ia thre Arena. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Elliett wr home for thre weekend. 'ap i mRoyal Joorney. Showing WelI ROB'ýERT 1H. ALLEN ) M h ' D y Attended At Oroiio fTown Hlall: nofbert solet ,eien Motion pictures of the . oyal EtenaretoMy5hatheom Tour were shown at the Orono Town of fis daugliter, Mrs, Ir-wli R. Rragg, 11all last Friday evening. The ladiesProidecein las 95th year. ;L[Ida, ý-4ay llth was observed as o t onsCuh eý Mo'thers' Day in the 'Oronoj United ofS.Jh'chrlNwastle M Ar. Allen -was born on the 8th con- Chuch Alare onregtin t~sponsored these filmis, havinig loaned 1Cession of Clarke on September 5th, Chic. ag cnrgtina-themi fromn the Glo'be and Mlail. These 187 n a h onetsnd tended4 this lovýely service. Rev. -J. .trsNeesleilcgvn I [ Sý7 n \a teyuitsno Kitcen l)spoke in iris sermton onupictures wereosnlndidnganing tehose preýsent somne knowledge of thre hit- eatJhnAlnnd aeAn M al other of juu. The Junliori ory and geography of 1anda ;n Rickey. Chor sng xvoAùtex~s " 1Hya ell as a detailed outiae of treý On January 24th, 1884 'ire narred' of the Horn1:e-and" and -Thou. Grac- Royal Tour. There Was also a col-ý Anna Màantha Harper of Cobourg. ious God" with wvell trainied voices oured cartoon, which the children en- Thiey farmed On Lot 29, Coni. 8, This group of young boys weekirs fir.Cale yrlin w a ns- Clarke till 1921 wheni they retired to have beenM. Charnisag for severas- Gaurcir St., Orono werthyno- under the caliable direction of Mr. ter, cf Ceremiony for the evening and hdlf ormn ere. Mrhe en m and rorkmat hn Sunday Wascafled on Father McLean, who spoke pDre-deceased hlmi in 19412 and in 1943 msaprpieychsnitbnga few words of welcomne. Paul Ruth- he moved te Darlinigton to !ive with Mother's Day, for their debut. ferford iôperntied the pr-ojAector in his ais datughiter and grandsons. Pive youag babies received tIre usual capable manner. Thre Ladies Sacimment of Baptisai, Da vid John rýeaiized a gratifyiag sum cof $55.00. Forrester, son cf AMr. and Mýrs. John_________ Forrester. Richard Gordon Simpsoa, son of Mvr. and Mrs. Gordon Sinip- on hg Nw son. Susan Mary Goode, daugbter cf M,. and M\,rs. Ray Goode; Lynd(a! May Alice Barrabaîl, da ughiter of Mr. Lookiag eut over threCountry aide and Mm.s Sid. Barrabaîl; Alian one percelves tIre extensive horizon. Richard Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Its scenie beauty casts a speiliof- J. Walker. ewthmateer everyoae who' saunters b-y. A query is la thre »ind A special invitation Irad been - of each itellectuaily inided indlv teaded by thre miaister, Rev. Johnl dual as te, \wby does this happen? -tUOD eT41j~ O ui-JT ;aiS ry. ;04 {a~WIrat is it, lan this bewilderinig worldj imuaity ind congregation te attend whiÏ[ch bas tIre power tg maIre$ee tIre Mother's Day service. It Was tree(s and flowers sadlie1aji noted thnt a number wvere preseat. mannequins hovering over thre boun- ______teous world?' If these mysteries of' thre young, -fres'li-smelliag spring1 O0rono Girls Open Softbaill days were arswered tboxnagic f1 Schedule Ftriday, May 23rd !t' h queries in life wlicbniakeý exploration. Thre acheduile for the Clarke-Dar- TIre dazzliig brooks' trickle mner-1 liagitoa Girl's Softball League liras rily over tIre multicoloureil atonies been draw-n up and Orono gees 'nte day' and ni-ght. TIre twitterinig birdsj action for- tbeir first gaine of >.-ire f lit here and there and up into tIre seasoýn on Friday, May 23rd. Thins blue heavens to tIre red golden bal galie w noe isaganstther edwhicbla isblaziag gloriousiy frein its1 rivais, NewrastJe. tîrone on hiîglr,~ May 23 -Orono vs Newcastle h o hi l ïrt i ulisir andr 26-Co{urtire vs Newtonville ;eprnailtrogru Iel~ 26 -Newcastle vs Orono -,vnter meontIra but when lady spriag 30 --Newýýtonville vs Courtice trips gayly in bis whole outlook or, June 2 --Newcastle vs Newtoaville 1ilfe changes. His handa wbich wer-e as 4 -Courtice vs Orone black as charcoal frein playing in 6' -New-,tonviile vs NewcaStle the ceail in dowa cellar al Winter 6 -ODno s Corùceare eaeli day dashed into tIre cean 9 -Orono vs Newtonville White sinik ful cf water. H1e wants to il-Nem-tonville vs Orono go outside and play, now ,where tire 13 --wcasrtie vs eCourtîe air Is fiiled witI tIre perfumne of 16 -ouricevs Nwcatle dainity flowers. 23 -Courtice vs Newtonviile 25 -Newcastle vs Orono 27 -Newtonvilie vs Orono 27 --Newcastle vs Courtice a3-0 1.0,1r0novs Newtoniviile July 2 -Courtice vs Newcastle 4 -Newtoaviiie vs Newcastle 4!-4jrono vs Courtice 7 -Newcastle vs New'%tonvffle 9 -Ceurtice vs Orono - _ C0 _ irectors Preparing For Faîl Exhibition At Orono! The Durhami Central Pair Board bias been set into mnotion for tIre plan- ning and promnotiag cf tIre Annual Exhibition at Orono. A directors meeting was held con M,,onlday eveningi and such meetings will continue -neriodicalv 7until Pair Tis is sprg. Tis is wliat we c ijo-4clays generation have inlierited tIre pe-wer te 4upe h meraing andi look across the rie, .green lands an bout, "SpTîlin laoîning." 1 Warjorie White. --a Ofrono W.A. To Collect Clothing For Korean Relief TIre reg-ular mneeting cf tIre Womn- anm's Associatioa was Ireld on Tues-i dLay, Maf 13 la the Sunday Scicoel The President, Mrs. E. Rainey pre- aided. Thre devotional period ',vs con- duocted by Mrs. James Tamblyn wvho, chose for bier subject. "Familles" iît beinig Christian Famuliy week and tIre scripture was PanaIm J118. IDay. At tIre reeent meeting pln1 After tIns, genierai business waaâs 1 were set in motion aad a few niew j deait with, sick and ahut-ins re-nrei--1 policies established. TIre prize money bered. A special aIppealisl being mmas for tins year's show ,vill show a for donations of good, warm, used incereaise by possibly $300.00. dlean clotinig for overseas relief and i, Ehibitors will benefit throug thIns tins is a very wortby cause. 1move and also encou'lage otbers teoi cesniyb lf e m.Js compte a tIe dffeent lases. Lycett's wvhere a hale wiii be packed. A sum cf mney was aise voted te l fplace a culvert and iimprove drainage' 1Ms. D uod spoeke on tIre Un- -throug-h thre exhibition grýounds. An ited Churcli Training Scirool urgig inealse la tIre amounit cf surface everyone te use tbleir enivelopes and water passlng threugb the grouaida ontlibute te this urgent appeal. 1fren tIre nerth b'as made preseat 1facilitie-s inadequate. Purther on this i aaterit was decidd to ap:readh3c PSAt O hS HI 1aiIC itIre Township of Carke for assiat- gr)unýda by tIre overflow of water. It is possible tînt a new fatre Tlre fcrnt steps cf thre Township wvill be introduced tIns yeari1 at tirelHall, Or-ono, w%ýhich over tIre y Fair in wýhicIr everycas could par-i bave greatl1y deteriorated, are-o ticipate. This fatrewil a ab binrepaired. Over treyears cern-; photo coateat. However plans are as, cnt Iras chipped off thre face cf tIre yet la thre developing stage witIr a stepas and 'iid net oaly beceme definite policy yet to Ire decided. dangerous but were- providing an eye It i th inentin o thc bord o cre Cotete building. Mr. Win. Wat- Lt a ireinentonof Ir bordteson Iras been busy erecting ýiew continue tIre Dramea Contes tend jferasisnl order te impreve the con- have to date oae entry for this par't dition and appearance of this entry of threl'air. 1 into the 'owýnshîp HaIL Mr. Allen enjoyed good health till a shorýt timie before bis passing and although confined te, bed for nineteen months he did not suffer. He neyer sought public office but, was a, very active church inem-ber. Wlhile living on the farmi he attended Orono Preshyterian church and dur- ing his residenice iaOr0110 he \vas a, devoted mnember of St. Saviour's 1Anglican Church and Superiateadent of the Sunday Sllhool for a xiumber of yeaxs. The remiaining miembers bof ibis famnily te ouora Iris passing are T. J. Harper of Stouffville and M. Eva TI. (Mrs. Irwin RL. Rragg) Bow- manville, A sonr, Nornan HTeirber>t died in 11)10. Oie sisterý, Jennie (M-ýrs. H., M. Harper) Toronto surývives. A very 111ipressive funerali service was condui-ted in St. Saviour's Ang- lican Cbi.rch, O9rono on May 7th by Rev. J. E. Dew4ney, after which his remmains was borne to îts last restingi place ia Orono cemeýtery by four- grandisions, Ewvart, Ross and Williami Bragg of Bowmianville, LI'erne Allen of Toronto and two nephews, Allan FlaÈper of Toronto and Will Allen Po' A large nuarber of relatives and friends paid their respects to tIre de- ceased by calling nt Northcutt and Sniith's Panerai IHome, Bowxnanville, by attending the churcli service and by sending beautiful floral tributes. 03 Thre old idea that mental illaess ,vas something of which to be ashýamed has givea place to tIre realization that it, like aay otherl alment, is jhst an illaess. In nrost rases, if the troable la given iniedial attention and treated in its earliest stages, the possibility of cure la ahnost certain. Orono And Brooklin L 'odgea Celebrate i 33rd Annivera Sunday last a aumnber of Oddfel-! Reinforcinig 0f Silos ()fi lews aind Rebekalis attended Divine Nee o rs Service at Bethoven Lodge, Brook- ed Fr rasS iai, thre Homne Lodge of the Grand Master, Bro. Dr. J. A. McKinney. Gasslg and thre use .cf.f T-wo Irundred and forty Brothers barvesters tend to increase silo 1and eigbty--four Rebek-abs assemibled urers by 50 to 70 per cent. As in a Grand Pai ade to thie Uaited Suit a nlUmlbdr of Silos on farins Chiurchi, led by tIrhe Orillia Braiss Baad cracked or-- bave comipletely b sponsored by the Oddfefllows of thiat' dowai towai. Rev. Fisher presider and Rlev. Whien silos were filled with Mervin A. Bury, miaister of ig by tIre corn biader iinethod the Street ,OshaNwa was guest speaer driecl off coas;idexably durlag A fuil Oddfellow's choir had cha!rge vestiag operations. Wheha a ha of tIre musi'cal part of thre service, er la used for direct c-uttiii,î rendering two anthemns. It was 'theý corn freqriently Lias mnore imjo largest parade ever heldi in Brooklai on ensiiiag and thre weight per and the Grand Master w'as greatlyý foot mnaterially incereases, pleased as tIre brothiers came f1o 1 ablcsh Agricultural Engi a grat anycenres omedisanc Central Experîmiental Parais,, lay. tnan etesýoeditn tawa, points out-. Grass siliage that is relativel. In the eveingi Orono Lodge at- weîghs about 50 to 60 pounds tended Divine Service in thre United icubie foot. Wet grass silage Church, Orono -with- a good attend- weigh 75 pounds and thus lIcer anice of Brothers and Sisters. pressures inside the silo. We were greatly honored b.y ha.v-, For grass silage and damip iag as distinguished guests, Dr., J. nanay silos require additional H. MeKinney, Grand Master an-dfocn op.Te olwi- Mrs. McKiaaey, Bro. A. C. Stirret, frcins gid. e olle oi Grand Secretj ry and Mrs. Stirret of reqiremeat.Sls1neti thre Grand Lodge of Ontario. Sisterlimeter and 30 feet bigli should Carr Past President, Sister Disney one reinforcing bar one-half ila Past Presideat and Sister Violet ýdiamneter spaced one foot apar Pearce, Grand Secretary, ail of the thre botttem eight feet of tIre silo Rebekah Assembly of Ontario and asaigo 0jcetreq Bro. Lovat D.D.G.M. of Durba'"lin chi bars are required. As tIre1 District 42. Bro. Wilson P.D.D.G.M. sure is less towards, the. top of mnarshalled tIre Parade led by the silo, inialler diamete,, rod¶s are Orono Band. On returning fromi on tIre ipper sections of silos, Chu-cmh service,- the Brothers and Sistlers, assemtbled in thre Tovin Hall Where mnaay fine s1iorit çdresses A warm ireart always waits vo were given, this passed into history And neyer treats yoji cold thre one Iruadred and tbirty third an- Three priaciples just as true niversary of thre founding of the That shune as brght'as golc Order on this continent. A period (Yf The honor in eseh golden bai Servie te Iumaity wîth M~aikea ronest heairts withim No tÉ%iieÉiiia orign la1é "TIre Little P. L. T?' Who wears this little pin.i Therss a little badge cf gold Tliat la wora upon tire coat, It's true meaniag can't be told Ai-d tIre glory can't be ,vrote. t la net 'worn te mnake a show, As se xnany people tjîink, It matters net wbere you may go You'll see tire golden links. OUr tins littie badge cf gold- What it means te you and ne' Wlien this world treats us coid It's a badge we long te ses; It greets us with an open band, Wiith it's ams exteaded wide Just a littie tbree linked band Witb thIs F. L. T. iaside. Plans are already ia high gear at thre Canadian Pacifices coast t( resorts which. offer tIre ultirnate in fisbing, swixnîniag and buating golfiag and i4mny otirerfra of recreation. Tis beautiful water-hol Scotial is a challenge te par-busterand novice elike. Pollowing ch ining at Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta where weter sports are en Just a little tire But what a fri It helpa a tiraveIl And orpirans cb It matters net wi Thre alîlingi lis You always bave WIren you wsar WIren your labour You'll cross the Wbecre anether Ho Wïhose doors wv It matters net wh That concera ov TIre principles wil Will pass us thI tbi. againat AMIMIL .039ML un Uri ue,

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