One British Town That ls BoGriming th Biis extrtttiles n fsr one branh afit-te maufacureof jute-is enjoyig the bggest boom b ts history. At Dundee, wbere thie industry s enre,18,000 workers are 0wempl-' oyed in the jute milîs, at aace exist for ~ Duing he past twn yea1rs a minor inustrial roluitionlia dreds)oF oslt uemcie t-aeplanit iin te orld, One :ular loomns, is pouigteni mil- lion seam,ýless jute bags a year. jute isa fibre obtained from twn varieties of a plant named the Cor- chores, which grows; in Iondla, cbiefly in Benga anId Assam. SIt is a reed-hke plant jîwith a yeî- Inw flower, andI wheni the flower withers the plant is eýut down andI steeped, ta separate the fibres from the rest of the stem, 'After a period of ivaiting, beat- qng antI trying, it' is carefully- graded antI pacled, aI thýen sent off by river ta alutaanthr bîg jutemnuatuigcenitre antI a con-stant rivlto unce india inch mnfatren he coaser type of jute rdct-ak that boltIcoal antI ptataeus antI wr ap1)up a MhundrYed I one 'ltings for ,epot. Bt he speialskill is 'flying frames," nt'thnweave ion heavy Ioomis. Prayer Carpets- After jute cloth is maIiïýeits sýtarche( ld anIclndrd itb the1 ret that àtis fatne nIglaz.- ecd. The y 0%rn or th cao he1) yel or)l ea Chedi Millionsuai smlî b)righty-i ed rae rpts fo'r Moslems are sent fýrom cDundee t theEat s'tranda aoruteore shaen oera su:ction gridta remove dst, ntIc ntnesth aw mteilandI -0n1railsa teothler edeacb railý we'çighinlg 350 Pb. These are passed by ovecrbead ral.a-tatheprepar- îng dprmet here the air i con d;iioned ant! wrerdwt long whic "cmb"the fbe h rw lng frmes which dr1_aw t(nii ta1ý fien-gths;anIlthe inngfae yanis wudon ita a huJ1ge"b- ix'for suppjying the Iams. TbemittIl or"buîsee"is the thmauigb thf1e i cetre ai:'theClom ntai axdparme t belaw, whr i'i MIodem Etiquette B3y Roberta Let Q uit Proper for a bride- ta- b. ta write notes of thanks ta ali thse guests who have attended a shower given in ber honor? A.Her 0oly reai oihgation isj writ'îe a note aiothaototebs tes.Noesta thle guests are ont necesar, atbogb her isnoth- ing im.'proper abotrtingthem- If he ishs, f she dores ont write tbem sheshoud et eanïths fensat ajluchteon, Ior te, ihr before oýr aiter thle Ywedinlg. Q. How does one know which namne ta mention first when intra- ducing twa women? A. AIlwas presenit the youngier womJan to, the aIer, but if theyar about ;the same age, iî des' matter. Q. Is it correct ta e-at banan-as with tbe fingers, when. at the table? -~ A.'Na; thley hul eskinni-ed, placed an the des-sert pat,anid N,-ewt Organdeý Can Take I MY EDNAIMILES bas o if.Ni1taken a ne has ever-gone ~oui OF crua tion; it's been here righit along- But 'nowv, il bas n~ finisheýs and uses. It s ai part of interior dc orating, i'Ls an important pr oif fshion, il even goes Io fthe head in ethereal bits of mi]- Jinieryý. With aIl of this, rnod- erin organdy îs constructed to takýe it even though il con- tinues tz o Iook fragile. A permanent finiishi for oi- gandy was developed about fifty years ago by thie-Heber;- lein Comnpany, a Swissfrm JU's this fin-ish that takes the( fabric,. made, by this proces, through numerous laundýer- ings with no need for starch. Tb)ere are ne-w patterais i Gwntblcoldrpre n the ioced oganies rom window shadeýs, right, sho-th ffi; Pcke onaDýi(.S rroi verS'aiIIty cf modem rand Sýwitzerland for sp rïing. wlh a permanent fiishF. Flocked organdy appears i dIrapes, ini tranisîncenit table- itro decorating and fash- cloths nd napkis, in high ion ;news. Some look like fashioýn designs for,. le-davy seerucke,.others rescmbîe wear. The pattern stays in bamboo.I) Colors are pastel or through cleaing -Or fhand earthy thie !lter in)cludïiag Iaunerig. ariaionms on the many bril- casernent organdies that iant sadesof springthime liwnlreessa mak-e green. VA-BLE TALKIS JcL Aruïi>ews. Ceea oodsar so highly nutri- tious ithat we should't restrict their use tabrakfstalone, There arer, any ays in ic tey can be usilzed in delicius main dishes for oterimeals as oeill givig yu tday akeuseof !bath reallyworthcrying Wheat FigPudn ~cupuncoked heaý t7creal % taspoon sait Ï quart xilkU 2eggs, beaten e up mlse i cup finely cho)pped figa Sclt he il, haein the wboe weatceralgently andI coo fvemiuts.Add Iflgs, rmo- lasses and sait antI allow to cool; th en ddte el-ete gg,, Turnj-int-o a htee aigd (w iea glass asroe n 375' ) for45 mnts ev Note: if preferred the two; egg Whiesniay bcuemeredandI mate unto amrige it tbe spoos a grnultedsuIgar antI on topofpudding aiterlemmving from avenanid rtuotaoven ta rnu.Sixsevn, Baked Ham Loaf CUPS tcooked wheat cereal 2 pounds graund fresh lean park 1potind ground smnoked barn ¾cup miilk Combine aIl ingredients very thooughly, place i a paf pan and bake at 40M , for 35 Min- utes, Raise îtcIlmperatuLre ta450, F, an-d ba'ke 10miue longer. Six« tea eiht servings. Wheat Sandwiches 4 sues cooked andI modetI wheat cereal /4cup grated chee-se ùasrips baco - Un cooked w a ceai Dus ooke era it n 1ckp crelat lc nages ed bIngshee.být, the sueso bcnfil rcntin mLl suares an s prike h gaed chees, k at 350'F.fr15 mintesFou irvings. SuefyPecan Lo 2 tbesponibttrf' 34 tbespoo pepper 1loups milh V2 tlespoon bu..teromagin iO C fne racer rumb 5 ioa bttrd louraf a, or et ei bte 'iýcei-Aver ýthetpand bake' ou n late aondpur over i mar sgarn 2¼ cups milk minues, tiring ansantl Lf onion outaiflorant i el pir xeto.Serve very ot.d er i cup sugar d. ddsuar Tallored organdy bedspread, pillow sham and draperies brIng wo Stone texture ivnterest for modern bedroom& .aIt andI cinnamoun aid paeiii buittered bkigpan, Scait th milk< add beaten eggs anM vanilla and'ý pouir over mxtrei0 pan, stiýrring well, Bat 350' F., iuntil brown-abotit 45 inutes. Sere with liput ruemEihtservings. i~cups coaked wheýat cereal 3 talespoons -fat 2/, cuip milk o.-r wat:er 'Bread çrurubs 3tablespoons flour 1 cup cooked oxeat or fisb, miniced fiun.e, 1 tabiespoon Worcestershire sauce Steaspoon est Dash of pepper MleItfatin pan andI add four; boend smoothy andI add plcuis shape and sprinkle with uncooked cerel Dip each cute it beaten egg, roîl i0 uncooked cerea! and fry io vegetable silor vegetabl shortening at 390' F. Serve bot with or withoat marmalade, Six toÊ eift,,ht servings. New Hope For Poison Ivy Suffere rs Suier romivy, oak' or suimac poisoinig? Takel hope,. A niew ointmenfit m-atIe of zircoim, a relativecly rare mta, as beeni foundlhighly teffective in curing the weepin, epg,, olten a goiinig enitists at the Syracuse Uniiversity, Student Hleaîtb ervce aviesholvn tha t-circanm sait att-acks aiOd neu-tralizes thie powerfu1 irritant knw a uusil carrieýd il,,,the(- laebar-k, berneirs and rat a poison ivy, oak andI sumac. Wheo the ,oîntm.entl' was given in chien treament ta88 perýsans, 85 per cent werreledased w'sith their case histories mre t-amn vasefetv. As .easýured by the paistakîng doctorswo carried ot the ork, this imeanls that the itching sopethe rash stoppeci spr-eadbnig, dthen egan ta seale off antI disappear writes Bob Gilmore in "CoutrtiyGetma. âine aIl ai thepatients weoe't cured, the doctors wrntbat >zir- coium oitment i not a compîet- !y fonîproof treatiment. They fee certain-, ihowever-, that it is " as gond or probiably hetter thian aoy othier treaLTtment 00Waviae" NevertleJ-ss, this shou1J ld ot be a signal ta relax, your vigilancre against sbnub poisoinig w h e ný youi're in thc hfieldsor v!aatxoni1fg in strange territory. Sinice th-is kindi of poisoiog cao be serions enclouigh ta require hopialzaton te ise tMing is ta ee your defensýeshiigh. Learo t eogni7 aIlof te pio sh]rugs POISON SUýMAC lkssap ground. It grows in-a widestp down the Cenitral taesfrom Cn ada îioathe D(eep Souith. its leaves5 --which cau be smoot-edged, aw- toothed o loe0 -rowin clusters of from 7 to L13ireddish sems MTh shru ragesin hIeight fromn 6 ta 30 fet. msakbeieniyn signis of thec poisoni shrub aire a iain'1 tly suiphurouswitrmeda antI tiny. wiihbre hthn Fforts1toget ridof theeplants are l esctive oy if they're r- peat'ed j ar ieryes. Gubn M em nt înay heýplporahiebu tMe fac rachig rmots haue pu- aing reupmerative owers. i horinor tpe xv.ed ulrs ak seodantId ir cao s 'ce are nercessar-y for iastilng cnri POiLSON OAK lhas tbe s-ame small bernies andtItreelmfeai cstes as the ivy, bt leaves are smraller, more itbickly grou)tped, It grows oit!inthe WstantI Southwmest, som-etimies i0 lw, srubbyfom es that vineaim'oog the trunlks anI foliage Of trees. lThrives miost 1bap- puiy iaround.,( rocks, trees antI fence, pasts. Thle aves turil color ike those ')f poison ivy,ý the gorgeaums hutes en-iticiog the unrwar y nto pickînig an armlfuîi, POISON lIVY growvs aIl aver thle Fast, MîidIeÉ Westc antI Soutb, cati bev:iojiog or shirublike, Jo sum- mler its leveswbicb always grow i0nhes are( bright green andI shiny. Wenthey buld out in spriog or- die off ir- mIl the leavesmay be dee,,p, dark red orflaming red- The lectutil (,ivas ïa clerated Dctor of Lam, and, his btelà was ta be oneh a 'Thechara who w as some'inig of a humorit, stood up to initroduIice hjim.i "Ladies and entlmen"iesaid "We are now ,to hav'e ïalecturie ;on fools by one"-he pausce, and there was loud ilaughtfer before lht resumed-"of the vwisest men iin the country." 'le'le citurer thýen- rose to sek 4'Ladies aligetemn, h axd, wI ar ot haîf sa big a foal as the chimn-e paused, iaod( again thmeçwas loud laughter- "would hlave you upos. bI ave a garden, and %hen sadin nmy garden, aIl around rme is pence, and !,oy, and beauty; but if I leae y gar-den atI go to fthe top of the hili, I cao look ont ove the warld and see contention, andI intrigue, and bloodshied, and mudrini dark places, andI destitu- tion i ténmentS, pestilence ant disease ;î,in tý he lis, sorrow andI woe everywhere" --PubEuo s.Cornelum Soipiê, ERYMENAGERIE Trifliensona Whel-omeh;n -nw in the proj-ection cof thir-: dimiensionol mamvies hcas beeri inventied by A!biterocnd Adrialna Betti. lnsteGdor'ai giving spectcstor glasses, the Romnttwins s ch-roniize o projector ,vih this revolving glass disc'w\,,hîdh hais ite- noîing mirrors and transparent segro-tenîs, Two imagPes ore po~~ Ad through the dise, one reaching Sae vewing surees leff,whl thýe secodiis releeed y the nmirorta another screen, richtont éfro u hs bock ttuhb -Mi l cengvn hird dimensiorio crppeara!nCe 10 the mvt Ten Commiiandmei-nts For "Safeaty For Everybody Who Haîndies A Gun 1, Treat every gun with1 the respect duej a loaded gun. This is the cardinal rule of gun. safety. 2. Carry only emî-pty guns, taken dw or with the action openi, into your automobile, camp and homne. 3. Always beý sure that thec barre! antI action are clear of ob- struct:o.ns. 4. Always carry your gun sa that you ccontrol the direction of the muzzle, even if yQu stumble, Ke the safety on until you are ready to shoot. S. Be sure off yotr target before you ipull fite rigger. 6. Neyer point a, gun at aniythinig YO do fot weant ta shIoot. 7. Neyer leaveý your gun unattended unes yu unfload it first. 8. Neyer clin-bla t ree or fen-ce with a loazdcc:gun. Ç- Neyer shoot at a fiat, barid surface or the surface of wtr 10. Do flot ignpweanIaoh. - --------- - 1