V~tr,'ni gonnia gel niarried, à 'Me a g uy i ory-waIgatta teli saeae.Wat ta bhear abcut it?" Iwas waiing for someane when dbisgoy ses ountie park bencisbe- ise neand startsmoiig He'd ingled lme ont -'loith[[athers in tise pa1rk and 1 didni't vwalta dis'ý- appoint bin.1 i noddcd' my bhead. Aftcr ail, 1 bad saine tiffle ta kili and Ifdon' like ta wait aone. "'I' lisenin,"1 toid bim. "Tel 'q got a radiasiop," be began, "By, saeiand repair.1f'mgetNg maried tanigs. Forty-to years aid and I'm igetting mîu:riecd She's iorty, but she iaoks tbirty. Real black hiair and dark eýyes. She's a wandcrful, cook; nao food in L. A. IToked at is s tocky fan 11and tise grayin]g bairs Ofi bis round, banc fbead. 1 said sometbis'sg about lave. - "Lvyau say? fHow:Ad are you? Ab)out thirtyý, el.[nterile yeans yau wou't bcliSe MIba.Tings changec. She and !I bad plenly ai lave wben w1we er(ýe yaunlg, Btwe didný't bave îecb ml-oneýy. I got a job bCiping an electrican. UIt oký me ycarita gel a shpopfaiMy awn Naw 't gai mney, al kinds ai buiness." Hec was suent for a mnoment., squ(ýinitin-g aI bis watcb, îryinig ta sec lise bands wihlis reà eyes. Tbhey were tiredd strained frani delving mb tbOous'anlds oi raias.ý Iwondiered wha-t kid af iaar walçlmarry this uitIle red eyed_î anWha was fast Iosý.ing bis bair '"Duning tise war," ie Cautinued, 'peaple had ail isinds ai radias la get flýxed. I usnd tawork Knscland day, ti-evingm oney ta geli mar- ried. 1I bired ltwO lis byhad; 'AAM'S RA;DIOS» sewed, on t1ise baclc5a a i tiseir covera.lis. TýLisey used ta makedliveris and Stuiïf, May. be yau saw ibecni dawn ounirst, street, Just off of Figuecroa. fI was aiways i ie sboCp5 waVrkiug cn Manl emaue peoe cWaulntgel -,v radio-s. 1I iteverbaid limie ;t, eê<ta tise ýpar," HI ue d Mta o WhaIisowachb * andtItried latemoember wbiere I had har1 Sa'sRdis'bfoe Il stuclk in imy snînd. ButI caidn' "Whle 'mbusy flxil-sg radios,, wsiîh na lime la Camle la tise parýk or nytisg a gy Slstaîsrubig Lena, L'ena Raeilla is biernamue, 0t wvllaanI'm gaîiug toaoary, W-"' Tfise namle sruck m1-e and Tî missed a fcwsetncs He Wonu rightou talking -0ud ail tse w iie bewaS taking !ler oI, Ta isfle par:k, tise rmovies, tisebeachl anudxali the pla,,ces 1Iwas 100 busy tatake fher. Tbey imet bere Inlise park. amoît eery da, Hewa rF'isiname as Harrîy. Lea ikc bubccause lie was 50 muci fan. . eyr ia ise limeta ýSpare;- Haýrr-y was goad a er. She saýid, Yes, Sa, l'il muarry y iu,"IBut s1hP'd ha-ve ta break tise newLS t HParry frî.Sise tlai nie visa be was and ail abou t i. He1 ass pretty good guy and jislie wauited didnt boSahim utfcue On a wMOn lconmg across t liý park1. H1c glanced at), rue and went on laiiing', as tiougb be ý isnewv wa estnc1ising aI evryword "Sewas sppsedtamll isimJr anod tel]iro Isii,s aflernooni. Icis tis s àup b cse lnighl tw, e anlc ab)out etin arried and !ail Lenu Said lw 0isa Mie guy" "le sed ýta aiis" er-",ise braise of lsise sawise wruni ad he wvýatcb1ing. Siiad sewusanid lait- cd, fier !isir blýcaci aneven ia, distance JL couid s ýec bue cyc gisten jeýt. Sai s tood us and tiuý a-atel), tsl liIr etme cxet ebee Ilter go cc flor;lscigt e I i( sdinrlif "Tosav'-," vse Isi, "God1Isy Great Act BbyClarký, one Oaitie pgreatest caeinoi aulimeii-i, udlk treiethe lion a ýct lhe did in bulequ ith h1is a id prtnr c- sp)eciïa1l grant frrniCongress, Tfi-!ise manager of a side-shaw iofiéered Car a dollar ta wrestle with a ioni. When Clark demurred tse naae assured hini, "Our reaf lî(in'ihas escaped. This fellow (M1cCullougli) will wear a lion skin and the suckers will neyer know t he diïffer-en ce." Clark, of course, -perk- ed! up ait once when he heard this. And titereal lion, ai course, walk- ed iinta the cage behind his back wbile hie toid the audience what he was gainig taw do ta)thie "king af beatsts The next ten minuties provided more belly agsthian any' ather act oai Itskid Clark wbacked the lin ith lis canie, kzicked it in the rumip, played leap frag with it, and waved a flashlIiighti in its eyes.. ,When .the ic on roredhe would cry, Ta' great! You sure are fooingIheaudenc.'Occasionally lie'd a im d declare, "What a For tbe pay-off, t-hce lion woul1d tatchalsinig 1Clrk aaund the 1 cage, The anageryeld Hy I've een tyingtaleil o Ta' Clark's ïfialspeých was, 'hsi a bell o a i lme ta(telime" law i yo wnltopidllrsfor them. Tht's theadvicebade oi by a fam ious expert. Here'S what haippened wbý,-0en beedifferen ltsa cse eg were aulcdoverth saefu moesairouýgis ro-ads: Tiisseina edani came Ibrougis Thos baued i thefrot -ai a truc zsboed isa a d dene 0pr tbrrciHall a dozt e-,percase tvere braen; ibtper caýse er dozen-sffercdtremuiilous air cls 0u,1t1 ievryforeggs vwas f yursipifbtcigeggs and lgetting doucked for lo atch . aility, saie rescarci by sc'ientisîsS gets rigbit ldown lta your pricket- wbebe yU can0cale e ý-ggs -and f,11ld oitwba1rt[ their chaces of 1)hey've isc vre ciglit "ab- nomaites lIat can cut your J bac1'a 1dw. ,These- are cracks; poor bels(cîhe tin or raugh she(,lîs, and il over orjust in spots), bood sos mispljaced air ceis as ir ýelîs; aesie(2.3 ouncs orlarer);undrsize (1.6 Tisescietist set1,40(l eggs and1ý got a 4% bth gîs L)72ce , haîcli for normal ggn * 't Mosi anlsnan deccts leirs craciks,( risp - aced iair els, an = SeI-Hep ~adgt-Ms.PearI McMulIen, suffering with rheumatoid aýrthi nus, deig htedlly demonstrates usefulness of Iong-hiandled comb, Wîth this seWfhelp gadget, patients whose hands, arms and shoulders aore siffened con look after their own 4iair whereý for"merly they were dependent on others. Many other self-help device-s of this nature are(- being demnonstrated by the Canadiazn Arthritis anid Rheumatism Society, to help rehabilitate patients and restore morale. Society is campaigning this mnonth fori-nd ta carry on ifs ,owork. Muses mated WieLegisorn eaosters ta Barred qRo cies ta make is icrasï. FHe gaI bolsbrc 'ro-)mflacks bred lfor bigis produic- He's been getting 85 ta 90 eýggs a ay per 100bid since Ibety bit ther îrie.Tfiy al 28yA pouuds ai. i-ecd per1(00 brsper day - about 10 paunids a day les rtian heavier bids wauld cal W'1Ciscu e c lîsbshtisOey wveigb 5 ta 52paunds a vWigbt lisat binaop iowi prices. Tie irslay lintcd eggsý. Tisat's o handicap wisere Mies s îi iseg, lioui l ipiRis b~. iu atl'ir places, Falls ike 1iCa ïlot ofl îiings tsI Way-,." no 1L'diffe*reu'tce rlom anue c t aaîheiilr, o foniwee laweck. * * 't give bi>-isicsoniersgs jist iseý But sae ggs came C dirty. Clen enimdthe Cýi shîny. And( everbod isnws freisggs b]as Wel alqut eeybo)"dy. Moore hns i i eg agel tisaI "pea-s-inl-a-pod" boita ieni. Rýesult: isc tmeswn' tis anyt0iing cic.Sa far as ty're reiser il is Cans;ervingTseFamulY Hrtg Exaduils 20:1j2, Mlar 779-i3; john 19:2527 Màemary Seucion: Hanar y faîher and lhy niaIsr: tisaIthy days Ma'lbelong apon he baud wbich tis)e Lard11YGdgivetis thse. xoas20:12. Aithls e ntion aicise Otaria Eductionl Asociaion eld in Tcootadinig lise Lastrioidy fl tia paet ar fain ta teaýcis tisîrchldena eince, 1This blonor bis paresîm a1-y vrcadily came-i gacsfartseranld lise grawn child goes oDtladdy Ide mnai's laws. uey"buit ilwould be orepro- vreis trtiseclîj1idren. But par carie iipsoadruke stpo wilc1 - iei, lwill be arerfor lbu taý iasrlus niaser. lionltraeyIieicraigdis- ïutegnatian ,and dsranztoa iamuly hIe. Tise braken familyiA altise resuIt - dio;oforei tiste reuit ofi"tise braoken fai.A repart froni a mdwsem pityÏi1 lise U.S sliowed tsIin tisel ilt 8000 divorceýs cases trîed fisee, tisde spouses isad aficady been separat,-ed an average ai wcli ven twa yearxs before can-ir i mb caunt la gel liseir divoces, Jm essset us au exanle a aiose- dlience ad iConsdea o(-for bi naerWhýile ontis0e Ccss he aragdfo-r bisbcae Ja t CEareforbhs matuer, HIELPEUL TiSa Chsase teils aif tise day Sts was taken laLong iad by MAsc Tiscodare Roosevelt, wifeof tis laIe Ge Th. fs eneral ý csdieet briefeýd la mccl tise ladIies -at ts Syssl tationI, Ibutt just efr 1iscy rahdi, l teydicvrdts train was ual scbeduled lasop tisere. TbLey proved CqutIàla tis ernergency. As tise train tocd by lise station, fiseýy tIassed aias- li ly irbsr nt t isestrt GenraP r anilut a tise I traýck ta rtriee il Ilwas mil bnp fuIl. -l readi, "Tisis train does ual stop aI Syossct." LAKE TRMOUT 2. Nov,.6-Oct5 4. AHlya like pata-taes;, a-.for .prw pmp kins wisicb aers mCs, oni( is best te cancerate an tioMe tbitigs wlîicis graw qicsi ad yield heavsly iin faninil calsand tise up gary came leîvce, anions rais, and.lliostl'y bcuevucnthp ta uytism ealy reisa ewraws gel a!i)eexr rduto Y k-indsi vgeaie, ypintrg I tij se garden.the is dry. Tocemt: nfr dvlp mnt !they s ýhould btbinned. 'Tise rma)sec tende vegetable s ista kecp tbemgrosing quick, ta use îtuSl when îisy bitterbe-st. For sucesson IDwings At twa %Wek Tise ta o nenslmisakes aigro infr 0 tbiýck and tac depne sigioe u eeau Ibesetb linigsrqir aaevnty thinigs lkeaysu i orradisis or onions. etç., il -'S not b1ard ta spaceas e plant, but witb t&Y seeds itiaar dURIfiut and alter lie plancom ulp tiey sbould be tisinned. T spreailvey wsm lseud mor emmeny sane expersmiyx Wiha oieSa or dine soil and sow tbe mixtpre. Tiste generial rude for deptis thre'tý((- timestbe diame'ter. o btdk nat meian gettirpg o1uIa me i seed suclisas tisat aif onian, pappy, mnerey ly prssed mïia the 1ýSoil,lag seed lise beans antd pa rc cvrdabouit aincbstiliarr scaspaîataes anlad;ilthe ta six iKnciss.Ifpianted un0dec tbe l'iny seed epcal a a ge-rmýinaf: le aal. A Few Early Rows, For ,tise main patnsa ege- talcs it, is atadisb!t sar ton s5oan. Witb teýnder tig jtei ta be gined by planting Umtilbath tbec sou anjd ai have statdtatr apyta vry ardy flowers au veea les or tla moS tnursery: stcgraýss eed, etc.Andilde flo m aplyrgidly ta a fe exra er rows af alinost an!ytisýýiug itheu vegesabe !ne If t!isse cam'e aloug arid eýscape tbe FSiait ancgets a gaddeal ai satisfaction in--boatsling t Io e nigis baors.cf they don't came, wel ane; is out only a few cents wortb a sucd and in an isaýur'shalb e- icý ie Jst as sOoanas; tie graund is lit: ta- woarkan-e can tk a chani-ce onu a fwfeet ai lettuce,saerdih carat, oias. piacis, ndSucbý th-ings. Eena fcw b ilîs a o taf e m-ay be planted NMain plan.ýtiuýËgs, isoweveraivgeale ndfowf sbld ýwaiît until rciaiii danger ai frost bspassed. N N N N N N s' N N s' .5 N N N N N N N N1 N N s' N N e s' N N I READING WIfour<O GLAssérs IN AK I EM~GENY cAk3éB A\-CCOMPLiGN4ED SY CROOkU.JG j TE îNE~AS SfIOWN,, AND oeEAD!iNýG -rH I THEl~4LWI41CN MAGMFIES E, P 'IýNT, N s N N N N N N s. N .5 ~1~ .5 N N N N N N N N N N N N s N -5 .5 N N s s 's N s. .5 N N s N * b, s N s N N N N s N 's 5. s. N *OTAIO F 71IHING REC3ULATIONS FOR 1952 FiSH OPEN SEASON IMIUT -MN, LENGTH AREA BLACK< BASS 1 , Ail province, except a-litedunder 2 a nd 3I i. July 1-O)ct. 15 6 prdu> 10inii- ý, 2. River St. Clair, LakeSt.Clair and Detrai River, Part of Area A an mn;p. 2June 25-Dec. 15 6 per dy 10 inhes 3. Lobe Ere and Niagara River above fos. Part of 3. iuly 1-Dec, 13 6per day P)ncss ra'Aon moicp. M AION 11 AI prvinepecrt s Istemunler2,c'mml4 1. uly1-Ot. 214per dsaa 31nc .Rier St, Clai, Lake st. Clairand Detroit River. 2. lune25-Dec. 15 2 per day 310 icse ar f Area A on aio. 14 perteaon3.,.ae rieý and NiagùoaRiveýr abave foisPar cf 3. July -Dec. .15 2 per- day 3onies Ae n m 14 p e so A. lune 20-Oct. 1 2 per Jay 30nhe 4. Narthý and weVt f nFrenIcIs nd Mattawa Rivera and 14 per season Lake Nipiïsinq. Ara cB'id 0D0on mop. SPECKED TROUT 1. May i Sept. 15 15 per daIy 7 icse .AUlprovince except 2. or W0!lbs. 2y boy -Sept.15 f10 per day 7 incýises 2.Norf.olkCony RAINBO-W, BOWAURORA cand KAMLOPSTROUT 1 I rvne YELLOW PICKEREL 1 retLakes xcet By aQuinite. Areci Ron mTap, 2.ouh f French o nd Mattawa Rivers and Lakc 1, AUlya e day 13 incises NFiissng (al îinclusive). Area C on m rcp. 2. May 15 Dec. 31 6 Per.day '13 inches 3. i rthand West afFrenh and Mattwa Rivers and 3. May 15-Apr. 14 6 pr day 13 incuesLae Ni»psin.Area D on m"p, 4. 'McY 1 -- Marcis 1 6 "pe ýr Jday 13 inis . S.Lawrentce ivr 5. May 15-Nov, 15 6 P«r day 13 icheu 5. LACA eS Fance. PIKE 1. Gr-eat Lakei amInafnth and est oeffrentci c nd Moýttcswa Rvs m aN lcs Npsijue. Mres Ban C 1.Alyeor 6per d&yP nne Ofl m=, 2r 12-aC2.lSou"tZswh f Frencisand Mattawn Rivers, and Lako 2. ay 2-Mr. ,31 6 pr dy nne iisnh g (aHlinclui.Area C on n1op, 3. April 28-Mar,1 6 perdaüy fnn3. St. Lawrence River. 4. M)ay 12-Nov, 1 6 per daiy none 4. Lake St. Francis. 1 . G-r.ct Lc,kes amidSt. Iawrence River. Areû B oi n mop. 2. jî Sat 4aiFrenrcis 'nd MtoaRiVens "and Lake Nipiîîi;ng. Areai C on map. Except 3, 1. County cf Hlalibutan and tisat portion cf ýountr-y of Haîin f'antis ondincluding townshýps of Cssl lirckndWo!llaston. 4. orts of ising2.Ar*ci PO n mup.