z ~ r s' LOCAL HOLSTEINS BIRTHS (Con'intied ewnin page 1) June and Mac Smith are prend te anlnounice the birth of a son, Neil thanI six.teen head sold for nt least Peter, on May 17th, 1952, at Grace~ 1,,ýAJ00. Highest price for ra female Hospital, Bloor St., Toronto. A : 250rcivdb George ýR. brother for Laurel Susan. ai-p ~McLaughlin, Oshawa £rom John Steckle, Kitchener, Ontario. O Mr. M. J. Tamnblyn, Orono, sold 3 ORONO STORES CL(>SED MAY 26 head, receiving $675 for a heiferi Scaîf from H. C. McCloskey, Queens- ville, $650. for a bred heifer from n orno Store- are nemnaining open Rihard Rose, Gowan4a, N.Y. and ail day and çx eniu on Sat4w&dty, 1 $575 for a eifer caîf from Floyd litay 24th. However the lecal ner-. I Beeker, Ayr, Ontario. James T. c-hants wîiJl be closed.for business on Brown,Necsl'rcid $500 for Modamuy 26th. a bred beifer froni Richard B. Ross, Gowanda, N.Y. and -$500û for a five- The pupils of the senior room of year-old cow- froin G. Lynch Stauni- t-he Orono Public achool are journey- tünNashille Ontrio.ing to Malton Air Port and the ton NshileOnano.Mzeum today, Thursday. 1 TO KEEP MAY 24th WEEK-EN FREE 0F ACCIDENTS Horîday week-ends bring unusual traffic hazards to Ontario. More drivers and pedlestrians use the streets and highways. More miles are travelled. More time îs spent out of doors, and thousands cf chîldren aore re- leûased from schooL. Ail these factors swell the normalI traffic volume and Increase the danger of aýccidents. Iý earnestly urge ai citizens, and ail leaders in comn- munîty and municipal ife, fo encourage widespread awareness cf tii. need for safer drivlng and safer walking., The traffic accident record can be lcept down-if eoch cf us does his part. The Department of Highways is conducting a plaïnned attack on accidents. Lei us ail work together to keep the approaching holiday period free of accidents. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER Sjfa4tlig frcch Fluit-s and Yegetables Culfornia Valencia. Oranges, dorien 29cç Grapefruit, largei 96's, 5 f or ... 27c Bananas, firm ripe, Ib. 19C. Carrots, crisp, long, bag 19,c Ask for Celery, TomatýPý Asparagus, Lettuce, Cabbage. Pineapple, New Potatoes, Coriλsh Phonse 12r1 Marketeria Or., r- For Rent L-atest t i FI,. 'Sande a dEdger,-ý' Oroneume Phone 48 r 16 ARMSTRONG'S Summer HAT Agai this A-eel,'Arn., strongs are f at in hall' price sale o!spring, and sumimer btA bat to suit every csait and-. blend.. wit .. every 'olor scheme. Our Entire Stock At i [ai ic Gr Eo.ery F ratut We hiave imp>orted luan Cheese. Pure ïMaple Syrup, g I .400 Heinlz Soups, s iÉ>. ..... 25C. Sugar, per cwt. ..,,ý..... . $9.65 Makple Leaf -Pure Lardc, W 2 Ibs. f or .............25f.4 Orono CreamryBute, b 8c FrZ-uitad eetb The W'me's Christilan Temper- suce Union held their regular mon.: thly meeting May 2th in the sehool roomn of the Onono United Churcli. The President, Mrs. H. Walsh opened the mneeting with Iiymns, "I'm Not Ashsmed to Own My Lord", and "1Take My Life and Let It Be," as a prayer. The devotional was a scrip-1 turc' reading p rom Book of Acts qnd prayer. The minutes of the last m-feet- ing were read and appvoved. The business per-*od followed. MUrs. H. Walsh and Ms W. -J. Lycett gave a gýood rep)ort on the W.C.T.U. conven-î tion held at Oshawa. The meetingi closed with hymn-iii "Fight the Good Fihtlsd the 'Mizpah beniediction. MýIrS _M. H. Stapý les aIdMiss Peul- found atteuded thieMy Day Festi- val at Ladies CollegÏe, Whîtby. MrIjs. IJohn Ârm,-istrong vstdwith rltvsin H-amilton thîs ek Mr. James Stark-, hoias been in fajiling health forthe ,past few weeks was? taken to the Hlospital entyj M0iss Marjonie McLaren, Tonon)lto,i spent the wveek-end at home. Mrs. Jack Stobart sud Judy have retunned to Orono after epending saev eral moniths wvith relatives in En- ]and. Public School chiildr-en had a, hall holida'y on Friday as the teachers at- tended a County meeting in New- ca stIe. Mvr. and _Mrs. W J. Leaman ,,pent Suuday with Mr. Leamian's father sud mother ait Oakville. Congratulations to Mr. George, Boweu whbo celebrated his 88th birth- day last week. MWrs. T. Wilson is sp)eudiug a:ie days this week -with bler duhe sud cifamily l ing11-ston. Mr. snd Mis. F. Saýiby, Linda Lee sud Rickey, Torouito, were Suniday gueï(Sts with Mn.laudMlrs.Wm Irwin. Nýy 51 er at O o rton Snastoveal o g. c., Snday, May 25ithus n - Lettu e for we Home KilIed Be-ef - Pork - This store will reniain openalal day Sat., May Local INews IN ORQNO FOR TUE YEAR 1952 IYEPYY URVILL.L The latter part of this week andi The final tuch has niow been added the forepart of the coming week1 Mr. and Mrs. Wlbert Lanigstaft to the outside appearance of the opens the bail season both for the and two daughters, Anne uid £Ielem ý1 Oron UntedChuch wen on on-Girls Softball teami and also ýthe1tand also Mrs. AI. Langstaff, Poïýt day of this week shrubs and ever- Mens Hardball entry. 1 Hope, visited with Mrs. Tone Lang- greens were planted. These bushes. The Orono Girls open their season staff, last Sunday. comlet te lmicapng of hein Newcastle this Friday evening Mr. Wm. Andrews bias incved far-- - grounds giving the edifice a setting rwhen they met their opponents from ther west in the village and is fÀc- mnost suited for it. the south in the opening gaine of the I oipying the wesIt part of the Johni, season. The first s(cheduled locl l4all Elnii, house with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. A carioiad of members of od- l be payd in the pavi on Mon- J Xailweilk fellows ani Rebekahs jour-neyedtol>day evýeniing when the Newcastle The Burley bas lUne ran inother- Whitby Sunday night îast, to join girls wlill make their firstl952 aP-'tnýp to Niagara Falls last Sunday toý in the parade to Ail Saints Anglican. pearance at the local diamond. 1enjêy the Peach blossoims and4 otheru Church. Ani admission is being charged at -beautiful flowers. Those who hav-ý; ailgirs gme ths ya, gone on the bus say it was a very ein- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. lKeanean Men's Hardball starts for the on-,joyable tnrp. famiily and Mr. Sam Keane of try from Orono on Tuesday ilit Miss Annie Neshilit left ai Brighton visited with Mn. and Mîs. at Newcastle -when they play their Tuesday on a trip to visit heru A. Keane on Sun day.1 opener in 4tiat village. br-other and sister out West anê, Mrs. E. Brass, Toronto spent a The Orono boys had their first then on to the Coast. fe- d"s wit Mr aido Mr. . ",workouit of the season in BoinaI1n- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ellîott wene fae s ayst withM. ad r. .ville recently when they "amiie ~oe home for, the week-end. Saudes astwek.the victors. Local fans wl be, look- Mrs. Wm. Uglow bas been visi-- Dr. and Mrs. L. D. MeKeuzie, Mr. i ing for a winning teaFm in this div- ing Mrs. Osborne and Mrs. Haines_ and Mns. R.L P. Rickaby, Mr. andI ision this year as now the boys at Morrish. Mrs. Geosge Webster and Janice, alil have one year of le-ague play undler Mr. and Ms einnett mnd Db of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. thein belt. The openiing gaine ini visitedl Sunday w1th Mr. alid Mis. î. Jewell, Miss Mary Jewell and Mrs. Orono will ho announced shortly. Glover and famîly. Herb Jewell of Bownnville wene Sunday guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Carl Mr. and Mrs. F. Mellor, Mr. Roy Langton, Miss Mary Lancaster, of m Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Keane NO and Glenys, Brighton; Mrl. and Mrs. j R. A. Lawton and daughter Karen ofo Cobourg -were Sunday visitors with!j Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker and family. %16ÀCA SHe PRJiIr ZA1IE 9 Mrs. J. J. Connish, Mrs. Ja.Dik son and Miss Joani Black attended 9-4 Gaines aý Jackpot-AII for 50e the May Day Festival nt Ladiesk ALSO College, Whitby, where Mîss Joanne Spécial Gàmes'and Share the WeaIth Cornish received hier Diploma. Mr. Albert Monton bas reund y.ht~ d 3 , imrproved in health. 8 p.m. SHARP hoe ron shwaHopialinchNEWCASTLE COMMIJNITY HALL ý Mrs. Donald Mc('ee wvas in Ottawa j last week visiting ber sister w,ýho has ==o o=o=co=o o=cn-o o been in the hospital. _______________________________ .............. ci liens Tùm atoes