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Orono Weekly Times, 29 May 1952, p. 3

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Cet Extra Yield _ 4 Buabels An i Acre B>' DYER WILSON Gail, opened thie oven door, ad îired the bondcasserole, fde cided to try mr newspaper r cilles and huirried toe answer thi Î janglingtephe "1-1db - Gaîl - remember me It's been so lonigl'" The vpice war haunltiiiglv failiiar. "I'rn just dy ing to Seeno1" "Not Ruth, Stevens!" Gail'ý voice thrille 'd over tht wires. "I can't bc!" "Cor-ne to Lightsvîll e especiall3 to see you - You and Johnî au all the babies-" Tht lovely voiec trailed away expectantly.' But 1 can't, - 1 simnply' cannoi invite her hiere, Gail thought des. pcrately -sedsee the rded rugs and worn furnuire sud - no it is imlposýsible, W/heu she jandi Ruth wecr e at col. lege tbey'd been daugters of ric1 men, eulylvleulysp-oli ld equally ppuar Ten lber ifather died sud the nionteydiaere under the unskilled mngmeto ber mthr.Marryving ja poor ma and havingý, a large amly "Corne to the hIote! for finnlel with me" uth was aying. "I'd like hat,"Gail told ber, "but John an tht cbiildlren will be home soon- the're ot babij)es any longer -aIlgo to scbool and corne homle starved, I could m eet you for lunich oro." Wa kind of frien-d arn f': Shet'll thinlç_ 1 don't wanlit herrhere - buqoj- cloth suid a onte dish inniier aid-o 110- ot for PRuth-_ SI,' s "Tomorro-ýIw it is. Grajce nde iSwitb e.Sb'lit o e yCou Wbt to wear? ll1ovtosn tbiem iaway wtotltigte knw ow poor h ws Jonmel eroulde yesei-and asked genrtly whis, dear?" He smi-iled atibe, "htter te,-lime She told himin irdetail -ire liev ed that hef w uld uderstanld. "Sbould b iave lýet tbem crn along --take pot ilucka1ud think w'hat they pjease,'1 rhe saidase butterýed a slice of hre1ýad,"br' wPiOrse tinigs than bfeing por" How Hlil t ati! A roof iover hinri. Food to est. Famtily nat That's aI l he ak "Grave desins Graceilne Frock, H(as rescbleditrainlfm Rý,Uth1-does thiiy wr u maakes more mocey in ar month than we spend i11 aya.Ijs couldn't leithtbe no- john gave littie Joey seon serving of miacaronij and cIlées beoehe spoke pand tiren; be smiled \,. r-assuiringly and suggested,"gt new bat and mïeet tht ýgirls. 1-t 'ight do you a-,, world of oo Excteeu hrried betr stepýs to "iti's so good to ste you hth 1" Gail said. Tbey found a table anldored ail 1mglad yu id"Gail saidi itely " atllto kn Ow il'V have be on.Yu rc iso farnlous - how does it fe? Thte atrsope n rc answered, eses l'ltk te ca!l." Shieecse beslan fl lowe",d the waiterfrom th[Ie rooi Grace !]id! trouhled eyeUwhe flI hv o start baclctmro. MIer voice are ueton."lan Gails flm, ittît cii lîie op latei r ad we'llha edinner ai cur bus on eau v\isît ith thtji ,on tmdsaiga ihed." th Lîree cold fienUjds rmin11isced' ~rying to bidelth a ha se ý a f1 iends welaoie ý-m- A- le- 7e- lic e ê as y- I's 1 t ly id ce ot s- -d Ailvraeinras f over foui bushls er crewasobtained fron the use of 40 pud per acre of Ampioiu posphate 11-48-0, 1on _Maitoh1a Ilsrto S t a t i o i farms in ý 1951. In eýcvr etti etlsrgave an increaseý(d yed h oetbeing à- three quiartersofabse per acre; e-the highesireahing10.6bushlk e, These yields aein une icý,th test e reutirom 148to 1950. Phosphorius is genierally deficient in the prairies and there are many is nitrogen deficienit areas, as, ei. S on Man iitohIa Jlusration Stations, and eswee proper rates cf Arn- moiurn phophate 1-48-0 have in- t creased ieds To mee the ttal cot of apply- y ing 240 pounds o ýf fetiiï:zCein 1951, thiie lvlue- of'rt per acre As tef xtaliicsavrae or bushels per a1,îc aplin -i18-0 at 40 punspecre wousee likeaprftbetiigtdo Asîdefoincrasei n yilds nd inreseth ailtofceal to cýompete with weed1ýýs. Battie of The Eels British industry was dclirivtd of, 250 tons, of finest-grade steel re- cently wben ordinaËry commnon etîs --the, kind you hua in jely- hrought the biggest steel-works îlu Europe to a standsîill. I They got into the water-cooling, svstem iof fthe Ahhcy Steel Works, Port Talbot, blocking it-i complete.. land making it necessary for pip)e sndvalves to be dîsmantled whil menpoked at the tels or' buirned th'ernont with blow-larnps. TCiîe !particlJar tels that cauised the damage are 'kniown to, natural.. ists as " anguillavugrs"Te vary ini length from a i.few juý")jcs to nearly two feet. î,t isthut that they penetrateýd ted iler, o the water-cooling sstm we very small and-had gonaidlme. iplied inside the sstm n-1ýrtil il The w t sed for coolinjg cornes whic in urn s connected wt h sea. Tht teels nmus ae nee thbr i-ook front the s ea n fuh thieir way against ('ht Curent nti they reaý-1cedthe reserïoir. They, were then sucked iid the oln system. This strange instinct to fight their way on and, on; almost as far as their remnarkahle strength cati car-. ry thern, is one of the mlosi haif- ling factors of tht eels iecce Th1oujsands nf millions îj th-emu ee ry yea ýaeactivated hy th saie ntns desire to wi~ej sqirm 1joniwardstoad ft>b wateýr fromi the point. at -which they start their three-thousand-mïle jour. ney in the depths of the Sargasso Seýa, oif f Btrmuda. ThIeir struggle lasts three eas adwhîen they reach the soe of Europe they do notz only ps ther'ay up rivers and water(- courses, but sometiîmes -fling tem selves uipon tlîe land, crawliiig! over thec wtt stonles an-d grass. trecifrlpuntîl th,! rturuCo Icftler th (tes he ciee h waýter, they el aothrPstang urto makeni; 1: he1ir 1 wy owardis ding îouney, and iî allv takes, leytravel,ý deep) down in h dar sa, llthet vay hack to>tht vast incujba1tor region unrder tht chokling aeedsof the SargassoSe. swimingaganstthe Gulf Strea an egld 1 Jini the right dirctionî- by t1he a-ttraction of warmer watLers, Ht said tt omoe lo a heen uscd wt xeln eut on beef caIttî, o oss uos Tht flrst of thtetrgns r e ma;lt sex hroet eCry. taillîzed 'and -hmi111 idnV fe w.as estrone. hsocrei 99' Constant resèarch sýiince tha t dmej bas found sevecral thersbts- parently tht mostatielo ti group of hormnones iýýs etradioL. Tht preparation is u-oubean-d designepd to hesolyasrbdb tfi-bc bdy so tha,"t Is actonll b days soonler a(d rnanyoheue wbat tht lîvestock situation wil look like lut 10 years. CRUSHER Tht chief surgeon of ont of 'Ne.w York's biggest bospîtals bas anuiii. explicable aversion to being cAcld 'Doctor" when- engaged in is favorite diversion, a game of golf. Plain,"Mister" is al he wnst be, or, to bis intimate'"M ac " M was beating bis wa.y tbrougb ýýt1hc rougb at Siw;anoy ont S"mndLay wben an acqu1aintanýcein týht tx fairway shouteýdceriy Go rnorniug there,Dotr"Ttu- geon shoutedbc grufflqy,"Go morning ft0 YOu, nmanufýacturer of shirts,uneeandfnypa- as." WINNER-OR ýLOSER? Ayoungiman onrce fuda fv dollar bill between tht its, Pýrom that timre on, hie neyer lfe i tyts from tht ground wiewl. ing. iu tht ,courserof 30 yeC.a r s he a c ciumiuilat e d 2S,9,6 btos 52,172 pins, sev.en enis abn back,an a sour, mInserlyt disposi- tion) . Ht lost tht, glories of itht ligb-t, tht sniljes o h0 fre, tht( sonigs of thtebirds, 'Dhtibauti e of nature sdtIr ppOrtunity tj O Serve. bis felhow man andl spread hpi ness. TEST YOUR INTELLIGENCEI ,S(cr M1 pinjts for eacb correct aswriin tht fir-ýs sx etos 1. An initrovýert loves: 2., tiu vh kar or-i l-,anangel is a, iftwihrT , wiîHmake pi, soil," Thtini,nwodrp al tht cteds sud eut grasshin th gabae 7su taactuaily tossaing awayferilierAIlgarden refuse, wedgrass clippings, evs t. will rot down -'Ïinto excellent sou, sud so, iom a lot of other tdings if we givese a %jtte encourage- Ualyacorner of thtýý garden,' sctndwith sbrubbery or somie- tbin--g tise sud away fl:rm dt one is seieCÉed fý> hi1 su makiung busiesr ti ehial ku)las -onpcrstiî;g' and thtm a- teria s cmpostheap Sim ls-( dup htlaves, weeds, grass saud we penîtslayer olýf ealrth asud add sonwmmaure and possihlya littît ime sud commercial fertîl izer. hft's sà good plnrosokts Pile ocsoal ihwtrss turuil veronce or-twice to lassisi dtcmpsiio.lu 'a fe onlî this pile,,ill brecak dow-n mb fljrst- cls.rich gardlen soil. Tht pro. cesea e hsten]ed hy) siv tome ofctht varions paýteul chei- cals on 'ýtht market, Forget the Hanidicap Thiere area few places vhr somue Étiug will not grow, su-td eçr- tsinly nue ý:îý inay grdnor Co0' uer of tht gar-den no ma -ltter hown% uu(prumnising. Tht great t-mn of -cý flowtrs àsud vegetables, Ofcourse,i prefer au eopen-positionj! withlots.jý ofr sulgtsud ina 1nice.rc, e worked lom. Hwevrin sn miotaways have thtdeau.outta dos otmean thatont c ano Cranflow\ers like tht tuber. ous rote egonia,acalyue a - dar-k, shaded lcornoer. Ayhn like fMiesu, for theniwould b of~~~~ý( sa.Terarothersui shad tboughut ht day.Atu slhy l fn sn ill otnbec n deiat oloring. Then, too, not Al flowrs refer very icb Soad. toe ike ttportlaca, liike tht ,otlîer kiud sulid vvry dry. Aigain tbuet re crtain fowrs sud a few -i N N N N s N N -s N s s N 'i N s N 'i 's N N .5 .5 s s. N N N N N N N N N 'N N s' .5 .5 N 'N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N s N "1~ N N 'N N N N s- N N N N N N N N N s s N N. N N N N N N N N N N. 'N N s. N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N JITTÈR Along 'The Skyline Trail: Along the skyline trouls and through the fobled passes of the Conçiion Rockies this JuIy, 130 'Mdude riders'e, stý'roddling thieir secure!y soddled coyuses, wilI view soli-e of the most spectaculo!r scenery on the continent. The "dudes" cire Trait idr of th-e Coniodion Rockies, an organizotion founided by J. Murray Gibo, elI-kn'town outhor and former general publicily agent for the Concldioýn Pacifir Railway, and during the Iastto weeks ini Juljy wilI porticiote in five-doy ondsidy rides hii the Eqypt Lakec-s-MoÀrmon Ridge oreo of thie Continnentol Dividle near Banff, Alto., jumping off point for the epdtos vegt',hlstoo, fthat wllthrive hest insou1thm is slighthy acid or wtt whleothrsinsist eon no atCid ai al sud a wl-rie oiin AIl these pinsont takesit cousideratiron wbeu planning ito bave agardeni, especially ont lu a rather Unusual place. AIl thesej slpecial ikes sund dislikes are uu slly mentioned lu, tht seed catal- ogue. Also mentioned will e lime is sceted or not ,whetber i ba Os lon-g sternne and is, therefore, suit- A Short-Cut On ran set ont plants two ¶veeks to a miouth earlier than u sui-, ai hy providUng sanie extra pro- tetoni ttform of papert-cap? or iniaure glassgreetuouses These are kept ov-er th(plats r his Unftil weather tuirnswam A Name Sis Dread 0f alI te aches f thtBrit- isb 'Secret Srvc, uI5isth est kunown. iBuit not ont ýin Abure could1 say what tht intaIsstn for Thteit fwas founded sborptl hefore itht 1914-18 wasd wss partnent [Fîve., professions in tht fov'ce , Poice suad ArmiIy cffice,tsw ayers, sud Iîi- ver-sityý dons Tcheir leadýer is Sir Percy Sillitot, imseflf(ne-plc cbjef, iwho baud-picýs bis ime . If bche st an at wrk bomf thinkswouldi into tht mleslt OF M.1.5 lie exteuids anl invitation. Sir Percy lbas carte MBýhsce e iMg nswerable to onlvontman tht PrimeMinîster are -ive tec eprmnsto deal, witb thtli estof LBritain's secuirity. its agents kep aclîeck on sis ion. 1~ asvt110 ho lred U-hoats to destruction ff t ht e l h C( ast der tt'f ode umbei fa captur-ed AuM15agent bas no powers of arrest. I i's cs ssc su Ile bsto iaud it oer Coth Special Bra'ndiScotland Yard, for tht final moie. 0f thtc s:ast lpack wbîclîbuu a araîl ercetageremain tody They like to ke lep ot oftht lime- Their United taesconutrpar't, ,tht(F h, ,doui't sceem to share tht sarue v iewýs. Mr. Edgýr fHocv, the c [i e, v ites fo r m a g, az in es sud is ofteu beard ou tht ,air. --curtain-pile cr 3 . T h t lo w ec s t t b r ow, a t d c s : 4.11 Thuew "yi"wudrduscorniefrm -roots ~-min,1es -aiIs-od 5 Tht novel ivanhot was witten by -Byon -W/oVrdswor-th -Sco-tt Lok 6. Tht Prime Miniter of Engiand when Kiug Edwar th Von t abdicated wa- --Lloyd George -Winsetoîî Churcil -Stanley Baldwin -Nevi1leCabeli 7 ite èeow are fur importantforeigu ch iesd opposite tbemu-j, scramled u.lthtcounatries ii wbich tbjey aeloa-dmaththm scoriuig 10 pointrs for eacbi correctsnwr (A) Brishane-gp (B) SoliaAstaî (C) Alexandia '-'inland (D) Helsinki -Bulgari Total yourpoints. A score of 0-20 poor; 30 60, avrge; 70-80, supero;90-10, vrys"«eIor. Ht added that tht hormone,- whicli will b)e widely available soon, bas heen testcdat, 33 agricultural colleges, state experiment stations, and hy 36 veterinary practtifoners. Tests alrcady concludtd, said li3r. Davids.ou, indicate that ECP will briug ewes, %vhich normally are fertile oî'ly in late falsud winter,ý into beat twice a year aud make possible a double lamb crop, long, a goal 'in agriculture. inder tht pIresent single crop per year laiMb ccl, e pointed ont, tht rnmarket is loweszt whien tht sup- plies are largest sud higbest when tht mun ou animais, is srnallest With tht use of ECP, Dr. David- son, noted these peaks eau he levelled to tht advantage of hoth tht farmer sud tht consujmer. H adthat, in.ont prtlimninary exeîetreported by two scien- tists at a southeru schonîl of veter- mnary meidicine, two flocks of shéep were gvýen ECP duriug tht sumn- verfien tht, animaIs norrnally do no corne into heat. Within 24 to 76 hours after tbey received tht, hormone(, thte scientists reported, t'leemes "sblowed sigus of estrus", D.R. JW%;Uhians whlo injected ~lewes wih tht entw hormne during an off season reported tbt moùre thran90 fierï,cent rcam-e inito heat wtintefirst five days. Sterility indairy cattle causes tht farmer-andth cos er buige econjoie osses tchyear ac sud ,is a cprobem for .hc mn r emedies havC e .e tîdwihu to-.mc0 sucss D.W/ , Gib- bon-s, trae F1 em)porarily ster- île cov- w wib cP su' rpoted that bewas scesuli 31per cen1ofthtcase, Thîýs is aga1'1nSt 588 per cntSuccess n rttàn sudi 87 pcir cent hy s manual ex.

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