DerAnne THirst: We bavec ben naged over a year, and badJ cianedto get niarried uin, june. J nin the Air Force, and my girl wýanItedI me to be stationed nearer Tber hioimei w orkedi bard And now "After we startedlokngur a bouse, she told mne be fbas de- cided tu ong nursinglI loe her su mucs I vant ta do any- tbînig shie wanjts. I told fber i"d wait th ithee years bier course %%ill take. But: "Sme gave me bak my ring and saýid she idni'twat o 'tiecnie dawn. I'etold lber _f attawi ïorý be.r.-And I w>antl to be en- gaged 50 ICan have soitig tu work for. She doesn't want to ee anyonceuele, and cemtainy I "Muai Now?" "I ani 50 n 1Iuch in love 1I ca't a"ep or do miy work, for f ar LVIl lose îber! Wb'len I tbink of1 ber maIrryIng ayoeelse I wisb ij weifre a million iesfom br n)nd bad -1neyer meýt br. f 1 should lose ferI fel t will be -m2yfault. "Neitber of us bas ever dated anuae eusesonce wmet tayars ago. li vas pretty twiten. She has cbanged nie, tbougb, and made mne into a decent ia». ,"Thougb I see ber every night e~hduy apant scemis lneI yuknlow any way)ta et ber t tue ~hma ~ ~ tn yya" v t la ep hlie lov'e, plese ti me! So long as this girl dosn' date anybody lse, what have you ta fuer? I undestand bow ber nesshocked you, buit hknowing the alarniing shortage of lnses, she's poa beenl weighinig the question for sonie tute, You- are ia service aM should undestan sue feelssje sould do awbat she 1an ite presenlteneeny She gave y ýou back tie nil~ expectbecause eanted wbc fair, She knIows thlat thiree er is a log tue a wait for a iiiar- naeyou expected next rmonth incase ayhn curd cb1a1Ige your mmid she ane you to feel fmee, with no (,sense( of gnilt. A ring is onlly aP.oken, aft il.( Andunles se gvesyou reason ta0 doubt lber, there seeînseuI litmecne that ýshe ,wiII !1(" ca~neto fee lise is _youlr flancee and sonie day wi!ll(be Y" so Hourwfe nae tha or gant- el, and trustholier f Che is uot CROss wO05tD PUZZLE 1.Siî<setl nonu l r 13. 1,edal ddit ,Sokih o eî. ctuur ee , uevrt 2dKtn owo'ap -k- 15 st C 44 P'et S 15 rsbIe .1 e 1 1, ip 2-taff mva 40. Rîu-p0 4LGr 44 43. r y 45. Lur u,. ie c-1e nme -- * uahity of o ov by your aiC- *1eiin havýe nosugesio * ther thlaniltoCkep on1s eeýing 1 ber,,as olten ,as you cao, anud, *rinlg o(n- inshw e ,a * wil becme your wife, * So dispel thee darkferd *i an ave fil.~ AMOTHER'S FEARS "Dear Arnne -irst: My daugh- ter. , 8, a s staiken b ler ,first poiio.Tere rea klot o young menin ber lci-ù-1ce. Sh)e ;isconistan- ly aking aboutithemcij, and inting thtshe'd1 li1ke to know some of theni better .l'mliafraid f-or bier. Slîe bas oniy gone with a ýfewv boys, and not any during thie last year. She is naive, but sefrlat yet so sincere ber- self thiat sbe'd neyer suspect any- one of wrong intentions. "Fliw can I broacb this suibject to lber, and perbaps protect ber froni barm? WO'CRRIED MOTHEIC *Conitrary, to mahly a miotber's *oiion,, business offices arecflot * lasfertile fields for romanice, * The atmospbeire is far moreý apt v)t be, casually friendly. YCounig '~men take a girl1 for wbat she *seenis to be, and most of theni * ave several girls on the strinîg Î aIr eady. * If your dauighter seenis at- * tracted toward one of ber co- *workers, suggest that lie bring * ber homie some evenîng s0 you *l ahcan .get acquainted(. *:1 Yo aebrougit ber uap ta- kllClv kn righit trom wron3(ýig. She1 ha bassef-reuHica ndpo111ise, anld * any new v' f rieCn ds she i neetsil i * t be ice lads. It is better ta trust the one you love comapletely, than ta doiubt an innocenit persan. ,Takl-e ber word asgoel and let býer kn-owý you do. If trouble coni,çs, Anne Hirst is lbere ta belp d'oU. Write lber at: Box% 1, 123 Eigbteentb Street, New Toronto, Ont. BP ES T ACTlOR The lo oedsaeiskiw -ea ilad nckand by isigu look andactsas eoious ,asa iindtuethlissnaeto bite 1but lii stead if be f atils to scare you ithl this imethiod, 'ticwil! esot toply înig dead. ohingover on bIisbck be il mniinlifless for! lonig perodsof ueNo amiount iof handlng sil poduLce a sign of hife Fieoveactsbisparthub Ifyutuirn bu ovier -on bisabo men, h wilI mnieditely oil bc î7ýA. uase as melag hevuy 55 u'* 16 au'usi iSLoù n rr inmdin peig ~inswsî t': -.~' '~ r~ on l'huis Page So&'~ #4antûe~ T H 11\'iII CiWO MOTI1FS tu coke! IRrdyeow, gmn-teseý ifrits an1ld vgtalsarechned to ir-lOronyour kitchentowhs cFansarnptods.uik -just moru theni on Colon în ýa iffy! he-oo trans 5fer desigus. Lý, Pattc rn 6 12; thirty-tw o mo(tifslxi 2tu x4/ inches. Send WENTY-FIVE CENIS iicis(s3tamps caunot be aucctp- ted) ;0 tis pa ýttern ]to Bx ,123 Eigbteenthu ýSt, NwTdotOnt. Pnutplaunily PATTERN NM BER, ym N A M E an" AD- DRESS.ý temnsl froun our gaily îstae toys, oî,hueîodadproa acctsoies Apattenfi foýr a band- bgispite rigbIt in- the bookl. TEA BAUD ~avr, - yC-ý ci ose to tne isîrety pi».ý And, it is aningnosdeie n are manifold The-,mari wbo inveniteditesà1i- typin, waîs Walter Ilun. ied h)0 nombcause lhe wanted to keeýp his panits 1up1, but beca-lue beowed bis, draftsman $15. Hle sold the moelland rpatent 1 of the pin flor $ý400 and that41ail thle profit, he ever made f1 rom one of thep wo ld'lostuefldevies Huniit ,as a' uaerwblo cameý- from ïupstate NewC Yor! toszCtiJe in- NeVork cityin18215,.cod ingt a rCet 1 a<,rticleÇ_by Jean 1Y. reFie pusuled netos saf tume career, FiM tssdoi' anw (0eyt spor is ýwife and1fiv buit ibe, blimsel'f ws flot. Hefale to ca italize on is inventlio, w it, thie re slt thatù other peupe go mulcb >f the inaniai rear tat shntld avceben ]bis. Fi-lte aq wbo invented tu when th[le blade is drail betweenl two senIts o0[bels.Fieimvente-d a suigar pourer that allows ol n sponulofsuarto imn iout fat a time. !FCie ieted the lîttle- stopper thlat bobs backinto placceafter you bave 'dipped your penin iian îkel Tbie rotary brush tln be attac!hed1 to Iborse cars w las ivete1 y Ilt and it was Newor,'s frtsre Clcanling euimetITe aiey 1r 13,Iluntujt New York',; first Street. Ltwi, knwnas [Hunlt's Folly because people tboughtit Ï absurd to use conicrete as a buîld- ing nmateriai. Then iiafter ftheCil ,War concrete becamiie the biottest thing in construction circl1es. But *Hunt's pioncer efforts were forgotten. About 100 'years ago lie patent- ed first a wooden car-tridge enclos- ing- a lead ball, tben-i a metallic bullet and then a bre cb-loading repeating gun. Hunit ss-igned these inventions for a small' suMn to fîre- amis companies. iunt's only impractical inveni- tion wa a weird pair of' suction shoes that allowed an acrobat o walk psd downi across apos- ed cihng Tt made for aZgOod nîuch Money in she tienton.; commecialfailures ýcompared-to iut'scatstrphC ie n-cùoLii n t e r withmechuied swing In18 32 bepttoee amciett the fellows were eading tbeir mail and 'one u'hap started 'chucklîng to biniself, B-Pob1 kai,, "Wb' at' s 80 funny all of a sudden?"C "Oh, just some tbiing in ti colunin." " What columnii?" "Oh, 1 dunno-somiething about Ginger Farm. "Wbo wrote it" asked Bob. "Looks like somne dame by the namne of Clarke,"ý And th0er he added "bey, your linm is Clarke- do you know wbo wrote this?" -£le fellow nearly f eh over when Bob answered-"I guess I sbotuld -that sanie person is my motherl" I know tbere are people in the Arthur district who read this colunin and 1 want to tell the women folk in that community that you are directly' responsbible for giving me a terrific lot. of extra work! Last falI looked c!in at the Arthur Fair and amiong tbe neeicdle- w,ýork exhibits I saw abespea whlichwasso attractive 1I came, hoeand Started one hIkc i my- self. I believe àit us called the "Rstepattern" aýS it tis made upr entirely of circulýar pecsofpin dran p. to form rosette-swhc are then joînd ogthr.Noqult realize bow imucb workwa i- volved in this attractive orkof art, I arn st'ill miaking rosettes I However, the end is îin ightL-and by book or by coothat t5read t WLnatQI sea-nied, sicedadsewe d citb Bi u engece noltent isde v ice and sod is 1mod(el ti bak sniîth niamled Arwsihfor a sniall suni-i. TMien, a doenyars later, a 3y0un1g fan-1 boy name11d Ellias HoeJr., patented a sewing ma- chine similar ti un'cdsare instrument. Dozens of oipne started mkn eigmcie and cou1rts were wmedwt lawsuits and oun lte r-lawsuits n volvinig patents amdiroyalt1ies. Wheu Hun1111t filnall ied to bave : bis device pa(tented iin 185ý4, theý court dsialowed b'is Cim. n h ground of abaîîdnment.ý Fie died iin 185;9, ihu elz ing thie mwealttbýat shiould bave, been bis ,s a rsutof is man inventions. Easterin Enland; o the log, cros-coutry raîns ou fails ~xote Itoghwybohrt meýntion te nmes1- tese ni"l places,thywntmaîntig to anbd.Btte.because ýit didn't niiatter ione way o :r ficth ete, 1 lt t go. Arn 1 glad I id! ;Lt bronughit ,usa viitrf ro the Nortb Bayviniywb orgaiycm fron th"e saiiïe district inEnlan as Pairtne(r and (1i, and it as ý my mtio of Ilnn tat ad b ikely Ét) ki,,wv any1tiigabot Ilei iln-vRye S -JL7e.So ouctiS e e wlîat 1i mean .,. tIS asi amovinto thel,-air. Lt1felknow" thsColumn11. Lt is pubhiisbied anit i goesi-"I know nt whre" omie folks Jîke toisend tehmeon pape(r to mmesof tie fml wbo areliv-in-g som istnc aae T11u-s tue c trncsofGge Farm iconie to ight un the mos unxetdplaces. T11at, cof.course, is ail the moire nrein tom some Ctue lastyear Bb wsliv"ing un a ontuci n cap. COne daY LOGY, LISî,TLESS, 0UT 0F LOVE MlIT1H Li FE 4? 11snutk p yeut liver bile.., lump out of bed rarin' iv go bloaàt.s up your Stomach no. »fel on stipated end ail the fýiun ad .,a,5e g on of lI'e. 'Thats whier uoy»» nild, eoi C'arterso Liie Liver Pilla. You setrer luelp Ctimulate your liver bile tilt Once agau itl joriu out at a rate of Up t». two pinta dymoyonr digestive tract. 1Titisshlde%ï frz ycuril it u,,Pmiake y»» afeel that hiappy dayd are hre agam. Si, dn't ata,an>k ges Caters Lwiti Lver Pflla. Awy ave ten on handl. OUIy -C fo anty dug 1SSUE ?3 - 1962 will be fnse e.That one,ye --buit nyranotherl After this kt dîne,:,,)uld likeç to start a quilt like 'another. I saw at that sanie ifir-if I can find out where to get the pattern-or rnaybe design, sornethîng sirnilar myself. It was,. appliqued and' had a design, of trailing leaves. I bad tbree tickctsý on the quilt and blissfully hoped I lnfiglit be the Iucky winner. Son;ie hope . . . I have neyer w-on aniy- thing in rny life, For onethgI can't be botbered sending, inibx tops and slogans to these contesIta, one hears over the air every &ay of the week. We1l, 1 amn stili busily wieldinig the pain t-brush Tit will be newsýý whbn I arn not. 'Pc painiting the(re is no end in sight.irarni quite sure 1 shalh be at it aIl summer. Ilow-, eyer, we are now able to use the sulnrooni. Partuer joined nie thtre, for a cup of tea this afternoon-and lîked it. For one reason it is tbe warmest sroot in the house. W;th- out the furnace going the house is sornewhat chîllv. What I special like about our sunrooni is sceeng the dlies, bees and, rosquitoes .buzzing around outside and 1, bey ond thieir reach. on the safe side of thie g",ïss or screen. As I expecùý ted h also, a grand -place for watchinlg bi)ds, YVesterd-ay .w orioles were jov- oul inging frorn the top of aý coil of fence wre fot fifty yardS_ from %wbIere I at To ittiewrn were very bulsy on the lawnan tPee ,asa itti blcand ht bird, which was evk'flnl asece oftewarbil Lraily. Severl es bidastranger ,to mre-uwih seeis' to tally %with thedecpto Tavýernier's"id fCnd» ingbrdy es;noyn abrf visit f rom o;aragn b ee phnfurthetr 1visîts from Dugte anid m ise Ktlen By Upsidedown to PrPe-vent Peeking ,Single Sight For Tanîdemi Trip-David Ferguson, 35, and wife- Paitricia, 28, wave goodby ta friends in New York before emnbark- ing an sheir second tandem trip through Europe. David is truty a bock-seait driver, as the Conadianwa veteran Iost bis sight dur- ig Wonld War l, and Patricia must doa aIl the sightse-eing for bath, F-Ccdua COFFEE CAKES Cakes are v.fa sample of tbe superb FÂ Y(FE A E resulis you get witb niew Flesscb-. mann's Royal Fas-t Rising Dry le scld 2C c cai, -2 tbs-.gan Yeast I Neo-more anxiety about laesgr,1tpsatnd/4. yeast cakes that seale and wNeak.. shlortening; cool ta lukewarm.Z en 1 Flejscbmiiannt's new Dry Yeast Meainwbile, measuret into a langei- keeps jil .çtengbl, Iast'-acting bowl1 1/" c. hukewal nm water, 1 tsp. wiîbout eneato - get a gauae suga;si ni ua maonth's supplyl us dîssolved. Snunl ih1 en- velope FesbansRylFait, m Ins TEN ýi -rw eh Ad ooled creanmixtre iam! stir in 3wllbetn gg.Slur Lu 2Mc.on-(ce-«itte bradloair beaIt (abut) oncsitdbedtor ~[;unLtlmootlh and ielasti.acen dougbýl. jCver nd setIna w arin ice.'» free» fîim 5,1,.5iuit. 1 -L i i L~NNEH41 j * * * * * * * * * '1' 4, * * * 4' * * e f g, f f f e e * 12 J., N D INV 0 MI =P S s INI V ala-_ (_7 Eq? -2 ýY _P cli (07 A VI