o Vol. î6 No 18 ORONO, ONT., SIYAY. 4 Nubscription $ 1.50 per Vear Newcastle Tak< In Tw ire Ciarke Towip Publicsciool -Field Day wýhicir was reld ut 1tire Oroo em1oriAlParII on FiAy f Dastweekas agin an outstndiag feaLtre 'or tire puipîls in the'irscIOOj -lfter 90 Uam nd!was Inotcoped tiisonie tuneate3.0ocokAi Ssioo f tire town]ship eeep- Hetdb ire neaýr five h rdsu denIts wIro sougirt ihonours jfor tri ewstescnoo)l took tire sa'ield for ire h1igirest nrbrof*mnlcs(6 à tlireuonscrosMitrOoî 1econ 'iraing 4.C ooedC reek -camne first la tire rurailscrosetn with 18points totalled lni( 1heir favour. It nIas appa-rentirât rrald scrostinis year took a mnoreprm metplace la the Field Day and înu niany eveats were able to score more poýints thano the uirban eýntries. Ai- ihough, Orono trailed Newcastle by sigiteen pints, two loas u pilsP were thirtpso -rdf ire inee atr persons of JoanAli and Wayne 'Bailey witil il 'and 10 points Irespec- tieiy. Botir of these cem %stansMav 'beenY) constant winners at IprevTLIous cieets, Orono ýwns beýateni badiy b Pqeweaseienlatire Sofrtball tourna- -ment: by a score of 16 to 0. Dunlý,ng tire noon irour tire New- cateLions Club presented every chiid ! witir free ice cream aund a soft: drink. Funtirer tins orýganiization iil preseint mnedals for, leading contes-I s- itnts latire different age groups n-nd also shields and cupýs frutier jEv\ents. These nuýil be awarded at a inter daýte as liras been tire custom1 Mne tire fmomng of tuns yeariy oveDt. Wianers and -uinniergý up of îCi avent are as follows: ~s Top Honors - $356.00 Raised f or Salva- 'fiMost Successful PIay N i oftTae o oos ship 1Field Meet Te ry_"io ,hi -oig eurnioe 3In Judging Competition 1TeSaivation Army Red Shîeld On(- of the most successfuplaysý Apelfinished on June lst, 1952, yet presented was gven to an ex- N astiAln M Cann arKe Un- The collections were as fow tremneliy large audience la the Etinis- in;Mihe De Paepe, Bîowýn'ýs Mrs. H. Lycett Antioch 500 kilen Curch shed on Saturday, Mlay The Annual County Lîve StockBleW d Ar,,,. Bradshaw Leskard ...3115 24. The entire seatûng capacity WsJdigCompetition held at Osono BeWe GLirmudr 8-Mary Reid, Cowan- Mrs.3. J. Mellor, - Or-ono Business Gi tkenl up, wî1th süeeral havinig toaon Saturday, Mlay 31st showed the u vill; Sandra AMuee, Oono; Fay meni-----------7. sadthroughout thre promne agest attïnidani4efor svrlyears BueWeed is fast becomling one of Rldumn, _Newcastle, Mris. Tom Lew\is - Orono N _67M5~ This play will be presented Friday i!t fft-inei boys takig part; the miost Serious pests in1vaaîni-g 'our. Boys îndr 1-Wane aiiy, rs.Feruso - ob iii 16.w nght Jue 'th in Orono0TownHall fortyý-eight jnir ,ad thieen sen- natural asursaccording to K: E. Ojonu ~. .i .Hioclc, Lockhar11t hëMss Jean Wannian - Kirby 2.0 uner the ampuspcsof Orono Vw. çîr.-Fîjscîlmn o h rp 1 e c w .aa~unsp, irby. MAsinM. Robinon -Keouo- 12AqT. U. 1 Eight classes of lîvestocir were Branch, Ounro Dqeament of Agri- Mlrs, Win. Cara -11 Orono S. 3,2i Illthis play "nrnSlick from ,juýdgedJ commencing wt ose u-culture . Smtmscofsdwt Gus ns a ~10-Joan Ali, r0ono AMrs>. Gam1ey - -Orono - ---101.87 Punikin Cricir" Mr.Ken Robli n fnihd at tire Faýir Grounds by Joihn ChicorlY, because of lits amBlu-il J u~ a~. ny,£4eca~îe;Eveyn ~ ùi ietn Lkesihepar ofih oi Brwnand Lawrence Hooe. OierWeed (niso nowni as Biue îThistie, tivr nvosbu eo m: 1fams -visited were I oward Allin and Boue Devilor Vîpe's Bugls) is a bo.,s w~~ar 12 Canoes Tnm;Vho gave. On ofiraîf to fail inIhi's pýopow;al of marriage- tAISon; Clarence Allia and Son aT bena ila deepnpot. Ta i >titaielncary MCiouiNw-Slaio rn, Thank You. AM, ~Rosy Berry, an Oklahoma- wi-!Brown and Garnet Rickad. Tirese second year,itgoseetwt a ~ INe~L iît, cLeauNes wE-lwn Gamey.do who owas a oie ihundred and! classes were judged uing tire mor- bistly semr about 18 incires higir. eigty cr f n. e illy does ing lies reason.s on fove clasesmbe-Tire hairy leaves are oblong in shape Gin adc 1-Crole 'rnLes ot l ' Iscedand ma-ies lire widow (Ms ng given laitire afnooun to the fol- anid are tachied dîrcl t h sei kaïuLai eichrtn, ewtoniile AtPark Lniereu leader Trickr). AUI the chir-racters* lowng judges, F. C. Paterson, repeTienmrusmlarebefo- (>aîî Hicok, ntich.B>~ ~ -fom ire Bureto UntedsentatUve for Peter-borough, Leroy el's appearing lat July and carry on DyWïlees. ur are hTh Brown, representative for Victoria, (ouudo se4 1.Jr4-David Rickaýrd, a1h OooMenrAirM. ÀAIden Iubbard caies utue 1-t-ai J three asssant represeliltativ-es, oclssodl tr oigodr cne red. Fiak, Lockhart s; The booth a h rn 1,101oa crooked speciktonr., ,i-Sidney bMacDo nald, NorthumbenIand;lcahsso nM oKigom, LTay oup;,Oroo.Park wVas entered by trie on Sat&-dew from the city, doing his pai C Frank Stone, Hastings and Jamnes WT Neil Mloffat, Orvi-ýilie 1lindman, Alec Girs Liidýt-1.4-Nacy ancckUrday mornig OF lnst week when excelleatly well. Along wn itu imis i,,n Duriham-ï. htan Ia ueTepir Gic4 undr 14Nane lanockmerchandse vaîuing app)roxiimýately associated his niece, Miss Lois Davey AMatnadGenare.Tesa~ Anrirb; lttai hAain, Crookeplwsrmvd -mtebid (isGay a erdw IL y psng and thowre ar e Graha, Delton Fishe Creek, June 1Vl M iII, Sixti Linle. $10.0wsm vdfontébH-(il ldsIa lndw iIfeature of the cmpwetiton wns iieiie1r on Keth Vanampiser .ing. who is contLinually getting into diffi- Wb ff wsA treo rdLwec lLuhii Boys uîkder 17-Ross Dean, Lake- Entry was made by foming a fro nt cutieson AMrs Berry's farm Little cairn1o i.tas fther cd LawrenoMcLughin. shre RlprToirns Nwoniîe;oeaîag in tire building. Tire supply- Sis Riggs (Mliss Loica Hawthorne), 1mlore to a peainof six of tire senior qTiret %ihîgh1seniJit or ntOge a Ned mih Kirkp tnik Nwcstl.a aiond oe ah ep.teauinc-n otiui ngjudges. Tire fîrst prize for couches Mfa-it 1Moitot faps Jü ïkptef cste ïcigarettces, artî n m ahkes00anec 0 oa agis n top to tire International Live sible 6;5j-and tirehigh junior AMernil i coppers was stolen totallinglpter wit hlier pranlis as a "Tomi,-boy" Stock Show Chicago inNovemnber to Browmn with 595. Girls under 17-Flrances Cawar vlue $100.00. Provincial police la- iss Aurey Larmour (The Girlla1Jiwth a tirousand or miore 4-H-1 Tho>' higir novie judge who Will W Brwa's and Eleanor Osirornie, Lock- vestigated. Red) appears as a ballet -society Club memers from every State ila)ev ieCNE hedwsLw huart's tied; Beverly iartoni, ,New- Ti nr ak tr eodscrgirland takes tire party b: itorm, tire SA Tr onie soealn enc e McLaughhi Nestieton w- jovle. eenmkngda odAr n teTecoceSlicligkec esiti ý t Thisnity mrksthésecnd ucnéve. iakig dar ld aro Slck it h is higir thre e arame nmbers! totl of 570. Every bçîy cwo touk breakn wmirmn two~eekpenioi lok aghst. onsttute ,trefinail score. A coacir part was delighted with tire daYs SOFT BALL TI1ROW whnpeinsy Wto'sGrg r. KeneictlirLarmnour (a mysteri-î s îohv ae natv atporme Boys under 10-J)aycd J{errNewmet a similar fae. Botir roiberies ous; yotung man), pnstire, parts, in C1lub ,work in past yenrs. Tins Tire193 Competition is alreAdY catl. aynie Bailey, O)ro no;, George! seem to folow a similar patstra aad hfirstas ahier ;nd finally as ai et o n at audyi lys PortGranby. îth 'louigh!t leire wor1k of tirepivte detectiVe, who arrests tire.co a h aneperson0or penYsons. ct lceM.Mrie.Tr i Nestleton, wiha total teni score of 3May wich iras been crsna h G irls under 10--Joan Alliai, Orono; __z_ ____cago cbe se n e sler log t be236. rilisJosend iris teai were apnnuai date ifor ths educationýairo Naency Stephenson, NwaslSa- Orm brdtTr ly idois1igracosecond with230.Tieoerjc Linsa, eskrd Illuuiaton roenN« clinx wheni dean old Anronicl-e Boys unider 12-Robnt vWesthe p!ptotire rescueof M rs. Berry, and herï -3e,ý Stl!-ývile; cyll CIi- p ulecion VIUII hic ases fr and finnly closes witlirliris in- Union; Peter Beley, Newcnstle. age to 1Mrs. Berry and ,thiey liveF rm e ic i nd S o t I hnppily ever after. 1%-- e s 7 lltà S'fli AESGirls undejýr 12>-Cairol -laalcok An î'tiecli; Gail 1couper, Ooo; j.ev Boys under 8-John Walkey, New- Atins,Mcens toavlle;AlanMccCannl, Clarke Unlion; By ne 4Ni iad ei Michael De "Paepe, Browals. osudr1-NclCad w Girls under 8-ar eid, Cowani -,astie; Bobby aris Clarke Union; ville; patsy Page, Bons PatsyDyrlPieinBon. Atki.s, cLea's.Girls ander 14-Bernice Luanr,Or Boys under 10--Wayne Bailey, 0- on; Jyce-Bostock, Newcastle; Jane ao Gary Porter', Newcastle; RZonald Madîli, Sixtir Line. Gay, Sixtir Line. Girls unider 10-J-oyce Allia, At- By under 17-Keith -1Rogerýson, ,ccir; Joan .Allin, Orono; Connie 0)s- Iewcast1e; Ted Wilsonj, 0Orono,; Billi inond, Newcastle. !Madili, Sixtir Line. BoyE -ander 12--Ciarles Tii, Girls unider 17-Ruby Soeag starkvilie; Gary MCUloagr, Nw Newcastle; , Margaret Brown, Nen- ca=stie; Peter Reynolds, Kendal. tonville; Doris Xeaaey, Leskard. Glsunder- 12-Gayle Thor-nas#ý Newcastle.Caol ancock,' Antiocir. RELA Y RACES Marilyn Cobbledick, Orono. U rban Boys' Teii-Nencastie, Boys idcer 14--David Rickard,! Oro1no, Newtonville. ~qc~l;Fred Fîsk, j Loklihart'?,1Grs (asroo e;-ov1a Pýua i Rtirord, Orono. il'TaaOrnNwoyie Girls under 14-Carol Gaines, New- Newcastie. laustin; Betty Ilatheriy, Nwovle Rural Boys' Teami-Xirby, Keadal, Hazel W\addla-gtoni, Crooked Creek. 1L1ockiart's. Boys under 17-Jini Waddingtoni Cek e Croo)ked Creek; Ted Wilson.,, Orono; Girls' Teami-CrookedCekK- .Jim KJi rkpatýihk, Newcastle.' dal, Leskand. Girls undler 17-Marga-,ret Brow, ln, Rural Miioed Teumn-Crooked Creel, fS1ewtonviile; Helen Halloweli Crooki.ý- 'tikiCakUin P-df Creek; Doris Kenaey, Lesad trvle ineUin STANDING BROAD JUMIP fighest Boy uinder 8-Alan Mc CanCieUin, 7 points. Boysundr 8 Ala ~ cC 1n, ighest Girl under 8-Mary Reid, Clarke Union; Lurry -Miller, Orono-; Cow.anville, 6 points-. Michael De Paepe, Brown's. Grsunder 8-Fay Rudm-an, Nn Higliest Boy unider 10-Waynle cas5tie; Dale Ilnch, Port Gýrunhy; ,Biley\, Orono, 10 points. Mariliilyni Fails, Stairville. 1 îhs Girl under 10-Joan Ala RUTNiNING BRtOAýD JUMP 1Ortono, Il points. Boys under 10-David Kerr, Nen-ý Highest Boy under 12-Cirarles castie; Wayne Bailey, ODrono; Jim- Trim, Statrkville,. 8 points. iny \Westheuser, Sturvjille..-ile Grunr12 to H ý Girls under 10-Joan Aluin, Orono; Iges ir1ndr1-CurlHn Ar&eePiknig Bon'-Joc ock, Anitiocir, 8 points. Alle, Atiocr. ighest Boy under 14-David Ric- Boys under 12--Gary McCulough, kard, Newc(astle, 9 poinits. Newcustle; Charles Trim, Sakil, Hgrs iludr1-enc Cîrairai Pickering, HBrown's.iLuan, Onono, 6 points Girls under 12-Guyle Thomas, ihsBoude1-JmW - Newuste; aro Hacoc, Atioir;dington, Crooked Creel, and Ted Wil- CaoeGrant, Leskard. sn0oo id ons Boyýs under 14-Da:vid Rickard,snOoted6pit. Nenasie;Boby anirs Carie .n- Hý,iest Girl under 17-Margaret ion; aul Ruir B obb H-us _h Br1Eowa, Newtenvi1le, 8 points. Gýirls unde(r 1-erieLaini, Or, SCHOOL PO1ITS ono; Geraldine lHarrIs, Newýcastle,; Port Granl-by 2 ; Lakeshore 3; New- Dorceiov Langstaffi, Cro;okeCf Creek. ca.st1e 6; Nwtnile24 rowvn's Boys unden 17-Jîi di ngo,2lroedCek18; Antioclir15; Crýooked Creek; P 'd Wilso,1Or0ono; oktsi; Starkville 15; Orono Ji KrpanclNewcastie. F4;Kna 5 ib ;Leýskard 8; Gils anider 17-aLrgaret Crona, Cwanvile 6; MLuns3; Etr etnileRuy toeagNe-prise 0; Sixtir Line 4; Clarke Uionýr custie; Eleanor Osbornei(, Lockhart5.'L 4. HIGUJUM Higirest Rural Schooi, Crooked Creek. Higirest Urba ScIrool, New.- Boys- under 8-- Ricirie Peance,icaýstie, Maay parents havýe md tire îprce- 55Qfil.thd lttJS um-ng. thé.ýJ poliomnyeliies -asnare dangerous. A i.VpnnTt rel eased bv tire Ontario IDe-ý W *A ii"eetilig paritment of Heailth to aldoctors L h eua eeigo h o and llealth UJnits tLends to disprove 1 man's Aoiainwas held on Tues- this impression. daJuelth, "Thle president, Mrs. E. R, Rainey,! Beca-use of the continuing, interest .11 ýp sided. 'The attitude of haiess', in anly possible relationship between \a hpr ei o evo pna , k the injection of îimmunizing agentswathtem ofheeoinaak en by Mrs. Armstrong. Happiniess i and the developmnent of paralysis due not doing wa we like, but inl liig to poliomyielitis in the finoculated wýhat w\e do. This miessage of dlevo- limb ,, the 'Department umade the fol- tion was a great inspiration to lowing state.ment, everyone present. ,,Upon an1anasis of over 50 The business session began with the qustonaie returned to the De- minutes of the last mieeting, read by partmient by Medical Officers of the secretary, M1i s s E . Penfound. Health in Ontario during 1951, 13 Other business t hand was deait patients had received inocu ations tcastoheskhtisan within one to three maonths of tire'bereaved were reported. Treasurer'-, occurance of systems. 0f this 1ium- report by Mvrs. Logan showNed a good ber only five had paralysis and none bank balance. Accounts \ee ,pnid of this group showed paralysis in the anlan "s m"de for catering 2to sev- injected limb- eral differen;t groups. Report of the miorniing session of tche W. A. Pres-. In the light of these data, the De- byterial mneeting in Brooklin, wa s partmient does Dot sug-gest thiat imn- given by Mrs. J. Lycett munizing- injectlions should be dis- Landscaping of the church -grounds Continue, d duing the potho-iyielitis was discussed, aino flowers inside season. The gathering of data rler- and reception comimittee. Mrs. A. A. ant to the subjeet la question will be Drmon eported on the United! contJinued. Chiurch Triing school and , dona- Thisinfrmaionshoud b nis-tion was given from the local W.A. surinig to manly pairenits of Young A report o)f the afernonsesio chilren ho equire imimunization. of the W.A. Preshyterial was given of FailliMaýrketinlg," is quite tinlely The annual Picaje of the Durham M1r.,Crase is a 4irecto of the Feder- jounty Federtin of Agriculture ýs ation of Agriculture and aiso ýhoMes -eing com"bined wýith tue ainnual offiýciai capacities on mnany ârut and eieid Day of the Durhami County vegetable marketing boards. Further In ior FD,1armrers, this year. This to this background of knowledge o~n ï,inmmo(-th evenrt %ill take as Utsset- the subject the spéaker has been a ang on Friday, June '2th, the iocal1 large scale fruit grower in lÀncor iVimoral ar, ad te reaestofcounty- ahil fu-imer gatherings is zexpected to De surpassed. The Junior- Farmner's Track and. Farmers and their fanthles are to'Fieldcmeiin il~1o h be proidd ith a fuil afternoon of speaker at 3:00 p.mi-. and in which al ente rtainmi lent alnd also education aj are urged to take part. Winners in data on their profession. The day the schiedule events wilI represent commliences withnh at noon whea Durhami County at a (districtieet tbehot wvater and booth facilitiesinuyatBlvleTw bilawe tabeswill coniclude the sports program Qof are being provided. Also duinbtis, hour special prizes wi be awarded the adternoon. the forum wt the l-argest turnout; largest family and oldest couple pre-1 At 6:00 p.mi. the Junior Farmner's, sent. wil partake of stipper vith every- onie welcoie. Following thîj.s a dane A highlght of the afternioon-has, will be held in the Township Hall, in former years, been the speaker Orono, when rounld and square danc- 1who oni this occasion will be Mr. H. rng and ljoveujty prizes will conclude L. Craise. lis topic 'Che lumtne the daIy. It will be at Orono where friands by Mrs. V. Robinson, which was very and neighbours from across the fuI and complte anid lmucen 'joyed. County WiH gather on June 20th, The meeting closed ,vith the Miz- Comeouanmaetidythbst pahl Benedicti. Sy-et. ,otadnaeti a izbs H armess Racing, A Familiar Scene For Saturday, June 28, At Orono Tire above haraess race thniied P Fair spectars eveny ear et tieMono tack. Entwirusnsi is m-iouatinig nmonýg racinig fans mad practically everyone in tire district for coming -ieet beiag sponsored by the Orono Turf Club on JaiiE Tire neni improved trnck nl encourage a large turnout of horses. ass urîng a tnlidpacked afternoon. The Orono vvil -also be la attenidance.