KL A as Second Class Mail. Po,* Office Departmeat, Ottawa. .sing Rates on Request. Subseription $1.50, Establish-ed January, 1937. R A Forre8ter, Publinher. '-R C Forirester BUILDING BY-LAW To our knowledge ne building by-lawexists or is enfî-orcerîin thie t-onship of Clarke or in the Police Village of Orono. The lack cùf such enforcement leaves loop holes in any building program .wh1ich inay be instigated and can easily cause depreciation of property with- ir, the deffined area. We recently noted that Hope Township will be eniforcing sýuch b- 1laws in areas adjacent to the town of Port Hope, for sometime ini the future it is expected that Port Hope will ennex considevable area into thie corporation. A building by-lawm in the Village of Orono would aissure property ùwners that reasonable structures could only be erected and thaýt shacks and poorly coinstr-ucted buildings would net be permitted. Such a by-law wouid enforce certain stipulations to founidations, -floor area, struactura] and facing miaterials. A plan of the building, if az by-law is enforced, should bie suibm-itted( for- approval and having m-,et with the termes of the by-law a building permit could then ble gr-anted te rs n ime a permit le nee-ded for construction Of 'buildings in the Township and Village but has been noticed carnies 1-o control over the structure being erected and thus allows any type n']Id at any price te be built. It takes only one cheap or poorly constructed buildlinte,,, lower the -,-ule eof adjacent preperty- and thus could take la a consideraible area. For the protection of property owners it would be a wise move on the par-t of ither the Tonvsh-ip or Villagete for nd zic enforce such a by - law. Butildingl by-laws in m-jany areas of the Provine a-re dhere(d te niost rigidly and by sucli means a high standard of livinig accomoda- tien is retained witin these areas. If Orono progresses teo grow as it b-as in the last few yeurs a building by-law -would ensure good homes te corneë. MEMORIAM loving mmory of a Mabel, Cowani, whio pas-1 e 9,1949. at lighlt Cat shînes ïso -he earthi of sor-row ad' elhanils that did their ýothecr, gone to rest. ntberedl by son and fai- MrFallis points-,out tant Blue Weed is seldom present la cultivated akreas, and therefore, the only ef- fective nmethod of controlling- it on the natural pasture is by use of ehem- icals. li its first year of growth, Blue, Wý,ed is a small rosette of leaves growing close to, the ground. At this stage, it is ni s successfully con- trolled -with 2,4-D, H-e recom-mends Lhat the spray be appied during theI month of June. Spratying at thiis time will kill the plant in its ýfirst year of growth and %vill al1so catch the two-year old plant before It ias rýeached the resistant stage of growth and the flowers have formned. Later applications will be necessary te elirinate' new sr-eedlings. For the mnost effective control, Mr. lFallis suggests applying 2,4-D at the rate of 16 oz. of aCid per atcre. 111 oie der- te conpletely eradicate Blue Weed, treatmients will be ilecessary the followýýin-g year. Howýever,hedd hat there is one conisolation te this treatment. Sev,,eral other weeds, such as Ox-eye Daisy, Orange Hawkweed and Ciniqufoil will ise be c-ontrotied by this metl>od. Hlowever, -Mr. Fallis stresses the pint that once Blue Weed and the: other wveeds have been destroyed i th-e pasture-, proper mnagement Is necessary in order te prem-i-otp better gr-owýth. Bare spots left where the w dswere kîlled, will provide a havýen for other weed seeds te starti gr-owing and thus over-run the pas-, ture in short order. Fer-tilizînlg, con- trolled grazing and clipping the pas- ture wvill l help promiote good j grwh and filin these spots. 1indeed, Mr. Fallis states that pasture should neyer be over grazed. The bare spots r-esulting from over-grazingar ideafl seedbeds for w7eeds, which \,will take ov-er the field unlese controlled. jMIGRATORY BIRDS 1,WINTERING IN CANADA ____________________________ An imipression seemis io exist ini IN'MEMORIAM omie quarters Chlat Canladian waters IN EMOIAMconstîtute a danigerous "tm-p" for DEAN-M Iovng memory of a very winter-ing rigratory waterfowl. But derfather, Edward Fr-eeixani ean -ore thanii one per cet. of the con- Who0 left u-s Junie l3th, 194'7. tinenIt's total reputed w-aterfowl 1 pop- ulation do rnet seemi to believe this. !In our hearts your memory ligers, By actua count, alest 83300 a- Alastender, lýo-d and trune; erfowl of miore than twenty-fiveý% There is net a day dear- father, specia;s preferred Canadian wmaters That me dAflo think of yen. duing the past minterý acordiing. te, csus taken January Iast by eght, Lo gy remembered by hie of,,the ,Dixii)on'ýs ten provfinces -1nd( c-hKAIdenaud thi fmlis a-pjte Yukon and NorthMWest Territori- 'Sident Meets Diesel Pionei(er: A College ble for' a long delayed meeting in MUon- een the Russia.n s ýcientiet Vwho1 designed 's first diese-letie locomotive (sho-wn -president of thec Canadian Pacifie Rail- -n whl-en N. R. Crumjip (right),no vice- P. R., wsstudying for, hie Bachlelor of ~urue nivrsiyLafaye:tte, lad., and C) %vwile Mr. Crunîp w v'-s locomotive. fore- Sas,,k4 aniidiwas wnti on lis thesis fo ineer's degree. 1 is sub jeet+, "xtr s tathe aijraçI icl~", ws on Cha f 'nfcts Ithat were imostuobanai nimp turnied to the ireporýts of Pr. Ge-orge ff (ieft), a Rusa1icanclogne diesýel icem tiv s ealy as' 1909, aad ii in 1923, te get îL'e information lIe -ol(d Dr. Lemo10nosoff, v'hose son ile a ith the Montreail Locomotive Works, las [y in Montreal1 for the past two years, enity that Mr. Cruinp learned of hie and arraaged an interview.ý Modern C. P. ootve built by the Montreal Loco- own in the picture- behind Dr. Lomiono- 1accerîing ta ehDoionum ry iuttlld 8e,574 of wich 29,819 were unidetifid aste speies.Onal herereprsenttve f moe stha Auspeoies. nthS152Cesu, theveSt racgReps suich as S'aup ando 'Marie. o hlte oa r n y amsigle Whsfitîng Sweangwa tebservd teeAn i tn er atit-! outdthe (tetire 3anter scx s, bOt CO3I2 Canada Geese wee l y intitielg Bukl féiqyck eived l elaed in61 G ei t Lake2 -,-aesi -'ladJs22the dl enye, bu r, nntaVs 51redUnms asI suote 2 2 e oned ding st, mrrn- seiry s s n ile i na cI eaoý tea's cili t bnet sted rin pe eu yeaîs wexin100 svi neleucks. Sn get eesea, bDpateau(id sn kigaed couddy duck ran Aercn migt hve ee oeert ingvius e rs bu nae indIr1952.eA Îm rebsaiteiargaecnenrto cfll dcs wreserved in Otarie la, theil Drout rive.Walng vthe seuth Larence Rive ranat SlnSe.l Mar ,ýie.Naiofte latterlocal ct hein therm te riverthroughe- duk"filS eual observedon la1 i enyt morea e ththree tea mFlanylerccu oed dinlstan- uar'ceiins s the lxiarvie ybear's count. Oters ae rally in accring laOnthenlo iludete rat corof rgnsdenfe igt even i ept tepaidetiy. ainenidr-o crare occsiones a frem -ty lmeteCime inigo the de part of layds and larestsnenla teeswaresby pernel CEMENW FOR SALE Leav-e orders at Roipli Hardware, Orono, Ontario. Phonie to-day. FOR RENT FlÏoor Sanders, modern equîpment, easy to use. See us for complete floor finishing suggestions. Phione Il r 11 Orono or 2425 Port H-ope, Coleman and Philp Electic Go. Ltd, WvANTrED TO RENI' ýSelf-contained, 2 bedroorn aepart. ment or bouse wanted to met by local high school teacher, wife and baby. Contact Ray McCallum, phone 46 r 16, Orono. 1 COMING EVENTS Comie te Orono Towni Hall, Friday, June 13, at 8 p.m. when the Burke- ton Unitedl Church playere wvill pre-1 lePt their play "Ar(,-r Slick from, Waht June Chîcks' I hey should be Hiliside. The choice of choos-ey Ipeultýykeepers. .ýSet sumumer price List. Dayolds, started, imimediate delivery. Agent E. A. Leaman, PR2, Orono. FOR SALE New Fleury-Bissell tandem Dises, 22 plates, $190., 26 plates, $2015. in handycoto or for hydrautilic type Wheelbarrows, $1500. Otaco Mani- ure Spreaders, two-wheel on rubber tires $375. Flexible H-arrows, 16 ft. $69. Timken bearing Wagons, $140. and uip. Woods Co. Electric Equip- menit, 7-cu. ft. Freezers $350; 20-cow installation Milkers $325. Terratrac Cr-awler Tracton" $2500. Phone Carl Todd, 15-20, dlarke c-p Furniture R2I Pun kin Crick'. Admis si on 50 c. an d %J UN0 25c. Sponsored by Orono W.C.T.U. The undersigned bas received in- struictions frem the executor cof the T-he Kendal Sunday School Annii- Estate.ofthe late versary will be held in thie Kendal Undiited Chiurch on Sunday. June 15, Elizabeth Barabal when Rev. T. Wallace of Greenbank te seil by public auction at 1 p.m. on will preaich at both services, Ili a.m.,1 at the Fair Grotunds and 7:30 p.mi-. The mnusic in the nmora-1 ing \Vill be rendered by the Sunrda.y 0 IR 1] School axid in the evening by a quar- a tette from Bailiebo-ro. The following Wednesday, June l8th, there ýwill be Satuirday, June 14rn an Ice Crleam1 Supiper followed by -a ber entire household effècts. three-act play by a group from Can- This sale will include such items as ton. Admission for supper anid play, a 4-burner Findlay Enamel Electric aduits, 7kc.; children flot in Suniday Steve witlu annex, used 2 weeks. Sehool 30c. b-p 8-pece Oak Dining r oom Suite; 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, Walnut Reserve Wedniesday, July 2nd for End Table.; Gait Leg Table. Pewer the Strawbe-rry Fesival at St. Savi- Lawn Mower; Bedrooni and Living our's Church. Particulars later. roomi Furniiturep; kitchien furniture; dishes, glassware, linen, bedding, etc. In connection with Kirby's Church This being a large sale it will coin- Anniversai y, on Tuesdýay, the 4th,' mence at 1 p.mn sharp. Terins Cash. commencing at 5:00 p.m. there will F. E. LYCETT JACK REID be a Strawberry Social. Keep the Clerk Auctioneer date open. a-c Decor-ation Suinday will be 'held this year la the Orono CemleterY 0on Sunday, June 29th. Th-e Orone Band will be present and the Rev. Johni Kitchben %will officate, Your, insurance costs cani be substantiafly re- duced by buying Divi- dend Paying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy Hamiton' Phone:' ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE I ail its branche. Fire, BurglaHospitalization Autosmoble, Lif e, Accident and SiksPate las, Liabjiiîty, Livstok, oîlr, ind. Street zuptown,s roome and ;mîodý ience, Main d brick, six bath-ruomu, rin bouse, xlr, oii fur- g o g CAN YOU PAY g FOR TuS g but one was hurt ... g(J calent? Yeu ycu are propmnly insxued. Guard a Il gainet this cost. Insure new. 1. u r CALL g g NF. PORTER ORONO 'dat r rono Tinshop We carry a f uit une of Plumbing Fixtures, Pumps, etc. R. E. LOGAN Plhone180 and Rfot Water Heating CALL JJ, FOR ESTIMTES RARRY E. LYCETT Phone184 r I2 ORONO O.NT.1 A. F. McKENZIE, M.D.- PHYSICIAN and SURGEONM office Haurs 2.00 to 4.00 p.u.; 6.30 t. S." p..r Sundays and W.eda"yu bY appolntmnent QUIT PilON E 47r1 lUN E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEOI , Main Streét South Office Hours: 2.00 tu 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 tu 8.00 PAM, Sundays and Holiday. by Appointme¶nt PHlON E 74 r 19 ORONO' S.- H. WITZEL, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Cor. King and Mill St.. NEWCASTLE Office Heurs 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.. 7.00 -to 8.OOp.nn. Sundays. and Thursdays by 1Appointment' Only Office 2621 Phonee Res. 3441 LEGAL Lawrence C. Miason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Offfice 688 nome 553 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Corducts Auctien Sales of allMme and at reasonable rates Comimunicato with him at PWý, perry, Ontario, or se. hi% Clerk, A. E. Morton, at Orono, fer date. Auctioneer a,ýnd Valuator F U rniturL ye le"'s Cnutme foU tnu The 5 r IE MesonuPlanEdtal Poicis: Phone nhetPlans2 F.8 uda . E itTy Th INTER RA NITE OMENAND Po u ret ahop, ntari-'et. Mnume ,ýnientGrvemaherues in paenof olWd an t18 D as SbtE.,Witbyiv YUtFIlE QUALITYor ,Monuments ý P. E. DELA-NTY and SON 106 KING ST, WVEST COBOURG, ONT. -HNE 731M This finii erected the Orono eMein. onjal Gates. Onte of the highe.st foris cf Caa- adian sentiment is our traditýiànai 'customn of recting a Monumentý et granite or iaarble to our lovedie 'Who left this life.