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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1952, p. 1

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O-RON 1DmmÉ WEu Vol. 16 No. 20 (I~OOOT..- HU RS DAY,JdU N E.19 1h, 1952 -Iîbscription $1,50 per CubsRecenitly HeId Investi- ture For New Chums inthe bas-ement of the United Churcli, Monday, Junle 16th. After- ~having their oei eeremnioies in Mr.and Mms. melville Jones ar- the ehureh, the pack took a hike 1111% fe en nannh ,throug7h the Provincial Forest ta- triped hmestf ter ein onraport a tion w rethe cubs mwere asked to \tnp t t&We ostn É . Thyepta ditinguish many different flowersm r laattp in. the lovely flower gardens. , Quite a niumber of people fron pack then returned to~ the churcli here aten led the Sunday School ~where the leaýder-%,asked the pack theAniesy services on Sunday at names of many woedg that had been Knaan I it seemed like old times secured dunig the hike. The meet- t artŽ.Thomnas Wallace o1 ing camne Vo a close with the Cub .-,eebak peak fromi the pulpit. Praye. Mr.~nd rs. H1arry Wade and Mr. Tw-owek ago, June 2nd, thie adM Earl Walkey attended a pack held an Invettue for some ofBaealg e in the Maple Leaf the new Chms This event was vry Stadium. interesting for the mothers of thev boys taking part. The new Chums M Ni rs. Saunders accompan were awarded their tenderpad badge e hlrduttr n e u sdi and euh emblem badge. Mr. and AL-m. Found, on a week- end trip co Buffalo, Last week the cubs miet et the1 .church and then went to the Fair' Mrs. Chas. Bebee, Orono, visited grounds where they played a game on Thiursday of last week with Mrs. ~of bail The cuba are glad to hear Wm. Uglow,% zht Eric Carleton is somre better Mr, and Mirs. Wayne Elljott were and hopie that lie enjoyed the box of home for, the week-end. Mr, Elliott fruit, sent to him from the Pack. lisnow working bht-wen TBarrie ,und Leskard Recent cash donations Vo the Les- ,ard Chuncli Ruilding Fond arIIe gn>atefuily ecknowledged,- Mrs. RusseUl Best........-0.- Mr. Ernest Hawke...........------ Ir. ý RE.Lga . .5.00 Cash recipts to date.------.----4Y17.3 Wve also tiank Mr. Lloyd Tayý- fr - forils contr .ibution of 8 yds. 1~~ 4rVC~trlas wekat- tendng~~4ad Ldgeof tie I.O.O.F. be;ing ie th fe 1oa'fvovlcToon Mn.ad.Ae. Caa1-1(nýec 0Corn i S I) ifa-mIIly o' oot ,viaited on-1Sunda"t,-y wiVh Mn.anMs ClDeMatn ad brother , Mn. Wl ~ter Cornisi. Tic Sundnay afternloon ser-vice ,t oun Leskard Churcli was well attenld- ed and al enjoycd the eiddncss by Rev. H. J. Veals, a former vcoleague lan China of our pastor, 1ev. John iGteen. T'he mea of Leskard wene ot rla full forçe on Tuesday eve-ýning poularg tie, ement for Vhe new kitchen foundation et Vie churcli. At Vie aetlime Vie ladies of Vie W.A, held a quiltlng bee and laVe served refrsimet o whicli Vie men work- lng et tie kitchen alao joned, Mr. Chas. Prust la bcing ably asa- iated in thc placiag of ils cement block foundatien by Mr. Bruce Ten- nant of Orotno, Equipmcat and ninteials for Vie new bridge t Vie Duvail corner are arriving and wvork la expccted Vo) sýoî)» be under 'way. Visiting- with MnJ. and Mrs. Ernest Syer la Vie latter's sister-inlaw, m Fred W. Dobson of Calgnriy. Sonie fot -yaS ago Vie laVe Mn.DosT cnducted a buitelier business in In thiîr recent bereevemen lati býss of a loving iusband ad fethe our deepet sympathyiyslaextcnmdd o tic wî,dow and faniily of Mâr. Athur, T. AIlen, Ooo Wc are sorry Vo ko ttMn, George Poilai-dila ,confined tVo-ils home w'iVfi a poainful back ndad -ondition. WOe know iV won't suit George o remnain indfoons too long and ve lhope for hlm a spcedy irecov- On -Monday evecning Mra. Anigus eif-lonig friand, _Miss MarlonTcss et Vie hom!Ie (of -Mra. rodBanken, . Opshn aW a. On Sntunrdey afternoon esrs Ar. oiujýýjs , H1nry' av'a nd L i1Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Camipbcill tteaded t!ic OldGuny football gamie t Varsity sajnToronto. Mnr. Bill Darlington and Miss Tenry Foran of Kinrgston visitcd on Sundnýy wvith Mnr. and Mrs. Jack Glover and fanjIly- and Mrs. Dalington. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Halo il)ad family spent Vie week-end leToonl to with Miss Beulhi lHlowelI and! atede ie wdin fMra. Hlo welscousin on Saturday. M\isa Ruti Mcnnll lias ecomple-ted hermiriagcoursýe laToro(nto and fa vsitng iVi- -r aa4Irs, Les Siaron Gaiil EMaire, d1augh'1ter of' Mn. ind Ma ila Fox-ý; Johni AI-' lin and Dev.id Hanold, sons of Mn, amd Mrs. Jameis Sinepsýon wr chriatened et Vie Chunci Serviýce et Clânrke on Sunkdey. Tic Womenpî'a Asýsociation met et thc homte of Mis. Hellowell lest Wedt- nesdey nftennoon, and finisied tjuilt- ing ani autogrepli quilt. Plans were, mende Vo hold a arwen supper et tic churci on Monday, June 3ti. Miss Enid Williaemson, London spent somie of lier iolidaya with lier aunt and uncle, Mn, and Mrs. Hart- 1 well Lowery. Mrs. Tliompson entcrteined Vie Pontypool W. A. et lier homie lest week. Mra. J. Cowan, and Mna. Milton !Wannen spenit a day lest wceek in Mrs. Bihl Cochrnane and MrLs. Bill, Wanneni accooniciid by Mm.ý Don Tennant, 'Mrs. Lyrnll Loweny andl Mýrs. Harry Mencer, Orono ýspent Lest Thunsday la Peterborougli. 1Mn. and Mns. Alex Walker, Bow- ïinvihle yisited Sundy with Ms. Mesass Ken 1Hendcýson, Lawrence Hennris, Ai Hall and Bill Wannen et- teadied Vie sale in Belleville lest, Tuesdaýy ig-it. Mn. and M31-s. Ed Lawson and1( Bruce Of Yelvernon spent 'Saturdy ven ing witi n and -Mrs. Bill Wannaal.1 Mvrs. Plattenson rcturnedl homte witi hem., 'Several no our com minity et- tendcd at'iliveraar1y services et Ken-ý dlOn Sun,1day.% W',e hope Vosec yen et 0our.Anni- versary servic s unday.j daý,y heVi le ephew Mn. anid M B ih erer Miss Mary Ruthlerford spenitSa day with Mr. anid Mis. Angus Wat- soLesard. Wc anc sorry o 'henMns. Lloydl Raabr l- 111. We wish hecr a spedy rccovery. The- Women'sC- -i Tnier iay Satezy 1)uîiog Summner $83.50 Realized Fro'm Pl the, Sunday Schcool Room Of Orono A remde o taike care, p1îay i ~ i ~ IL '. Uniited Ohorch. The mi-eeting o(pened safeiy and obey tr-aific saifety rries_________________ withihmn 'Gidfe ome 0 Thou &eMe uurg Zthehlidýay seaISOn mak1les uIl Jeoii"The devotional was taken )thie conte',xt of a eafIe4t being diS- ý 20,00 miireil ack The Orono Braniic of tIhe by Mrs. R. Alu sise y Mrs. {.tributed throughiout Onittar'o sechool j-1jj hitinTnpnac!J Csocoigwith hymln "Work 'by Vhe depantmient of Highwý,ays and gDooIIS iiilu1'e, WOliCisian y much d lie wi for the Night is Comiiing'ý and prayer. tace Departmiient of Education. Both rsntdb teBrkti The minutes of last mieeting wreGoveram1ent prt ent c-opera1ted This sprii»g, about 1,000 yooun Churelh Players in Orono Tcý read anid approved. After the busin- in Vhe prepar-ation of the leatiet, i epewl aku therbokadFidyceig cas period, Mrs. I. Waliish presented Dprmn of Educationi pavtng -ýhe leaive secondary aholfor- the last an intcresting clip Sheet on alcobol-wa for ic edistributioni by way Of a. tinie. Most of these young people wv1ill In tlis play Mr. Ken Rob] ism hichsevral f t enebers miemiorandumi fromn Dr. W. J. D)unlop>, fn rdcieadscesu aer the part of the old tume very took part ini. The mieeting closed witU- Minister of Education, to al kchool! inae' andi Canada. However,i baclielor wio kept tirîng Vo himn "O MasterP, let me walk with principals, anid the leaflet of safety' exp),eriec indicates tint a certan niariage to a very wýýeulthî, Tie." Thep Lord's Prayen asne.suiggestion1s and slogans preparcd by percentage are- destinied Vo drift from Mrs. Rosa Berry. Ele finally peaýted in unis.n and! the M\'izpah! the Depaitmnt of Jhhas job tôobaltrugiheriv, ceed and menried this C1 beniediction. oh ufu cniii n its cover ney .er satisfied themi-sclves and r-arcly wî-dow (Mrs. Hender Trick). a_____ Ti leafhe cotaîns of01 stfyig hï elpoyrden Hubbard took Vi te part a e V er tota mc ooJu n io r f n- sa is yi g th ir e m lo er .crooked sp ecu la or doin g h is 1 ffs tarlo ïfrom lionl. George 'E. Ijoucett, There are a vnriety Of reasons for cellently well, nssisted'by' i Mnister of H-ighways, r'equestinig the, a man wI-ýasting mantly hours of bis Miss Lois Davey who \Vas younigatcrs Vo plny -snfcly during the f ifetime inu the aiingromof Per- gettîing in trouble round th, HostIo Eiglih faluerttelsummiier ho[idaý .ý *am 1).', ie -x'ra 1onel offices, but whene a poor job Littie Sis Riggs (MNiss Ha:3ý Thie Junior Farmeirs o1urae arefýul wen cosig 1ceb ' cord ilotV(due Vo nmental or char- kcpt4he audience in continua] Cfoonty are actîn1g hosts to an EnJg- hgiay.acter. defects, the fauit is oftcn) trace' ter- with lier pranks as aTo lishi younig farmi girl visiting a- i t îolsafv tm o nd- ble to a poor saat, la ýemn-ploymrent Miss Audrey Larmiour appe- ada.MissValeie Eizabth Nah~.ren Vto observ-\e, warnings to play and tor Wiich lhe la unsuited., 1any yountg~asceygr n id olsson fromn FordVi, Lancaster. wvalk in safe la,ces, to waik on Vihe people simply drift into thein first A.3aron Slick look aghaat. Mi Duihami, arrived in Quebec on Fni- left side of tie rond fing on-ý0-cominig jsucc ess o are u if Ittrn iahtt e aneth Larmour played the pai dlay and viaited Ottawa for a short traffie, to wcar on carry somïetlilng job. Is f t aebutcy, tiey mlt e waiter also as a private dctect tour. wîeunisuitable, they tend to move ofl, finatlly, arrested tic city slickE wieat nigit and to lieip the drivernergeigayraljb riin Alog wth iveothr eleate of~nycarthy mgitbe by»o or experience, and as timie goes on Muci credit is due to Miss Miss Nicholson lcft for lieru etn-h ig l.IVi lo oned tteir lack of continuity of work ex- tic public achool tencher at i aion for a wý,eek. Sie is staying wxith týha 'te ruies Of Vba road are lo1 rienIces often mrakes entrence iiii thooin Ve characters Mn. and Mrs. S. B. Gray Dwaine and cyclists as well as mftS5t htacne cupt~~ire a ~eantdV aipr.Ms Bey, Port Hope R.R. i during lier they ar-ie WVobe ibeypd. dfiut ripsil.t~loia~ ieprec theJio~her ctors ar ~echoling a For parents, the Department of IA younig penson leavigaholV- rdutojehsed fS T -H the Jniorfarmrs ae hoding Higwaysurge ~any strts on ioli-1 day is feced with a bewiideing choice anucn i irceal wennroast anid on Friday she \vill day tnp ao~ oa~ f jobs. With Vie iicieasing induat- nn- evicmorwaiu attndtheFildDayan Anua heavy traffic and eny need for speed, ilzto fVscuty i ia Chairman and iuster fcea Pini big el n rooby\VeThiey are also asked -b drive cane-1 ber of job classifications lias isený Organlizationi and tic,, Federation of'1 fully, tin'thVe lives of thii famil- until there are inow abu 1,0 Teie musie -was suppliedL Agiutnies and otiers arie àla their hiands. types ýOf jobs. listed in Canada, and, Dean Of Burl.çe ton. Miss Nicholson is 21 and lias been Acrtes for danger, quick unex- 1 - a eoig oean oe At Vie conclusion, of thie a ilembr o tie Býtsieli' pctet acion byclildi-11 lan nec1-essany for "firast-jiobers" Vo hv a memen o VieButsield Youg peted ctios bychuiren înytg hel in clatng teir dacaion nd peai.entaMlshWals Via F-arniers Club sine- 1940I, holding Or cycling on1 ronds, is a3t ressed. Also- heredcaio na offcesof iceciirmn ad cair pintd ot i ti fet iatdunngaptitud!es o tVils vast field of choice etonCiurch group for of MiTic National Emplooutnt Service Vo. Orono rnd g eeting tV" man11. Sic wonks onuie ater ix tic summer m,, ontis more children are whciasneyr touienV deicbe' n ielVe vrV i cdl farm iof 200 acres whrethe ma.in killedl or injuLred wii in acars wto over-speilie ts lac t eet'r;iaboleir asoil u initcet ilaiin bneediag an elin taiae hurt whiile walking Or id-la eerils fudVe a noydti.poed Britsh FPiesian Cattie, TaklIlg pat; ing bicycles. Tiey, oo, arc told fthat iv M' s, hpMrievening amounted Vo the83.- ( cution. Tic delegates wihl leave Vils dis-1 tricteVo attend Vthe FiedDay in Guelph nnd tien leave for aireas la Cetral and Western Onteno wiere Vicy wl sec veious t.ypes of faim- ing. Plansaaremade for, them Vto riait meny pointa of latere5t and' Vicy leave for- U.S.A. in JuIy whenc 1 hcy wil tay untilfa. Frien'ýs From Across The Comnty To Meet This Friday! Fniends and neigibours fromn a- cross Vie County wihl gather on June 20ti, this Friday, et Vie Orono Mcmi- oriel Park o attend Vie annuel pic-' nic of Vie Durhiam Couinty Federa- tien of Agriculture. This picaic ta being cembincd with tic annuel Field Day of Vie Dunhamn County Junior Fermiera. Tic afternoon commences WiVi lunch at noon Vo be folhowed by Vie I ey must be obeyed. t~ Ji A~ lcmnsDv-I ~ AL I Onte full page is devoted -oL, pr-sioùn. mant waninigs Vo chiudreti, witb hec B rpn onelnrelated tVo M Ruiby ColleVt, M requ)Lest tintthVe e. ,be huag ll' VIÀJ e Job culy aiable, locl Woodlward andi1Mn. Ans whieeiV cen be seen cfteii. Em-ployýment Offies en ý-msupplemienitvisited wit M. m n Aboutone-lnîf -illio . Onanlo Vwonk of parents and achool guîd- Kneyo udy schlodi culrn iî eceive these ance o£ffcers. AV Vie sam-e tine, tiey M.adMs .V leafJlet juat before achool closiag. It cenI offer an invaluable service o,1 Orono werd uest ol _Mr. la liopcd tint tic leaflet's wanninga emloy n look ian or ewetrnt JSple on on Sunday, nnd adylce will hielp re-duce tie large iVo thein firmbyhnligT e - Mn. John MeKelvey call number of raffic accidents ia7volving rliinnry interviews end acreenings, Ce'tîlcets and StewtVi,s ehilîdren. and nuakîng sure Vint only young Visitors with Nei enud people wio, arc suiteble for Vie job Stwr3eety~~a arc referred Vo Vie em-ployer. .1t, t. ecetbcyhwere Improvement 11In itk Shown To tic employer, Vie moat satis- WLoftiouSt. ahyriesMr r fctrycmloec is one wlo as se- oftsian Mry,.Tic.Jeanu lu ltalth nit T S lectedea job lie cati do wvitisaetisfec- bl.idge adM. n r lion a iici 'he cahope Vo Wcstof Regina,Sashk. Tic routine samphing by Vhe bulld ea.carecr. Tic employee wvlio Mse ie n ueG Heelt Uni staf ofraw nd ps- las -pieked ils job solely for its short!iMses]nz n.Juè< Healh Unt stff o rawand ofs-terni advantagcs la more likl,('y Vo iti thein parents, MNl. teunized -miik, Vie exainiation o tiueV aou unvrwth Spence Cordon. dairy herds and Vie inspection of C it igi c oa outic rmpoyer, in at Mn. John Almey spent ferma and dainies wlhcre milk la p - production Vime ad la training a ne- Toronto. duced and sold lins rea.ulted i.*an PM-1111 !The frerne lieuse ont placement. Toa am ~ wi provemient la Vhe quality of miillk. The National Emnpioyment Service Wilonas faim- y tru sent Vo Vie pastcurizing plantaslaiViehe, as foWildoyuti placement secticn Healti Unit area l.de hast weqalfie ofk.r Tic fecilities of Vie Provinc ial iu'nder p te illyaife ofidces Mrs. Norman Kennedy at Depertmient of fHelti Labonatonies m, ftc agrVws n iIsAuxiliary mieVlng -of Vhe et Peterborough, Belliville ad Ton- (Continucd on page 4) ville Hospital on Friday L Craise will dliyer hils ddnes Ti .ar .a4l t hs1Ilat Importance of Farmn Marketing." unit for hs testing. Duing 1951, 1216 raw xni-ilk sam-f treck nd FildtMetunir Fage n-wee oudlobecfseisecorree 0 f T hining 1r A ppi, At 300'p.m.ticJunir Frmena -ples wcnre taken of vhlci 892 onr7 derway ending with a suippen etthVeae . i nimprovemeait over\lare ih r r e Co Par- A 900 -11- heJunlior Fan- tie pnevious yenr -wýien only 67.6%ý ll ii-' e L mecrs anc holding a dance la Vie of tC total sampîca were greded as, Township Hall, Orono, featuring satisfactory. Whien ustsetn boti roundand square dâninjg. This grades are reported. tic ferma sen IV is often nmcp"my Vo remove a La general, Vie rcha Wi bning Vie outing Vo a close ing suci milli are viaited Vo deter-1 portion of Vie uppl caop ia ondier Vo existed between viiy mine tiheeuse of Vie poon quaiity, secun fruit of desirable mnket size. e firat meesuremeat- Sunme Sim in Lssns Herds wihmestitis arc testcd and Tic comm-non prectice hins been te throughout C growit segneg- oacated. Vratment venilexclusion sptce Vefruit in deflinite nmiber of la mîoaýt cass, ppl )cu~ d ByRedof abtiorl m llmk frnie supply Vo iCles apant. Tic dïicly Wt lNge 40)days from bl Costic deairy la stresaed. Vils procedure lies in tie feet -int slightly f aster rate,t Mihk la cultuned on artificilmedia, foi- beat 'resut, innling distance h ie advanteî( Oro T no Ray ed Cros Execthe h met and bactenil colonies whiich dev-elop imut be modifed ila acordene viti fruits. lest ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r Tirdyatron ttchm -n ounted. Vis test gives an in-ý tree vigor, density of foliage, amniOt Differencea were ap ofl Vi ersidîentMr01. -W. E. Aýrm- cti;on of thie carene la ndliag tl)c cf crop and age of tree. Tins tiere ia of growti between va stnng.TictrasuenMrs H W.1nik oti on tie fat-omied in tic0' ned fora cmp ehensive tiin tic case ofDeliciooa, Mu rerconvted tlint tie splendid diy ud.-eVocad.Nvr s um iiiof ~0 0idbeen naîsedin Wi indVe onganismi B. Coli which rReent expernmets ondued Kiby slaseculred nCAte Clenike Tow-ýnsiip during Vîie National -a a normal inýiebitent-F f Vie isV-ticeUnitedStats DperreEt Of apples -Cf 14 0nch% Cmpai n eAeia, As $400 .00 as ml rat s, oudn pseuîzdAgicltreetWJ athe idiaes larzrnt 401ay Wf tic objective set ton Onono Brndm li, osMpaa nzdcna ina 'irt size of nmature applcen -ho pre- tos i and 7sit tmat amount ill bY fonwerded vo ithen Yiidicatcd. Jdited by tic size of frute a-'mre ht tý,!50 day s, ho Ontaro division et once, and lmt cf 1Tic bebcock test is used Vo deter- Ceingtme.Shmlrepenimenta were 55 dyend W those 1, Vie balane used for Viepurchase cf mine iftVe leal 3025percentage cf conducted in 1951 'by Vie Su1mclnnd ays, c eb xe vit in asule(s for ie achOoolchild- -butter fat is provided. xpnmetlStation 'B. 'C, anys S. 'maure 'ize c 163an- lnof cfVe townsiip and also for -Tic enzymie piosphetase is com- W. PoriLtt, witi cnoh Deliclo(-us, ange t hre awimmig les.snaduig J ulyend phe&ly inHctictd wnm Hka po- ,, Vonand cWinesnp -,a n-ietî,a. Thinsgroeawi Aluguat, if an instructor en be oh- 1 - eny pasteuized. Tic- detection of,1,Weeklyniasrmntof lange 1nnm- ing apples cF sonim:3 tained. Fuihen information should be Vils enzymen in pastennlzed miilk de,- bers cf individual tngged fruits were ëaretr cen use tic a eveilable by act week and wvill be j1oteýs that the mii ia noV been pro- nmade during the period o 40 dnys n guide asaiudmovc a -puablish-ed la Vils paper. pcrly pasteuried. aiter fuhI bloom unitil herveattimre. L Van Vie size indicated i 4 1 1 ana e -7 1

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