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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Jun 1952, p. 7

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modern Etiqu ett le t5V Ioberta Lee Incident M-Va.1yPmi fyTED SIE 0!d lvan Baýtes came out of the " f huis earv iy tat spr-ing drivnen hy -an ;impu!lse to inspcct his netw granld-. son linthe little croýssroad scstte- nts of Vaimy Posl. As he Idroup the rud street, he noticseeal changs since hisý to id cquinaesat th sam timenoticig a feW empysats made of packinig cssin front of the blacksmitb shop, Hle diy vstehis dauighter wbose husband mas foreman at the saw miUianldas unimpressed hy bis suaiing, rWcdaed grandson. He gessedmhe exectd much more, A tmaybe xt year the blte tod- dier couid vaM, down lto the v'ifllage withhim. ,That afternoon Oid bMan Bates mat in bis familiar seat of honour in frontofOCiancey'sGencraStore andj(, after holding forth oni l lthme- its of his own "digginsmfr pi)n the his, liStencd 1to-)the nws About tbiree a 'ciock in) the aftcrï-. noon the v-lilge was set agog by the appearanice of a iwbiack sedan turin1g ithrough its miain stret. Automlobiles wr not tûooomn in Valley Posýt lwitb anl occýsional ramsblacklC Ford or cliterinig trac- tor drawing acute intere'st, 01d Man Bae is s aten wýith sroiyand concealed awe. Hie sat pertfectly stili as the sedan dlre~w ta a purrinig stop nin front of the bank. lts rar end was maud spattered and spiashed as witness ta the fearfuri, oadls leading thrüough th"ildl e ssmf iriiber ta Vaîley Post. Withegine puýrring and iÎts exbaust mrakýing littie -whil-te jpuffs in the c,-ool spring air, it wýas a symlbol of' latenti powcr. Two yauing mien stepped f rom th, de car and One ofthem srveedthe banlk %witb an1expre-ssion of acute disgust on bis dark features, Old M\an Bates look aini,Î-stant disiike tA this ane. The other one was a sm1iliing, blonll",,yýOu-1_ ng an ninanl iimpý(,eable gra-seit, He smîiled at Old Man- Bates and said,"Hlo Pop., how'za aout. atclhing the hass"Oid Man Btsgrinned totbesi ack at hllinsd noCd(4ed Botb men ent-ed the banl< and Ol.ýd Mari Baties sqinted at the lig, purring ca'- witb a child Cie cus-. lty. finaliy hie rose. Theni wit3, some finlit as if baing reachd a great decisionf, h' waiked slowlMy ta thle car Iibihnd clutched about smi Ob'ect, A mormnt lsted therr losea fusillade oa i sots, and 01dMa Bates pushed furtbr beind bisPo.- tata barrel as4the -bank bo sam mned olpeni. Thec dark young mian stood there a momlentsuvein theseet and scowin, a smoking pista inhi bisribthané nama mai st ('-celin bis lcft.Hebecone wvith thle pistoil and thle blonde young man foiiowc' hu low 'ýiy to the car. T'he darle mancursed and sucid ude the wbeel of the car.lHe imade sev- emal! deft fultile mvîentis Onthe dassboard and Old Man Bates jmeard tde urget wmir 0!the star ter Th cwonld 1no. tastsrt Downthe tret tbe C[-anstle's office banged(!e and soonu ridles and Shotguns hegan to converge ou the black scdani. Oid M'ýan B"ates jOine'd licrow -if towusinen and woýrrke" bis way ta the reai nf the c-r Someione awbmstôbi' and rereean oh- ject froits reus end. A ab1out wcnt ilip and soon menwceponinhis Sfiglit formn and sbinýig ibishad tbmough and puied uth wC Young bandits behind ihlm "Wchats ail tbe bnsaiobabout back heu.e,,ci dmndd Old MiBae\1nn»xvpt i .amnam-ontd the sEgitshudrs "Pop hrestopped yer b)and(its- eotd. ,<es srhe stucs apotao î in the ti] pipe of tercar, Dandsmlart work i cal1îs it' Later ivhenl Old Manl Bates was aknto bis Da'.ghiter,'s bouse !be .dawlod ii gran'dso'n n is kne [lis soli-ilaw in (ulired. Pp where did yo icarn that pilgin qqp a tail pipe woild topagaso'- fiue engine?"' Q. Haw can I give a 'buffet supper? A, Anytimie between five and eigbt P-.MIHot dshssaads, rolls, apeiztsdssert anid hever- aýges are seýrved. Thec dishles, nlapkiïins and slvraeare piaeed on thetable ithte food, -and the gueýsts lp tesev This is a gond way Uto entertaina alarge gather-ýinu itou maid service. Q. What kidnd of entertainments are appropriate for annouticing a wedding enigagem-ent? A., naeet are announced bypret or aider relatives of the bride4- e. ndthîs, may be done at formai1 or îinformai dinners or lunheo si aces, card or cocktail parties. Q. Is it consideýred improper to use the knif-e in cutting the lettuce in a sl A. Tereis no lban ,at ail against cutinig thie salad wýitb a knife. Q. To settle an argument, will you tel!l me the correct way in which to est peas? Is it ever proper to eat tbemn with a spoon? A. I iscustn'ay alaysto at vegetaleLs witb thle fik This ap- pliLis to pe)as, too. Q.ý If a cou.ple kniowv that their engaçpgement ;.s, to be a long one, s t Dpublic announcemient be made? A. Ys;but the announcenient. In the iatest issue of, that Very, Lni intcesinýg American Magazine Iing bat "TflecFar-mjournal," tbere's' an cltivari article by L. C. Boggs wbicb I'm pen 36 going ta pass along ta you pouitry 10 iiii r-aîsers. Thes;e raosting "isiands," arannd as hie cails tbemi, sound lik a really was do gootde-n that 'm ,sure mauy a feedc i:f. ns could iadont ta our ativant- A lhen scratchiingarun'onlh floor tooks idsrossy r making moneyý," Butt som-,e of the poultrymen in the state of WVasinigton now have a different idea. Thiey are trying roosting "'islands" that run down the centre of their houses', with feed anid water troughs mounte-d on thie roosts. TCheir hens spend ms of, the time( on the "islanids," fliot oni the floor. The advantatges are: You can, keep more birds in a h'Ouse; Your litter stays dryer; You get more dlean eggs; Your birds are more comfort- able ;i And best 0f, al, you Save work. Atypicaî roosting island 15 12 feet wide, with a 10-foot aIlley on each side. it's built 1up) 2?feet off, theý floor, You ut he fed oppers Con the otsidce( edges ofthtie islandý, for ea 'sy, ino-stoop t flihlg fo feed cart. -Thle wate trogh runs The sides are closed down tro the floor-, of Course, so) 'Éhe birds Cali't get Linder thýe raCk. Ail the waterthOe bir-ds shýake off thieir wattles, or, bil ouit of thle trou)Lgh goes unider the rcweetres noý litter to gc't -,er, Sa do, most of the dr11oppings, be'- cauise thie birdts spend n ieariy two- thrd o teir tfime ou trie îisianids. That meansfer droppings in the liter lwich stays dryer and dcean- eand lasts longIer. Hîarriy LeChnIer of Redmndlý.1(, WVashi., says lhis roosting islatýd lets lmn- kceep more bîrds, Hie figuires thait he0 nleeds oniy 2 square feet of floor space per Leghorn hîen,- Hie ilsed toUse 3 square feet f ýor Leghocrn)s and 4 quar- e feet for hepavy brCeeds. Hlow abotitths abravn ANSWERS TO iNTELLIGENCE TEST ~urr. -(A) nited States; (B) -Rme C) Tuýrkey; (D) Bràtain y, WVash., drive inito 'bis lay- mse wNàihbis tractor sud fildt tom, and stir 'lie litter ina (' y 1,00'. It took hmjust intes ïota make two rounds theisiudanid Gtbejob One. ýHedidn'tbav 0tamove ïer, or dodge a wvaterem. Wbat bappenecd ta thie 1,500 bens in] the bouse? -Tley juist ran aheýadl , f tffez tractor, or jumpeil)d up on li th sianti.Perso does the .chogre ionce a ,veek, and the birds are Aiiothe poirman using ani isianci says tbatit tae himl just Ifinutes a day tao fced imasb ont of a weibarwto 1,200 bîrids. It takes lm anoiýther ten minutes a day tu scatter grain in the li1tter andl pick utp floor egg ,S, 1utmatc fedrs wil1 work with lthlis sytc oa, .Tlose wb o use tb1emnmount the ho (Dppcr sud mlotor o a o ri)i L1neýr of 1tbe îisanti, to cave t( li c cear ail thie way aronnd fr] or cieaniing. The dyercIlaer itter is the tbin tha prduce moe dýean eggs. Wb,'at' mre, you,,'ve got more room -,for ne ,ss, because yo' - gottile wol ack wall free for nest, owthat the roosts bave b(cen mloved -awayvfrom -,the Thcr2je's anuthuri ain, too. Reed Hfianilso i aLT flc Wes t e rn says that it takes nly tbreje-fiftbls as muncb timle ta kep uite p lit- ftr in good coniion n i) ïsla Rd bouses as i o e,, iinlord iniary b ouses, A mnmber of fois usinig isiantis tell imecthiat their hirds are less flightyý, becautbey'vegot Pa place to go whien y3on came iin- to feed, or to, gathier eggs. Thiev're more coiortable, too, espccially in bot weatcrbecnsetbù.ees mare air space overheaid -rigbt ahove the 'is- i-and than any othf!er place in the Therec seemls ta, be advsntages than disadvantagcs îin the system. A lot of folks witb ,000 birds or more are switcbiing ta it. AIl of tbem i 've talk1ed to like if. rWAiT FOR ME. HOÎJY.l AZL GETMY POCO. Does a Curv-e Curve? A iaew ania omlctoi of thie sbape hsblsaespoe to be, wibi btoffic:iaias- halls arc supposed to iweighi, pro-. p etlcd at thec specedan with th-e spin an)y good pitcherc can, put on it, actually culrveýs. Ah i bchmofppa as merly uesictfciaoigo thle obvionis fo svrimlin h bave «0a) ast hebin-(idite plate any-. wbIerc from thePolo Gonsto Sporutsmans a rk or I: 'r(b) fannled tIle air wxith a iwiIlow tbIemiscivéès, Htut some--suirprisinigIy e-w recailtc trlC'ýOhOSCOp&Iicpctu!res 1l Life e magazin-e il years a-gowbc sbowcd that Ca)ri uh'sadC Blaîîtonl's bhet îwscsdd' uv at ail--Llat droppe d. TherehCy wcre: A Strinig oai wbite circles right down a1 stmajighjt clk un- ile. Noý optical illulsion eciA cmr can't ic-arrcanit?1 nyoif Ltwo na:vesoftc nology are goinlg ta stand n p ani caleacbi other liars, 'VIy, udt seize the- basebI hy teIle asd sec if itut cuirve aronnd somleting solid ? The sniswcr is, it's slread(y beenj donc-long agýo. Sp)ortinïg Ne.w's (hascbal'*s futin dof ko- ledge) sys star pitcher Frecd Gold-. smith did it eigh imesl 80 He sud a catchecr stood ou the same aide o)f a huiie of",thmcc ýsta)keQs. The bal ieft thec pitcbcr's baud ,jta the left of thec first stake,trvei to the right of lithcscond sud smacked inta thie catchier's bauds,ç (no mâtts then) at thle f, tf b third. BillPseelantliiLuny LeVy did it again in J1950. BAr. OOK 'OU AS A NIGNY CLUB H1 ACTO OP, pl4SIWONITLAUS14I Of CAR THEN( tNTo hb t'distcd lîm'(i, tt rte as hie swuniig at a b)ig "rouind bue sudI miissed for the thîrd strike, knows thlat if thalut icu v as an optical illulsion then Ilis bat lhat an invisiblc hale in it. - From The Christian Science Moniitor, shld ll,ýinclude ethlat no datec haA heense for the weddinIg." Q. 1s it proper !0 name the scond sýo-n ,"junio ,r"- aiter bi$ father, or IS tis titie always sup- posedà to be confe-rred on the oldest A. The "Junior" iiin a ily ned not b1)th flir st sonl. Q. My huisband anld I have been îmvited to a double wedding crmn.The onie couple are very good friecnds, but t1hc other we know only slightiy. Are we obligat- ed te) give wieddiflg gifts to both Couples? A Agift toynrgondfed s the "1n1y 1rquiremenýît. 0f Course, a littie gi' ft-tothle other bride wouild iim:t beimproper, buit izisn't Q. Is the prefix; "Mr. " ever omitted from a man's card? .Itis om-iitted Ifrom a man 's buiescard, hbut nye rom the card hich e uss sociaiiy. Q.Is it proper to sip your coffee or tea withl the spooln? A. Not theeie cup. The -spoon may Ibe usefr tastïing oniy,ner for drnin.After stîI*IrrIgyOur bevera-ýge and tasting, Iay thie spoon in the sauicerand let îi emain there. Q. How should the egavdin- vitations to a formai dinner in one's homne be worded? A"Mr. anid Mrs John J. jCarter reques t the pleasure of Mrfi. and Mrs WllamS.Hwrdscomlpanly at dinner on Thursdlay, Se2ptemb)er theý nineteenith at eïght c-lýCock-254 TEST 'YOUR INTELLIGENCE -Score 10- points for each correct answver in thei first six ýquescýtions:ý 1. "Spare" is a term utse in: --golf -basebali -badmJ inton ýD' --bowln 2.TelaercIladarof thie coa-st of: -Spahoii -Ko-1- ei h rea -Ethio i Mayln 3. Jdisof Ac ld th Frncharm-Iy against the -Pish ~ Bitish -Germans -Ager:ians -,Thle geetdistance a mdm arhrcould shioot w ýith ra ~a m arowwold beabu- 10 0 yard s -30 ards~ -500 yardis -700yad Til Thcpic poeml, Paradise Lost, wastwrýitten by:,-j - %yrOnIl -Ile1luçyv -Goel1dsmih Mi1a 6.Alexanider Hailton fougl!u it idelwih --ThomasJeero -ArnBr -TmPin -Patrick eny 7, Listed below are four wvars and opposîý,ite them the victors, or onè.e the itos.Maýtch them SCorinig!10 poitsz for eachcort nwr (A) War of 1812 (B) Punic Wr T'otal yurpointa. A score aii supterior; 90-100, very superior. ~AR-ira -Britain -Tumkey -United States -Rame 0-20 is poar; 30-60, sycrage; 70-80, i C.P.R, VICE PRESIDENT MEETS DIESEL PIONEER: A college thesis was responsible for a long'delaye-d rmeeting in Montreal recently between the Russian, scientist who designed and built the world's first diesel-electric locomotive (shown aibove) and the vice-president of the Canadian Pacific Railwýay. The story began wheri N. R. Crump (right), now vice-presîdent of the C.P.R., was studying for his Bachelor of Science degree at ?urdue University, Lafayette, lnd., and was renewed in 1936 while Mr. Crump was locomotive foremon at Moose Jaw, Sask, and was 'working on his thesis for his Mechanical Engineer's degree. His subject, "InternaI Combustion Engines in the Railroad Fied' was one that required a study of focts thot were almost uinobtainable ot that time, Mr. Crump turned to the reports of Dr. George Vladimir Lomoniosoff (left), a Russian mechanical engineer who had designed a diesel locomnotive as earîy as 1909, and had one in operation in 1923, to get tile information he n-eeded, The 76-year-old Dr. Lomonosoff, whose son is a resident engineer with the Montreol Locomotive Works, has been living so quietîy in Montreal for the past two years, thaï it was only recently that Mr. Crump Iearned cf bis presence in>the city and arranged an interview. Modern C.P.R. diesel locomotive buiît by the Monitreal Locomotive Works is shown i the picture behind Dr. Lomonosoff and Mr. Crump. C a'tivatr S, , tspulderc paes rake'S, anid prac tically eeybn we use to dig, cut or prîune ar munch more easily operated if theyl have lon1g hadie. ven kthe itti singe-prngedcultvato is an-. dier with a- tbree-to-fle-fot ba- die. Thuius (lipped ýit wilsave a lot of stooping. Anothecr point in thtis lbr Saving busýiness.'Tble aveýrage e- son is inicline-d to planlt rw a too close tog"ether-. 0f curuse one-c cani grow !beet, carro-ts,Ïbean1sr etc., ini rowc onlyc 12iniches aýp ar1t ifî space is very limited, but t wil be m-uch cýasier for cutvto îf these aire two feet or m1.ore aat and witb a garden citiatç tey sbudbe at ieastî 30 inehes or-. ter stilitbre fet. -Be Peae A vryneessýary piece oCf eup m1ent for17most gardeners ý,is a s1E1a sprayer or- duster aýnd the materials to ioad it. Noth1ing is more i- çour11aging. than to get fioweýrs, e eotbes or shruberyflnrshîng and dben to disoyer some fi nmrnng tdat busor disasn hve startt attack tbem. If one counicr-tw tacLks promptly, however, there is !ittc diffculty about control. F% orvrypcm, forunateythse is somie chiemicai or other ret- mlcet to kecýp itif;n check:. Usutaiiy a spray or duslt is u1sed, F1or in- sects tat eat hioles in foliage he uisulal rCmedy is a pio fsm kindc, SuIcb as arsenaite of ea d, DDT, coppe suiphateM ioie etc. For the Pests iithatsuck ont thie juice~s a bunin)ig spray or,ý dust incorporating sihris recoin- miendcd, or somectimjesspca soap and water or some of the tobacco soltion's, Use sprays when ith(à ef" foiage is dr(y. Wýith thedust, bs resuis areobtind on a day w- out -winid an-d just after a.) ramn or before a dew. WVith alilchemnicaisý one is' welil advisedi to Stnidyan follow direwrotis carefulj an d muake suire that thec proper miater. ial is tused fo:r the particular pest comncne. * Pinch ýr Most bgnesaetoo gentie or. tender, Tbey h-ate ta do someiý vý,ery ncsaysurge-ry. T[ake the, bandiing of ivbat thetrade ctaCl beddingplants.These are WCl started aunuals in botb the flower and veeale xl'wicbiaregrw from seed, sownidor or in ht- beds, or are bouglst fron the seed- mnen c o ioiss, usually about a dozen ta the b)ox ýor fiat. 1The b- ginnr n c i1ined Ctast these ont withouit an1.-y pinin(-il1g 'baco w -i tbou , t even ren-oving biads o r flowecrs. [f just betfore or afýter plantig one picues offqàitea lot of tie growth, and especiaïiiy afil forsor bdOne iwill get nmuch sturder grow.h and in tce end more fiawers orft.

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