pries of board for Chev1,rolet FotiàUae anonc imediately mobile, Buick, Chevrlet tnicks and iajdëx dire il Motors GIMC trucks. Cunadiai in retaili1 Wm' . Wckrpesdetofth ent were across the 1 company, explained that the recentlly te to-te cor Limer. j 4w¶Pa~lfrn Your first job! Yo're e-arnlg your own m-.oney, so every penny counts. And b-ecauise you're a wise yoCung lady, you'll be opening a Savinigs Account at your brandi of The Commerce right away. S We're expecting you a-ind we have a welcome preseàît reacly. It's a handy purse size bookiet called, "It's Simple Wh,' You KnQw How" - .. filled with helpful lips on day to day bank 'ng. Jit vas writ.ten especially for ý'ou. Ask for your copy at ycur 'local branch, -or write to Fronces Terry, Head Office, Te Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto,~ Vhe Canadian. Bank of ComÎýmerce ON THE WEEK-END Holiday week-ends are periods of extra hazard and added congestion ' n the hîghway. These, conditions will continue to result in accidents unlese offset by patience, forethought and alertness on the part of att h.ighway users. Tl,,usands of visiting touriets and children o vacation add to already crowded highways. Th7e tneed for extra care is obvious. A traffic death is a needless death. You risk your life when you dive too fast for conditions-fail to stay in your 0Writraffic lane- or fait to obey signs and regulationis '-esigried for your protection-or, when on foot, you'f1 4 otake necessary precautions. Enjoy your week-end. Make it safe-one you \vill remember, happily. GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER .1 f living CD fOLUMNSi of the WLS IF I adjust- 1,yFtRSL s aongCOIN ENS Furacres of Illothy, 4falfa and Corne and se 'ý Pair of/Country red clover. i cutti. Berth Xis"a 3-act pin hyv Soin Y.P.U. Caln. aCareUnion on Thur sday, June "Mth, 8:15 Cake and Ice Creamn. To2hreCcstonCl Clb.Admission 54.a 5.atvtr. Charles 'pico~ hn Ausplices of the Dom -and School ti 1r;phn Decoration Suniav,- iii this year ila the roper Ilo FR AL Sunday, June 29t i. Tle Or Qo, and! New Fleury-Bîssell tandem iUscs, ibe present aâ th év' John 2 plates, $190., 2c6 plates, $2a5. in ite wl ffe.had ontrol or for Ihydraulic fe 1 ausice ofWoms s9c'tloWties $375. Flexi aos t tawbeirry Festival \;ider the ur praeséowee n ber day,1Jne SOh at 6 Variey pro -asp Amissifon A týýýs 60c; child- adu.Wod 1lcti u ren 30c. timent,37c5.. Feeerse$35 20-c Strwberry Fesi ai, edsa, rwerTaco 2 .Pone an40. until ail ae missi :ons 6.tllaion Mîles$35eraJy2ntobhedaS.Svir' d,1-Carke c- da, se 0t t 3ld. A No te im oPyartoa- Adul<tsts 6(c,; chidre c.yuEWectsiCLae Heterl i gain osine:ppy îA ies r tPne,73 r . . e rs$5 a-cy st awc. /11 dnoa-c easyVoIe. -,ati 250 S Pe u fo cplt CARD 0F f Mrs. Arthur AIIM wish to extend the!irhE and appreciation t friends, relatives, e Heather Rebekah .d Pult,21/2 o'?~o N.H1. and N..x L.S. ý1.OO a pieee. Free de- livery oni orders of 100 or over, Lorne White, R.R. No. 3 Port Hope, Phone 2729. 24-d--p kiad expressions of ' sympathy and' beautiful floral tribiÜtes. _VspecialiY thgaking Rev. Kitchenl for/ his con- soling' words dluring \thir recent bereavment ia the loss\ef a Ioving( husband and father. a-p ( ENGAGEMEN Z__ Mr. nd rs\ Regiaald SuLtri Orono, wish to a\rnounce the engà -e- ment of their oly daughter, J byce Maie, to Mr. Milton Kennedy Gray,O son of Mr. and lMrs. Milton -Gray, o Aý YOU PAY Lotus. The wedding w\ill tak, place on Saturday, July '5th ia Oréno., OR TRIS PotHoet oWýme Governor O Laklno one was rt... Genei but can 1you pay for bhis ac- tOcident? You cna if ou are The towa of Port Hope is miaking properiy '\insuired. G,'ýard a- peaation for the coming -,isit o gainst thi Cost'. las re ow. HJs'Ecellency, tlhe ýRi*ght Hon. Vin- OC celtt iMassey, Governûr-General of O IYf CTanada. The following pirogramme 0 ~ 'RE %vas drawýn up and will ho a ent to O- tawa for approv-Al n W _1 OR- Two cars will leave Port Hlope on L ~ OOt the day of' the reception nt 2.45 p.-n. and proceed t'o Battemýwood IHeuse where they will mieet His Excellency ing their f lags. and accomnpany his car te Port Hlope. Upon ariving at the Town Hall The procession will pass a large His Excellency will inspect the Welcome banner which is being pur- guard of honour mnade up of the chased arid wiil be situated on top of Midlands, Legion and ex-servicemen. the Walton Street hill. Then the pro- J His Exceliency wil then proceed cession will, continue to the Tow-n directly to the 'Council chamber at Hall ia Queen Street where the the Town Hall wheme ho will sign s.chool children wvill ho standing wav- the vst'be>ok, and mneet some of _______________________the i,4kadirig citizens la town. When hoe leaves the Hall His Ex- Orono iEiectric cellency will thea inspect the Boy Scouts, Girl Gundes, Cubs and Brow- Phone 30 r 16 nies, who will be, lined up in eadiý- lies .iear the entrance. CONTRACTORS FOR The next item on the agenda was FARM andl ITOUSE the presonitation of a key te the town. Free Estilnates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and «naranteed Repaire to ael makos of EloctricaI Equipusent mid Appliances Snb as 'otors, Water fHoaterk% R q'ie efiaarorx pe Insurance Your insuraitce costs can be substantially re- duced by buying Divi- dend P aying Policies Quetations on req'uest. Leroy Hamilone Phone: OIRONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE Iii ail its branches Fire, Burglary, Hospitalizationi Automobile, Lif e, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabihty, Livestock-, Boiler, Wi'nd. Real Estate 1 av a number of apia tions for mortgage funds On choice properties. Amiounts of $1,0410 to $5.000 reqjiired ont ex-i celleýntectirity and good ia- terest rates. Leroy Hamilton, 13ROKER Orono Tinshop W. carry a ful Uine of Plumbing Fixtures, Pumps, etc. R. E. LOGAN and Rot Water Heating CALUS ZFOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. Professional Directory A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN aad SURGEON qcreHoure. L.00 teo 00p..;m-,INte S." p.m Sondays and W.taa sby appointmeiit .iy PHONE 47.r] - MLONO PHYSICIAN and SURGEON M.ain Street South Office Hours: 2.00 te ý4A( .10 ..6,30 te 8.00 p.m». Sundays and Holiday b 'y Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A., B 1arrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phonos:. Office 6U 8 Homo 653 TED JACK$"CîN Auc.tîineer and Valuiator Conducta Auctien Sales of ail ui=e and r t roagonable ratoo Communicate with bm a t IS Perry, Ontario, or sec hM Clerlie k. E. Morton, at-Oroaso, for dat& JACKREID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuatoe Specialize in FParm and, Furniture Sales Consult me for tenus and, d"~e Phnne 5 r 18 LIFE, INSURANCE pension Plans; Edircational Pollem., Protection and Savinga Plans foc Children and Adults; MortgwgeIl- surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r X The RUTTER GRANITE COMP~ANY Dial 3216 - P.O. Box 42Z Port Hope, Ontario Monuments, GravemarkçrM 1Ener8vnt. (Gýoldleafinr, STAFFORD BROS Monumental Works ýPhone Whitby 552 318 flundas st. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AlP MUARKERS Let us erect a handsom'e, 1tg nified monument over the reht. ing place of your lov,-oý mes It's not expensive. And aoeing you enaless comfort monuments. P. E. DELANTY and SON 106 KINO ST. WEST COBOUJRG, ON.. PHTONEI- 734M This firm erected the Orono Mesu- orial Gates. One of the highest forms of Can- adian sentiment is our traditional' cuistomi of orecting a Monime nt ot granite or marble to our ioved ones who left this life. D EAD STO 0C K I and Cippied Farm j AFor San-itary cisposai. I Telephone Collect I Cobourig 1266 I Toronto BM 3-33 Gordon4Ïvoung xt 1 ât