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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jun 1952, p. 6

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Mr Hornlsby proceedcd 1ï0iP Cobfrom îstein 10gHdgeon, ,wbat- eý,-er thiat means. He flxot Only inti- »iated Ith-Tyruis Ryoddd kliow WV,71lIat be was talkin-g about: Mce -aia< said tisaI i-Hrsy woldph'tra.te tbe Georgia Be-ach asz better hansixtis on aIïst of ail- limoe a-siitar oulfielders,. Wewerc just ab)out t0 sit downvý madbeaton a columa binng tiua 1iornsb-wb~atwitb t da, St,Loi heaýt and(oeetbing or another- muxiit îbave lon is tOp, but good, tetalk or write suclis nonsens-e Buhefore we g it around 10 doing seo, the roof fe:, in ou ijTise Rajah; in cest lie was f'ed froni bis job) as St. Louis Brwuns mmnger just botthe tiie is magazine blast ai Cobb bithIe newsslands. So we to.b aoref Wa unise hecte tiseofkikng a a n When be's down?" and dàin write ArbrDaley of ýT'ne NewYr Fimies apprenly ad imla tbhoughts regarding -4ornsby, the on1y dtifeene bcingtisaI he wen abeadé and wrote bis piecce. PHealso saud wbat we had à in d SO mucs- betýer than wecouild îboýpe b do thtFrom îhere on wearcettn MDaley take over, witb any tbnsfor tise assist on a.'day ,co warm that eveun jtss'l baniiig a type- wý.rîter with Iwo fiiger~ s a rea tiojre. Almos, as mcso- a cboi-e aýs il s irt any otiser kind of wea- the.Corne n, fMra Daey. Rocrs Hornsy às iaving troube enOuIgb ItbeSe dayS. Vet ià is impos- sie b leave unchallengeda~ne rîdi- cul1ous statemlent fbe made in a-,man gaïine rb tia t Ty Cobh', ,s oni- ginaJ las gantthe ïtod(en bal P~saycrs. Tise Rajah destroyed the 'Tbie asiest wa,3y to ansrwer iiat silY soime ip to poin to tbe re- rage iiinbe hsoyof z t ise game, a brahtkn -36j7.fie wou fibe Amerian Laguebatting charn- pionsbip twcive lime-,s iii tiirteen tive years lhe it -over 300, Ibrice soarin)g over .400ý , i d tbe most l;imes at bat, runs, itîs, stoien baises and sundry otser items. Does tbiat soustd like -tINo. Six ouitfielder? Let's look ovýer tbe otbetr five, men, Ruts wvas a better distance slugger; Speaker anda Di Maggio wresicker fielder-s, and boitS Ja-ckson t; nd Williamis were miore giftednaua stylisIs at the plate. But Cobis was overwhellring Ùn w'hat Eddie Stanky once des- cridas"thle initanigib)les" Tbe mjor leagues probablyneyer bdafiercer opeior orïasmart- eýr one IbanýTyý,rus Ryin Cobb.' This etrs favorite stor-y is one uncover-ed by Tom AMeany Ut% so Îillustrative Of Cbbs emlperamnent that iit stands rpatnTlise Geor- gia PeCbC. was an cagr nd rest- Iessly ambiIous nor leagzuer tien playing for Auigusta irithse Sa ly Leaigue. He roed w T a p R uke r, tbe pîtchecr, and it wst1heir babi t10es and undrcess ii i --eir rooing bouse. j One day Rucker w-tas kn cdon of tfcbe bx and alrCady -was in 0t tulb for a ýlisurely batS wben b iscard Cobb cdasb, into their bcd.- roon. Nyerbefore had Rpuekier beaten C obi 0thee tub. ecol hear Ty pacing baýck and fortb- like a1 Caged tiger as lhe sapped Itartly at n Napfobs sowness.The pih- cher ans-tercd flîpantly, Sudden- Iy Cob urt mbtilebatibrooi anid savageIy grasped Ru-cker b)Y ibe tbroat. "H'ave yoti gonec r-azy?" gaspedl Rucker afler figbtînlg hiM Off. YNap, yottiutdon't undecrstanid," said Cobb decspaiiringly. Ttic bioiod drained fýrojnibis fazceas the saua No Larceny Today-Outfielder Hanik Bouer ot, he New York YGnk- tes is out at second on on cattempted'steal. iohnny-Pesky, Tigers' Short-stop, app4id the tcig offer taking peg; from catcher Joe Gînsberg, Ump is Scotty Robb. That's te wayhe playd basebil pedof foot, Howha cspitalized ,)n iti He prfoermcid for ms of b1is c41eer in t-bce era of th2e deadj bail wben onrtin often was te only run of tMe bail game, Ty had nione o)f the b,,ttilig grace of Horn's. by's ie addaebut ,he af Anarter bitter than aliof them om He sp-,faced hshands on tbe bat, using a PASkedgrip. Then be putnched Ibe bil, paigevery so wih rtucse. Dec7p-fiedinig play- ersinvited lbinî te bunlt, So fbe did. If teyplayed i tiýgh(t, b ie for the hioles 10 itb-er side. iOn top of aul tiawas lsfigbtening silcd Ibiat made every ho -a Liurried] ameThat lways ssbispimary applicd everywhtre. fie ,pLayed wt risas Wcll as brawn. \WnWalter johoson wen to O10nheMors, no vne coWtd hit biis blin1ding speed, iniciuding Cobla -, nTy learncd ha ts BiY rnnbad a dread of kiling, a bttr ith !hisfrba. Ilwsaameestllsing to do," Cobs seepislsiy confessed to me a fewv years ago, "buim ltýook ad.. vwatiag of Waiters gente nature. I ke ewud' beau me,' an d '0IC'roý1-wded tise platie, forcing him 10 pîlcis beeI atehiim btý pîtcis. SOOtÀ ïws ittïing im as Il3if, I owned bim." Cob' rain wýas eertngo ailcyin ers evry inistant blewa in a bil garne. Hie neyer stoppcd tbin3king. O-ften bie'd elb)rowu oiî on swbatlookcd 10 be c eelcs foolisis base-running gambles, but Ibere wa a mottE-bindcvy stich mov-e. The artful Cobb was plotîing, He'dý' try foar tislaiexr Melon King-Alberf Ray, '64, has2 benjuqggingmnelons on bis; head during 40 years of dc-icr ing. Dubbed the » WOterm"elon K i ngý," Ray says hie's niever dropped bis "crown," since he substifuted oa watermelon for co p ump k i n base 10, test a throwing arm or tbe way tisefelder made a tag. Ibis would bie doncin-ii a lopsided game,, so tbat Cobb wotild bave tb,1c solu- tion ready for tbeý 1-0 gam-£e. For istn e he made za habïi t of overrunninýg th(ird base in order 10 force a tbrowý from the slick.- fielding fiai Chase. Apatrihu was cstablisbed, 80onore day b tbundered imb third -from isecond and Chase miadetbie throw, Tbt. third baseman sw ý,ooped down b is glove for tIbe tag,.[Howver, Cobb- was on bis way orne witîth t winning run. Only Cobb coufld score regularly fro-m second oni an infield out. ,Any lime Cobb got on a ba-se, a mass case of tise jitters wou,!ld descend on tbe enemy teai. H drove everyone crazy. Tbere is js no way of estirnating the nuiber of games be won by bis very peec on tbe diamond. As a bitter he bad no eq-ual. Nor did he bave on-e as a b ase.- stealer, since tlieswf Georgian stole a record total of 892 bases, incluýding 96 in one seasoný. As anî otflelde'r bh-e was gDoodwitbout be- ing great, deflni*tcly Int scadroit as -Speaker çrDiaggoprobabîy not1 Scgood as Ruth, but Superior fiornsby nanissbmNo. Six!f Got A 700p Year'8 Job Lncky is the man, especia)liy if he vworks for himself, wbhas eniough raw nmaterials to enablýibu 10car- ry on for tIbe rest ofbi life. B3ut tisere is one m.an ivingl near Mob- berley, Nortbh bshr, ias enough material fni or 7001.er, He selîs block of peat, that black-, aromatie, sIow-borning stif whýich as yet is ttnrationjaf. IIt burus in I jopen beartbs and w ýrou-gbt.-iron cradies, giowing r-ed anid gvgout an înttense, uniform iheat. Iu such -parts of England as peasý can he obtainied, il is sold for 3d, a block, but in N',oitis Cbeshire Ibis owner of a, private bog selis it at 8 shilings for 100 bîocks. And bet couid geli of aý million blocks if be 11adithemrvady so great is thedead Eacis block is 9 byV 7 by 3 in-chesý, and whien fýreShIy cul holdsabu 7 lb. of water, They ave to be dried in the openi, and cither fro-sty, or sunnywahe is t1ise best for, drying. Some of tise peat is ýmade mbt fireligisters by, treatinýg il wîth oil and cuitting Pand pressing mbt suitable blocks. Invariably when awoant frank w ith a -an , sbe calîs it being h onest, butvibenl a, mlni starts being frank with a voilani she calls it caddîsh." "Manî is Intuition, m ated." Thought anidwrniýs and' they hiavener - James Stepbiens, NaîlFixrelleves palinuistantly %ansi WART FIx lIa-snee -rmey i eliSal'a ,oy CORN FlX Rýemoves corosaunsica in l 10 in unt"sGnrneslttmdy c. Ai vu IORCHARfl CRESCENI TORONTO 18 ONTARIO ICLASSUFIED ABVERTISINO summer broo ing iheit higb egg pro duc tion -qualities. It.ieggs that pay Thej, fenbillanmralte thoprfit.At no extra, coet Fulian et Tvsddle High Quialty chek wthlos fR. hreeding h aeic of he, edcel pices'for Juns - .an jujy, 4000 R.O .P, co 00rai Iusedb ou bredorpns.Aiso eartef chiks, 1tarted týurkeys, (ol1ci r, puttets, speciai broiler chck, ukey pouýitm. Catalogule prompt TWEDrlDLE CCK ISAT vCHý,EiS =ùD ypergne OnCtarJe W5HFY WAIT, order owPulet--si p- per' ýe choce bedheavy breedo we!ek 85.90; 4 wseýk 809.Mediunme, S wetc$34.*,0; 4 week 08.0.Fog For osoches aie e. aolsin. yixed, pulits. raF tatCSrF,120John N. lIsting. Souver Dn Camp, Moeylls ingî Write 10 ns frrinflormtilon. We are giasi onanswer Founr questions. De. psrtmient H. Parker's Dys Wonrks lmitsd. 791 Venî,ge SC.. Toronto,. FAUMS VOR SALE BRZOORVILLE district -100 acre farm, 15 acres bush, remainder good wortc land, 'barns ln good condition; farn borders Grahamo Lake; possibiliies for cottages; t-room frame, brick tinsfi house, 30 eest off road; tieavY dutF wliriig downstairs recentîF redecorated; centrai location. $3,000cah Apply Mrs. Florence Beath, RR. aloryosu.Ont. FORe SALEi JIJN, th bet moth t ge tureFsfor 'lie Ctristmias ake.Twsddie fast utring trty.reacb miahnrity lu 2-1 to25',weeRlse 80whFtakle theni cachIer, than June for Cnsta.Oui ro Breasted Bronze are reali bard, t,,hear tTbey are short iegged, thici thihsend heaývy brold lbrea-ise.If Fou waov"t the best, purchass Tweddie ponits this e Fe. Als Broad Breasted Wie Htad NereaBeitsviiie WhlteDNebIraskcan X Brd Breasted Bronze, non-sexed, sesxsd bens, sqxed tomns. Frýe turksF gud.Prompnt delivery. , lso startesi t'ak eFýs, ail from Cndin ppoei puIIion en fiocies. TWEDLB HKC-LIACHERfyES 1LTD. Fergus Opti'rio Marin Ontarlo, onc ù0f Otario"s m Ton <20 Acesof go r.sidsoit, ctsared Over Seen nndrea FceetRil'- way Fronitage, For iU-141-.0FeeI li wa Y Frontage,t Fvrad Individu] o Cltyv Water awaiabi]e. A1ppi1 t , . Ennon R. No. 3 Korab). Sanîlt Ste, âMaris. TIRES itamlilton's 'Largest -Tires Sto r ice 1932, Usi ie s , 8.0 and ur. RteaeiTiresý, n0 0 840.Other eizes. criceed ati- ve. Ail work gua.rantýed.A!ilodr C.O.P.$2 iç 50.reoîreilih order. Wýe pay ch1arge aioneway- Penînseula Tirseopr phone -82 NEP etesipssnertre 001 C.O.D. colleet, GedasTire C. 1287 Wveston Rd.. ento. Ont. 2PAIR PILLOW CASES $3350 Wabasso sstthdsz 4 3. Re- fÙnd, s,(n Ion'order to; Rural 'Shopp- ing Servlice Box 1!56, Ter*mýinal "A", Toronto ISAVE 55'$ iPlu E BIïYG SUPPLIES KtTCREN SINES - »ATIIROOMI SETS PORCELAIN enamet steiet aci esiating o-r colonred - chiroenieittinrgs.Launr y tube, - hower cabinetsý - pressure vater eFaqteins od urnuer - septit ani!oi tan iksý, air ùondýttining frn-e. eipfni installation pa ,,aednIts te etnrctc d p moe-a lng ay to bu". Ai Il sipmnetls deîerdFur nearestiallway sýtation. V. 4, 1 INSON PLUMBING U, LE SAVE 00 AECOC IE weeks tume. 3e Gallon. Ingrediente' bougbt at grocerF stores.8 Reci-pes and roeesoniy $2 95. RivrîeC . S. -R. . tPinasaýnt, ihgn JOHN DEERE Plik-Up Sle, Automatie Wire Vie. Engis ontd Eclln Cniin L. Sherwo,, SuereetGa GAAEand lservice sainforsae mlilles east o1bodonon Righway No. Thorudale, COnt. SURPRIE FourFriand, Fonesif I Wili sulFuor Frids 10 $ccPoo Puert'sof Rico. ll)u. CRESS %VAItT REMOVER teesu cr, orDrtiggistsl CESS, RESORT BUSINESS Six owlng iles, initur'e golf coeurse. AeyPort Saly Qu;ite StOp î'tcbing 1oinneet bite,, heas tcash, crema, ie, îpes cleeabatite s fon'ad ot'or eteuli aused skies tro[ibe. Use qnc-atnsobnotspe O., PRESCRIîPTIOÎN. Grealeeese, etainlese,. ttch, stops or Four mnnny k \*ou, druggist Iy t'sPrvcen-eveiy uerrfRhmaI Pains or NeUrýIls sheuld try Dix0n'z Remedy, MUNRO'S DCRUG TOR M MqElin Ofw ToBACCO ELIMNATOR A cenf eremed'y for- Cigarette Ado tis1 Fr es oe "çt, write Kinig Pharmcal oro.Ltd.* (Aberta). Box WiTYufer f there 1,,e3omethïng that wil hip y 3ou? Hudredg "f thousands of flot@ bave been aoid on Da m-oney bLDe uas- ýantee.'SO easy tos. Afte'i' er your Bymp-> ton hveben diagsooeeda Atma o Asie your Drug.gist. Onre wlao elle notier Vae slpertop iîYEMINEIX'to bein aileviate pain. dl>- trees and ïnervous tension Saýsoeiated wItb) $5.00 postpaid in plain wraDiler. POST'S CHEMICALS 3W, qkjEVEN S1T.HASlT l'OJRONT0 POTSECZEMA SALVE BAN1iSB H ýe tîniet i dry eezems rambec si) weeping ekir troubles. Post's Blzeme salve will nos disappolni oo ÏtcbIng. ecaiing, burnion ene. acne, rIngworm, Pimples andi atbists'o foot, willl responsi readily te these taIltess odorlesu ointmnent, regardies f boss stublioro or bopelesa they seen, PRICE $2.50) PER JAE POST'S REMEDIES Sent Pool icrel, on Rernipit,ïPrie MIEN ANI)WOE BE A HAIRDRESSER Ibian ucfsceeseful bMartel greduates mri'sGreateat System i iiusrte atalogueFres Write or Cýalli BiARVEL HAIRDRESSINO SCHOOLS 33à Binor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St..,itamllton C2 Rideau St.. Ottawa PL-AY PIANO ET BAR -IN ONE WEER. BF the ouleke8t, eeestsimpleet, shor>tenut sotyma t he orids $300 . b 1Luigsa Box 475, Loit, aifornia. OPERATE PROTAB,ýLE MiùL ORDER BUSINSS. Slendi Oppotilnity. For Del.Wr-ite: S. R N~ 1323 S5W. P'IRST Avenue, PotindQrgon. PAST .- SURP -bA7 IG Famous Conturirreoffr nw busttine coun- tonrig prorani. 1 minutes dally, no dru'gs or cem.Cmlt Course $1.00 CoiONTOUriRRE, 7 Ca therins St.. ElzbtNew Jersey. ANOPTER toevery invePntor-Liieî ne la. ventlins sud fuinfl mtinsent free. The 'Ramenay V..RegiSteresi P9teni Altor- neye. 32UBnS tr'ee tOtawa 5'ETRRSTNp2AGR &Comoany. Pa- ten Boioior Beaislehsi1890, 360 aystreet. Troto Bokit i nfrm-a, t1lon on reonea jdk'eculon. lk g i*f(i wcavte Iuduco see.p ffqie l. ntfiee Whefn tensA. $LOQ D r g p S f o ~ r e o à l y t . r S di c i . o o t 2 HdLarge Sores On Leg and Foot-- Has HWaed Nicely Thanks To Mcone's Emerald Oil 'My boy la 16 vears nid," wcites Mci. C. C. W., Naile, Teee.-IlLost 3 weeks froni achnisoes "0e O ainful. Afier 4 montbz sud icying rn'os I evecytblng. tee used MOONE'S BMtRALD (OIL aud asuer a fete applications ihCýýe, -àfaiediYv.And uow bis leg bas bealesi niceiY, tanies to Emeraldl Oh." 1 Titousauda 1,f botles are solsi every yesr ta retiens jles sncb cases nf stubboen aldo itcblns, MOO?ý N E E LD OIL is bîigbly oac- traîed sud 's s"1ait bottin bssa long lime. At dig Stores vrter LOGY LITLESS, OUT 0F LOVE WITH LIFE? iin osait.â n p your liver Lbile... junsp out ai Led rariný' ta go Life not wortbh in ? It may lie thse livert It's a fec-t! If Four liver hile l o owing fry yur fodmyntdgs...ga blat p or tmac l . - . eel cn-ý1s stlpateda.1,1't iian rdeg n cf lite. That's when ?ou need infld, genie Carters Littis Liver Pill. You ses Carters hnelp éiultvour liver hile tilt once 7again it is pourig ont al. a rae ofnp t. two pintesa dayif monFour digestive tract. Tt7is sahond dxý gon right np, malte Fou fesi that happY , ps are.1me riîgain. S. 4o't utaF init, gel Carters l i- Lver Pille. Altsys have theni on hand. ossiy 35C fimu ýssy uggist. SS~ 26 -1952 <y CIGARETTE TOACC

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