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Orono Weekly Times, 3 Jul 1952, p. 7

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A.pple Tree Mueltong aboutthe cabird: be ;Ms i htis iu s a good word in whichta becalie, bt he does so wib a sescf proportion. Hle joein't sut goe arouind Siniginig, Godgoody gumcdrop, listen ta «rîy bappy sanig!" iHeIok before '.j ings, ndie rasps ont ai few ~al utotasee whýlo is cedgy Pnough ta jump, and heclaughs raculand(!then be 1cSings, He bas tthigh ital'enit, buitlhe re- fueses to play Ille artiste, Ht1 doesni't deadthetctpmiost bra cbfare lie ca tte anote. )Ht doesnl't sit airounld aitinig for five miit es' jusi -afte, r sunrise. -He sings, anyw'bere cny time, particlary if he is haîf- N way bsure Of a fbuman auIdience. Tectb)ird ïsisue oaIltleMm- rae r miics, and is faily in- eldeiockinigbirds and thriashetrs, 'T ct tlra sbIlels, p-rticnllar ly tht liauthrashe-rs, take thir lmusic seiul.The mcibr is also seronsabot sugigbuit be lacks amjy fine sense of dliscrimiination. BC!u ttabird is a ro--wdy, a nmock- ingbird Sit a Yankee twang aod :a raucouf,-scsese of humar, He bas âls> much music in bis throat as any of' bis cosns utlie lbas quijte qdifferenit ideas in 'is biead. A sang ta biim, is -'tongtabecplAyýed witbl, ja',zzed uP trickecd ount. para- dkSie Oluged at. Life à too short folm ta wbc %erdusas tht brown thrasher is serionsabout ont or ,no Melodies.Laifehis f fmela- dits w;aiting for sýomebÏodjy ta give lhem Stht trd treaitment. We can do witb that approachl, oatcl rlyo a brighit, sunny dlay in Maly.It's a gond verld and tht cairdkows it; Abhebas an lin- nlate sen1se o)f prprto, which is ont cf ht ost 1refreshînig qai fes therc is iu bird or man. Promi Tht e w -vYark Times. Modemn Etiquet Q.How dots ont write a foma cknowltdgmEnt ta a w"ed-1 dling invitation? A.Write on tht( first page,, of a,, hetof note paper, and address taj tht parepts of tht girl ini whose name (tht invtitation was ïissued: "Min.and lvlrs.HenryAW. SOUth accept with peaswur Mad Mrs Johin Philip Sihs idinvitationl ta tht weddiltg and re ception of th theiir daighiter oau Tutsday, tht eiheuhof !'ov1mbetr," Q.Is it praper for a hast and hiosýtess, Who art having a number of gutsts nt dinner ini their hlome, tüe ffer a prayer before br-eginning the meal? A1 This is perfecty ail right. Q.How sbould a waman intro- dueber new daughter-in-law toaa tfriend? A, "MrTjs, Smiith-, thîs is mly luewý daughttr, Bo's wift." Q, Izzn't it good mariners ta comn- ment on tht food ygour bostess a prepareýd for yau? A. Don't be toc profueac Sou tdis, A brief Word af praise miay bue spoken to tht hosess for a par- ticulýarly attractive or deliciaus dish,ý To thauk your bost and bastess profusely for-thtefo4inplies ha you came SalelIy to tt,3t is not necessary to becextravagant in priseo any social favor-ý il-,act, it'is lI-brcd, Q.What is a good exprssion for ~~~, a xes t se when takig leav of bis bostess after an tvening of tertajnment in her home?. ýA,"ooniht Mry (or,! rs Greni); we hiav e ad a miost deligblt- fuI venng or, "fitankyaul for a very ple'asant eveniing."ý Q. 1 bavel'a figuired lamp I wish te pl;ace in front af a picture -win- dew. Sbould it face toward the iving romor the outside? A. Tht decoration sbl-jnd face QIs itgod anncrs ever to taIre bread at tht table witb tht Jerk?' A, Neyer, unlder- any circum-i sat(ei it permlisýsible ta lift bradwih htfork, $3,0>îoOCese Set by set theworl's is ches cleto s en di U)np ar secmesare gr-adua'ly del ting e rig-iial total of n'earl 15,00 chesmeuincldiugover400eý comlete et CS iade b!Y th criaits- WatýCbin]g the ispersaI ort-Ibis spenlt .5years lIl uidig i p; origlial idlea wsta bequeIlath thle lot othe. Bc [ritish Mlseum, ïýbuit awig~ a resnt-aytax'ation beýI couldkt a fordcthe gsturie. as a young anlie waýs -severtal times chapion ofBcinhm sbreThliibe feu ilvictim ta the fascination e f period chess pieces -auid baîf a lifetim-e lacer emeiýrged as owuer a i the world's Iargest collection and authior cf a standard ywork o('l-,tie subjei'ct Warrh w%,ell axe-r "$30,0'0 bis chess rarities were olteni in danger during the war-time blitzes. So Mir' Hamnioud had a bs'ainwave. HICI fiîd hmwith sadAnd .e'd b'is tesrdcesmuisd.Des- pite narrow sueks itey srie itota casnalIty. s chsen l-Ci ii i1an ssortment whic in1es exqisite pieces cred for Easterul princes and chess char- acters froim history. There are examples fashiioned in Venetian glass, boue, bronze, alabaster, ivary and wood, Giants of the collection are Oriental setsý in wbicb thie major pieces stand more thian a foot highi, Jo contrast are the simple, rounded M obamme1'icdan C!c.essmen, made aIs 1mere symmiiietiicaleishapoes ta conform ita the Moslem iiijunei- tion a;gainst îhandifinig images, Tht eariest sets are aboult 3001 years Iii a finie De lhi set of 1790, chess- mnrepresenitinig troaps of the Bni- tibEast inidia Comipany face chlessmien inatives. A relie of the Franico-Pruissian war is onie in whicb ikenesses of' Napoleon IIT and the Empifress Euigenie confront Wil- liam-, K n g Pruils sia, and bis Aset miade during thle Last war, wîtb wbich r. Hacilod bas (now p lte ias r.Chutrch!illPresiden't Roosev;elt, S talini .ndciG o e r ing aogtht -cbeFssmen.' One nineteenth enturyset wa:s c arved (1by a Ch'inese cr-aftsman with a sese o huour,-a)t a time af troule in)tlie TeayPorts,Clue Chess; ide is of ChIin'se, thec otherT of Biis ains acb marine figui-r rasips a-cuttlass in one Ibaud and auPi) erof the d(ay"io àt ht atebecause t- roops had ;to obtain arsta quleillriots! Tbreads lier Waýy Through Cnttto-n Necchi, seated, will hame used more thoin 1 2ý4000 yards of thread and'put in 200 hours of labor when she finishes sew,.ing the More thon 10,000 words of the Co-nstitution. Mode! Anne Ma(ýnco, 20, of Romre, Itafy, wotches the demonstration of sewing-mcchine skI at an lialian manufacturers' fair hel d at Grand Central Palace. Are Bïg Policemen Mr. . ,Crwey ormeIr Ciet Conistablie of), csleo-ye states thait tht massive,muta- ous piolicem-aný of tht presenit day iS ont of date, and that tht efficiency of tht foýrce woQuld be incrcased by copcpbytsically - conditioned men abou11(lt 5 f t, 6 iu. taîl. This willofcour-se , increase 'the ega of tht nxany 1millions anf short men i thtcotrily, Histor-y Ib proved 'ithat short men aredanger- an s, Tfihey sjfer from n Ien- îority comIpex anmd iare awy as ing tîroubl)Je. lxne ttGe Caesar andNaoonwralsht Sa wýere H it',ler-Cand -Mso li. Pierre LvaI was ery sot Somtims tt l ofdaItroubLLle thecy cause is tht nlighit' sort 'A trouble. Little Mayor La Guardia, for intne a osatyhitting, Out at inijustice; adi' akof inches id nat!)mprevenit him ,from- being ïinstrumiienta-l inii ing ine- peudence for hiiý epl.And be- cause shiort men usuall baj 1Ive a great deal of en-ergy-, itey m,-akeý good military leaders, Fredcriclý tht Great, Ghe DulPe of Wellington and Làrd Roberts al measured less than average beigbt. WJLD STRAWBIERRJES -Prom Countrymrn's Yeor, by Haydn S. Pearson= MfR, WEBU,1STER defines the strawberry as "the juicy, edible, usually red fruit of a genus (Fragaria) of 'rosaceous plants." To dismiss wild strwberries th sumarily is Iess than justice. William Butler was ýeacrrste correctdergree of enthusiasm whien he vrmarked), "obl Godl couild have nfade a better berry, but doubtless God neýer id" When tde galant Duke oi Gloucester, later Richard the Third,wa discuig coconaton Iplan oibbis lords, it is 1repor-ted from no less , a sourcedta hkse re' ichard 11 I tatheaSkeýd the Bsbp F Ely to tend for sone of them from bis garden Ain Holborn. The:cunt'ryman l ookýs ahead to, severaî generous meSe.Tee sometbig about wild-strawberry tme thaetq it1 apart as a specia season on the calendar. Those who live in tOn contry know the spots where they gros ws; on the sunny slops of upand pastres on te gray banks of ravies,éin hiupear mowving bfse andiaHongdih southsiswaof stone waIs., Wbea few wçveeks ago therewa rfso of white fIoweris\Vith goldencemues, poix the tiny Fru ae ointed in shape and deeop crimisoni in color, No mnatter how pressing the foai work, the counyan Can spare au hour or two, W'imtto-quart lard paiîs for container, he is glad ta o dote piking. 0f course when the paiîs are fuilI, be is happy to turn thO-emi over to Mothrand the girlsfor hullng The point isr he know tht about a pn of the red nuggets, well crushed a!nd poured over a couple of generýouisly buttered hoillemade biscuits in a soup plat, wilI bc waîtirg for him wheu becorneus in from the eveè-nig chtores, The countryman, facing bis heaped plate witb understaindable anticipation, is certain they are the best of Nature's many free gis of fields and'forest, How Far Does A Fly F1y? Scîentis8ts attached ta tht plublic health Service in- Ciniciniatti, Ohio, have just di;scovered tht aoiswer ta this questioni. Tbey iubjected hunii- dredu af flies ta radio-activity. And they discovjered that a fiy ofteu waniders fùr ight miiiles s ofilod food, 1That was lictheUnited States. In Brîtain) it bas been fund thlat a fiy will travel 11p)ta 12 miles from its place- of carigin. How dcid tht scientists establisb tht fiues' iden- tity? Tht insects wýere first put into a box and a quauýtity of very fine red powder was sprayedl down ani thtem. Weual were well colaured they -,ert released., Before .startinig ta fiy, ost aI the iinsects setled do-wu for a goodJ d'eau up,- but noue canild get rid ai al tt ed 0,grainis. Sa dnii cation later ou1 was easy'. Other fiy researcbi in Britaini shows thlat in thtc openl air a fiy rarely iecs moýre than ten or twýelve feet above tht ground. OAnd flies i America arceneyer seen above tht first storey of a skyscraper. Mouthfulof Gof-Claiminrg that golf k the easiest spart in tht World ta master, tht gentfleman in tht long flowéing robes, who bis himstlf as Count Yogi, de-' monstratEýs how he drives while while holding the club -with his teeth, 'Ht claiins the lawest i 8- hale score ever posted, 29-26- 55. Why flot play in tht big tournamnents? Ht dlaims he's beiEn barred "becaiuse 1 debunk tht ttachings of tht profes- sionais.' The jam ianîd jelly-maký-ingsesn aren't here y, but it won't be: long now, the wvay the weeks ýseern to fairly whiz b So a few hiný,ts anld recipes aon t-his linemiltbwotpblsn, worth your cuýLtting otanld svn too. For what is mr aifig tha tohav acupboard, or sevs well stocked ithj-nýs and jelliecs -thec real om-a"knd Of curse, yoii want1xto be sure clear and brigbit in o1or . . .rs in, fiavor ., cnd "set>'tjust the waýýy youi want tbem. Tbjere's no f un iii a faiiure! Tbat's one, of the big 1reasons,, why mure and more womi- en each year are- coming to'depend oni comm;iercial fruit pectin for their jamr and jelly m-akirg, Another reason is tegrand -(time-savinjg thiat fruit pectin effects, Witb fruit pectn-eiierthe bottledor crys-ý tal kind-you can depend on1 su3rel resuits, every tme. AUl yori need to do, is follow exactly the prinited, insqtructions. 0f course, any good cook %will ïimmediately see an alIditionl iad- vant-age of the "short-boDil" ~metblod ecueof the short boýiling timie ail the deliciously fresh fiavouir of thec fruit is retained . . ,the frce colour is retained, too. Bottled and c.ystal pectin are natural fruit pectin, in con,-cen-trated farm, By using tbem y-ou are able te jell al fruits-even thore whý1ich were once thought to be poor je- ing fruits. You can use your frits at their ricb-fla,7ored,- richi-colicred, fýully-ripe best. An it is 'nnecces- sary to "hoil down" the fruit or juice Best of all, the uncertainity is taken ont of jami or jelly mnaking -t-here's no testinïg for"denss or no fear of yu jrsor jellies no', settingý_. STIRAWBE1R-ýY JAM 4 cups (2 lbs.> prepared fruit 7 cups (3 11s.) sugar '/2 bottlt liquid fruit pe',tit To prepare fru't. Crii,- complete - _iy one layer at ae time, 'tboult 2 quarts fully ripe bernies. (If desir- ed, sieve haî1f of plp,) Measuire Il cup )pulp inito large Lsacýfpý'n. Te make jami. Add sugarta frui isaeana-nd mix we'c1. place,, over ibighlbe-at, bring to a;jfli rol- ing boit and hou hard i1 mîïite, stirrinig cntnl.Remrove fromn b1e't a11d at once sýtir in liqu*d fruit pti.Then istir anid skiun by turus for 5 inuittes (to cool sligbitly, to prr-vent flitin)g fruiit. -Ladle quiick- 1 ' ito glasses. Paraffin at once. Makes about 10 six-ounc e glasses. RED RASPBERRY JAM 4 cups (2 lbi.) prepared fruit 61,/ clips (234 lbs.) sugar V2, bottle liqaid fruit pectin To prepare fruit. C rush thoï iougbly about two quart fully ripe berres. (If desire. sieve half of pulpto t remove some of seeds.> liMeasure 4 cups iuta large saucepan. To make jam >kdd sugar to fruit in saucepan and .oi' weli. Place over 'high heat, b ing te >t fui] roll- ing bail and boil bard one minute, stirring constantly. Remov, from heat nnd at once stir in liquid fruit pectin, -heu stir and skim by turus for five. minutes ta cool sligbtly 1to prev~ent floati-îg fruit. Lad(le quickly into glasts arin -tý once. Makes ii aot 10si-uc glas.ses. RED RASPBF.URRY AND CURRAýNT JELLYý 4V2, cupq (2V4 lbs.) juice 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar '/, battît liquid fruit pectin To prepare juice Cruisb thor- ougbly aboLt l¼2 pounids fully ripe cus ants. Add hali cup vater; brinig to a bail. Crusb thoroughly about U'/2 quarts fully ripe ý:aspberries. Place fruits in jelli cloth or bag and squeeze ont juice. To make the jelly. Measure sugar and juice into large saucepan; mlx. Bring to boil over 'bigh heat, and at once add liquid fruit pectin, stirring constant'y, Tben bring ta a full rolling boil and h)oil bard one minute. Remove Ira 1be, ,skim, GOOSEBEl3RRY JELLY ibxpowdered hruit pectin To prepar(e jle cubthor.- ouglyorgrind about 41/-, lbs , or 3 qurs uly ripegoeeri Add ciont cupiî,water, btingtoa bl And s,'immer, cvrd 0mnts Place fruit in jelly Clotb or bag and queee ot juce.(If tbIerýS is a sligbt sorta2ge "f juic, eld smIIall mount of water to puilp in jelly clotbi and uez againi.) Measure sugar into dry dkb and-,,ýiý set aside until Ueededù. ,eaSureý juice into a 5 to 6-quart acea and place over 'ottest beat. Add powere fritpectin, mix -well and continue stirring itutil mixNtu-rtý cornes to a bard boit, At Once p)our in sugar, stirring ccnstaoitIy. Con- tinue stirring, bring ta a fuli rolling boil ,and bail barid hî iue Remove from b"eat, km pour quicly, PaIraffin bîot jeîily at once.' Akes ý,about 12gass (6 fluid ÇUICUMBER 1MAR M AL A DE 2V2 cups prepare i cucumrber 3' ctps (l'/ lbs.) sugar, ibo.x powdered fruit pectin /4cup lemnon juice, 1 to 2 tablespocns gr ted lemni rind Tc preparc, the cucIumber. Peel, about 2 poundics fuilly ripecucm bers. Choipv ery fine or,1 grind. Mea- sure 21/2 cups into a large sauce- pan. Tomnalte tht marmalade. M ea- sure sugar and set aside, Plaýce saucepan lholding ccube ver higb beat. Add powd redfrit pec- tin, lemon ,jiCce, anidrind anid stir until ixturecornesto a)brd boit, At ance stir in suIgar ,Bini-g ta a fI roýDlling bail ad ai brd conti mntStirring con-stanitly, RemlovtL fr-omy. beat, then ttir and Skimi by tuirn' for S inu'ies ta cool sligbtily, ta prevent fioatinig particles. Ladle quickly îiota glasses. Paraffin at onice, Makes atbouit six 6-ounice- Not-Ids;ired a;7ej, ros f green çolorîng may bc addel bi1 mitt eis con1g tc a*aih -. * -urc o * STRAWBERRY MARMALADE 4 cups (214 Ibs.> prepar-ed fruit 7 cups (3 lbs.) sugar ý1/,battît liquid frui pectin To'c prepare tht fruit. Remoiive s'kisin quarters f romi m1.ieditrs- siîzed (oranige anjd 1 ime(diuml-sizetl klmon. Lay quarters fiat; shave off anid discard about b3l of ie part,.VWith ai sharp kniforsior siîce remaÎinî ng rind vcry finie. A(dd V>2 cup wýater and'/tasnnnr/ bring ta) a boil adsmecv eredi, M10 mioutes, >4tirsÎiog occasion.. ally, Cnt 3f ftighit skiu )Of peeledC fruit and slip) , Ap oul't of each section. Add pffup;3and;.jluiceta un- draied cokedrind andmimnmer., coveredj,-20 minijuc lnge.-. Crulsh fruIits and nmeasopre LI cupijs n'toa 'very large saucepan. Tr malte the marrmalacle. AIrd sugar to fruit in sau-cepan ýandmi well. Place aver Ibigbh leat, Ibring ita a fuilI roingp boiit ,iid bail biard one inuiteý, stLlrilig conistant, Remove ,cfrom b leat and at once stir in liquid fruit pectin, Then ilstir and ski hytuirus for 5 inuItes, to cool silitly, ta(-)prevent @f iat inlg fruilit. Ladile quicl to gLasses.Para- ifin aIocetaksabout 10 sixc- ounce g!aýseS. PEA'CH MARMLADE 4 çcùps' (2 lbs.) prepoared fruit P'/, cups (3-,,' Lbs.) zugar 1I battît liquid fruit pectin Ta prepare fruit, Remocvi skins su quarters fcom one orangend ont lemon. Lay qunrters fiat ; shiave off an(' dis-;ard about fhaîff Iivite part. Wîth a sh,rp kife, slice te- maining rrind very finýe. Ad 4cur water and 1-16 teaspoon sodIa; bning ta a bail and simmiier, cov- ered, for ten minutes, stirriný. ow- casionally. Cnt off tigbt skin oCf peeled fruit and slp pu1 j lp onta eachi section. Add puilp, juice anld 2 tablespoons lemron juiice ta uni- draîned cookedl rind and simmier,ý co-ere . 20 mfinuites loniger. Peel -Ad it bouI,-ofns s ;tip N '>4 N N N N N N N

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