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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jul 1952, p. 2

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It is iius, exacýtly 2,728 yeera sice the first 0Olympic Gemes -were belti on aplain besitit the river Alpheus oiver flIe-c jeltbat tcer <tItiGrecce. Anti wbilc we ddei't !appen 10 cover the event personally, sior titi the sports wxriters of thlat day make mention of sncb facts-tbey didn't acven teIl the size o! thct gate-we, wonDldnjl't mind makiîng ad modest bet thtit is just eecly2728 years s5ince the Ifirst Olynrpic gamles sqab ingaso îok -place le fac-t, we wxould be pretpereti taoffer fair- Iy fiueal otis that suh s the cqse, 1kw tdo we lenow Itt this la so, wen tb hAistoiýrienIs anirecord boos ae ut 0on- sncb m1altera? Wc'llil is ol oprlvl shiort tt7e-c yeas ta be eat cicrèdeCpuetin baii hd the screwy kle atfi , since 9boys ant iatllleic. bave gonc, together tIown the eages, etinat4oi aniatlectica muighit vwell go3 hanti-in-banti toward a bte interationl nderstantiingSSa he aniabuncb i o sýimIilanly ,ïdeep thinIkeýrs reývivectfic th Olmpics. The finIt of thie modem Ol 0ymipics weic eIelinjeAthens jein1896, Since then tbe fatbletes have gathiereti - 1o promnote goodwill anti interna- tioal nnti11(erstanding-ie Par,.is, St. Lt isAtens igaii-, Londoni,Sok holm-i ,tnlwrp, Paris, Amantemt.iam, Los An-geles, -Berlin, ai L onto It ia estimatet itatmoritan 29,000 atýhîctes repreaelinlg 58 ton baecompetet inj the: gamets, Anti Iis also. estimeteti-- by us-,- that there lbave been fer morettaln Z), 00Q0 s quiik s, soj a bb ie s >anti 0 geecraï hbarbos over saiti gemes, to<S0-I not'hirg of a c'otle oi World Wars andti fouror five minior la ones. 0f course, we aen)t saýying î%at Llt,e wrcentirely ne- pognsible for these World W\Vas. Stifl, WCve iitn*t have tbcm t111thlt gantes were revîvedI, anti w've bad f11111e cise since. "The comptitions were etimeIy asaeraI the tart aidthe ol priz,-s wcre laurelwmab-w qstote again f rom, the record. "Onily frea Greek citizens wcre eloed t4e com'pet. But civic rivalry le tt tF-icker Yanti profesinamanti tha Gaines bacante dagradeti aftar soe cýenturieS. heRm cnurt Greece fbc Romnan emperors tumti! the- Olympjic Gaines fom patriotic, religions ai atbletic festivals imb amvasanti cireuses. They tirag.. geti an malodomausly until they wema finally halted , hy dacrea of Empemar Theodosius of!'Rome i n A.D. 394." Weil, biere wc are je the e- ligbtenecd year 1952 with the latest edilion of these Olympics coteing tip; anti alreatiy here je Caniada wc have a2 foretaste of what 'is tacornüe -amayTomonto ila claimling it bas beenl gyppetiý by Montr-e1al at Van- couve-alrady aîf af our ama- teur etlectic auithorities -arc calling cmsaimakiegsoots et the o)ther haif lllantivice era.What wjhJeStain's LY boys bcle jeCorn- petitiout over there ue tsis whtislab 'ohpe tee'i likely toiaiakethe F intink trie-y are b1aving an, encore ùai jt ata afifair e Hrohia.Onpapýr thlese Olympie Gmes are avery fine affirBt ije praictice-w-ýell, they seem t4cworkot a bit dfeet Anti ïwile we re no booster for ticaasievery flime the Oly-in pues cone p w ca ehep i1hng for somlebod(1y like EmprorTbo- tiosïins ! Rmewbo " -.finally hailtedtýi be ydere ,Now, to turc ta a subjeta i more pleasant, here's some news for you loyers of the trotter-s anti sitiewheelers. A record entry of 600 horses ton 15 stake evenis. hati heen fled with Tonlfeofficiais when the, lista weccloseti on Aprîl 15, le view o! the an-ticipa,-tet iheavy shipmrent of hamacs for over-nighit eveiîtS, ar- reegemee-lts hav' been ate oc again, 1to aquarter 1-the racer-s in the rnelninig-horsc bame3s, we additio ta bbc .350 -steits w bîc ave e xcls il t poDctv tof the ýtrot- tirrg fraternîtv, TeCaniadien Cup Recce-riebesi hiareess-mecing eveeit le Canadla- bas been seheduflet ifor Setumtay, August 9. The evenjt customarily bas bee maection e0,Fritiay but it ~ ~ t wa b!e aSaturdlay Ibis sumer e rtier to facilitarte Ibe. prsneo! menary faming 'hermss- racin)g enthlnsi2sts whlo ledil di!- * ?lh s îhe scond i three celvei-t colmn dsîgedta ,ve you at ,id(a, ~ Gnad pror o ad t Confederafio 11F Lacrosse, curling and snowshoeing are rated] as the first organized sports ta be p1ayed in Canada, aSti in that order, but of this we bave some 4onbt. For the rmost primiîti ve sport in the world is foot-running. Sorme caim that wrestling is the oldest.' But we harbor the thought that primeval, pre-historic man, was mare ikely ta have instinctively taken ta his heels at top speed, when ance of the horrifying beasts of the, era came into view. Wrestling such a mnonster waould be a last anti prabably fatal resort, SoCanilad-,ailadfoot-racing ~akin peCneeaindays, amo-ng therà sport's. This can bie provent by th-e records. 11hou1gh fauly, oubtessin the iiatters of tiigie, thýese indicate thiat foot- racing was a mPajor sport in 1867, and( doubtless lbefore. Ati Barrie, Onit, still anxml y pr gct, tere wa,ýs h on Octobýer P, 1867, what was termied a Cana-ýdiain PedestriaL Tournamient. It was feattred by a 3-mrile race for $200, cash anid a gold mledal, and the, inner wsonec DeKelso, whlose time for the distanqe was registered Pat 13 m.iý l s. Probably the track xas short or thec watches fast, for this ime c was consîdierablv faster- than GudrHa-egg's miodem , record for the distance. On Toronto's Parliainent grouinds of the time, an Junie 24, 1867 (we quota a long-defunct sports publication known as "Spirit of the Timnes" for these facts) there was a championsl ip race ta decide the hast professional or amateur runner on the continent. Sergeant Harley and Private Wood, Ioth of the l7th regimant, miet in this test, the private won, and the time was alnnaunceti as 4 minutes, 2 seconds. WVe shotild be very rcm-iss, to thle point of Iackiing j itl]ts if wc faileti to miention Canada's national gamie, lacrosse, which un idoubtedily was je full wngtrugotCanada ïje andi long before 1867, but 1unfortouatcly authenitic rcrsof this arc lost, if iloty evar ettisteti. Ir is said that the frst rccorded mratch, under sne sort of riies, was played inj 1834 betweee, teamis of Iroquois anid Algonqttin Indians at a Montreal rc-ore There iîs somei record, too, that the Olypripic C-lb of Mfotreal, organizcd je 1842, lseîd -nrnual a.thjctic mecets the ighilight of which wvas a game ofC lacro)sse betweelI'ndianl teamjs, or whitcs against an .Inidian team, Apparcntly theý supremnacy of the , indiaxns was admitted, for the whiteýs werc llowcd 7 mien ta thicfndians' 5 je thiese contcstc, -it is îaid, thiough-- not proveni, that the first organizatioe toi be devoteti to lacrosse was the lMontreail Lac-trosseCl, formied je 1856. Undoubtcdly the gamne waspayt theýn throughouit OntLaria, for- in 1807, twhcn thfle separate provinces of Craada %vertc wclded inito the, Domtiiini, lacrosse vas adloptcd as Caeada's nlationlal gamne by act of Parliamet. We spolce of curling and snowshoeing as following lacrosse in the matter of age in the Canadian sports- picturt. The Montreal Curling Club, foundeti ini 1807, playeti its first 4ner-city gaine at Three Rivers in 1835 against Quebec. The curlers cf lboth ciitis dreve by sleigh,.a mere matter cf 2m0 miles, there and back. Those were the days cf seal t.part, The tird ofl'three Calvrt oi s skeiching sPOjr et the~ timue o! Cn! eer~fionad before, appears zînextwk, 'four cQmmirrelttlond suggesions f hiscoluimn wUiib.iewelccrned by Elmer Ferguson, /o CzPIv,rt lijuse,43 Yonge Se., Toroffo, VUt PIS TIL LERS LINMED ficuilt to get away front thieir fart-ns on, wecktiays. In the past two ,ýseesoens, he horses-Dr. Stanton, Fna' oy and Malcolmn Hanovr-bave divid.. cd the spoils ie The Cenadizin Cuip Pace.' Ie 1950 Dr. Stntoni woni the first heat ai then wtas beaten» by Linda'sç Boy ie the second tab Ie 1952 , Malcolm iHaXINover beat Dr., Stenton le a photo-finish jen the frst heet buit the Doctor camne hack ta win Ythe sýecond daab with Malcoîni ie close atttn4ýance M . IF The situation is likely to bc clani- fied on Auguist 9, for aIl1 threec horses hiave been entered ie this*ý Year's renwa ad onleo! them-- may leyclaim 10 .othe ýclear title of Caneýdian Pacieig Champion, -Dm., Stpanton ,rccnltly euati the traclk rco-rd t sil-, sisbe ve This Was The Firgt "Delicious," Apple One migbîcon ilitamial thjat, from a1 nc seed, an aple couli the worli's outstanidinigapl varie 0,es, hi isexaCtly wbat hap peneti wiÀtb wbiat ,e nowv cal the Deliciaus apple. ineabout 1 870, MOr. caseFHuat discovered bis orchiard noi4rth o! Peru>ije MAadison CounY, oa, a youeg seedlip'g, whiicb wtas growieg outsitie of a row oif apples, Knoîw- ing that most seedliligâvwere wNorthj- Iess, be cnt this young sproult off and tbongbt no more aboutý il uiijl it sent up another vigorouts s51cm anti then he decided that if itwat cd tc grow su badl>, he wouli let il grow. ie due im ie, Ibis seedlieg prodtîceduit. e-thongbt sormncb o! il that he ira nmeiit the Hawrkeye, 1nuin i dpteti state of Iowai, HVtied for ytars ta get loca' lnurserymen 11initeretedý ý ie propagatiuï, ig adinrtuigbi varjety withîo1t succeSS. Ien1893, the Sta, Botes ', sery etLosiaMsor, ee 'holding their annuaýl fruit sh-ow, in- viing anyone inlecsted tasenid ije especially eew seedlinig %vanîcties. Mn. RiaIt sent je afe specimiens anti they came la th- attenîtion of Mr. Clarence Ste k, wbio immedi- ately fell ie love with the epple, However, je some' t ay, the came anti atidress of the sender hatibe- corne olt, 8 no contact that yeaýr was made with Mm. Hiatl, Mr.. Hiatt being a persistent maci, sen-t ano'ler semple the necxt year tla ta'- samne show, anti biftme Mn- Stark immediately got jintuch f b Mm, Hiatt and, tiîrough si contract, secured propagatiýiionrj - for ie, apple. Ther ar uwo atonieslid as t hiow t'iealrye was finally amti One wýas iba.t a fietiof Mr Sek wbjlt Ctestinig Ibm eew eçie apple, exclaîimed. "e -i1o41(Th otitr story Vis tatMm. Stark p a eotfebook je%, wb- icbe jolleti down wa,ýs ttCme tf hawas fina1'y tdeict- cd uLpon ta give Iisnc'w varicî y, whlich le lime- becaine the mosi popufler apple ,eity ;in the wovri.1 It i c leîmredtl Iht0ee are 1mre Deliicious apples t1101 anyV other onea aitFo "The Original D)elicýiaus Apple Tree, by Roberl L. Hendrick, len 'Pionieer Americn Gamdenng," omkpil'd b lei j S)ossorit. Fairy Tale Stuf f se i t t a kes' a 1 ,Il ter ,lnin ig yau cari do to kep jenthe seme Plaîceý, If you wavnt te, get omwhrease, you mutst rue et iclaSt twice aes fast as ta. Lewis Carroîl mtatie atobser- vation many years ago bunit i ts manly o! today's econoi cmle- tics, like a Hollywood tj st filîs out a bathingr suit, .A f ew weeks ago, 37 nonzt bus drivers 'stegeti a 29-day strike that tieti up the public raspr tation sYstemi of Sydney, .. city of 30,000 peop)!e. They finally goý t a meie('of171/C ait holr, AnQotic r union, thebig 4,000 me 1bes St l Wokrat nearby Domini2on See and Col apeuei odly. The! raise will cost $20ý00(J a year. The bus comnPany "ý";S !1 break- iflg aven as it was, Têpay .tbtre raise, it applieti for a faric rease., Whotdo Jyou thiýnk ;s thein op- pon)cWt? You gueeti ;t:SteSegl union. Why: Efcause thelc-, sccl workefrs arc the onesý who uýse the busesmot . Who saii Alice in WVonderlaïtd is a fairy tale heFnancial Past, Beer Fumes Cure VW hooping Cough ChsildreF ufeinirotwhop ingcogijth Swdhvile o! îalmstad uic1 y recovýter, thaka -ta, al noveý!l cr iviib, a local doctor, We hear thai t, afîr exming a young victim, h ivaialyorders him to be piîut nt(topla y ine the yeasting hall of thle local beey Here he lias fournd that the11 car- bonie acid fume.-ýs given off Iturîing the yeasting prjceCs 1 banisýh iwhoop:I- ing cough even ij e verybad ca.ses , Jnusuial cures fior whoopinig cough have hbeen tried for cnu ries, fle u n tite1,,71,ing cure bas 1had some sC 1 %C0w Yorkshire chiltiren i ý seven atif1 four were taken il14,000 ft.il)pijea 'pflasie and wcre said to be better after thetrinp, North country peopleu tseti to believe that if whoopinigcuh vietims inhaleti immonia fmes ýat gasworks they wald be Cuired, buit there's no relîa-ble euviden-ice that) any were. A Susex ac laieti, that he cured hýimself of "thi-ehoop- ing cough' iie 1822 by riing hatî-. les-, over the IDowns je a raý jIe- storm. Another quanm rmdy er ago was t'o place a lîve rog -on! a child's cïhes't 1Th1Cidea wasthaî1ýt the couigb wol be drawn linto th, frog! LOGY, LISTLESS, O-UT 0F LOVE WITH LIFE? flua wse r P yeur lîvee ble jusnp eut LA bai l rn in eg Ife àlot worth livingi? It MaY be tisa iver! It's s tact! If yoor sîVer hIle lm udt lowng eey yens'food sney not digest . ., gao blafe p Nour tstowlis,. -. ,you foc] con. dahiPt teftiansud kl go out ofýhMfeir1c Th's when ou naa mldsentIe Carters Ltte Liyr ins -o u isas Car ters '6I ~arng ut a ".'c of up tOtwo ffn tj a dy byoa'digestive trct. This Phos4d yo h~b'p, mai. yen fûee tIsa ha4py c.sar 'i sin.Sude-Ysty usigt On hpiLnd. Q00iY 3c 5, p RY drssggh SPO0RIS colu MI 105ae g n' . Cash iOn on ethe good egg pt ",e>,lrts"ae sure tu gît Ibis fe,! adwnexPrompt delivery Gu dy olfi la jtat ed clhi(,Iiswlthb ltýotsIut 0. P. breedtng ,bIlk (f then, 'Aiso) day nid and star ted t urkeys, b rottee hiceseider pullý es. Caaloue 1TOP NO TCICHIOR SALES COuep1,1,Ontario _THItE will be tes. iaying pullets in the cou lntry Ii1 feu1. Egea are up and 1', ires wili go highler. Prompt delivery on day-1d,1 ik> .statedchiesuad sI.taraf tunrleeys Tweddle chîclea have lots of 1,01P, lireedingr hacle 0f tbem. Ovar 4009 R1. . cocLserlssedlununr matlng Ibis Year Ailtooldr plletmi, sPeclal bruiter WEDECHIOX HAi1TCHERIES ITD, pergusOntario DOT mssth jray speclaxIs-PuIlets, sbtipp's cbutce breelIi, 1heavIes I eeke-ý 42550:4 weks03080.Mediumis 084,q0 aud 38. 50, Pries your uaru choio appliatio, alo daold hipis, mxed polilus. Brey Hatcliery, 12c, John H._ lqamlilton , ornarest agent. EQUIPED booskeetngcabîn,>035.00 per eel, Niisaue Dstrct.Grand' '53R" "Witeor sea Naýturopaîtoe Donor - Otato Llcensed. Haaltb D rogaS'ilDafutAvenue., Natur- paibto Hialtb Cut, Toronto. DEALERS WANTED 011,S, GREASES, TIRES Electrîel Apitanea. etigralrs aPst Freezers, 5411k Coolers and eId G( (rIndirs Hobhsho Macstnry.Deaiers wantad. Wýrite: Warco CGrease andO h iLIm'Ited., isorie e us for lntorsnatlon. We ave ;id 'oeansiser vour za!ie De- Pagrtnint P. Parlier's OyG e Wrsrks Lbited. TPHEtIEwu'thi s ety une encd Ji!,y ha.tubed turlesýys in the counItry thîs ye.-- his nwms there shoUld ha a, goodý deadfor tresb tiîd turkeers fer Chi Cms, et our reciuned pr1ces for Soir. Aiso speial prines on two. tbrîa sud t our weePl, 1(1 turleeys, efieur' ex- reey1wprice on tw"O "etbreî Weele ldBroad Dreeeted Bronza toms. We hava B3roael Breastîd rooeWhite Holiand, Beitîville White, N ebrasen ebekeni X Boa Beasted Er"opreuon.s esxod hans. sexcd topms. Pýrea turkiy guide. Prompt dlivery. PergusOnltarie TIRES ia lonsLergeùst Tira SJto-,ra îna83 used TiIres. 07.00 and p. Retrea-ded Tiras., '00 s16, 034.00. other sizas., prlced a- corîif. Vileýailgnsud rtt-aelnz ses' iceý. Ail wo0Ck gueraeteed. Ail oriers C.0.0. t2 i60 reoired wIth order. We ptai Cha)rges ou ay Penlnsuj l Tire ore at1on, 859 in Striat West,Hail. Pne7-1823 2PAIRP ÎLLOW CASES$35 WVabaýsso esith sire 4 3 a "un1s, sntI ner oDrdcr ta' Rural Shopp- Sibw ingalers, rmIniatura golf course. fIshpouj, oangr-nis, etc. prieed rtgbt fori- st1cleSli. Appir Steve'j PRnwlirt Aller. Port Sialey,' £RESSCOOtNSALVE~-Forsurereif Yont- Druggist sa REÏSS. PLUMBING AND I4EATING CATALOGUE, FREE The 282 atalogue ta ofy theî ea.Wrt fu o rrcp or virit thse uew wareboýusî ndsu for Iyour"scilitoc nmodel hathroom dispey litei and coloulretfi ftures, In stadar sie htbromsWiîb tilîd or pautd als,.lstIe way y 3Ou Want a babomi ouir olnhoeWa bave àtnsadsn cabinet uitlavatory basins arnd tuilets, pesuesystîms and eierttc wter eeter. rage bile,pipe ndfittinga n coupr. al izd n 'est tr-n, sPtic -d 11J iltals,ifrigera- tor au elctrn angs, copue elina ut fuueces aIr'muuitloning unîts and bot" waýter hatgsseawith convetor rada WeY d 1ellver te, rouir eareat rofil- way stationl, yuo p1ay nu freight. SI1 .JONO PLIUMBlI7«.l UPPLIES ýStreetsvilIIeOntario Neet!ls rtespi ntuin a WART FPx Cornedrend nd Sisorsfe CORN FIX Reova cunsal-1cai iesl10 min. F. THOMPSON TOR0ONTO l8 ON~TARIO Skin Troubles Make ou y n mmd tudy bil )u mi uu lu iv tou sks ml ac;t eto gîtwel u5 _MOONES EMERALD OiL-it Issu msny tariý becase t i biblycunicenitrat-dl The Cery firît application mill gm'euorelief thie IchnsutEcznma lis quickly stopped-rup lions d1ry op sud scille offtn a terri few dïys. TIse terne la Iroe otf hitTo,, ns ud'Fet, Barbers, -ich.' SaP It'tieusu d ('the- s'ilu Irouibres . P emcrï htIsa MONE' E IERAi IL I la Parisian "Ski-rewballism"l-S'no snow in Paris these warm sum- mer dacys-, so Frenchi Olympic ski champion Henri Oreiller, who, is aisc ca singer and composer in a PParisian cabaret, gayly "sla- loms" down the Ç,hamps lysees, on a pair of wheeled skis,ý The cspporenfly uncon-cerTed gendarme gives tise impression that ?wch stunts aire as common in France as over h-ere. ABVERTISINO 2147c EVRLETBUS, 148 passengere, 1.85,2LieseFicellent Condition. Âp- PIY2 AndorsonTaxi, pembroke. Ontar4o. Onie Womnan tallea-noUe. Taka auerlor "FEMINEX" 10 b elp alleviata pai.ds tres sand oervoue etenio asD i t witb $5.00 Potpad h plin wyapp-r, POST'S CI4EMICALS 8890 QIEEN ST. EAST FRîIRONTO ASTHMA W38 sufer If there le somfethlng that wll. bel" Son? itundrîde of thousands of, sets bave been sold on a money harle guar- antee. Sa easy t0 use. After youir symi» tons have been diagnoaed as, Asthma. you owe It to Yourseif t0 try Asthmsanefrin. Asie Sour Drugist. Wanted -every sufferer of Rheumatic Painis fo iry Dixem't Remedy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33b Elgin Oftowc@ $1,21 Express Prepaicd TOACCO ELIMINATOR A soieotlttic rmeyor Cigarette .ddio.d Lion, For tree oolele, Write Kint PamalCorp. Ltd.. Aiert).Bo 073, London, 0Ont. -POST'S ECZEMA SALVE dAIS ietormei udryecmoahe an3d weepins sidnrtroUbles l'Ot'c F5ose 1tchîns. szcaling. burninE e2egma. aýnne ringwoýr1m. DIpimas d îblats foot.wti resinradPyiylethe 8stainiess odolrîles oitmn. eardles ,bo, stubornor boeesthty seen. PIIIE 92."0 d'Er lAit POST'S REMEDIES Selpos ie n-R1- etî OPrie MIEN AMI) WOMU14- BE A HAIRDRESSER Hairdresslns mrlssGrvatesi, Syktcrn Write or Oeil $1 8MO AN EVENING FOïU. our Slpare Time. JoýsI à Easy-iras TaiSales ofet aming atented Auto- matic Ref rigerator Datrosters cen psy you that. Hundreds «f bot Prospecta cons. minsin. Ital1rnme, address, for GUAII. ANTER» 1'¶OIT OFFER. D-Frûst-O. MatieCor. DepI. 40, NeewmeLr!et, Ont The P1rýmay <o.ReCvt- ss* ir lent Sulitors. Rstablishéel isso. 350 Beny streat. 'rnontn, e Ifnma WHITETONE.Ont.,S.S. 'N. i, Me Kesi; ant*edl, expeined tc ee teaeb eight gra1'des: 4duties1 toaa1 et 5.8.No, , Nat-nand! Lüm,n, Sudbury Ditit eoutre PT-rotestant prmnipai, grades 5 to . oem sholunHba 17, Salary 02,000. State aualiticalonu> age, experJinceanO naime ,Eutet n spector. Mrm Haze, M. Jeficries, Nairn Centre, Onitarlou. WANTED to rent or buy Wtth IuW doWn PaYment, emal -arm sultable for markeet ïardeniug by bard wrking tamily. Box 9a 3 18th Street,e1New Totunto. Itch..Ich .1,Was Nearly Crazy Very finIt use of soothiog, couling liquid D. D.,D. Prescription positively relievîs raw red itch-causîd by eczema, rashes, scalp irritatm*on, cbaf ng-otheritch troubles. Grcaseless, sanes 43e trial hbtie must sstisfy or money bï)ack. Don't suifer. Ask your druggist for L. D. D. PRESCRIPTION SAEs proteet Sour ROUlI and $CASH ta PIRE and THIEVES. We lisave a sise sund typa o tSfa, orCaintfor sor Purpose. Vi'eios ne Write tor un.- etc.. ta IDent. W j..&,AYLOIR LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WVORKS' HARNESS & COLLARS Farmar ttuio-anuiyour near- est Harnais Sirop aboaul tacto Hairness Supplias. î lIOur goods only Ibroulh your lotcol Stao Later goods dealer tire goods aa iq5hi and sw are oipricas. we auf to naf0ctories: Hcrnas Hors. ClraSwaai Pacds. Harsa iarikaîs und Isather TaeligGoodsins ion ýýtaco BadTad.akdGoada a nd

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