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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jul 1952, p. 3

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By, MvICHI'AEL TIFI It hung ounthr waIl opposite tfhe doar as y-ou camie juta the frofi romth icture 01aivmyfather in ' ids bilie serge st. the anly suit 1 had knownj bii im tawn, That pic- ture had always fascinated me. It presented my father as quite a bandsome young man: the photo- grapb bad been taken, of course, sanime' dozen years ago, mîst before be bad married my mother. More1 thaqn once she bad told me about how my father bsd courted bier in thiat suit and when she had frst seen hlma in it she lasd sworn bim ta be the best looking man in tbe world It bad become thie symbol of thecir merrier days sud' bath of them cbýeriîhed t. Only ont wo occasion,-s since their maria-ge had my fathler worn that gsuit; insy bris- teninig and a uiborsduh peaceful, They spent theliir tta ý- gether aru 'g bout little mtes As for:nsac my îfather w,ýould day a;id leae md tracks ýon the floor. vtedugmdtracks, a-ilovrm Jean kitchen, I supoe ul ik e tsee me oon my kneces scrubbi.ng awa lkea sav."And myi- ,father woul sa, " ca't alkinito My owin b u wit t be)ýing blas- pbejmed." Ou a-2,bright summler rnngmy mohrwas servig breakfast anîd I -coldee bereyessparle as if she hlad an idea. "I'm going 'ta "Always thIinikin' uIp sîometbing. Where's the moey omig fro for tickets" said 17y fatheUr. «'I saved it up, pen y b en, "'Waîte of!mney," îaîd my-, thier, Wibso uuhwork on the fa, n hemddle a somer rute.Hhe " "Peab e cu mykoqwtr mt her sonieimes i lue moOn.I'dVl beC giad t-o get asyfi-om you fr aë aud bite at me," 'AlIl right, then. Go ýand sec- if Icare," sîaid m1y ftic. Stoliy my mothler pac-m ked st cheI,. She dresse-d ime in mySun- da.y whitc blouse and black ,or- duory trouseýrs I wore iiisbocs. My fte ous taoak Lest )iuictin a mile aa. erade hu thetpwgndanby our whît bosePrince. At ftiestation)my1 mother ought the tickets sud we wited inisi- lence. Tbie train clanïged iiu,'sud we got oniý sud1 I.heard imy father îa "oo-be"ta rny llmfohr sud hIitat tob. As the( train mioved awý,ay I looked ot fir th le widwaud saw .miy father stanld- My miother sud I weut ta the movies 1in Scottsville aud we ate ce creani and store cake. Lite was full for me, just- ta walk afong Main Street aud watch everythin. My niother sceened different sanire- how here lu Scottsville; she neye(r argued' with ainyone. She event sniîled. Towaqrd theý end afi(the first week, how\ee rinoticed a shadow fit across ber ae Que ig-ht, as w eîereuî îng tram ;a iovie, m,, motheur said: "Your father ,-i§ a lard--working man, Henry\." As the end of the second weecl, apprôached the favorite subject af conversation for rn-i3 mother 'was ,rny father. Soon she talked of bardly anything else. We were goiug bni.TheLtrain hllte bfirest and madw lu were biug h Lpe ff the coach by thecouuctr.My moth er lookedJ aieiii ber ne dress, sa carcfully selectd by br sudmy graudmio- ther, ibouahu wî -,;th the remainder Of My mthrs avings. As she stand _on te etflmo 1ak LeaflJunction at Ilait, she seniOdtabe ai, the ýCity, indeed. i litmy"atercoîniig towardus a3,1d bis faice asquite ensae Ile iduI't we h isiliun biansd Mae' Largest Iu World - Secretory DeLght Downhan' holds o se ction of the largest sýtrandled elecfriýol cable ever fabricated for an overheadtrnms sion line. The cable, over 21/4 in diameter, cn sists of 108 alumiinum wires over D care of ee wires. Required for theý big new aluminum development in British Columbia bi largest Dr ail e!leclrica)l cables will carry power over a panîicularly mouritainous 10-mile ps section of He 5-ilong powe.r trnisrmission liue lbe- tween ilhe powerhouse nut Kemano aind the au minm selter at Ktimat. T1iecblwilhv onsitimate sfrength o 135,7G01 p>ounds. At the, 4-lft a cross Section cf the-. çableý. T-UE F RONT Froni anc ot the best 'dairying,ý sections of New Brunswick camecs sound advlcesasys an editorial mn The Fincial Paît. Iu-sareceut editorial the ed1itor a ofKiugs County Record ofSuse discusses the new offcia foorprie or cheese. After reviewing the expe\f-rien lce ýith ga-v- crumenjLt purcbaiug af ud asis tance ta dairy prodiut fi ahnl thiscoutry ud u Grat ritaini, he blunt1y state-s thaut tht sadvaion lie with govýeruments but iî thei dairy.mmnthieiniselves. Hlsni u Cioveru-imenit- intervention ino business, wbetbier it be f arming or anythiug use, iseldom works sts fatrl.Thereý may be temparary bnitbut in the long run gav- errmen' assuranice;s may cause cam- placeucy w i eîtro-ys intiative and the wiIl ta. seR . If a persan muaýt seil] bis irodUçtor go o-uf of builuess, be la muefi rmore apËtot try ta give the cstm r tha hbe' "-Dairy farmýýrs in Ca3nada to1,ýd ay biave a liard sts'ugg1teilu front af thben. The-y have toat rmauy of their ma-rkets, Milk and butter consaumiption hby Canadiaus -las de- creased. T'he c-hllenge ta thei far- mners la ta build up that cousumnp- tion, sud their beýst chance cf doing so la by direct dealiug with thie trade; through telling the pol what they bave ta offer; suid by sel ing their producta at the lo)westz poissible prices which 7,ill give theni a reaspuable return art thecir iuivestment sud labor," Thaýt h gond advice uailuifo many at'eridstrics, toc. IDurtingï ~he warsud sice, 100 m1any pro pectingthe gveum u tabal aiter their ma1,rketinig sud ltLeir camon, Teyfor;get thaît Ibisý is a'il job c the producer, manufacturer orc procssoreaubes.tdo himseli suid t t Il iisjob ta o (Dit. Gov lnnetmrktngofweat, cheseimetssuid alluir prodlucts bas been au cosIv lly buinecss for pro- ducrscaSIJumers sud taxpayers, 'tba 0nt podce tability either in production corl ruru tathe gaustscacites r g'iL t hbai 1 dai i with au Liniriincy sncbJaiwe aced during the war or wý ýiLeu ite outbreak oi foot sud muth dieasebrought an immmdi- ate ebagoon tPe çxaot i live- stock poducîsl the Uited StaUîci, tee is justification for the gÏov- eruien seppuginta the ;pictureý -but only tenîpoarily. The great, dagrwith fiîs sari ai' thin-g, hacer s that we tend ta regard every little- disturbauce as a cru'ss cligfor cmewrgeuey t'eatuieut. JI'rrER the soaner Canadian agriculture-, sud othler industries get bac!<'t normr.al marketing the better for everybody. Sonie Federal vtrurasbv procla]imed thir cnfdene hat the_ outbIreak of foot su;dmot disease lu, Western Canadaba been couquered, -that the erad(icationl -campraigu is uow lu ,ts final stages. If that aptimism proves wvell founld- ed, then we are fortunate îdeed Th fe recet;ii:Canadian ouitbreak, the first ai its kind luiiaImait a century, bas cotit u illions iu aniîmals destroyed au-id lu the in- terr uption ta trad, espcciall!Y ïlu ex- ports of live animaIs sn(d animal products ta Ihe Uuthited States, But the price. la triifling compared ta what it niigbt have heen bad the disease comntiued, sud spread. The( i e ould have hiad ta aban- don al hope ýfaiany earlIY reopeniug af flic US. marikýet, an outîet worth uat l .ess tan$150 Vm111ions in a normal year. Repercussions af that blow would -have spread ail through aur basic agricultural iudustry and froni that-toa ascore ai îecondary industries that are depeudent on agriculture for rsw nmaterials sund purchasîug powzer.. Perhap is t uasont asm thiat we are ont f dnge. ut evcry (.ay> vclear tram naw-oubol- sters tfeicpe hait tevirus b ias been staniped oaut aud thait îi perbaps a few mutiwe cýane- pect ta see restrictions lifted, and normal nmarkets ta 'reapen.' eking For Traces Noah's Ark ta eav Pais uf~ 13to look for trace.ýs of Noah's Ark onith,!e Turk- ihfank of Mt. Ara.rat, legendary reýsting place. of the Ark1,after the g;reat flood subsided. The expeditian, led by Jean de Riquer, nated Arctic epoehas special American -appaýratus capable of determining the age of Wood. Two cameramten are recady to _re- cord tr:aces a>f the elusive Ark, if they fniir t. Thisý is the first expedition to beat the Sovjet blockadle au Ara'-t rat explorer-s since Dr. Aaro1J Smith, dean onf the Pope' il School, Greenharo, N.. ailedta c find remains of the Ark in a 115-d-ay search iii September, 1949. .Several other explorers have- trird ta succeed where his v-a expedition failed, but the Russian Government bias foiled themn by making str'entuu protests ta the Turkish Goveromniit, Iholdingthat the explorers wer-e wsenspies.ý The 17,000-fooýt pea,( ihetin the Caucasus, is situiated close ta the junc(tion of the usin Turk- is, antd Iriian fronitieýrs, btutthe remaîniis are ttogt to bc e onit he sothwtl\estern flauik, lu Turkey. The 2French ecxpedition, whiichi will joini with a Tur-kish riest in' Tkealso initend., ta colleet maineral, zoological, and boüttie specimýeus fromi the mounltain, TWlu auth1ority for lookinig on Ararat î is liu eBilwhich says, in the igh'tb h apter oc Gneis (And(the rk rested iu the sev- enth m ioth - . ,on the rmountains )f Ara-rat.Ad the waters decreas- Coï coninuaýlly\. .. . The frt eore ttmpt ta fiud the reais asmde by a Germai- xloer lnauiced !bythe Czar of Rsi, i 129. 1He failed, bttthe 1,end pesite. orld i,,îterest ivas revived iu 1916 we aý Russion avistorflying ,over thec Cacssclaimled ta ha:ve se veUsselpe mhed n te 17.000-foot pueak. TheComns reouini- tervened iianil I nes of thie Ark was snuresdilu)usa h e rulers feit tllIst discovery Woul'd sttiie'gthen ibelieflu%'n thePBile. U'othivzng mre was heard of theý pilot. Unàble lota t t the avistar, archaelogisýts h3d' little ta w.ork ou., Some said the -rimainsý would be hï,1f the size of thlier Queen El- spars strewn avrlte rmountain- side.> TALE 0F A DOG Wkngdown a street' man passed a doorstep on whicb sat a Peke and an Als-atiati-,ît aide., As le strolled byle s stsrtled ta hear the Alsatian re- maark: "Lovely day, isn't it?" He. rVshed over to a woman wba was standing at the door sud said: "Th-that, Alsatian just spoke ta me.", "Were you fooled, too?" laughed the woman; "it's the Peke-he's a ventriloquist," sure >Yau Cal Plaut Aside fronji tbings like gass swieet pei a ndnusey tock which sbould ý,et stabhlisbed before3 go anitplaîîting eglalyriht ta ealyJuly i i mos pats o'f the cciunitryv,Epetgardenier S wbi wt'a ta ùget the mIlost ont aiotheir lsnld, îndeed, make a reýgular rc tice of sawing a feW rows of beets carrots, beans, cors, and sWds thlings eeriornight up )te the cn i -fJule Cor even i ito jily, wegve thes late gardns a.L extra cultîvation,. a littie aeiit:-- sud possibl1y ',n 1i nkectn commller-ciial fertilizer they iil om 'lolig isst -ad imiaIture -in lny The w vise gar-denler wi i canýge bismetodsa bit whn he days1 turu bo"t. WVitjithtle awn h!e w cut 1less frequeutl1y, eetaînilýy 1n -wiIlul l1y let theclpig le where they fai] to formIla i t of pratUctinig 1mlch. 11e will alsa SeC bis mower a litle hý igheir sot, a the grass is Inot cut 50sh lort, den, even if no weeds ha.ve b een- [oowd agrowvý, b.ewill continue a ig1ht cultivation onca w er eeyten cdays, ta create wbat la, knyown as A dust much wicb wiY prevent eabrtola nitie from tcesoil. BReforIegolng ion hidy ti a excelle',nt panto go ovecr flower- and vegetable greslgtywt a utv torten, if psiln u1ç lghty weth grassclipinm or simi- laIr imterial ta onserve the nas turce. If uecessary and possible Coe shtould water hruby h îb befor-e tis final pehldycli A Good ý4Time ta Plan f'roým now ?rigbt throuýigb ta fab4 is an.1excellýent itue ýta look 7sronnd1 snd )le otes for t he big-geram b)etter gardn we re goiing ta bsý neXt year7. 1I7'Aniecelet de t keep a ' note-book and lut certain thinigs wemar goinig ta hvefor sure neat year. We should jot down sncb ýI:ites éas cOlor an1d seasoli of blooni,%e(treisbaue to dîsss i nd elbrs'are that wC hape ta bave in aur ôivn Witb certainfines iof muser stock, most shrubsj, t rees, vns e, one can bny and plant inth faîl just as well as nxtsprîng, By d4oing this we get thiese ,estaý- blisbed earlier and save turne for other jobs nextiyer Tired "Stýucent" Flu;nks Exams-This elk is through with higher educationi. He moide a visit ta Stckhoilm, Sweden, ta escape dogi- and huniers, but foundc that ai classroomr in Swedish Tecnical High School during exoi tite wos wcrse thon no hýaven ai ilL N

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