Established Jnay 97 POETOUR CIDE ace~~ ~~ ontetoogfrso ny country.THh m -cneaoften e e- aliaed iocaly wen smn" ofourPoung, car divers peforni wfth burstsofexcessie seed, screanigNbocng am"nP Wandther sïuch PDticu. This apparently la at nafumal condition in youfh or evn 1a the herse a n ugy dayamany CHllreniember taf vouth and speed wen hadna h aad.'We recalîl heyu,î cyïe0nstadof rIriving a car and atht étme cr Police Trutees wereqite concerned With biylsspeedïing on the sidewalks of the tovwn1. it would type= M tat nesolution-bas eer curbed 'th-is youth-ful speeding ,aid tho)ughtless- ,7s et thýere is no enxuse for many of the preset day exhibiios. Often we are amused by such c-ar hiandIling buLt how ti;uddien oýur surlIes Y, cainge te that of grief. Speed,plh1i one of our great- es t r day mnenlace, Cetainly doesn'it tend to make oý-Ur strCet a a to tmaveL. A child's life cannot be maurdin value -to it~~aa~ or coua1try, yet everydý(ay ithrogh aeesnsreke nea sd eveii in sone cass1sowofnes or lidr'enaInd cVeil ýauit livsiae being endangieed Fotunate arwe t hat n accident ciaimiag lèvelhae occured, but death strikes fast with nio retura. Ornas little lw nfonceme-(nt agaïiast traffic, eguLations haviug no bl a ostbe and being paroled oaly by tMe Provica Poice perioàdy. TWis fact tends t,,) bave openings for maay of thle irouth- fui practiJces that to-da,-y exist with no way toý couternet it. Oniy througl co-operation and ealzaton of the dangers in rýechesanes will ourseets benmad afer. DEATU LA IIE J'ERWINVT 1 At Toronto C*GIee aýi _____________ Ho~ialon Turdauy Ned,15L Mifrd'E. Sewn blvdhubn OMING EVENTS of Edth (JIad da 'te The Robpin Ied Flour Mils \Vil, AngMamie and Lwxë6iceAg(,,520 e ' eitequti FidyJly't af 1 tm-pm.ince CouncilChambers1 -P WathecUmm luis at rsieneTh'11loo posoedby Orn te ~. aong andbrinl'g yu ins to- 'SU May have. INSURANCE ACT Two of tliereetmndes VotheUn pometnsaceA, those incrensing rates of hýieeitan reuigthe wiigperiod, will ~ioe iteforeby 'proclama)ýýtionI, on Juiy 14. This waýs iiniouini(ced(teday by Thet'op rate of benjefit paid to a persen en-ititledl to the dependency mrate will thien be $4.0 a day ai, fora single personi $2.85 a day. -At present these are $,3.50 and $2,70 respec- tively. The increa 'sedrates 'aad the re duction in rwaitiag -,days Nwill ippi'y only to days cf unerploymlenit tInt ocI(cun on)Ilor after July 14. These amreadmeuts were ecmmnddto the Goý(vImnent by tIreUnmpoy nient Insurace Comission und the Unemploy iit insuranuce Advisomy iFoIr fuirthcr ifrato1on,' Another uneiment extends uintil ccontrîel of any insect or pest ApMI 15 of each year the period dur- conat your Pest Control Re- înig whlich suýqilementam-y beniefits presewntative. W!i be paid.(0f intèret aise is an ameadmet proviingtat 1there wiîî $4 A Y N ho io discination in thresecto of amppiats for laceniet eause OOOPIN 31 cf acaegncolour,reionb- leor polificalaition.Tie Conin- mis'sion-, truhifs nialchain dl'~nil~ozrintoffices, ls e en OrtnhTnoo tins ameadmea-t. The- prirîpl no ameaidn-t. It irs 'o sni tebeeýn relloj. nized ttthe Unec T,,moloyment Ia- surance Act, is one of the nmost im- portLant piees ofsocial legislatoa*(, inrCanada, Froni inie te fciniel national bodieýs indifrntied aniendne- te Acf Tue iet ,e laberrgaiztinae l'osme beicf aitng a s. TekAt ust pased geer at lea;-f partiw1 in tir o e (the aiedngBhoafps eth mxium enfi s vhc, as pedntws 2.0 îvk. Tis i inctheasdte$4,0 nsua dalyias TI orthey Cseso bent it, ccp incress ia e iAcfiat in te as as hig a pssbl ifbouf eutn Sance Acfthere is w hfl kowta ,sad occusean hebginngc.rc A encfi yea I i, i h ascn Ce w1hted c pet days une vio ne henerit s p-V-I t alnUir tbnile- gvhe1a n'- cf xhperei cf ncmp y noni prie" f oi naîli umemy". re tulcf imnt nday-. T able ut ofth iniaediaef ' o t a n benefts eare payab le fortiresfrt raeftI r th e forsfe irmine da ysdi A -odbeiefit yearsomTiies e inr- ats iwhîle aPeritntha unmplýsoyod.ý Iot ond thinthrsipmsle ment.vilTbe damantmay eabet bonurlil'y hmed ately fr asecn t1pendfityfa. UdertheAcfas i postpee thouis wifiag ýpeid ýi basbee foad Imit tC)ipriod l We sp:ci,*al4ge ini C al r Oui C Phoný e e8-lt S i-É YourInsuünc e st's c a nb e êbsanil Ly r duced by byn ii deý;nd PayingPlce $100 Quttons5.00on requorst.x celn trty andgo n lûes atae s bac Sîkes, Pla iiGlass ,'iiy FrBnrlaryoptlzto uto mobile, Leîfeu Aide rn aad(mý ýolouru ()r pilqth,ýil ! of sasoal nempymet dningtir afilitio-a. Ofceourse tire Commnission winfr. Caseqentl an meadentlte a certa-Iin etnin the lhands, extnd 'te eried(1dur il- which aup- cf tire emplyloye- r hifillj, iwIi osee plemenfary bPenefit Imay be paid te It la perlfommling a volunltan-y servie ctaaclasses Of peopl'e who cannot befih for workers and enpboyocrs it quahlifY for regular benefit, untîl cnntdi(ctate te an emplo'r tihe April 15th. nlatuire of tire worke r orvokn wlihour ie wiIl ernpIoy. On tire 5ther It la uuneeessary to ela.bonate on iband inclusion of this provision in the 5tir major amendînent to which jtire Uatenploynient Insurane.e Act t refereace bas already been rfade, givs forinal appnroval and force to Tire Commission does not discrim-, the prirriple of non-discrimiination. I Floo Sader, mdem equiipment, eay o ue e s~rcomiplete flor iVoshm sugetios.Phone r r Il O0no r 225 ort YHope. FOR SALE Pulets 21z fionhsold;, N.H. and N1.x L.S.$10a piece. Free de- livery on- order's of 100 or over. Lor'ne White, IL-R. No. S Port Hope, Phne 27Î2 9. 24-d-p M\Lure than 60 Aieicans died violent deth duiag thie four-day Indeendnce ay eek-nd.The foll wasfarfro a ecorýd foýr a holiday Trafic acide t tok 346" lives, f rshoî of thî 1,e 43 Mte National Safty ounîlladpreictdand 17 leas flan the nmbr ho died on tHe hihas uigasimilar 78- 185dronigs elpd bosAthtie Oron Eletri c CONTRACTORCSFO FAiMan fOSES APPLIANCE SALES Prompt ami Guaranleed Repaira te aIl makes of Electrical Equipmeat aad Appliances quch as ~lotors, Water Heaters Ri-i, , ~ lron~ t CALLTHUSFOFSIAE Da hone w84 rf oNF FORRTER Dia] 321?U .. o 2 Pot op, Otai l'Ionn-acts, Gv vemrker Pnorain~Glfef P.B. DELANTY and SON 106 KING ST. WVEST COBOURG, ONT. pilNIiNE This firm erected the Qrono Mietil,.- criai Gates. onle of the hiighlest foýtrms of tn adian sentiment is our tradïtio)nai cutmof erecing a Monume , -t 1 g;ranite or marble t,0Oour loved zn-es who left this life. *IDE AD STOCK J ïDeald and CriPpped F arm Animais remroved p romptl Ifor sanitary disposai.j I Telephonêle t bourg 1j6 TçrnLI 3-63 FIy &insect Control KI-Jet Fog Generator Canl be ue inside or outside. Fumnigates thbe average size baril entirely ini ten minutes usig onl'y one piut of inisecti- cide. So simph eleicbeOper- ated by a child. This Gênerator will be on (lis- play and also delcmon-strated ati the Sales, Arena, Oronto, thlis Thursday. i~&t Sundy'.amiWednesdays by ~HOŽ~ 17r1OIZONO EC, SYER, ALD-. PIIS \C Nand SURGEO'N Main Street Sqouth Office lfours:, 2.00 to 4,00 p.m. 630 ttu 8.00op Sundays and lHoidays by- PHOINE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMIAN VILLE, ONT. Phones: office 688 Honte 553 T E D JA CC SO%rN Auctioneer and Valuator Conducts Aiction Sales, of aid]me and at reasonable rates Coniuniatewith hlm atI'Flm5 Plerry, Ontarlo, or Seý hi. Clerk, A', E. Morton, aIt Orono, for date. AC K REI 1D Aucionerand Valuatcoe Speialzein Farm and ConSuit m'e for terms and dates Phoneonfr ZP - 1 i - Il