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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1952, p. 2

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jT "'Dear Aunie Hirst: My daïugbIter is hcartbroken over lier flrst lo-, e affaàir. Site lad goîte witb tis i ;ce byfor necarly a year, and] tbcv arc told lber they wcre toounoig togo steadly. "lie told (ihjs wibat lie auts 'A to de. Recenitly been gîu withi a fast crovd, and hes changed so nmuch.My dauglitr is a good gir; sdest amiioke or drink w1iich is rareý now- Cdes. "f'v i-eneîuded helir she hias pIeu- ty of tim-e to meiet somieonle else, ut dseasshe canotstop Os*u- ing of hîrim.1I wish ! kuiew bo to comfort lber! "Thie trouble is, wbJile she kept s;tcadly comnpaniy with bu shi e lest contact with other fîenIdsý. Please amiise me.1I wrete you once be-- fore, and 1 tbank you fo your an- swer. It has bceen a great ieip. A Very WVorried Mothecr" IPANGS 0F FIRST LO-VE * Few of uis wou)ld rlieOur *first love affair. The pangs ta * mark its e-nd strikec too: deep.ý *susceptible youing lbcar-ts fee '~their world bas crasbed ..,. Don' *let youir girl led gnilt-y that she *caninot forget this boy. That * oln'ei natuiral. Tinte,ad *other dates wi-ïll dulI the edge *of ber gief, Line 0f Flatter y *hL s11ouid tnt take long for lher, n teget 1baàckl-,V, ili Ibeýr f ormer c f fri ind s. Sumier b)r inig s -pic îic s *excursonsMAdOumer nfomai *outiuigs thnt attract group par- *te.and thýe bysail( girls shie *kuows inl ier cliuirch i vl notlet liber bcelouey log. You eau plani *som-e of t1e-e gttgteswt *her. anid start a wider soilife fLýr f ier agaiin. * lncideutially, sîn1ce bi'o * niais is experimenýttiug wtha dif- * ferenit crowd it is wclthat she *does nlot date hi.ii Later, whli * be learils to discriminatem, bell *probahlyam riteher more *than ever. *1 hope tbiat nother tee7nagers *wbo rcad thiis co>lumu i3-ili take * eed of your dagugtrs Sad e- *perieul c an d (is tribunfte teir * dates amon ail their lrieuids, *Theni, ii eue boy gets restiess *(as youug boys W,)tliey wijl *not be leIt alone. * Your duhtris, as youm say, M)a inltelligenit girl, aMid siitart. ~too. Shie i ot 1make this ms *take agin. our assuranice that *lber pliglit ï,il,- ucmonwl * eip recoucile her just uowý, àsuld *guide hier in th],e fliture. * l Howfortunate ý ou atre 1ta SI se couifides iin y7ou *. TO "UNHAPPY" Marae be- tweeu 1cousinis (j reum ou mIeani fir-st couisinis) was long prac- ticed ail over ithe world, îiudoug this country. Then cam-,e a periodi of disapproval, wihstillotan ini uaycommunmities. The objectin ieý,s, of corse l thie cbids-ýeii sucb sa union., Some1(times 1bo-tb parents inbeirit thie samle unfortunate traits (phlysicpl or miental) wb1ici can lie passed oul te their ffpin thiougi i1am toid tis does not always occur., The preseuit conîsenisus seenî,Sts tobe tha1 t snb aretstakýe 1un more1 chances han others. (t is safest tbat botb theseyog pJeople conii,;t a pliys;;iau wlio1 knows th fnmly istor-y of ec arud take bis adjvice. ACT 0F A CAD "D ar Aune Hirst: The most holiaueued to me! er E à--% Sentry In Uniform TO GU'ard ,zISnowdavý!rop' Qleutieu len other firstý b)otti(-,o whisky aMd a glass ,,ereý placed on lier ledsi"e tab)lte very F.glit. ,E1clil 1 or1nîni 1g it 1 a r nveaud lcadi eveniug afes boteappeared, Site inqulired thie rea-sot, adL vwas discovered that, more thýan Fe- enty yeairs carlier Qucen Victoria liad a, cold auid had ordered a a glass ol wh' 1isky1, ýat, heriinie. Forisut reason the ordýer -'asineyer eu celdand the whisky' was piacedJ tiiere eve evng. Whlin s he died tie hab)it liad b)ecomne tradi- tional and Coutinqted, wý"itb unfail- ing r Jegu"tlarity, heogliut he reiguis of Quiecu leauraaJ Q nen Maru. .Strauge,,r thiugs hiave happeued as the resit cf hab)it. fil the mliddle cf tde ightemetbcenturyKiug Georgell was shocked te bear of a net ait Drury Lanie Tllcatre, eue, oyf bis favorite places of entertaii-. mecut. He iuîmel(diately respatchied a contiigent cf solders te th theatre aud the dis;turb-an(e twasL were ordeCrgd te arclit e he thieatre as a prec-au itioumary measure, and then thie king feeget [lite mat- t er1. One bunidred and tbirty--fiveO -ears later, iv 1894, 'a Contingenit1 of treoopis tili marcýitC'lig ib'tlyt Drury Laite. A mis tken order once resultd il, 500,000 caudle, cf aIl col-,uris, bceing stored ion Buckinlgbam ýPal- ac. Just altér lier acsin Queen Victoria gave: a state baJl at tlie Palace, and ordered twoc liurdcoloured taulecs te -lie, used as part cf tîte decoration, Thue official, [te whom He order- was given, musi'took the Queeu' contmandud tenat tt she wanted two iumued caudles every day. He nieyer stopped te tiuk t, ha t the queecîs couldinet 1use s nau cn ies in l tet-lur hus Thec result was that for, nil)e y-ears bye bundcred caudles were die- livcred d(aily at 'lie place. It 1was oully stopped w1hei thereC was ne nllore sterage sPace leIt, and soute- eueim e tg ted the matter. 11lu 1849 the Tzar AeadrI stood at, a wiuidew of bis' palace andIL frowu'ýIled at the sentry oitsidc. FOr, a long' tinte lie liad been prîJz- z'lcd bY tic mlouteCd andI arid guaIrd wbe, vithli fulitraditinaI ritu atek upnis p wpostoni h, e middle ('f the la-wn ou)tside thei place. Theremis nothing-te guard tber, aMdnonerasese far as the Tzar cotîld scfor, an adiea seutry.Ife made iqu aie nd eveîîtually uueartbed fthe astond- iug trt.it seenited tatr, eue day, the Entpress Cathleriie fil asE CrosSing tbe lWn when site no- ticed a snewodrop jt aou t 'She was îby ne meauýls a SeI Lntien- tai wmau buIt Sbe "was touiched!bY thsfirst Sigu cof sprîuig atid, seo tblat one unheedin)g foot sol trampleit , she order-ed a guardj te stanîd stear it. 'Vs ltr the Snowmdrep lia'd ' fr art fergot- lirv t tu1se anv kiud of 1mm nfrom t ih i they exet oli1e to corne aloîîg 7IZ There are also fooiRs bke Red- disýcont-ejtediy looking toad whamt is jlust beyonid their rah anid stauu for ta hClsc* o)ther peopie the týrouble cof reýscuo igthem roi il rsutofthi onfoily. on the beaniis of t1it bailn for lts-FtCe (layvs and woldnli't Loie 0 è Finally rescued and bIrouigh)t to the house he purred like a th;resîiiag machine. Now fie gets on the ki1t. chen roof and is afraid to cone dowu. One day Partfier tried te rescue hjini and had bis thunib bit- ten as a resuit. In the night a storru came up and Alicat chose the les- ser of two evils and camede . The saine tbing 'bappens eeyday, After being fed and fussed over thie cat goes back to the roof andbs te be rescued afil ever aan 'T am sure there mnust lie a parai.- Ic to that iii human eavir posibl l thse who lack the courage Of thecir o0wn conivictions11 -but mIy sp)ace is gone ge l'fi leave youte ' figure thiat one out. TV STUFF It -wa;s f ive mIinutes beCfore the end of a tense Ariy-Naývy football gane. The score was 28-28; Arinvy Iad trked the bal to te Navy thee- yard huie, The stands er i an- luproar. Suiddenly a man wbe ad iteen f(loviling ithe fray 0on lis televisIe, set snapped off thie currenti. "Whts he dea?'>cricd bis ot aged! guests. "Wel iss 0tc moat ex-citig part." "I kniow,"' adinitted the host, "but do y,;ou think, I'm goinig to get cauglitW in that mioli?" Austerity Smausher- The Briish ma--y have an austerity pr-ogrci-m, but they also have pretty i 8' year-old Joan C,îllins Iogrc their cinemna acreens. J 0eca a, shown above in a London stti. dio, has her first big raie in the, film, "I Believe In You/' SnOw bcll Fight In JUlY?--Russel Green, 9, holds a placard adver- tisinq bis unique sumnmer treat-nïce, cold snowballs, which W5' been hoardirg in the famiýly"s de.ep freezer, Russel anly întendec(i to self them for cooling-off porposes, but the uifle boy o'fý~ fhinks a it' afinlie #4 tu revive a fovorite w;nter SPCwvI ,~~P INEF IfthreneeaSeet for the PreenioncfCruelity to I1nseçýtS Ï Shold crtiuiy be Yitwwqbe. And nu detilit wotuld- bae en kty of com1pany. Ih was thlis svay, 1I was ioo)king at oulr shirubs, thînikiniti was tite theý prunin'g shears wýerc put into eperation, whlen I notcced the flowering edes ad imost of thecir lîeavecs chewcd of)f. "Nw wat oni cartlit sdoling ta" Iw dered. Closer inspection ga,ýve th-e answer. Undecr fthe leaves audl(! a- agOn hestals weedozesn ye bundtreds-oýf ligbit grey cat'erpil-. latrs, abolut anlmli long. Dificrenit front teuit ca3trpillars ýlut apr enitiy jiustas restrucittive. Audi( wVas esrutiv to! I put a large paper bag linto a tin) pail anld into it 1, dopdever-y leaf Tcouild find that hld -a caterpîllar on it. ,Alter more1-Pt1lan anil iou1r's wrku the bag into the kîtciieu t4ov-e aî3d set a match to it wîtbout My con- Scien1, crouibliig tme at ail. XV iere lie h i 1recIwn deï --I1col1dn't be uu'kiuid to aniy sýort of bird or beast butyet I took ,.au u111b10y loy ilucremlatiig ~csat ali-excep bldybirdnand --spders becauseou their 'cg web-spinng industry, Sthin1k of it a spider pect bpt beiengs tri a ~imals caoud "Arach- -fne aud Miner-aý acb other ip theý The go1ddess Ath-1 -was se jealous she turued the eas she work- tave beeni spin- -vrsilice t on the eIder d to a couple lrom liulfantcy. bein attackcd ithe sanetra- As 1 d se I many destruc- ~iwed to plague would be se bouirtbten, notwitbadg, look fa te fiM .ig. We huaeail jay safeîy stowed ni-and it is -iný first The wabrbas ctainy sbortened the Now we s5aH have ne orvor re tIe în srywîSicbl U1 as We have quite a lot- . ......... of extras lu the ofngw ihave uwohg te do with faming. One of Our Hiechores this pas wek has been resmisng sonie el our li-es teck f r eC) coditon bugton b)y thecir o-wn feily. Qut in dhe catI pasture at the back of thle bouse to ittie heifers, WVhitcy and Rcd, have been graz.- îng ail sunier. Wbîtcy is quiet aMd contented and take,ýs ber feed wbere shie finds it. But Red l wants "Vwbatever is on the otheýr sides of the fence and is coninually pok'ing ber head tbrough bc wide wire mesh to get it Somietimes ber head gets caugbt, sonietimes Bt doesnt. WMcn it(dees she neyer bothers twisting and tmuig te rece llerseif btmi waits patienHýteyfr somleone te conte along te disel-. ttangjlier horn)s from fthe wirec --quite confident tbat she miou b rescued. Th)e othier day as I did exactly as site cxpected 1 feul te itiuking a a emba ncethere is between Rled and Wbitey te Various types of people . W %hve huntan beings Ile tey, pqindus- tiusly earng their iving, going their owu qu(it waygiNg neW trouble te anlyoue, ueor getting into,

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