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Orono Weekly Times, 24 Jul 1952, p. 3

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Violin Màay Be Plcyed 01,1Y 0OnIce A Year Ille museuumýat Genloa is the won1- dietful vioIin which aann, h greateiýt vio i Ii ilwh, evr lived, ie')ie hd t te city efreli dthin j1840. mnsturneuit in pricelesi and is guiard* ed au cloSey as a rare damond Onice every y ;ar, a famlous [ta]- ia, volnjt s eritedto play the recius iolin for five iuts flu te reerceof twowinsss the eals of the glass csearebro- ken a d he vio1ln is lvngytaken corornis shrne. The putblic are(n-nf. allowd «jto heîar thle ililt as he tests te makr ad aprfesor1Y msa are preseunt at thlis tag efr takenplac oncemore Fidlr's Fiery Eyes WIen enato de Barbiri a Geno"fa borni violinlist, had fiishedc( plýa ing, hIle was a kdto S igu Ild form iiin] thc resu of thie ufote ill. mil. Anld this i s iwhat lhe wrt:"I have cjust piayedl Pagaini- ni't Giiarner-i and 1 found the toile Thlen thle vInl wVe', e4it iscase whie wasre Seled l "4, anlotiher year. The( great com-Iposer Verdi (ie- fLared that Paiganiui was a Pheri- oisnenIoi. \Verdli was invitCd ni-e eýVeiug to Rorsiu1i's boujise, Pag- anînli was there and hle was askcdl te )play, 11e declined, Thensuid- deiy lhe seized a violin III a fury ând yd the four A's lu onle grip on eachi separa st3ug, Verdi recalled. "Ile then giared at %s with bis fier"e, utered enough" and departed without a, word to bis host. He wvas a muii- sician of genlins, the gr,)eatest fiddï- Ae of ai l mes. The world xW neyr bar bis likeagi. "DvlsDisciple" Paganiini bad a paie face wiiich, w,,ith ios s1igitiy beaked nose, som1etÉimes frighiteuedc people. 1uls weird appearance, romantic air auld ïasciuatinig playiug, xie people aIl over Euirope. Somneseiously beiieved thiatlie wsthle Oevil's disciple. Once whien be played a wichs dance" ln Vielnua, amanlu th Lle auiendeel CaIreýd lie 's a w the Devil giliding dtevioliiist's tfingers, astd bLow." Ibhis story was crcu- Iated il over the w %orlId. An-d in- 1828 Pagarlni was obiged tW pub- lisb a letter from is mthrto prove tat he as of human oigin! TCO SUIT EVERYEBODY Ailai) wb o had been ve\ry poor: ail blis 1fi e made al fortuupe alimostoer igtandbga to splurge in almnost Cvery iriection ait the Saule imle. On(e of blis greatest joys conisisted h invtng Id cronies up to see is sitiitllptos new e kstate. "Come and see thec grnu-udsl,,," he boasted to one1( 4)f f them. ,"I widi show you my )vt.ree swimrin:g poo -ls," -Three swviing iipool,"choi-ed Ileleud IutIthat a bit ecs sive ?" '01n(-bas cold waer ne bas Ihot water. an'd inue basluo \water. at al." "Oe ith coid wateri- 1Canunder- stan," cuce Idlte git. -j cau .1,- se a eason fur une xitb hot water, Bu lt was thle ïdea iof a swimmng pol xith un waterat aIl" Tihe hboit shook hishad saly. " 4 d estrprised, Joe"," ecn-f-1 fked ho aliy of my Id frientdq Queefn CÀ'Wtvs-Chsnqueen clthe fourih caunoüj GoId Coost [h coda Wci wiit rrd(y ta flag shoesfor the mtany re- pa'job)s t po~p )arouind the bouse dur (inte suain- , iter ianew lastic tape. ousb ois, is tape ' iIbm, ~ (si con act, is not raffected b!y jensO cold, Everv llouse Ife cns up g nS a pur of Wrur nur an d an. ethal are torr but us USee servcin sme w en ber eumrgency.Thos neape provides the right a.)C1 solution. And it's equalily good for rnending a leaky ice- M ME1 baqg, coroi-, islating ekderie P atpe iniendsa a.- Crakd Rviig thermes top and leaves it ready Bcseil bas a rubàberý,~ " a~ s atrsof Iik ailt t streîcb ovei' cords, re-pairing ruabber miats, ticis lenigthi. this tape Is repflacing plty aroutnd win- fifor wvrapping the hanl- dows or- for stopping 11P dies- (4 golf clubs. baisebal l eaky waler I)pes. bait s and tennis racqujets. Its lt's ujses couild miake a jus a ý ýs ellcect-ive for lishing le'ngthy Jisi. Witlr il, any rod1s, tool bandies or o leaky houisewý,ife can fturn into an hoese. And il torns in a top) efflicient Mrs. Fix-It, thereby '~'fotnacfin splîcing lam)p aiber husbalid happy.. Ard'TANS' Witis ifresh lfruit so inf13ifl, 'the deser poben hcOnIsiderabiyv simplitied duirinîg the s nï m mu e r muh.Still, moct famnilles soon get tired of "juif plain fruit" f0 eudi a mneal; anId the dessert redCipes w ifoliow, ltbouigb ail do- paratîýiviy asy f0prepresboidà be a helip. bat's more, iuciuded are >omc tatll arc equalýiiy deiiciouls whetcr rcd bot Orcoid. MiNed Fruit Deep-Dish Pie 'isb. prepared, ripe fruits (green- gage, plum, loganberry, black currant, pear, apple, peach, apri- cot, blackberTiy - at choice> Sweetcening for fruit (sugar, honeyý, golden si-up> 5 oz, self rasing fleur Zoz. margarine or other shorteni- 1 tabiespoon sugar A litie nmiik- for moixing dough, and glazing pastry Thie fruits shmould bc, qtite ripe, the largeit kinds Se)tin)g CeutintO cubes. 'Puitfthe prepared frits and sweeteniiug lu a deep baking dish, Place a pie tunniellu thie ceniter. Mlx our aid sugar. RuS lui sborfeniung, Add Just enoughi cold m1ilk te make a smlooth douîgi. Grease the edgc of thle pic disis, and,( cover wîth a p»Lstry baud made 1)y rolli'ig a pieCeof t tie pasf v i-dough i lto a thil) rope undeýir the aus na Poi-ed S)oard. Buhth3is baud ith miik, Roli ouf the iest of Ithe dotlgbl fé a sheet thlat wîll fit the top of the- pie dis, ad fixo bau"d. BýI-ush wiiik. BakeluMa mod- erate oe,375' F. fo-,r 45 inuti-es or I-il paýstry i' "eli brown-ed. Take tfrouaovubrisfitop with botmik spfI-Ink i w iugar, Very gond bhot. deljious coid fSer ves \4 - 6. ir à14 Iitle of.flour. (1ý UoltI( r' YeIk ofe eggof.ù i aleoona buiitt!e, 11cls MAiix fno leur aurnacisa mak loýll-to a mooti paste ith a( litti nI f-te wter. othe resti dlemor for a1niinite l then stra wte r lo wt thïe lom - i pte, st> iring Brling m' i-ixtre t iehu anc more ,pu consatanîti st c--rrîng ti Now stand pan eýluanorsr pa coný'tainngbofn g watr, n double-pan co frfe ines tlirrig it oode sponO tetveodsf- l theobuttra1 tinypiec at tim. Net sf1- ServewencldS bos f1ra 2 oz. shorleinig fats 2 zsga Cream ifat and sugar vryligbt. Sf1- lu atreacor mlass sf i- cocoa pweStf1-ina a table- spoonoethtbeflour, then stir lu thse i-est of tue fleur lu umlail lots, i- tern3a:iug wit ablespoonls of mlilk. Add vanIliJa es sen)ce. Peel,-ci-e, anid cnit the pears iloto large cuibes, and spread them ou a ligbtiy gwresd bakýiug dishi. 'C vwitb the chioc- oha cix.Bake30inutes lu a smoderate oven, 375' F. Dciouus bAt or coid To vai-, add anUmne of groiund alimoudi f0 the choco- late mix betore spreading ou týise Dessey rt Cry in 2' oz butter dorunsaRied ymai- arme, 2 teaspoont-s cornai-acb !'/' plat of mniik Makre a nmootis pasteofette cmorustri and a lite of tde coid milAk Bilthe i-est of the mriilk, pour if i- uto 14he cori-starihase theni cook gent y for tw-o minutes, stirriug witb a woodeu spoo)n. Let tis ýcoruistar ch ixture coo l]1 iukewanm. Mecanwbile crcam tisebuter or aragarinie Iwitb a foi-k filvery lîgbit, add tie suigar, and Ccam up again. Gradualiy add the luke- w1ý aI r i co-ut i-h ix f0 the creamecd butter or miarga-ine, beat- iug wýitis a foil-. j'lier, bi Sriskly for 2 minte, lise resuit- inig cream i ;tbiick, tight, aUid dcli- date l i an r.If is an excellen]t gi-nî fr rut aldpie, jeliies,ý ;aid livihfcakes. Serves 4. Apple Slices Pasýtry dough as a ecipe a!bove -for M'lixýE d Fhiiit Dee.Ds Pie Sweeftenin-g for fruit (suOgar, bon- ey, or gold!en si-up) AlittiIe fout:r forsrikig !Asik for glazin. Peci, oi-eand isc ppe put lu pan ttiswtening and very fltie wteiteu gentiy unfil apisare doue; do-,flotiovercOook. R nitufhr(ý ,4uarfers of tise dugýh loto ) sheefto cuerL finI about 10"x6"xYi" G i-case iln, witb P[our, liHii 1ih cooIed a ppies, Moisen USAh appiejuincRoi] -es otf duhinto ae, hnsetand eut lt i-c a!fi lch trp Fix s-tips ltws icsart ov r appies, thCen brusis ithm Bai. lua mderae oen,37ý5' F, 35 miiunutes Ex4clet bot orcod To1 var, doIit dnamnand dot aksaboutt 12 ics Spenge G~a 5 lz. SelfYaosng flur. i heapd teaspoonbaisig pow- der, Tiuy Opic at 2 ozuteor ofmargrie (orw mixt1;-ure cof bt 3oz fnu'rga Iegg. 2 d~op caisvanlla esýsenice, hue l(a pgrcased sbaai nh fina %ith geiro ae A ferrifically Big Job ln a goerumntoffce h l tsua- inltficate eswok f hîstoric pre- daws of Westminster Abbey an ex- cedent, auid trotu relative obscuirity ecufive leafs tbrougb a tbick book eerealil mant-ter of officers and confaiuing every detail of the Coro- diguitaries f0disharge tiraditionai nation of King GeoCrge VI, fifteen duities or dlaim hieredifary privi.- years ago. leges, To-day it is like a p&lo's ook Heralds, pursuivants, swordbear- charting a ighty rier of pomip pers, uishers of the Red W'and and and pageant ry, au encyclopaedic de-cen, God sik, MSivr Stik, "inire wti- ýitih" to tuems solcmn i, tise(Clirk of the Ceu on the and elIabo(rate creonafetchuircb great day these tntoaiswl aud stte.appear lu their iagificeu-t ep-i If sows that tise lost Coi-oua- dered costumes, an - senteipar tinu took ce n mouths f0 prepare of thu spectcle, and cost the -Ministry of iWorks Iunthe oakpamNld iibrarof tce alonie uea)riy uha it iion. O-n this CPg fAnmc eli evîdeuce officais kuowe that the pi-e scroîîs ami glowing heraldy, dt linaries of olur uew Queen l5 1 early luquiries pouir in, A Norfolk crownig Wili take at,,ieast a year squire h axinu f0 rove bis an- ..and stfuliy they expiai- tdat cestral rigbt f0 cook ýtheQues lu these dlays ut labour shortage water-s. Fui- is inisOnalef0bs and scarice materalsiifs goîug f0 Crîmnson cape. ,Tbere's- a silver- bie a rush even at that. smiith eager for a dispensation fo Yet already the frs-t swift tmemnos mre a coronatien spoon are changing bauds: "Dark bline leà h U MCoýfr audc slver-grey h laluins tsed as Depit tis usyuncrfow, for-ai bney agoi fororGeo VI.uionly wen the Queen announced get e and silv for an ec. ugE- he day a-d signed au Order lu izaestbsadsve orQeriE- Council esfablishinig a Corciation haLicthcommission. Theinlututrui, dis- The British na ti on ai lair charged itsfs rt responisiiity by imipi-ovisiiug gorgeotis royal oIcca- setfiug upni the Court of Claii, sionis mit iuow be barnesed f0 toanl tat curions tribunal wbiich melet s oui beorethe crowiuig of the Soverigul soieiy f0 judge those Who togeher the leur, bakiug ]ow daimadrigbtf0take part luthe don, aud salt, Iu a ixing bowti, crmy M sFm I cream ftu, butter or imargarine cereminywic aodA I vcry liih, add sulgar and cream h en n hpero et rip agpain, Beat the egg and sirs h enadCarr0 et n. Gently stî in a quarter of the minster, for instance, enfer their- Ëwor etc,then ut ir hin a tabesp)ooni daim "f0 instruict the Quecu lu the of the iik.U, Add the iest of tise Crnt Rites aud Ceremioniies." flour i siiar lots, and theý rest Thec schioiars oft W e s t ni i nl s t e r of fhe iik aitenatciyDuin ldte Schooi -iSiUreheur priviege 'te CsseUCCs Do not beat affer ail be preseut iu the Ablsey tA acciaim tise Plour is added. Turu ntise bat- fer inito tise preCpared fin.ý Bae25 mlinutes, top sheit, iu modrae ven Wentise cake is ci,fakýe trotu fln carefily, anid reuaove Iaper. Tise cake lkeepi weii suldis lbcst used t 'ise (dajy aftel- For Chocolate Creami Gafeau Split tisecksadihwiflis ja,1 cover top witIIs Dessert Creatu,ý Raspberry Trille i lrge sponge cakec or seýverai stualiories 1 l. ripe ilaspberries. 1 pluit tbick setting cnstai-d. Dessert cream (as ii isic eipc Split tish, ou cake and anf wic'l witlacussd apier ec seinadoze largebeiries for dc(orattîng Itisetop). lPut flic fruit flhed spon11ge ca1keilu tlise ottom uto a glassb vow1. Pour tise cocdld cuýtaird cover -tise cake he t an ý;ld flac bnwi l tise lcosutard îs hin and1( cold. Spr-(ad tise De1,sser 1t Cr(eana1over tise cusïtard. Deccorate yý i I isle r,,,crved raspiser-ries ae- coi-din3g to fastev To qmake tise tisick!, seftiug ceus- tard, iuse- 2 pint-size acefso, Cîîstard 1powý\der fo 1 pilaf milS, isen fo i lacdrctospr-iliatcd oni tise packigc lle tie us fard i colng beat- l an fa-i sp of inuterlutinlypecs \Vheu ,nripe frit iis nef avilieIc canncid, btlor fi-oit cd r-amp- be resar sitblServlis 4 6, . t1ise 2Lee," reic o mdie' cheer-leading lthat se it et r'eserVed for schboys.j5ýý Then there are'thie cli)aimats ti diinlypriviieged to carry thu, oirb and Lsceptres, to bear alof ,tlt, rowno its velvet cuishioni, to car- ry the Bible anid chialice or tevarý- ions Co'roniation garmeuits. The elc t lteCrow.n entce bis dlaim te recordthe icproceedings and to receive. five y ýards of scar- let cioth as bis rightýfl 'fecýE, B long usage, the govern.or of àai-L Edinburgh hospital d!aimjs apac as hereditary pouffteirr. bttaiict- tuiiy lorgnes bis igt t evr other icock zbird witiu thIleQue' yard.,, Learuied judges luwg and gownI and cis-eilors ilu the Ibreeches2 and goid braid nf Cotirt' itiormi, soiemuly belarthefise plea._s îinthet Privy Counicil chiamber in Dowiug Street, Each pettionr mst lbe heard afreshi for every niew mon- arcb. Tbe f itIe of Lord HîghChme- lain carries wt it a cLici to liveryv aind iodýginig with theCrowul at al timei,,s in reËturu for takiing the sov.- ereigu ad bowi of vwater to wash ilu .-1but five peers arc competîug this y,,ear for t-be honouir. Thle rightý to provide a glov; for dthe-ilon- arcb's baud iiavariabI y sees Pa duel of wits between the Dulce of New- castie auid Lord SaIisbury, the peen~ prof esfin.g bis rigbit o anicestry but the former iusually providina hfIli cIia-îIm y bis tentuire of iand as; lord of)ithie Imanor ofWokp. - - Beloreftbe couiry ;are ui-oued yard-long pedigrees, wbl-obci- tors puIrsucthfie tori-fnotis bood re- Iationshýips;. Somei families stil enter dlaimis as a matter of foi-m for au- office perbiaps long eýxtÀi- gnished. On Che lit occasion, an eideriy lady vainiy u irged bier pleaý as a herbstewer "My flamily last perfoi-med the )iffice for Williamr IV," she admlit ted. "Buït yole ee eau feul-lt mlighit -have wou mie z front-seat ve. A Linconshire farmer, ton, caus-_ ed 'a sensation with Ihi- -er nid famiiy cdaim, as Champion of Englaud, an office wibemipolw- ered hlmii to -ide inito Westminster Hall1 lu fuil iIrmour and Challenge any who dispuited the Crown itCo mortfa combat. When the Court of Ciaitus decided this soutsidce its province, thie farmer eutered bis rightfof0 carry fthe Standard anRid w It is small<.i ondier if thsenm ber of Coronlation gulests tends tor inres. u19,17 die Mni , f Works successfu!Ily inercased the, A b b)e y S ea tin g ac commcioda tionI froni 2,000 t0 9.600, This fimne it is bloped to pack il]utiiast aother '400 places.ý Tiers or seats mulist be built fory 1,500 peers an-d peesefor em bers of the Flou-se of Commons iand the erýie (diplimaitic corps, for enormous overseas continigents andý othier spectators. Thi,; alone nieces- sitates 11,000 yards of feItf foor coverîng and 1.9)00yad of carpet At the ilait Coro.iation, g reatr cutisof simmiiieriug siik dîividcdj the sanctuary a.n, dý r the Cou- fessor's Chiape], and thle Abbey décor- also inived 2,500 yards of bline velour, 18,000j yards of gold braid wif b bnlioni frin,I ,1,00o yards of brocaf eilleand some 6,000ý yatrds of musîu. Nu of titisý availahIe for i-e-uise toD-day. li b BAND CONCERT -f'mCcunlrymc;rts Yeur, by 4c.,yd,% S, .rçnI ý' A NY m-en and womeb tow livin-g aud vworkisg lm cit-ies r1ernenihe tisebaud concerts tisat wecre au eacpected par't of tise sunimer sial season il, tise cnury veiy eey evetiilg dtn-'ng Su-iy and An-giist f-i Ceufrville Twn Band ciîbcd loto Se dc--cudi-baNcitanclon tie vilage cocmn antd- gave a concert, For te» fuqathsitis members bad blie ,ivnrkirg anti rel-earsing [n fhe-4alte cW4t nith yeliw hi-aidand Mg yelloiv iutouis, frcsilylprc-ssedwhite 4uck tireusers, sud spppyisored caps tt i cminded onue ota bigl aalg1o.cticcrs' beadgear, tbcy preîenitedi ain impo)(sinig appearance If cas isard te ralize th thtie handiome, digiflcd Iman) hiow\inlg the tuibd as jei'fSnith;ie raoi-antise grain mIiiII, orw ttise tAi, distinguislsd-leokiug con.du cevs Eben joncs Wbo - publiised the local weekly. Sitf, glden iglat fhum tise kerosene lanpu-, 'vifSbig refectorMmde a beauul conitrat-t with the dai-kues i oufîde. Not that tise mmenmcdd igh; they knew the pices Sy heari. l'ai-m fiamlilles came trom ien aou-woefamllhes lu two)- seated dcnîlocrats; C eiely Conupiles il) fringcd-fop suicys; you»g ',foîkiS wbosa hodig bauds iu styiisb top buggies. Somuefimes, the tcamsi -cre put in tis horse sheds heisind tilechulrcis and tflac f hall, andý tie people sat on hbaks arou n th commiiuni. "Net ton ciose," Fýathier ulsed rol ay.-Music is btter at a 11ffle dsae.'FIoweVvcr, youngme ni cight esnifeu summers heiived tiantise nearr fhcy got, tie Setter tise concer-t. The applause was gwerous, aud Eben awy gave bis ta3uous bow a;n imiitaition ofise how lie bai- seen at a bi onert in ts Wît il did unt malttha tisuIle aud(ienice ýiLso kuew fisc pieceS by scai-t. he umie tise baudn yd -as tise kiudisa fcouldbarrjtio- ,tirring, marches, watzec and tise foIt soug tat wilun livfoevr A !ieLauie", 'Su anvce River", 'FlowGulSetAfn"at -)PacI Joe" And he at lait îf grewý late ( a littie atter uluec), tbet bauid taaysplati ' -Good NgtLdis" Ifwas the cusnomfor every- nui- o ing iis t01int. Oln thsiongis tise p nceu igfisft fdtise w 11)r, jnw i tepo. but Igloriouiy mel6dimau sevrail hunre4me and nrnc,ibeys and grsjollneldlu. ise baud 'à"?"" smayi qm bae hUgeat usic. but isewerenauiic frm isebri p N N N N i N s- N N N N N N N N s N N N N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N y N N N N N N N N s N N N N s, N -s N N s- N s N N -s N N - N N 's- s- N s N N N N N N N N N N N -s- N N N N N N N s- N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 1

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