_ 1 & T, ,o badti at rami eut lihort bhc 1152 AI star 1baseball game and e80 prevenited Satchiel Paige f-ýrom sbowýiing he folks bis stIIf. It wsouhd bave been a fitting climnax 1o0( tiecareer of a maut wbo, n bbic opinlion-of imanyv, was the greatest huirler of ahIlimîje and 01os1onv fanîlt was that lie was born tenllor(rha s stwe'ty- yeairs t(ooearly. Bt ble migbit foo1 uts al y> et. Tfie way be's been goeing laeySalhelfoot mighit h bc r~ ib)ng about 1960. And, wvhen y3On come righit dow'vn 10 il, Mr. Paige is haibl e te be re- Ar0fiic Hn"idy"the arlis- ti ýew~ Hampshire Red hen, poudly surveys her Iatest ef- forti, a tenpin-shaped egg. She Lbe!congs to Mrs. Cordelia M. Rche, \ý,lios a ys that Biddy cometimes ' Vshollow eggs, le 1 pivy a "yolk" con her owner, membe(reti long aftr niany of ithe o thctr-AlStar "hcroes0 earecîotally f'orgobtei. lThure have been l19of thieeInIriïiu alirs, np îCovow -ecef whlich had onle orl more "stanidouits". Buit t srprising lhow nlaniy ùof them haýve passed aflmosî comeey ont of c picure. Babe Rtb w as ithe big noise ýin the initial set-to back in,193,3. Dis long hunmr with a mnan on; base ml-ade the differenice Vllic'h permtjit- ted the American Leagui e 10laite that gaine 4-2. The Babe, nowý, is doig bis cloutirnin anoîber vrd Top man the tollowinig esummier waof couirse, tsobody else but. Carl HuIlbbell lvbose feat of strikilig ont BUabe Ruithi,Lon Geb-ig, jimmy Foxx, AIM Summons and 30e Croin in, successioni was a feat i-ever beat- ený anîd oal eyer equlled.(I Hulbbell is stîhi in the game à;ýs head of the N. Y. G"ianlts tarm sy was ulndonbteýdjy the 1935 headfline.i- "Dolible X0sl'omer with Loui Gehig on base inbGe first înnig and is singkleuinthe Sih Wicbi "drove inaiwhr -rein; gave the Atiiericai Loopcrs anotfiervictory, 4-1, When 1ast beard of FoÏxx 'a, m~naing-4ofail îhinIg-a girls' sofî-Ai te'at m oIwet tory -co11u1n1 fie followýiing year Withi Dizzy Deanl, Lon Wa'irlICke ande Carl Hubel.l as the tp nochers in a clos-e 4-3 baIlle. Deani is manig- ling bbc Qeen's EgliTsh over the airwaves1f-or- tbe Mutuial B3roadcasî- inig S7sbcmii. Wa rnïieýkc i s ,a'N. L. twumpîre.Hubl we hiave already mntioned; aid Augie Galan, wbo boeeiin Ital game, is coacinig for Oaland 1inl]the PacifieLege The An ýItIeican tLeague haî til e-asy--score 8-3-m 1 93, Leu Gebi- rig led Ibe attack thaIt day-andl( Bab, as pssdon. 30e Medwvick, WhO nhad four bits 'for bbc losers Ibat sa-ime day, is man,1aging the T amp11)ila e ow i Forda 0e te te Four 10o me in faiorof hbe Na- tiénals was tbe 1938 resit With Jonn-andeJr Meer, Lec e ti'Mac Bwndoing the' moui work VadrMeer is stîili icin- ToUha i3n the Texças loop. L'ee bas CLASSIFUED ADVERTISINO 4 i56ta'?ea 0 The most compelling figure ini Olypiek Games trials anywhere - perhaps in the gamies tïhemselves-will be a blind man., There's somnething heart-catchiig îabout the bhind, their struggle against the unkdind S n d tragic blowvs of Fate that have robbed themn of the oipportunity to see the physical beauties and the color of a very wonderful world. And ther's_ aýomething even more poignantly gripping and profoundly impres- sive in the struggle of those in the dark to miaintaîn some parallel wjvtl- the 1f e tl*ey cannot see. So we believe thlaft analmost blind ai1îthlte, who ha1o-. pleIty lost thie sighit of one îeye, anid teothevrsrisyaftd offers a mo1st heuroic f-"ire amiioiigfthe great athietes of thlis Co- tinienit wowjlcomipete for places on the Uitedl Stateýs Olymýpic The gallaint athiete ýitiquestion b 11111 Bangert, He finishecd fourth inithe shotpuit featu-re of thie 1Nationial Indoolr track cha- pionships h1eld aI Madison qureGardenrenty He puit th12 16-pouind Wih 52 feet 101ýï incheos, ,ViC1ivas one(-qu-ar-ter of ant ïnch better than' bis iitle-wintiii.ig touýs in 1945. Jimi Fuchs, world rhamlpion1, won %withi 56 feet, 3 inchefs. Th'le rem1arkable part of Bangert's Cfýeat wats th1at the almosi sgtesath1ete haýd to .1)(,,led to thie puitting ring wh1ere, of course, he was on !lis ouil, Amnazingly, this blind youing giant's recent effort was betit thian any Olympie record prior to that of the London Gaines, when W. M. Thompson won wvith, 56 feet 2 incIses. In that event the great American athiete, Fuchs was third with a put almnot exactly the same as Banigert's 53 feet, l0tý2 inches. The mighty Ralph Rose, four timnes U.S. national champion and twice Olylnpic wininer, could flot do as well as this sightles:& bey has done. Rose's 1best was anl even 51 feet. .Bangert's dterminlationi and trentèn)dous Courage in thle face of a olisbarenngphysical condition, arc typical of his en1tire lhfte -in% businessq, sports. Before hiis eye-ighit failed, hie was a výar- sity football playeýr as w-ell as* sho(t anid discus star at Missouri Un1iversity and lter at Purdue. Ho reatlcl hd e national amiateuir he.avyweighit boxing -finia1 l e iade a success asradbuldr-H even did a good lob as a singer, buit il took too, mncb tilime from b)us-iness. 'The world will wîish tis galanýt soul well in is battie for 01lymý1pic famie. Indeled thec world admiires ail athietes -vho, despite ph)ysical hiandicapjs, make their way welalong the atbletic trait. But thlose whio live in the twýýiligbit of vision fart below thic normal are thie most comlpelling of al, and il is amiazinig how, ini several varieties of sport, they bave risen above at deficîency whic1i might bc thonghit insuirmlountable. Athietes whose eyesight is below normal dot the basebaîl picture. There are a dozen be-spectacled stars in basebaîl, in the major leagues, several in the mninors. They are by no meanis blind, cf course, but their eye-sight is net good. Yet they have overcome that handicap. Several players in major hockey have worn glasses. Hal Layecoe of Boston Bruins is one. When Canadiens von the Stanley Ciip in 1946, one of their stars was the whirlwind "Dutc h' .Hiller, a littie bit of a b e-spectacled player who could really fly, býut ivhcse defective vision forced hlim te wear hecavy glassies. YOuî- commiellts ondsgetos for thiis coumViIt be weýlccomedl by Elmer Ferguson-, c/o C(dver, oue,421 Yrte St, Trno D 1 RS T 1 L LNEAR S L1MO retired; ;and Browp iis a scouit for the Boston Red So-x. In 19.39 Ithe Americans Cine thIronighi once miore, score 3 tcô 1. Bobby Feller's relief pitchînjg was otstandinig and Joe DiMaggio cb-ipped in w\ith1 a homner that didn't hurt anly. Feller, of course, is still beaivinig for thle Ida while Di- Mlag i-s in television1 work aronnîd New York 11-Ame)ýricail Leaýgue onlce again, score 7-5. 'Tlat one wasa reail thlriller, Ted Wflias inith- ioning homeiýr being the eciiv dontt. Willianis is inu lniform oef a US. Marinýe Captain ow We ther or not he refuss 1 rettsrn saltes-as lie ttsed 10 refuse to ackoWldgeth!fans' appase- w'e lhaveni'îead Rny ork and Lou Bondrean bit 'bomiers which were big factors in the ALi'142 vwin score 3-1. York W--ýas playinig sm-pobil in thie iddi(Le es by latest reports, while Boudrean' managing Red Strif theAmrca' 5-3 wini lteextsiulmmer wa-tibard h -Bobby Doerr. Bobby is raniching otin Oregon anid, 90 tbey say, ma~a 'lot imore dongh than lbe evr id inbaea. TheNainassupisdevery- body incudig thmseles ost hikly wih 71triumi)ph, in the ex-,t tangle. Bill Nýichol- son's double was, the crucial blomw týlat tiîtc. IBih wýas vwith tbhe Cuibs thien an'd ith Cie Phiillies BOW, whcb migb be termed going from bad 10nwcorse, in reverse. Ted WViliamls, wvýitb a pair of four- ply blow-s, copped thlt spotlighit at Fenay ark i 146. e'eal- ready rpre on biis presenit Wb.erm- aboults. St an Spence-no0W with Chlarleston in. the Am)erican Asso- ciaton-pnch it foýr somnebody in the n1ext tilt, drivîug in, Docvr 10 wtn foàr te meicns thie Yneswnhis; ownlgamne îin .l94,, hen hle sîngled with thIle bases jme-ia score -5-2, fav- oir if the Amecrîcanis. Raschii, joe DMag i andTed W il Iiam s 1paced tise mi ican s 0 Red Shedes rk up Ihle "ogs aile ini the series' in 19,50, Ralph kiner i balûd ile ecore for inth land itl wetaon evnS- phlici ithe 41h whvlen Rledcoue uta enuAil the way. Scoen- diensýt, )f course, is stîii astand(ourt with tbie St. ouis Carldinals. Sa Musial, Blob Elilott, Gil1 HodIges and Ralph Kier iail bit bomencrs mhen the Nation1als quec edl tlie Ameýricanis 8-3 iBriggs Sta- dinm asI umme. AIl four ofîbe ar sii nspnge-adif yoni want tn kno,,w Where just look np Ibe bx scores, I Was Nearly Crazy Util I diacovered Dr. D. .Dni1 mrn. iy test relief - D, .D rsrpin ni speds~eaoasdcomfort fon rulitclting foot an ohe ichroll.Trial bottie, 35f Freees.lrs1 ,se sco0tes, cheche raw la-d itcli Or Money bacli.Ask rnggst fe<r D. 1D. D. Preicrption erdi r retaeînîs Moatorîst'z Dreaiu, Mount lanac Tuznne-l One mai wïfithàa piteumaîic drill recetldy sîroled Bp the slopes of Mon)Itt lan, from the littie Italian lluage of Entreves, and begank cbîsellng intotheYmountain-face behind a rubbl e leof dynanid rock. him, neighiboring lm-ayors and3c jour- nalists drank hiç Ihealth .. . and the man with the drill wýorkecd for- tbirty minutes and th1en packýed op and went on to another job. 1Motoriýsts' Dream Vet, techniica1, lit he ad chiipped the- first y-ard for Jtaly, in wýhat Iooksi ke being the greatst engin- eerig achieement 'of the 1950s, the cuttinig of a 7§4niîe tunnel through the lS,780foct bulk of Eurpe' highest mountai. motor- isîs have dreamed for years of a tuninel tbiroiîght Monit Blanc on ithe direct route bteoParis and Romte; and now 5,000 romen. arc bc- ing recruitd for foui-yë~s'work to mai-ýke this dreami a fact. If ail goes WeILlthe finsîcars will, drive thirough inu 1956. On an almosî 'straighî road tbirty-feeî mide, surfanced with non-skýid ma- terial, cars wi takeless than twenty minutes to cOmplletce-a),jour- ney which takes 1nearly, six houra on existing rouitc s- À. powerfu l sytem of shadow- less ligbting wl make every, yard1 as bright as day. Eight 5000 h. vnitigsystemns 10 draw ont daugeous xhaus 1 fues, auto- matic tmeauecou1trol and con- duits toi keep thec road free of water-all ilI contributte to ulti- ,mate comfort in thisspcaur project. Continually patriolig the road, a squad of mobilemchnc wvill deal witll breaký!downs that might opherwise impede the fow of traffic. paying Proposion The htunel iI alo channel electrïc poweýr from theic týý1:an Alps into France and Swiozerland and serve as a sýhort-cn1t for tele- phocne cables. Thte threc nations art, contribnîtiing bthe t,OO,0 o but dues from 2Ùý0,-nsotorists year are expected icimaktlictiti- nelpa ils Wy Ultimlattly, anintrnti pl pi- vate cmayis expcte b aini- taini bbcttuni nl ona buines oot ing and rnný it, in e cffet, asia THE LAW'S DELAY The div-orce case hai;d lated sev- erttl days ud( thepaitf was be- ing cross-examined, "Howmny children have you?" demanddtJe barrister, whio had already been given the iniformlation, "She had lfour when yoý-t1r c-ozs- examination began tfiree ay-sao, said the judge. Nat]ît 15 e pee ain tsaty ocu) reImvs Alnowopoton Atsii nai ts %MARI PIX cillidr.. lS CORN FMX Remnvea cors ne t a wue n 0mn Utea Ouaranteed Rmedy, 75e.a Miyu P ORCIIARD CRESCENI TORONTO %û, ONTAPIO / DEALERS WAPTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES Pre0eo, U1 1 r e oleream i led indr liobysho Ma)dSAy.LEair atd liend you or F i.ie 0Se in Photo- graphe etPtrQ0-to icnl. Prce 1,0 U. Cl)et Tire, $07.00 and n. retraaed Tpe, fsdnl.Vulcaniizine an1 retreadji*se- vice. Aill%,.i x guaranieed. Ait ovcers C 0. D 'i' 0 r-, nired with order. W'e.as charges oct way. [Peninsutla Tireý 'opr altion. 195 fli n -, Stireet Wet. 1 iit lton,ý GOOD UISED THRESI4ERS, Mick--De1-ringe T wo 2' oaBo. T,ýo - 2 Advaince ituLeîy ;Two 16' Woods Bos; >?I2I AVa n e ume Ont 24~' Huber, lk eOe 28"Hue L.Tunr Rtail) Ltd. Phoe 44 In heins, Otalte. \icý iEEl chirs, I ld alkers. odn rubrring cushione 75 eîvrd CALIFONIA Pefumed Rose -Petaled Neclacs.Eiaten gorgeons colora. Ver'y tashoale etrildlrdrNw SenO82.0. MSSIN Bx 16, akawn,. tî1lýi. WAT]R Sstm -ArioorWndi, and Eeti Pesr Sses 3erke- Iey Turb:inePupel Qin ogan eu)l- trf atrriluliygodreason-abî pried. IH. M.,imn n onDsrb. PLIMBIG N - HEATING CATALOGuE FREE ie lU-1catalo-gue 1, off the res.Write for ,your cýopy oer vieil th-e pewwareheuise and sI efori.usefthemoe btron dipssle lte andi 1olo1ed ixtres. lu pained wlls.lueSibe way yen wsnï a sinles nd sl ink cabliit uniteq, vtr basis ad tiles, resureiyc]maand electric vate, beaters' , rneblIers. pipe atfittInga b coper, aIvanizcd 'anldi toraSandilecnnragsa cmicelina e, furnaclles. aîir cnnditioninig uiiis ïana blot water 1beatine ystmewih conveetor rada. W deN' vril0 lur neareat rail- -Uv yU1stat1.on, ynu psy ne freight S. V. ,JOINSON 6 1lB7~OSUPPLIES 'streetsviie 1Ontarie !07i ï VROET US, 48 passengers. l92 License. xeln Condition. Ap. piy:Andeson axiPembokeotart, MEDICALLV Sals il ot isppint s'on. e rlng,îr, templa an sîletea fotl, oili POST'S REMEDIES p- lseo, S 5 (eto f "I lep DON'T DELAY! Every eifferer of Rheu- tbaic Pou25z or INomrritis sihou1td fy Iison's Rens.dy. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 2Z35 voin owcs --$1.25-Express Iprepaed TOPACCO E.LrMiNiATOQR- tio For free woi re.aite K i il ï;73 r,,,ni,,,, ro e .(),he a.1in tiav ben soid om a ny aS or ne.So easy w se At(e", o s'p tous have been ian -edseA vha',ye .,s I v o u r t ru e g l tn-nthly perioda. 85.011PasOn 5n ils lalu ranner. NýC1,SEjS WANTED duty in modems 50 bed hOspta. ond worlcing conditins -hour" ay.. oavin shifts. Grss iry$17î ad 1 J756, de- pending on eprine.Icraeevery a monilita maximumof 18.Apply Superintendent LemintonDitrict me- morial I{ospitel. Lamnto.Ont. RELIEF EVENING SUPERVISOR (GENERAL) EVENING OPERATING ROOM SUPERVISOR N U RS ER SUPERVISOR GENERALDUTY NURSES ROTAINOPEROUS0PF DUTY Oshawa General Hospifal AT'1'ETION rofitble home NWorkead- dresin enetoeafor National Con- Cen rte:owa%ýrd R. Iteers, 630 N. Jefferson Street, AIlentown, Penna., U.S.A. JOINCANAAS iEADIN61 NCHUJL Pleasani dýnl8edooession. gond wageg3. Toadsof acero Marvel gr"aduaI.. AmIlerica's Greatesr System 1111stta 4-%'1talogue ifree %.Vrite or Oell &iAIVEL HAIRDitrSSqiNO COOL 358 lnor St WA'. Trnto . nrancreo 3.8ùOo A N E VE NIUNG FOR Yor Splare Timoe.!,i>t IEay-re Trial Sal1e^ of aalgPaetdAtto- miatin Refrigerator 0Defrosterea can pay yon 01at. Hundreds Of lhot rop rt om- misson us nm, dreG.f,'OARS- Mati, COrpDet4(.N reont. venion an fi Iformat ion sent res. Uls Il msy c.,RegsteedParent Af for. lOt 8H ICSTk)NIJA ITtiN&Cmn3,-. lent Solieicors Rst, abllsh-ed 1890, 350 3ay Strt.et. Tor.nro Rnoktet ft nforma, PERSONAL MANi)NWRITING Carefully, Penetratingly Analyzedî! Character, Personality Traits Iteveaiedi 50e Donation. Lewis SIavîn (Advant Garde) Arts Museum (over 12,090 items. collections) 650 Ocean, Brookelyn 26. New York RPIIB oston. MelClures I tilis, Trurti, TE1ACHIIERS WANITED MINCH11UIDROORE) choolArec, euie a rtsat qualiflced teachrfor Par- ham S". Boom. andTichborn~ ehl. bhh tuated atolng FHighwvay N.38. la mnain line 0f C.P.R. Dti ommnIce eut i, n s.lae ,I alary. and present InspIec- for 1_: eel . Iowes, Pýrham, Ontarlo. GALT district, rora, eigbt grades. min. mum nsalary 2.00for ouallied tahr RELY tarng name of isetro c hejarvîs Hodgins, (Gaudette and 1,els.Secmnf Onao. euie on maie, eIrrd.Ggde 21010, ac OlsoighjýWay about'0 miles fron Sani1t. Badngpaefon.Stt eali- f1Ications ndsalar , ond 1hunt1ing andi Searchmniit, Ont. WHITESTONE. , ont., . S.S o c Itenale: wanted, experienced tec-her to teach elght gradý(es; duties t10 aitar ept. lst* attendane proîai-,2.Apl 1ý0 AnthlonlyWann .W teon.Ot kllied ltirkey i eeme.Prompt de- liverY on Brond Breasted BozNba kan.BetlileWhite. Wht olland. e PrsanXBoad Breasted Bonz.roi- sexeti toms or hens. Also startedtulsys two three and ,four wees nidaI ral reduce once for, July. Turkey guide. WDDESHICK FHATCHERIES LTD-. rF1'RGUs ONTARIO WATIIS1 REPABEýT ON, fREE EXASIO N BlrACE' mLETol ONE ofOntarioses largs eutalor 12 yars exerincein fdnewatchinsak- in.. Ove 20,00 atisfled customers nsi 15,An estimate sent Immediately ha- fore ireauirin yýorurwatch-: ACCU RATE WATCH ItEPAIR ISSUE 30 - 1952 Y, rLISTLESS, OUI 0F LOUE WVITH LIFE?7 fLiesi wake up yeur liver bile.. lumup out of bed tarin' le g. Life net worth livi'ng?«2t'y beth, ie~ It's a tact! If yu ie iei e iwn frel1y your feo a nt dig'est...gs bloats op your trah.., e elcn orse v'" 112ýýtated antUa the ton and sparkte go oin Carters Litle Liver PIl. Y.n s- Carters help atbnulate y ou l 'el i nc1 gt deys are here agai. 'B.don",'t ý.ta aunkget CresLittîe Live-r Pi!la Alwaya have them; on band. OnIy abc from any (Lruggiat. CIG;ARETE T ODYACCO Unwelcome Ma4ct--Bobby Thomson, of the New York Giants h-, ot ail home plate in a cloud of doat cttempting fo score in thie 6rýti inning of ca gamne with the Brooklyn Dodgers a? the Polo Grounds, Brook backstop Roy Campanella maùkes the tag affer taýkïrng a throw fromr pitcher Clem Labine, who fielded AI Dark'sgrndr