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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jul 1952, p. 4

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Authorized as Second Class Mail, Povt Office DEp,,,artmeatt, O--ttawa. RED CROSS SWIMMING LESSONS The Orono Braach of the Red Cross have now comypleted their summer course of swimtming instructions wich was under the guid- ance of r. Wm.OL Bagneîl of Bowmanvile, interest in this programi came not only rm the village but fromn throughout the tonship wiýth somie ighty-f'ive youngsters registering forinstructions Many have, as beginnm erseraed o put "Mie fear of water and take their firat stroke this year. For older childrea m-ore avne in.structionis were given bonh iu the art of swimingad aid VLo those who miay be la distresaSuh a pogram as has been enacted this year atthne loca tank is sound insurance against beach and boatinig fatalities. It not only teaches the youngstsrs how o swimi but creates apresencees f mmid for anly emsrugeacy whiich îa lvlpl atraccident. For such a venture the local brnch of the Red Cross cnbe complimented. Swvimiming is a humian accomrplishmnt older tha reorded hiistory. Only la the hast 50 yenrs has man broughit o it ayhn approachinig the prnofiiny of which ha Vsphysîcally cpbe The thrashiug cral sùrke with whihAIl present flre style speed records have besa set was nknowa prior Vo 1900 except 1o natives of the wrmSoth PaYcic, esysthe National Geogrphic Socet. Brought o Europe by Austalia's !ick Covill, 1V w,,as soon adopted hy th1ýe world's experts. intenatinal speed aad distance recoirds sWïtilumble yealy as chamiipions futh-er retie Vscrwgiven it, namne by journalists Vo whom avill ppeaurd o he"crawling" ooNrhe water. Be2for e Vsc aad th-e slightly srirtugno doubleov> arn> people popeled themseives through the watr wth the sedte stroe or nhe breast stroke, the latter bjiieed the mostancintéoYAS. But Assyrîan bas-reiefs of about 880 B C. show ed olders uiag an overrm srokeLender swam hs Helespont in 193 B.C , auous- tng an ovrarm ifthe depiction oui a coutempomrie colisAccuwrate. A Middie Ages belief tat pestlene spread througlt watr deait s&nVhig a setback from which it wslong. recovering. NoV unlti L Vh âcond haîf of the l9h cenitury did mnan overcome hbis particuflar ea =n once mrore go as freey bit) the m aVer-ns did the ancient Greeks and Romans. Niowadays swimiag is taught alm-ost uiesal.Soldiers amd aiosare givea >ourses in "uvvlswýimm!iag'% Dotors !prescribe it ü& aaheeialexercie. AREIZ YOU DRIVING THIS WEEK-END? ivic holiday ushers lu hs first long week-end of Vhs wamwea thetssown -- a periodi that catis for etra caution on hs crowdsd streets aind highays Up toenw, the cleadar has been on thes sid ,nf saeey-ss4y 2% hohing on1 a Satur-day and Doniion Day o Tuesday. Ia spits of this acciden hazard oni those occasions was very high Bt the Auigust hoiday 011 sues Vhs rads teeinhg vwih cars f om fridngt o Tusay moraing. PasV expeience lias showa thOat Civic Holidy is one of hu worst peiods ýof h yeair for trafic amcciets. Lastysar,18 persons wneeild on Mat ween abus, a sad sbtrto a month tat end- d 'tha total of 95 fatal auliI more cars tavelling more mniles uisually adds up Vo more acci dents. 'Vixedl in,ýto hspulssiag traff'ic 'stream thiýs weekend nill ho pepedriviig o and from vacatio spots, residnt drierson week- end jaunts, ouissMseeing1Vhsc,(oun1try, loadsdbussoe, rulcks and teanpori. Sunday drivers -- a mlovinlg conglome-ation of vhce wll ho ome wh rho a ot-edd tesoveuttu.Teeil "neyrhave an accidât'.ThmeElbe slow bwias controlingfas crand fatogues ¶vetugVh ttentiýion fdies Some accidents aire bund Voocur. The crux of tice problem As luowVo edus Vs coditonstha bod Voacidets-,areius,11es, riattentionr, îimpatie'nce> poorjudeetmcaiclfnts,ec.These codtosover ýwh c vey driver siter hascntrol or siould take steps Vo improxe Wbeforeasming VS, spnibiyof di ilIVis up Vo esvry drive er oknow his drivig asblty :nd VoteaaieVaýt good driving is nt jut a nmter of rng a WAee and relea- ing a outch. -This acptueofis ýýtrule ability as a driver and lhis cntn ,aareaess of diing rutes should donmui'h o reducesOVhsjighwayý caragetht uirs hliaysipo hro as 'STAPLES- lui.Mrn ; ý1.h w CLAS$IFIEO C(DOLL MN Staples e-briliof a dlaughter, Jane _Ania *,at Si.joseph'siiCOMJlN-YENTS CHILD'S lRB W TEDl Ho sptal on Ju1Yj 24 19W a-el C Deoraton Daywill be 16e1d at. Will rent for- ý%o wee s o uyv if McCeason udy,3yus in good condioÙNe 4ed pn Aug- MOETHAN 1000 BANDSMEN Servie in the Church at J:00 o'cdLk"t llth. Phone Oï- no. r16ý. TO BE HEARD AT C.N.E. Hon. J. W. Footee, V.C . wl be the guest speaker assisted fry Mr. A. H.F0 SAE! Mokof Bethiany.RFtrctd B SAngL so Sa More than 1,000 badsmen will ______Lots__on__S__t______ tae ar n he3 s alil %CNEtion and Cilihuch treets. Apply Box, band comipetition this year on M0sc T~ N.16OooWt: kly imes. c-c !Day, Aug. 28, The festival of mlartial The office of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. iusic WiH bring baids and band fané hinOrono wil be cl4sed froni August FR drom as fua ~swt Current, Sask, 4th~ to August 23rd, 1952, for hol- RegisteredHrd Bull, 1 year wvith 30[ bands comipeting- for honlors iîdays. old. Apply Clrencqe Burley, phone Lin theseven classes. pat1ndClarýke 1613. a-c The greatest namoes of CARsOR auANK present Canadian band riusic are on I Massey-o ii oWate the CýNE record books. ae Mn. and Mrs. JAk Stobat fsh Vo yfra-î3tt eNcsh I Capt. David Anderson led the fmu hnsfina~ cardsa~ind Ohrbnsc eig icue 11l3th Regiment band of Hfamilton Výo symipathy since the bereavaient of ýVc4and, London, Geor-getown, -,vitory in the flrst comipetition ia their brother, Ro n-y, in En land. Fuitland, Hanover, Woodstock, Bar-i 19)21. On Sept. 1, 19,3,, Capit. ~Jaies rie, New Toronto , Thoroldl, Fort Williams won1 with his Georgetown mad1nd o àe i trtwt rie, Graveahurst, 'Watford, Norwich banýid at 3 p.mi. A few inuates later ,e îndsay Heilan anhé frtu p- Meat'ord, Strathroy, Buim-gtoni,Chat- - he was rushed fromt the ground'S to Cboy s abaitn hamn HarrtowOa, Sudboury, 0r-1 the colors on te ont-eak of Ceth ea e illia Brussels and Toronto. wKar. lu charge of one of the burt player. L.tter hie attended the band bombes tofy o Enga -dhis ir- maof the world, Kiieller Hall The music being used for- thecoin- craftoas7nove ha ff agtsair a- School of Mus<cand won his mtwic 1petitions this year is beingchosen as ter takialg off from Canada. 1degree fromn the Royal Academy. 1 much as possible frcom the works of Thle Caniadin andmasters' A- ITravelling expenses, as well as the .C . anadia oprinc. ludisOng Capt l eciation cronsidens thm CNE cm imtdnumber of bandis which.cýa n o rontoy rand r. has. of Nea1(i- petitionsbave dlone uch to Î-- be hnndled in a oae-day competono onoadC F hee fWtr prove the quality of Canadian band restrict the entéies somewhat, but,100. uicTetpices for s;enior Jd- ivi any Ontario centresý wililibe repre- sions a dozen years ago have o sented along with MNontreal and Swift W",EED 0OF THIE WEEK been reegated to jnior ciei- ur nt.lusome townjs, the day is1 tion as a resuit of he Ihigheri stand- declared a, public- holiday to enable ard of today. oa fans to, su1ppor.t their homnetown Rgrdesof the namne ussd, An exmpe f 'the band eareer'S band. W t te Si Current baud this weeks Weed of the Week, is one wàhc h NE had a part in shapig will be cowboys and gèt ir, ores Wai forich few, people have a goodý is tha:t of Capt. M M..LScotdirecor abl The baud WBIl h under thoe1pat- wvord. W. S. Younig, Feda for the o'f -uic o the army's Cena Com- ronage of Goveruor General V'incent Crps Branich, Outalo Dsar tn of Agricul1ture states thuat ithesel U~names inlude Couch Gr:ass5,Quac-k ( Grass, Twýitch Grass and Wheat SGrass. No mttrwhich is used, ths îk à e oed isfamtous for- its persistence ini Noicean ofOCm P9 -0 roposed eding, iand in c7hoking out te nJ plants inS O doing. U Mr. Young pohints out that this _-N weed spreads by mleans of its long Screeping root; stocks as well as by g B y-L aws be ivs dark green ,dîstinctly ré- Sathe ed. Ths 1vrouýs grow g TAKE XNOTICE that at the regular mneeinig of the Counicil of thle 0 aear teedh loe tm r fiTownsip of Clarke in the Count1y of Durhamto be hetd Yt te Coun f one toethre feet hîgh wvith three to di c i Chmer in the Village of Oronq on Tuesday the Second day ? seve n flwerd spikelet on each September 1952 at 9:00 a,.m, a bydawv will he proposed and sp. f stenm. These s-pikelýxets are placed fiat inmittcd to the (Counc-il for- the pur-pose of clopping up and conveyhig agnant the stems in two rows, flto tho adjacent land owners alI of the vecelntly used Lake Shore Koad f foi-ming a narrow spike three to U crssig Lots 14, 1, 12 and part of Lot Il in the Broken Front oni- oig-ht inichels long. Scessioni of the said Township of Clarke th'Ise of wich a S a pub- fI lwmvsr he adds tha t most People, Uwhch highway is to be discontind on a4oimt of its nearn"~s to sfeýhore ut Lake Untarlo and the danger exi tinig from proxîmiy Voin n ae5 the railroads. y* Caiudo ae5 fi Any perso'n wh daims his land will be p4judicially affected by O o o E e ti Ô the said b-a and who applies to be heard wi, be heard by the said Phone 30O r 16 C'ounicil at the time and place of the meetinig a resaid; _____________ The parts of the highway te be stopped up y be more partic.u.. FA R and O SE g . Al that Part of ilte Alow-ance for Road letwèen Lo,ýts 11 and 15g Free Etue in the Broken Front Concession of the said TWns01 of ClAi~e & 11ly- À,1 C A iÏ cn outh of the south Uliitof hesPnu- Lake Shore Road whiche PP IA CESA E ~ oit imt sditat539 ee eaurdsothry logthe -Ptunestpir haut of said 'ot 141 fromn the south limit of the Allowance for Road PrmtadGaate1ear o between the Broken Front Concessio and the FirstCcsion f ota ail makes iofEetrclEupet nndTawonhp of (luiks, Q nd Apli g ~such as !0. *r , re atr fi2. Ail of the recenty used Lake Shore Road crossig Lots 1, 13, f a1. tvsloq~ if1 and ilwch lies csuh of the seuthîl limit of the newly ýop"teed Lake Shore R ýoad crosingte said 1ls.î ~ DTEDat Orono, ti, tisé lt a o uly 92.>- H. E. MLLLSON, Iad fi Clert === =C =0= MMc=O==m eli cae b ubtatalyre- fiuiced by biigDi-vi- dend Paig Plce ORONO , RING (1 Tu al its branches Fire, Burglary3,Hoptlatn Automobileie, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Laiîy Liv est ek, ie, Winld, Rea -Estate 1have a number of applica- ti'ons for m1ortgage funds On chloice prop1erties,. Amouints Of $1,000 to $5.000 required on eX- cellent scrt and good in- terest rates. ~eroyHa6 n Phone84 r12 ORONO - ONT. E. C. SYER, IMf. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON M ain Street South Office Heurs: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.. 6.30 to 8.00 Sundays and Holidaye by Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO LEGAL Lawrepce C. Mason, B.A, Barrister and Solicitor BOWWANViLL 1,,,ONT. phones: office 688 Home ;553 Auctioneer anid Valuiator Conducts Auction Sales &f ai.izo«, and at reasonable- rates Communicate with lm at Poet'ý perry, ontario, or seu hlm Clerk. AL. E. Mortun, atù Oronio, for date. JACK PREIDL Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuater Specialize lit Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terni and dates LIFE INSURAUNCE., 'Penision Plans; Edutational Polifrie. Protectjin and Savings Plan. faW Ohildren and Adits; Mortgago lu- smrance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORON, On. -Phione 20 rEiM, 'The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY lDia] 3216 -- P.O. Bo0x 622 P'ort Hope, Onta-rio 9 Phione Whlitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Wýhitby 111OIlNUMENTIS ANLk Let uis ere-t ahadong n i f e'd monumientoertl is ing place of yu oe ie rifs t epesîe Ad -nU PE.DEÏLANTY aud SO 106 KING. ST. WEST COBOURG, ,ONT. Thi$ fir m erected the :,Orono Mn orial Gatçs. One 'of the highest forms of Ca- adian sentime nt is our traditional custom of erecting, a Monument -4 granite or marble to our loved unes, who left thîs life. DEAD STOCKI Dead and Crippled Fr -Animais removed popl for sanitary disposaI. Telephone Collect., Cobourg 1266 Toronto BM 3-3636 IGlordon Young PHONR 734M

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