WEED 0F THE )WEEK mi areas, but the use of this tinued (l 1,1til thetm ocedt chem-nicalI sterilizes the sofl until the row, or smnother crop. The- formîed is ~ Cotnudf o pg four) fQlloing spring, and is too costly more1- preferahie, as, tIis will all1'ow1 f'or use onwhe fields. for cultivaýtion be weeu the rows anJd - ýCanrlecogn*Ize this pest, and are miuch oareaea hvsgetscl il! reall1y help ini cerigup t moere anixious to g-ut md oft. On ain as the mosý,t practical means ~ed sm-all areas, Mr. Yoi11-ng ecommnends'fcItl theus ofth rhmiaJTCA(Sdiu o cotrl.Ini'hay fields, the crop In Concusion, Mr. ounlg points! t richioroacetate). TI-is will do the s - ou1d becloe to grow until the out that as withi many other wveed's, j(ob if sprayedl on fresly plowýýed Cou1ch Grass begins- to head oýut. At per1s-,S tene of cultvation is the krey Couich Grass sod in July at the re- this time it canti be cut and thbe fied tocnro.With Twi,ýtch Grass parti- cQmmended rate of on'e pound of), plowed. Plowing should beshlo TAaçkl per square rod. f-owveve3r, fol]lowed by cultîvation with a Sprinm ualnn ml ot etligI eveir at this he2avyàrate of applica- Tooth larwwihwill Ding the Ille groulnd wvll1 strt wgrow av gain. tion, mr than one spraýyiing will be roots to the surfaýce and allow t hem Il' unchecked, this weed pest wilil iiecessary to completely rid the sod, to he dr'ed out. Thený, in]trie follow- ýsoon build up to its ol poprton of this pest. This mnethod is ine for ing Spring, cultivation shiould be coni- again.ý CvcHoliday week-end is a timne of adde'd danger. Thle increased lilke1ihood of death and înjur-y is a matter Mf vital concern cail users of the kiîghwav and must be offset bny good jud\mencrt, courtesy, and extra catre, REMEMBER: a * eIJatch ont for hide * .Drive at a reasonable spee-ntot too fast- bnor tojo slow *Keep in your own traffi9 lane D fon'*t pass on curves or his .,,Be courteous to others Let us ail combine our efforts to keep the w,,eek-endI free from accide-nts GEO. H. DOUCETT MINISTER Cooked --Pork and 1Bacon Loaf 1,IsieKi..... ...5e Bolnasliced .. b,. 5 Cridlandýe's Roat Bk,sld VEAb - Steaks and Cutlets Finest Qual-tiy Pork and Beef Fresh Fruit and Vegeables Freshi Corn on Cob for week-end New Ontario Carrots, 3 lbs. .,.. 23e. Cucumbïlers, large, green, 2 for 17e. Bunanas, largýesand ripe, IL. .19c, Groer.Ja NStleor's "Oppke tinlor...... Dole ineApple Ju Staford's Alei IMarkh 1-ret of cold milk . tes, large siZe .25e. iice, 2 -20 oz tins 19e ood DealI VitaI nriced of2.....29C. I Pie Ready, 20oz,- 27c. idbits, 20 o..37. Genuinie Scoýtch Igs, tn,...4c Leag-ue Stai Harbal ................. le Aug. il OIrono a'tKed. Aug. 14 Kendal at 01-roo fecsar Aug t aboreat NwateiI Semi f'inals wfll be htest 2 oýut cd Ail gamles called at 6J 1.11. Daylight saving time with a dea une &f 6.5 1pmw. Umpires wvill be airraniged by uth league executive. Finiels will Wie ar- ranged by thie league exNecutive'-- More than 741 per cent uýf the dwelîings in Canlada in 1, 11 hnfÉ3 running water. 'SA GARAG EtY and LINCOLN CARS RY TRUJCKSf B.F.r oAhTie Gîeasipg and Washing Phone 42 r Il M. ted ith the latters granddaughtep Oroino 22 MIbn L. Knott, At fosebank and Aso Newcastle i spent Saturday la Toronto, Kiendal 1 M.and Mris. Knott visited over moun9 5 the weekend with th0ir grudnMotler, Gre 11 Mrs. F. Dunc](an. Plcas5 9 Mir. aad IMrs. V. Wilsoni and Ted[ WelcOmle 4 10 left lat Sunday for Mfidand for Baulieboro 0 14 theur holidays. MYr. and IMrs. Harry Lawvson, De- Semii Final Playýoff Schiedule iroit and M1r. and Mlrs. Tn Patter! Aug. 6i Keadial at Orono. son, Jianiton spent Wedaesday wT Aug. 7 Cambourne at Newcastle., I. and MIrs. A. Watson. Mr. aitn Mr. Keii Neal and famnily cfBowmuanville have taken up resi- deiice là the home which they .recent- !y purchased from Mr. Wmi. Tomlin- WT S N I -M. Mr, and 1Mrs. TomnlinsonanadN fai',lýly are living in Ml". George Will M TO E~U son's bouse. M T O -M W T MI. andtM pirehmGerry have-t movfled intCo the apartmient ainMi% C. IR U Mqyles house \whiiiting the build Ceg of theh-new home.l WhMite Rose Gas and GOu iss 'toy Cooper ï,Ishawa is spen- îng Some, holidays with friemais lsalesanSeve Orono. Mrs. Garnet Ganisb)y anid Judy o)f,1i Good Used Cars 1Aingst nare visitin -Ms . Rb Allig L Rb. Mr. and Mfrs. R. E. Logan are on hoIJdays this week. M. and Mrs. Elmier MpiddletCon en] fmyOshawa, visited lainOrono, Mr. and lM. Jim Rickbyaind son , ~4rnit~ nî Noirman, formlrly of Mîmîco, moved 1 to thir home in Orono last Thursday, Drn h o whvich he recenitly pmuhsed fo etoramî Mrse, Emma Lunn.metoranh am-,Ily, Toronito speait 'he we-n den. witMr. aind Mrs. Henry CorniAli. MIrs. Ber-t Reid rtune rom ihee_ Bowmi-anville Hospital1 and is ain witber son, Mr. andMrs. Jacuk MIr. aa[d Mrs. Harry,, Stewart of A T E Benito, Mitb,vwere recenit visi- FU NERAI toswith Mrl. and Mrs. Wes>-. Eliiott. Poe1 Ma. 'Stewart attnded McLeWS Poe 8r 7OI aýchool om sixty-five years ago.ý Mr. and _Mrs. L. L. Pwesof Ily- attavile, Mryland, are spending a few days with their couorsin, Mr-is. W. Mri. and MrLs, Gordon Wahl, Nia-. gara Ilsy New 'York visited over thffe wee-ed ith IMiss Florence M.adMrs. sid Lathan of London AR !M ST viielecenitly with ithleir aun1ts,ý MisFlorence Cobledick and Mris. 1.Walssh. Mjrs. Cmrn Es paiola, spenth week-end with lberfred Mrs. C. S.1 B Sure to Si Miý,ss dl Morton,, Toronto, ,sPe1't1 the week-end with Mvf. and Airs, A. n m rtm ah E.Morto)n. i ah Mr. and Mrs. Leamnan nd Ilenry had a weeks vaction at OttWav and tL W STPie Othe pojtý"east. t OI ESce :Clearing ail ouPrImer Di Paul Rutlwrford eft on Saturdaysome at 4U~ icut oea toî en mýonth latShermWd Forest and ote's t 0per cent off. mong Lakýe. rp olrdOxodvith AL. and SUS, J, E. CollisFe-gus, reglar $4.50 for only ard Mcr. adMrsý. Georg MPhi Cna anas with r Toronto), spe;nt the weken wth soes rgar$.9.fo Mrs. à,j, Mlo n Mr nd Mrs. ï S, B. Ruthierfý ordCERNiAH~ U The Artur iDrummonda havee- Alcoo -,rgular $.0for- tune foma eada mto tp AIlcl!s, uar$~5for -- his~~~~~~ti vohra-rno.Rglr(17 orol MissJea' Buhanniof To-ronto has ci beeiholidaying for a wekit the oober iste, Mrs. ntu (ConmineC f a in page lu_____ laeing plavcd. MissMargret lliaof B'ama- Fr i an VeG b vlededto the ervco ith aGonTm 'ur windows l h mi ad- aans - Lei tOrîium ie ý2to be installed andde- catd at a Fure date. .Cbae - New1 v~, NITD CLJRH ~ AcrxonFly Coits, 3 for ç EicF~~rSuga, 10 bn...... Phone 18 3r2 'RO0NG' lions resses 40 p.c These istrap -$2.95 rubbKer $1.95 $500 $ 7, 5 les. toc. n ChckL ýSTIEST MEALS 'ORIK - VEAL Order Early 'h - I ~ h. r ; 4 ç IF N. N 'N N N N N 'N N. { I s -i N. <-i N b N b -i 'N '~1 'N N N "N N N N 'a s, N "N N 'N "a b N 'N 'N -S 'N.. -S N N b 'N 'N s, -S N N b -S N -S s N "N N N -N 'a -s, "N s, 'N 'a s, 'a N. 'a s, 'a 's N N -S 'N b a' N 'a N N N [rr .. .. irs of your bereave- I to do everythinig ;o lighten your bur,.- Ho BARLOW L DIRECTO-R mo, Ont.